tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Collapsium Mod
Download v1.0 (62.8 KB) |
Rise = 0.1 |
Collapsium Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.3 (10.7 KB) |
logandaa |
Jongulo is my first mod, and will most likely be a WIP for quite some time.
Send me suggestions for things to add, buffs/nerfs on existing items, or just anything in general regarding thismod at either my personal email,, or my personal instagram, @logandaa Thanks for viewing! It currently adds these items with recipes -Terraflux(~Post Moonlord): 15 Luminite Bars, 1 Terra Blade, 1 Influx Waver at an Ancient Manipulator -True Terraflux(~Post Moonlord): 15 Ectoplasm, 15 Stardust Fragments, 1 Meowmere, 1 Terraflux at an Ancient Manipulator -Silverlight(~Post 1 Mechanical Boss): 10 Holy Water, 10 Soul of Light, 5 Silver Bars, 5 Hallowed Bars, 1 Beamsword at a Mythril Anvil -Darklight(~Post All Mechanical Bosses): 10 Unholy Water, 10 Soul of Night, 5 Hellstone Bars, 5 Chlorophyte Bars, 1 Silverlight at a Demon Altar -Arclight(~Post Plantera): 10 Soulf of Fright, 10 Soul of Might, 10 Soul of Sight, 1 Shadowflame Knife, 1 Seedler, 1 Darklight at a Crystal Ball -Future ideas and projects are in progress! Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Download v3.1 (44.3 KB) |
DnD Challenge starts you out with lower hp. You gain more, fairly quickly, if you survive. This makes early game harder. It is dependent on the attributes mod. Will not work well with other mods that change player hp, such as the t-race mod. Specifically, The t-race dwarf gives big start bonus, but the t-race elf, very challenging.
Retired Adventurer visiting from Kalciphoz's RPG Mod. (Recommended by me) and a quote from Kalcipho: " Any of my content may be used, but please give proper attribution (credits) and if using a larger part of my mod (such as a major mechanic), please refer people to the original. The Retired Adventurer sells a contract now. The way it works is, as long as you hold the contract in your inventory, he will try to follow you and fight for you. If you right click on the contract, it will summon him to you, wherever you are, but the contract is gone after that. The way to work the system is to have at least 2 contracts, so when you use 1 to summon him, you still have the second one to keep him following you. Don't let him lag too far behind, or he might port back to his house. If you like what I’m doing, and would like me to continue in this direction, consider donating. If you do donate, that means I’m working for you. Feel free to post a note to let me know what you’d like to see in my future work, I could make any Town NPC a contract for you to buy, so they follow you, just leave a note with the donation, whichever NPC you want to contract. Thank you. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
The Tale of Xyz
Download v0.1 (18.5 KB) |
Ciblet |
The Tale of Xyz is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.0.2.5 (12.2 KB) |
Yara, Merrow, Neartex |
sap, dva4.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Purple Guy + Invisibility Vanity Sets Mod
Download v1.9.87 (23.9 KB) |
SawaYoshi |
A vanity modset that adds 2 vanity items: the Purple Guy vanity set (complete with wacky proportions!) and the Invisible vanity set (complete with the Invisibility buff!).
Both are relatively easy to make, with one requiring Evil stone, Amethyst, and Silk at a Loom, and one requiring Invisibility Potions at a Solidifier. Note: The Invisible vanity set makes the game MUCH harder due to the nature of not being able to see your character. The Invisible set bonus also does not activate as long as the set is in vanity slots, so to get it... you have to decrease your armor defense to 0. Have fun! * Created by SawaYoshi in around 10 hours (First Mod Ever!). Purple Guy and the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise are property of Scott Cawthon. Code provided under no license whatsoever, do whatever you want other than repost w/o credit. I will find you. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (3.6 KB) |
FatherDanny |
Longclaw is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Galaxy Mod
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Download v0.9 (46.8 KB) |
GreenGalaxy558 |
Galaxy Mod by the end will add may new weapons armor and accessories. ------------------------------------------- what my mod adds also are teir weapons that you upgrade as you go along your adventure Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
ChemX - Potions and Narcotics
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Download v1.1.1 (167.3 KB) |
DasherVIP |
ChemX adds multiple Potions, narcotics and miscellanious consumables that all have something to do with alchemy.
I do not have playtesters so please report bugs, or possible balance changes in the discord server! (You can find it on the forum page!) 1.1 Changes: -recolored icon -redone several sprites -balance changes Contributors: Kranot Rebmiami Yelloface Thank you for your contributions! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.4 (3.5 KB) |
Sykopaf |
FrostburnItems adds more Frostburn items, like bows, armor, weapons, etc.
This is currently in development, so expect some random updates. [Current Items] -Frostburn Sword --Ice torch(2)+ Wooden Sword [Planned Items] -Frostburn Armour -Frostburn Yoyos -Frostburn Spells -More Frostburn Swords [Helpers] -Me (Sykopaf) If you would like to help with this mod, contact me on discord (Sykopaf#6588) If you would like to recieve info on updates as soon as they happen, join our discord at Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Holly Jolly Yuletide
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Download v1.2.7.1 (93.5 KB) |
Salaro & RockmanSolid |
Merry Christmas! And happy holidays!
This mod is an entire content mod based on an old inside joke my friend had with another one of his friends. This year I thought I'd take the one thing he made and make something amazing out of it for him, tho his friend never got to enjoy what RockmanSolid made, To Solid, Heya bud, it's been quite the year hasn't it? So much has happened and despite it all we've not drifted a part for even a single second. I'm so proud of you and everything you've worked on, you deserve the world. This is your idea come to life, the small spark you made. I don't regret teaching you how to mod for a second, And I just hope that you play this mod and feel all of the time and love I put into it for you. Here's to another year! This mod includes; - New weapons including a weapon that upgrades with you - New damage class - New armour - New mobs - New Prefixes - And more! Thank you all so much for playing and enjoying the mod! It means a lot to me! ~ Salaro This mod is still in early access and will see frequent updates until I can finish all of my planned content! Feel free to leave suggestions for items that you want to see added to the mod in the discord server for the mod. This mod isn't done and I'll be continuing to add stuff to it even once I'm done my planned content! Update Changelog V.1.2 Weapon Update Part One: Added "Nog Bomba" - A grenade like weapon that applies the ichor debuff to targets that it hits. Very strong but make sure not to stand in the explosion Added "Chipped Gingerbread" - A boomerang weapon that isn't very special but it doesn't good damage and can pierce a single enemy for extra damage Added "Candy Cane Spear" - A simple spear weapon that looks like a candy cane. It's FESTIVE Update Changelog V.1.1.1 Ammo Update: Added new ammo types to add new types of play for the glock and other gun types of weapons Changes: - Chlorophyte Glitter can be made with only 1 bar now What's New: Added "Roasted Chestnut" - A new type of ammo that shatters upon hitting a target. Makes for great crowd control although being weaker Added "Sharp Candy Cane" - A new type of ammo that pierces through a large amount of mobs. Makes for great crowd control. Added "Endless Glint Pouch" - A new type of ammo that's allows for infinite Glint Rounds. Update Changelog V. Changes: Arms dealer now always sells glintround Arms dealer sells chlorophyte rounds after you beat Plantera Update Changelog V. Changes: Increased Santa's Beard damage boost to 5% Fixed name of the Elf Armour breastplate Fixed recipe of Santa's Glock Increased drop rate and drop amount of Elf What's New: Added "Gift Bow" - A new weapon that can be made after killing the World Evil boss Added "Jolly Rifle" - A new gun that spawns in locked chests in the dungeon (temporary, will drop from a mob in the future) Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Random Additions
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Download v0.9.2 (91.6 KB) |
BenPlusYT |
Random Additions is a mod that adds random stuff to the game.
CHANGELOG: v0.1: Added Mini Gun, Medi Gun, Biggun, and Biggest Gun. v0.2: Added some swords, the Dirt Bar, and the Dirt Vest. v0.3: Added Adhesive and Adhesive Bandage. v0.3.1: Added Flex Tape because I forgot to in the last update. v0.3.2: Now fully open-source! v0.3.3: Renamed Adhesive Bandage to Band-Aid because I am a big dumb. v0.4: Added Dirt Hat and Dirt Pantaloons. v0.4.1: Buffed the dirt set and changed crafting recipe for Dirt Bar. v0.4.2: Added a recipe for Band-Aid that does not require leather. v0.4.3: You can now place Dirt Bars. v0.5: Added Mega Buster. v0.5.1: Buffed Mega Buster. v0.5.2: Added an alternate recipe for Mega Buster. v0.6: Added Sharp Gun. v0.6.1: Fixed Sharp Gun's tooltip and rarity. v0.6.2: Nerfed Sharp Gun and added a projectile to Burning Super Death Sword. v0.6.3: Fixed BSDSProjectile. v0.7: Added the Blue Bomber vanity set. v0.7.1: Buffed Mega Buster again. v0.8: Added Security Armor and Combat Armor. v0.8.1: Changed the recipe for Security Armor. v0.9: Added the BFG-9000 and the Energy Cell. v0.9.1: Buffed the BFG (as if it wasn't already powerful enough!) v0.9.2: We now have a Github repository! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
TNT Yeeters
Download v0.2 (49.8 KB) |
RandomMcSomethin |
This mod adds in the TNT Yeeter (from the meme) as an enemy that spawns in your world.
TNT Yeeters spawn in the Underground, Cavern, and Underworld layers during hardmode. Their main method of attack is to chuck a bundle of explosives at you (hence the name "TNT Yeeter") while you are within their line of sight. Their TNT explodes shortly after being thrown, and deals 50 base damage (100 in expert mode). In addition, yeeted TNT will destroy blocks in a small radius while in expert mode; be careful around your underground builds! When defeated, TNT Yeeters drop 20-35 TNT blocks. As of now, the mod only adds in TNT Yeeters, but more content is planned for future updates. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: v0.2: Added TNT blocks which can be activated by right click or wire. These are dropped by TNT yeeters v0.1.2: Fixed behavior inconsistencies between singleplayer and multiplayer v0.1.1: Cleaned up mod presentation stuff, added icon v0.1: Initial release Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
More Item Info
Download v1.5.0 (33.9 KB) |
hamstar |
Lists recipes requiring and produced by a given item and in that item's tooltips and also displays its sell value. Configurable. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
HL2 Mod
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Download v1.1 (1.5 MB) |
Rudstar |
This is Rudstar's mod, its themed about Half Life 2, i scrapped the TF2 stuff cause i felt like that was copying as there is already a few TF2 mods.
current stuff: -Crossbow -Crowbar -Zero Point Energy Feild Manipulator (Gravitygun) -Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle -USP Match (pistol) -Colt Python (Revolver) -SPAS-12 (Shotgun) -Hale's own Collectors Killstreak Festive Australium Valve Shotgun (stupid OP Shotgun, only get it with things like Cheat Sheet). -MP7 (SMG) -Headcrab -Headcrab zombie -banners -Resistance Rocket Launcher -Poison Headcrab -Poison Headcrab Zombie sorry for so many updates this is confusing. 1.1 added poison Headcrab and zombie, have fun lmao added rocket launcher fixed stuff with weapons Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.6 | Edit | Delete |
OP Items
Download v0.1 (14.4 KB) |
Tobogganeer |
OP Items adds some overpowered items intended for testing mods while they are being devoloped (basically for me). It adds 2 guns and a pair of wings.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.4.2 (76.2 KB) |
MinnowTheFish |
This is my first proper mod and this a test mod!
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
The Halo Mod
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Download v0.9 (125.8 KB) |
CooperT85 |
WIP, but based off of the bungie era Halo games. Will being adding new stuff soon. Msg me on reddit for bugs or suggestions u/coopert85
There is currently no progression and solely for sandboxing atm. New Armor Update! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (3.2 KB) |
redninja359 |
Swords adds one sword (for now) that is made of different things.
v0.1 added a sword Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Monika in Terraria Mod
Download v0.1.3 (23.9 KB) |
The Rhyming Goblin |
Finally! Monika can join you in another adventure, in Terraria.
includes a town NPC of Monika Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |