tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Terrarian Exploration Plus
Download v0.23.3 (1.3 MB) |
Revoid Studio |
-----=====Terrarian Exploration Plus=====-----
Hello everyone! It's Kurodot and I'm the creator of Terrarian Exploration Plus, this mod has alot to offer and alot that is going to be coming out. I'm working on adding armor's, tools and enemies, but right now heres the lay down... -8 Swords (One Sword Has A Projectile) -1 Hammer -2 Enemies -42 Bricks -5 Rocks -38 Ores -37 Bars -12 Pickaxes Or for less detailed info 112 Tiles 2 NPCs 133 Items Stay in touch with the mod because I'm just getting started. Please be aware this mod is in its beta stage. If you have feedback or comments/ideas, send them to Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Unlimited Arena Buffs
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Download v1.1.2 (8.2 KB) |
Lord Of Otakus |
Unlimited Arena Buffs allows you to craft an item out of Heart Lanterns, Bottled Stars, Campfires, Bottled Honey, and Sunflowers and gives you those buffs anywhere as long as you carry it. This allows you to do all your boss-fighting needs without needing to spend so much time setting up your arena.
This mod was made mostly to compliment mods that already give infinite potions, such as Fargo's Mod or Defender Forge Unlimited Buffs. It is also highly recommended to use some form of Unlimited Buff Slots mod. UAB 1.1.2 Changes: - Optimizations, can now use any type of Campfire in crafting UAB. Join the Discord for suggestions and feedback: Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Turquoise's Music Replacements
Download v0.0 (36.5 KB) |
Turquoise, spcreat |
This mod is a supported version of the Calamity Mod Extra Music mod by Turquoise. It aims to add themes for vanilla features that don't already have unique themes.
All music made by Turquoise, coding by Turquoise and me (spcreat). Boss themes: Every boss! Event themes: -Blizzard Biome themes: -Meteor Music boxes: -Queen Bee -Destroyer/Twins/Skeletron Prime -King Slime -Blizzard -Meteor -Eater of Worlds Please note that no new music will be added to this mod. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
The Sanity Mod
Download v1.2.1 (18.9 KB) |
Trivaxy |
(PLEASE read the homepage for vital info about the mod!)
Sanity Meter is a mod that adds a new aspect to the game, you guessed it: Sanity. This is inspired by the game "Don't Starve", but it differs. You must take care of your sanity, throughout the game your sanity will drop and rise through different conditions. Keeping your sanity up is great! If you put your mind (no pun intended) to it, it shouldn't be hard to keep your sanity up. Sanity will drop faster in expert mode, so there's that. Taking care of your sanity during hardmode also gets a bit harder. Visit the mod's homepage for much more info on the effects of low sanity, how you lose / gain sanity, tips, etc. Happy thinking, or uh... keeping your sanity up? (If you find bugs/have suggestions/want rebalancing feel free to comment on the homepage or PM me on TCF) (Also take note that I have not tested this for multiplayer, keep me informed of any bugs you find in multiplayer as well!) CHANGELOG(1.2.1): - The brain meter gets grayer as your sanity goes down. - (Hopefully) fixed bug where the meter is not where it is supposed to be. CHANGELOG(1.2.0): - Updated to tModLoader 0.10. CHANGELOG(1.1.0): - Added configuration to the Sanity Mod! You can find more info about how to use the configuration in the homepage. CHANGELOG (1.0.2): - Reduced some harsh effects of sanity. - Re-balanced daytime sanity regeneration a bit. - Slightly re-balanced nighttime, blood moon and eclipse sanity loss - You can no longer eat food continuously to regain sanity, I added a debuff named "Satiated" that prevents you from regaining sanity when you have it. This debuff however does not stop you from eating, it's just that you won't gain sanity by eating while you have it. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
The Fidget Spinner Mod
Download v0.1.4 (60.8 KB) |
TwistedPixl |
Version 0.1.4
The Wings Update + Fidget-A-Rang + Updated Textures! + Renamed from Throwable Fidget Spinners to "The Fidget Spinner Mod" --------------------------------------- This mod is basically just about fidget spinners. Any suggestions can be added to the forum post. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Chroma's SK Content Mod
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Download v0.3.2.2 (1.6 MB) |
ChromaEquinox |
This is a fairly small mod made by myself. It is largely based off the game Spiral Knights, an MMO I used to play years ago.
This mod adds an assortment of weapons - mostly bombs, swords and blasters. It also adds a few new enemies to the earlygame and a couple of melee armour sets. The mod gives you enough content to do a whole playthrough solely focused on its weapons. FOR MORE INFO PLEASE VISIT THE FORUM POST! Beta - Maskeraith pet can be obtained in crimson worlds too (should have been all along - whoops). - Leather recipe added for vertebrae. - Slightly buffed protobomb. It was a little underwhelming. - Protocrest drop chance increased as, if you were to get it too much later it would almost be pointless to have. - Protoshiled can now be melted down into odd scrap metal just like the other proto gear. Beta - Fixed some typos. - Removed corrupt/hallowed pedestal condition for Grand Faust/Divine Avenger recipes. It only led to confusion. - Buffed Silversix and Blackhawk. - Lowered pulsar line sounds volume, sounds now play in multiplayer. - Other small things I forgot to write down. Beta 0.3.2 - Added Silversix and Blackhawk, available at the start of hardmode. - Resprited Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza. Made them post-mechs. - Slight sprite adjustments. - Currently doing a playthrough with the mod so lots of rebalancing. Lots of little bits and bobs. Mostly nerfs. - To make the Maskeraith Battle Sprite more useful and to keep it relevant throughout the whole game, made it inflic venom in hardmode instead of poison, also when ability is active the player will ignore knockback and only take half damage. - Fixed Corrupt/Crimson Salt Shard bombs' debuff. I broke it in the last update unknowingly. - Proto weapons can be melted down for 3 Odd Scrap Metal each but they also require 6 each to craft now. - Sniped Stranger Hat has got its Night Vision buff back. - Probably other stuff that I forgot to write down. Beta 0.3.1 - Added Pulsar, Gigawatt Pulsar and Polaris. Talk to the Mechanic about it! - Made Seraphynx pet spawner rarer. - More rebalancing. - Lowered Pulsars damage by 5. Beta - Added "buff" icons for each battle sprite. - Slightly changed some sprites+dusts. Beta 0.3.0 - New feature - Battle sprites, little buddies to help you on your quest! 3 added so far, more to come in future updates. - Added Leviathan Blade and Lionheart Honor Blade. Functionally nearly the same, Lionheart Honor Blade has a slighty higher crit rate and is a rare drop only. - Added Sealed Sword, an ingredient in the crafting of the Divine Avenger and Grand Faust. - The text to signal that The Snarbolax is on the hunt now only appears once, just like it should. - Fixed a bug with the Nightmare Mane breaking nearly every other wall placed item in the game (whoopsie!). - Updated some sprites. - Both Awakened Duskblade recipes were wrong, they are now properly craftable. - Buffs and nerfs, rebalancing. - Updated forum post for tips to finding mod content. Go check it out! Beta - Made mods enemies slightly more common, lowered material cost for Proto equipment. Beta 0.2.2 - Simple re-publish due to the wipe several months back plus tmodloader updates. Beta 0.2.1 - Darkened Snarbolax Armour sets' sprite borders. Looked messy and wishy-washy. - Nerfed Protosword top-end damage. From 26 defence (when it always shoots a beam, protocrest equipped or not), it gains 1 damage per 4 defence rather than 1dmg/2def. It's meant to be used early on, not the whole game. Still very useful for taking out bosses. - Made Barbarous Thorn Shield obtainable in hardmode. Too OP beforehand. - Slightly buffed Super Blast Bomb. - Made Nightmare Mane placeable! Beta 0.2 - Increased Protosword damage slightly. - Increased Blaster's knockback. - Added Crimson Salt Shard Bomb. - Added Crystal Shard Bomb. - Cleaned up and fixed various bits of code. Beta 0.1.35 - Tooltip changes. Added tooltips to various swords to indicate that they have right click functionality. Other tooltips changed for clarity. Beta 0.1.34 - First release. As this is the first public release please note it may not be well balanced. If you experience any issues or see places for improvement in balance please let me know. Not yet tested with other mods, so please let me know! Please also let me know how things work (or don't) multiplayer. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.6 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.3 (7.9 KB) |
100lewi |
Bags2money is a simple mod that lets you sell boss bags so you dont have to open them and sell the contents
Changelog: 0.3 Added support for SpiritMod 0.2 Added support for Calamity 0.1 Release To do: Add support for more Modded Boss bags Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Name Change
Download v1.0 (2.9 KB) |
exys |
This mod allows you to change your nickname in-game. If you're connected to server and want other players to see your new nickname then you will need to reconnect.
Usage: /cname [nickname] Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Spectral Awoken
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Download v0.7.9.14 (2.9 MB) |
NineCreators |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
ExperienceAndClasses/Ru перевод(Ren4o)
Download v1.4.5 (277.5 KB) |
Saerus |
This mod introduces an RPG-style class and leveling system where all monsters provide experience based on their health, defense, and damage stats. Your current level and progression is presented in a movable UI box. As you level, you unlock various bonuses and progress through three tiers of classes with several choices along the way.
A MAJOR overhaul is now underway. See the forums or discord for more details! CHANGELOG: ===v1.3.8=== Git Integration! You can now access downgrade through the Mod Browser. ===v1.3.7=== 1. Bug Fix * Fixed a bug that could prevent new and pre-mod characters from joining worlds ===v1.3.6=== 1. Cleric/Saint Abilities (complete!) * Sanctuary completely implemented * Divine Intervention completely implemented * Paragon/Renew completely implemented 2. Status System: * added a custom status system so that effects will not need to take buff slots (Cleric/Saint effects are statuses; during reworks, all current mod buffs will become statuses) * statuses do not show in the buff bar, but most will have visual effects * I am open to suggestions on how best to display duration info if at all (currently not shown) * added /expstatusmsg to toggle showing status gain/lose messages (defaults to on) 3. Misc: * Headless Horseman is now counted as undead * Optimizations for heavily populated servers and very low-spec systems 4. Bug Fixes: * Fixed a bug that could prevent certain mod ability projectiles from spawning ===v1.3.5=== 1. General: * Updated to tModLoader v0.10.1.4 2. Cleric/Saint Abilities: * implemented Cleanse, Cure, and Purify Note: remaining abilities will be added throughout the week/weekend 3. Ability System: * silence now prevents abilities 4. Other: * added several more search terms to the undead list * undead checking is now optimized for npc that have been checked before (should prevent slight delay when using heal on a large group) ===v1.3.4=== 1. Cleric/Saint Rework (ongoing): Goal: make the support playstyle more e Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Christmas Items Mod
Download v1.2840 (120.5 KB) |
Doggo, Qwert, Melone, da… |
Removed All Fortnite Weapons
Version 1.2840 ------------------------------------------- Items Count: 32 NPC Count: 3 Tile Count: 10 Planned: Red Candy Cane Bullet Ammo and Green Candy Cane Bullet Ammo Items, Red and Green Candy Cane Breaker Bullets Which Have a Chance to Inflict Broken Armor When It Hits an Enemy, Projectiles That Inflict Debuffs, Animated Ores, A New Candy Cane Enemy, More Weapons, More Projectiles, Dusts, Tiles, Armor, Vanity, Accessories, Enemies, Soul Type Items, Fun To Play With Items, Animated Workstations And Much Much More! ------------------------------------------- "> This mod was made by, Heyo There Im Supreme Calamitas AKA Doggo (Coder), Qwert, and darkpuppey the spriters of this mod. Notice: Many Items Were Added But Are Somewhat Bugged Removed All Fortnite Weapons Version 1.2840 ------------------------------------------- Items Count: 32 NPC Count: 3 Tile Count: 10 Planned: Red Candy Cane Bullet Ammo and Green Candy Cane Bullet Ammo Items, Red and Green Candy Cane Breaker Bullets Which Have a Chance to Inflict Broken Armor When It Hits an Enemy, Projectiles That Inflict Debuffs, Animated Ores, A New Candy Cane Enemy, More Weapons, More Projectiles, Dusts, Tiles, Armor, Vanity, Accessories, Enemies, Soul Type Items, Fun To Play With Items, Animated Workstations And Much Much More! ------------------------------------------- Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Easy Start
Download v0.8 (14 KB) |
This mod add one item - Start Sphere (Стартовая сфера).
From it craft start item for 4 classes: Melee, Ranged, Magic, Summoning. I will develop mode. Good luck! (Sorry for my bad english <3) Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Image Paintings
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Download v1.3 (38.4 KB) |
Smug |
This mod allows the creation of paintings which depicts images from a given URL.
In order to obtain a painting you must use this command: /painting <url> <x-size ( in tiles )> <y-size ( in tiles )> An example could be: /painting 6 6 Which would generate a painting that shows the image: And can be placed to occupy a space of 6x6 For more information please visit the homepage. Update v1.3 Fixed issue where the painting could be placed where it shouldn't be able to, causing some tile issues Fixed issue where the sides of the painting would be stretched Adjusted preview to take size ratios into account Added cross mod compatibility with Hero's Mod, a new setting can dictate whether other players can spawn new paintings Added the command /ipUpdateHEROs <true or false> which is how the aforementioned setting can be changed. This command is only usable by admins or on the server console. Update v1.2 Cleaned up codebase Loading is now asynchronous, your game won't freeze upon loading images Added a preview feature for your image paintings instead of relying on url memorization Added a place preview feature that is standard in vanilla paintings Added configs that allow players to switch lighting mode for more accurate lighting Update v1.1: Fixed issue preventing 64 bit support Fixed loading issue on larger images when moving away Improved performance when loading images Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Zenith's Arsenal
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Download v0.8.1 (99.9 KB) |
No. |
Zenith's Arsenal adds new "Zenith Tier" Weapons.
Also this mod is WIP and I will keep adding new items. The sprites for the items Zenith Blaze Zenith Rocket Launcher and Zenith Magic Gun are "test" sprites and not final. And yes I know that someone already made a Zenith Shortsword mod but I made it better. Items added: -Zenith Rocket Launcher -Zenith Scythe -Zenith Wand -Zenith Magic gun -Zenith Flail -Zenith Yoyo -Zenith Blaze -Zenith Shortsword ---------------------- Updates: v0.8 -Zenith Shortsword added -A lot of Shortswords added v0.7 -Zenith Blaze added v0.6 -Zenith Yoyo added v0.5 -Zenith Flail added v0.4.1 -Fixed the recipe from Zenith Magic Gun and Zenith Wand v0.4 -Zenith Magic Gun added v0.3 -Zenith Wand added v0.2 -Zenith Scythe added v0.1 -Zenith Rocket Launcher added Credits: Thanks to u/FabulousAmpharos for making the Zenith Gun mod and making the code for it public. ( Thanks to u/Terrawesome567 for making the amazing sprites for the Zenith Scythe , Zenith yoyo and Zenith Staff. ( Also my discord server if you have questions or suggestions for new "Zenith" type weapons ( Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Gelly Expansion
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Download v1.0.5 (22.4 KB) |
Shaqu3x6 |
This mod adds new items made out of Gel.
For now this mod is pretty poor , but in future I want to add many new recepies , block's and maybe NPC's. More informations you can found on Mod Homepage. ChangeLog 1.0.5 -Added new recipe for pink gel. ChangeLog 1.0.4 -Added Jelly Armor(textures may be changed) ChangeLog 1.0.3 -Edited swords damage , value and knockback :) Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Furraria Mod
Download v0.7 (271 KB) |
glitchor |
(WARNING: FLASHING LIGHTS AND FURRIES EVERYWHERES.) Also, this is a work in progress. Most textures are NOT finished, and some textures are glitchy. There is only 1 enemy and 2 bosses (one of which is a test), so just... Yeah. This is my SECOND mod! I made some stuff. So ye. Well, this is like the texture pack, just as a mod. Special thanks to emeM knaD for beta testing. And for being cool. UPDATE 0.7: Foxed some NPCs, and added some stuff. UPDATE 0.6: Added repo. Also a new website! Update 0.5: Added the Wakkind and fixed the Okeeiand animation. UPDATE 0.4: Added support for catching Gheraiis!! Also added the Okeeiand (lol sorry). UPDATE 0.3: Added Cthulhu's Bunpup, Starlight (VERY GLITCHED ANIMATION), and alot of creatures! UPDATE 0.2: Added Bunpup and Testing Boss (Spawn these with Cheat Sheet or HERO's mod.) Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Crimsanity Weaponry (AKA Yeethaw Arsenal)
Download v1.9.8.0 (339 KB) |
ChemAtDark & DirgeofSwans |
Previously known as Yeethaw Arsenal, we now have a team name: Crimsanity!
Newest Update: - Paradox Mirror rework, it is now craftable, replacing its previous obtain method Last 3 Updates: - Stone Pellets lose damage after bouncing off a surface or enemy - Many, many reworks have been made to various weapons - Damocles' Misery will no longer instantly kill you when the sword falls, instead it just hits you for a massive amount of damage, removing the buff and imparting a 5 minute cooldown in the event you survive the hit You want more weapons? We've got more weapons! We even have a few miscellaneous items! ...Sorry I don't feel like making a better description right now but here's what the mod adds so far: Slime Bow, coats wooden arrows (including a couple flaming arrow types) in bouncy gel that even bounces off of enemies! Hyper Scope, a magic weapon that can be charged to fire more powerful shots at the cost of additional mana Stone Pellets, rebounding heavy bullets that inflict damage and knockback based on velocity, especially powerful at very close range, has an endless pouch variant Grapeshot, essentially a shotgun blast of stone pellets with reduced damage and does not inflict extra damage at close range, lacks an infinite variant Valmanway, an upgradable melee weapon that slashes rapidly, cutting your foes to bits! Flare Boomstick, a combat upgrade to the Flare Gun with better damage output, still good for utility but less useless in battle! Pulse Reflector, a device that can reflect projectiles on demand, it looks oddly familiar... Voodoo Heart, a strange accessory that can reduce the amount of damage the player will take, there is a hidden drawback to this however Lowercase R, a curious gun that fires the word 'BULLET', therefore able to inflict damage rather quickly, there's something about it that's familiar... Wooden Bullets, relatively cheap bullets that break into sharp wooden fragments Gatling Gunpack, a unique device strapped to the back that fires bullets as you fly, perfect for jetpack joyrides! It's very expensive and impractical, but who cares when you've got a freakin' machine gun jetpack? Terra Nova, through blood sacrifice, the gods purge all that is impure Paradox Mirror, an accessory that turns your mana into your lifeblood Saber's Edge, a sword that can increase enemies' vulnerability to critical hits More to come soon! Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Stars'n Stuff
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Download v2.2 (144.4 KB) |
Blue Cat Productions |
-- Intro --
Stars'n Stuff is a mod focused, but not limited to adding Star Cannon upgrades, as well as diffrent types of star-like weapons. WARNING: Using this mod with bigger content mods will probally create balance issues, so be aware! -- What This Mod Adds -- - 34 New Weapons - 2 New Bars -- Other -- If you want to help contribute to this mod, you can join the discord server by going to the homepage. Star aura code was made by Zoro UPDATES: 1.0 - Release. 1.1 - Added 3 new weapons. 1.2 - 3 new weapons 1.3 - Changed some weapons, 1 new bar, 6 new weapons. 1.4 - 2 new weapons 1.5 - 1 new weapon, changed sprite for the heavy star cannon 1.6 - Merchant now sells fallen stars, heavy star cannon resprite (again), and some other minor changes. 1.7 - 6 New weapons, some minor changes. 1.8 - New mod icon, 2 new weapons, and some other minor changes. 1.8.1 - Bug fixes. 1.9 - 7 new weapons, 1 new bullet, various resprites, lots of rebalancing, and slight mod icon changes. 1.9.1 - 1 new weapon, and some minor changes. 2.0 - 3 new weapons, lots of weapon overhauls, visual changes, and other slight changes. 2.0.1 - republish to fix the tmodloader version it was compiled on 2.1 - Reworked The Star and nerfed a few items. 2.2 - Several resprites and some reworks. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Arcane Alchemist
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Download v0.0.6.2 (722.9 KB) |
Pacnysam |
Arcane Alchemist focuses on adding an alchemist class, and only that.
Heavy WIP, currently viable up to eye of cthulhu Made by Pacnysam Additional spriting help from Maskano Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
USSR Anthem
Download v0.1.2 (5.2 MB) |
JakubPlaus |
Only USSR anthem replaces all music ingame with the USSR Anthem in 8D,
Nightcore edition for bosses and some events. For those who need that pinch of Russia to their game. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |