tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
kingofpopz's Mod
Download v1.5.9 (683.9 KB) |
kingofpopz |
Hey, thanks for checking out this mod!
This mod aims to add content in general, like weapons, materials, armor, enemies, etc. I'm not an experienced modder and making this mod is mostly just for my enjoyment, so don't expect quality of content to be the best. Content is mostly present in hardmode through post-moonlord, but more prehardmode content is coming! -169 Total Items -88 Weapons -2 Hooks -2 Pairs of Wings -9 Accessories -31 Materials -3 Crafting Stations -12 Tiles -2 Ores -18 Enemies -6 Armor Sets The latest update will be displayed here in the description when a new update comes out. Also, we have a discord server! You can find the link on the forum page. Update 1.5.9 (Very small update to update mod description and homepage) TWEAKS The mod description has been changed, we now have a forum page. Revamped Cosmic Excalibur ADDITIONS -Added Bubble Expulsor (Post-Phantom Skull magic weapon) Update 1.5.8, Polishing / Fixes TWEAKS -Visuals of the Grim Lacerator have been changed a good bit -Greatly decreased Needle Teeth spawn rate and reduced health to 76 -Increased the damage of the Thermal Energy Sword -Decreased damage of the Grim Lacerator a lot -Resized and changed offset of Desert Rogue Shotbow -Gave Celestial Chain Repeater spread and offset -Removed Colossus and Interdimensional Portal (Unobtainable items used only for testing) -Removed Beaker -Shadow Crystal is no longer craftable -Celestial Chain Repeater now fires 2 bullets and has increased spread ADDITIONS No additions Update 1.5.7! -Updated to TModLoader v0.10! -Added a mod icon (Made by tBg15, @tBg15_ on twitter) TWEAKS -resprited AA-12 -remastered Electric discharge -updated visuals for Cosmic Excalibur -updated visuals for Ice Conjuror's armor (items and armor set) -buffed and resprited Masamere -remade Hero's Sword again -nerfed Needle Teeth -nerfed Flower Zombie and reduced spawnrate -resprited Holy Edge -nerfe Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Crate NPC
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Download v1.0.2 (17.8 KB) |
Faceless |
Crate NPC Creates a town NPC that sells you every type of crates for their selling value. Nothing required to spawn. Simple
1.0.0 Update: - Added Crate Seller NPC Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
One Hit Sword
Download v8.7.4 (7.4 KB) |
Bluezinho |
This mod is made to kill bosses is super hards.
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.9.5 (360.2 KB) |
Ossiwolf |
Current things in the mod:
(I have probably forgot some things) Weapons -Ossiwolf's Sword -Ossiwolf's Spear -Ossiwolf's Boomerang -Ossiwolf's Yoyo -Ossiwolf's Baton -Ossiwolf's Gun -The Golden Greatsword -The Velocity Sword -The Scale Stick -Shadowflame Knives -Lackidaisical Frailgug -Dimensional Anchor Gun -True Flintlock -Shroomite Bullets -Novemtrigintuple Cod Tools -Ossiwolf's Picksaw -Ossiwolf's Hamaxe -Ossiwolf's Hook -Normalized Rod of Discord Equipment -Ossiwolf's Vanity Sunglasses -Feather Wings -Ossiwolf's Sunglasses -Ossiwolf's Wings -Duck food? -Unbeatable I -Wall Gem Materials -Ossiwolf Coin -Soul of Smite -Awakened Luminite -All-Spice -Omni-material -3 types of trophies Placeables -Awakened Altar Current NPCs: Enemies -Mad Mallard -Mad Mallard Monarch -Mad Marching Mallard Town NPCs -The Duck Critters -Weasel Very original names I know, but then again it is my mod. If you want to make them, just give a mallard duck to the guide to find the recipe as all craftable items in the mod use it. These items are thoughtlessly overpowered and will probably continue to be like this as I am not intending for most of them to be used in any playthrough. The lesser overpowered items might be able to be used but they still likely are overpowered for their point in progression. Q&A Q: When in multiplayer, why does... A: I haven't the faintest idea. Q: How do I report a bug? A: You can't. Q: Why did it take a year till the next update? A: I was waiting for tModLoader 1.4, but it seems like it will take a bit longer than I expected. Q: Why haven't you ported this over to the stable branch of Modded 1.4 yet? A: 1600 errors say so. Why am I writing this? ----------changelog---------- v 0.9.5 + The duck npc now sells a bunch of different useful materials + Added the Normalized Rod of Discord that is rarely droped by weasels in hard mode. + Fixed most of the weasel's animation issues + Added and changed a bunch more stuff that I am currently forgetting about as it has been 8 months since the last update. v 0.9.4 + New Dimensional Anchor Gun, though still work in progress once finished it will prevent immunity and teleportation of enemies. + Better Sprites for crafting materials + New Critter: The Weasel. + Many changes to internal code for efficiency + The Ossiwolf's gun's bullets now chase enemies + New crafting station + more materials + Shroomite Bullets: chasing, piercing, and bouncing + True Flintlock: Shoots random projectiles + A ton more other changes I couldn't remember as it has been so long since last update... v 0.9.3 + Sunglasses now prevent death + Many new crafting materials/recipes + New Duck Town NPC + More improved sprites v 0.9.2 + Improved almost all sprites + Made the Frailgun work correctly (?) + Balanced the Shadowflame Knives (?) v 0.9.1 + Added The Mad Marching Mallard, a grounded duck enemy. + Added Shadowflame Knives, fires a spread of Shadowflame Knives in a style similar to Vampire Knives (does not lifesteal). + Added the Lackidaisical Frailgun, a gun that seems at first glance to be extremely underpowered. + Added the Duckdebilattenuation debuff, it freezes the movement of enemies and players. + Added Feather wings, a pair of easymode wings. + Added Ossiwolf Vanity Sunglasses for vanity. ~ Reduced the crafting requirements for the duck pet upon realizing it has nothing overpowered about it. ~ Golden Greatsword now directly ignores defence rather than giving armor piercing, rendering the buff unused. ~ Various random stat tweaks. ~ The lesser duck enemies now only spawn after Plantera. v 0.9 + Added The Velocity Sword, a unique sword that changes the velocity of enemies relative to your WASD inputs. + Added The Scale Stick, a stick that simply messes with the size of NPCs (normal to grow, press Down or d to shrink), also has a different effect on Mallards. + New Mob: A regular Mad Mallard that is more common and a lot less overpowered. + Finally got Duckbliteration debuff working. + Made sword projectiles homing and added Duckbliteration on hit. + Added Ossiwolf's Baton, a dual use weapon similar to Sky Dragon's Fury. It has only a small amount of melee damage to avoid the anti-butcher mechanic of some bosses, but adds the Duckbliter"> This is simply a mod I made for the creator which is myself Ossiwolf. I have no idea of why one would want to play this if one isn't of that name, but feel free as I truly couldn't care less... Please be noted that certain combos of items can cause extreme lag to the point of reducing terraria to an annoying noise and a purple screen, though this doesn't cause any lasting problems (as far as I know), Terraria will need to be closed. Current things in the mod: (I have probably forgot some things) Weapons -Ossiwolf's Sword -Ossiwolf's Spear -Ossiwolf's Boomerang -Ossiwolf's Yoyo -Ossiwolf's Baton -Ossiwolf's Gun -The Golden Greatsword -The Velocity Sword -The Scale Stick -Shadowflame Knives -Lackidaisical Frailgug -Dimensional Anchor Gun -True Flintlock -Shroomite Bullets -Novemtrigintuple Cod Tools -Ossiwolf's Picksaw -Ossiwolf's Hamaxe -Ossiwolf's Hook -Normalized Rod of Discord Equipment -Ossiwolf's Vanity Sunglasses -Feather Wings -Ossiwolf's Sunglasses -Ossiwolf's Wings -Duck food? -Unbeatable I -Wall Gem Materials -Ossiwolf Coin -Soul of Smite -Awakened Luminite -All-Spice -Omni-material -3 types of trophies Placeables -Awakened Altar Current NPCs: Enemies -Mad Mallard -Mad Mallard Monarch -Mad Marching Mallard Town NPCs -The Duck Critters -Weasel Very original names I know, but then again it is my mod. If you want to make them, just give a mallard duck to the guide to find the recipe as all craftable items in the mod use it. These items are thoughtlessly overpowered and will probably continue to be like this as I am not intending for most of them to be used in any playthrough. The lesser overpowered items might be able to be used but they still likely are overpowered for their point in progression. Q&A Q: When in multiplayer, why does... A: I haven't the faintest idea. Q: How do I report a bug? A: You can't. Q: Why did it take a year till the next update? A: I was waiting for tModLoader 1.4, but it seems like it will take a bit longer than I expected. Q: Why haven't you ported this over to the stable branch of Modded 1.4 yet? A: 1600 errors say so. Why am I writing this? ----------changelog---------- v 0.9.5 + The duck npc now sells a bunch of different useful materials + Added the Normalized Rod of Discord that is rarely droped by weasels in hard mode. + Fixed most of the weasel's animation issues + Added and changed a bunch more stuff that I am currently forgetting about as it has been 8 months since the last update. v 0.9.4 + New Dimensional Anchor Gun, though still work in progress once finished it will prevent immunity and teleportation of enemies. + Better Sprites for crafting materials + New Critter: The Weasel. + Many changes to internal code for efficiency + The Ossiwolf's gun's bullets now chase enemies + New crafting station + more materials + Shroomite Bullets: chasing, piercing, and bouncing + True Flintlock: Shoots random projectiles + A ton more other changes I couldn't remember as it has been so long since last update... v 0.9.3 + Sunglasses now prevent death + Many new crafting materials/recipes + New Duck Town NPC + More improved sprites v 0.9.2 + Improved almost all sprites + Made the Frailgun work correctly (?) + Balanced the Shadowflame Knives (?) v 0.9.1 + Added The Mad Marching Mallard, a grounded duck enemy. + Added Shadowflame Knives, fires a spread of Shadowflame Knives in a style similar to Vampire Knives (does not lifesteal). + Added the Lackidaisical Frailgun, a gun that seems at first glance to be extremely underpowered. + Added the Duckdebilattenuation debuff, it freezes the movement of enemies and players. + Added Feather wings, a pair of easymode wings. + Added Ossiwolf Vanity Sunglasses for vanity. ~ Reduced the crafting requirements for the duck pet upon realizing it has nothing overpowered about it. ~ Golden Greatsword now directly ignores defence rather than giving armor piercing, rendering the buff unused. ~ Various random stat tweaks. ~ The lesser duck enemies now only spawn after Plantera. v 0.9 + Added The Velocity Sword, a unique sword that changes the velocity of enemies relative to your WASD inputs. + Added The Scale Stick, a stick that simply messes with the size of NPCs (normal to grow, press Down or d to shrink), also has a different effect on Mallards. + New Mob: A regular Mad Mallard that is more common and a lot less overpowered. + Finally got Duckbliteration debuff working. + Made sword projectiles homing and added Duckbliteration on hit. + Added Ossiwolf's Baton, a dual use weapon similar to Sky Dragon's Fury. It has only a small amount of melee damage to avoid the anti-butcher mechanic of some bosses, but adds the Duckbliter Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Fargo's Rainbow Mod
Download v1.1 (15.9 KB) |
Fargowilta, pbone, Oli.H |
-World gen now ignores certain tiles so you can technically do a full playthough on a Rainbow World. Rainbow Mod makes all players, projectiles, NPCs, tiles, and more rainbow! Generate a world for a unique playthrough.. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Star Mod
Download v4.1 (43.9 KB) |
Troy Star |
The star mod is a mod adding extreamly hard to get ending gear. It can be used in playthroughs for a post Moon Lord gear. It's way better than solar flare armor and there will be more on the way.
Curent Items -Star Scythe -Star Yoyo -Star Blaster -Star Bullet -Star Pickaxe -Star Hamaxe -Star Helmet -Star Breastplate -Star Leggings -Star Shield -Star Boots -Lesser Star Soul -Star Soul -Greater Star Soul Version List 4.1 SO MANY NERFS!!!!!!! New Star Boots Texture New Star Shield Texture 3.3 Added Star Bullet Fixed Crafting and Tooltips 3.2 Added Star Blaster Fixed Crafting for STar Yoyo 3.1 Added the Star Yoyo -2.13 Nerfed Crafting (If thats a thing) -2.12 Updated Armor Set Bonus -2.11 Star Boots texure fixes -2.10 Updated Armor Set Bonus Added Star Boots -2.9 Nerfed Star Scythe Nerfed Star Shield -2.8 Added Version List -2.7 Added Star Sheild -2.6 Added Star Pickaxe Star Hamaxe bug fixes -2.5 Added Star Hamaxe -2.4 Texture Fixes -2.3 Tool Tag Fixes -2.2 Bug fixes -2.1 Recipe Fixes Tool Tag Fixes Armor Buff Fixes *Compatable with normal playthroughs* -1.8 Added Star Helmet Added Star Breastplate Added Star Leggings Removed Star Forge -1.5 Nerfed Star Scythe Nerfed Star Wings Added Star Forge -1.4 Added Lesser Star Soul Added Greater Star Soul -1.3 Added Star Soul -1.2 Added Star Wings -1.1 Added the Star Scythe Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v3.0.0 (34.5 KB) |
Heracrotix |
This mod adds a vareity of new claw-weapons into the game.
Please visit thie homepage discord for more details. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Junko & Friends
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Download v0.10.0.0 (2.8 MB) |
Kawaggy, William, Yharex… |
--- The mod is currently being ported to 1.4! ---
Adds various Vanities. Buy them from the Clothier or fight random enemies. For Gura Gawr vanity kill Sharks or buy from the Pirate Post-Moonlord. For Mori Calliope vanity kill Reapers or buy from the Clothier post Solar-Eclipse. For Usada Pekora vanity kill bunnies or buy from the Clothier after 150 bunny kills. For Mike's Food, find it on the Traveling Merchant. Craft Remilia's wings or Flandre's wings in Hardmode. Craft Berserker vanity in Hardmode. Craft Yuyoko's vanity at the Loom. Craft Irisu's vanity at the Loom. Craft Cirno's dye at the Dye Vat. For Pure Son's Favourite Toy, kill bosses in the Hallow for a chance, or kill Queen Bee or Betsy in the hallow for garanteed. Code by Kawaggy (Kawaggy#0290). Sprites and sheets by... - William (William#3274), - Yharex87 (Yharex87#0611), - Lucca, Sagacious Spirit (Lucca, Sagacious Spirit#7075), - Kawaggy (Kawaggy#0290). Icon by Yharex87 (Yharex87#0611). The new dye system works for vanilla hair and Junko & Friends' vanity as of right now. Vanilla hair, as of right now, will not have it's hair shaded to the new dye system on the map. There are plans to add support for other mods. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Undertale Items
Download v0.1 (22 KB) |
Scruffyyyyyy |
Undertale Items is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Vanilla Dye Fix
Download v1.0.2 (4.6 KB) |
thegamemaster1234 |
A very simple mod, this patches a rather stupid vanilla bug. The bug involves shaders on pets, light pets, and hooks. To see this bug in action, just try putting a Hades variant or Solar Dye on your pet, light pet, or hook. It sucks. Other specialty dyes are affected in similar ways. This mod overrides that and fixes things up! Latest Patch (1.0.2): - Rebuilt so tML doesn’t think it’s outdated Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Add some Chests & Platforms
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Download v1.0.9.21 (171.2 KB) |
Recipes & Crafting stations
Workbench Invisible Chest-Chest,1 & Invisibility Potion,1 Stone Chest-StoneBlock,8 & Any Iron Bar,2 Sawmill Chesttable , Storage Chair , Timber Storage , Sediment Storage-Any Wood,8 & Any Iron Bar,2 Empty Rack , Book Rack , Potion Rack , Wine Rack , Accessory Rack-Any Wood,8 & Glass,8 Wooden Fridge-Any Wood,8 & Ice Block,8 Heart Box-Any Wood,8 & LifeCrystal,1 Star Box-Any Wood,8 & ManaCrystal,1 Bunny Box , Kitty Box , Puppy Box , Hina Box-Any Wood,8 & Bunny,1 Pengy Box]-Any Wood,8 & Penguin,1 Squirry Box-Any Wood,8 & Squirrel,1 Happy Box-Any Wood,8 & Sunflower,1 Sharky Box , Gura Box-Any Wood,8 & SharkFin,1 Harpy Box-Any Wood,8 & Feather,1 Box of Cthulhu Eye-Any Wood,8 & Lens,1 Anvil Gold Jewelry Box-Silk,2 & Gold Bar,3 Silver Jewelry Box-Silk,2 & Silver Bar,3 Furnace Unchi Chest-Clay Block,8 & Pink Gel,2 By Hand Decorative Platform , Box Platform-Wood,1 Iron Platform-Any Iron Bar,1 Decorative Glass Platform-Glass,1 Dynasty Log Platform-Dynasty Wood,1 Vine Platform-VineRope,1 or Vine,1 Rope Platform-Rope,1 version FIX : Fixed a bug that caused the client to crash when on-mouse with MAP. version Gura Box , GuraShark Box : A box modeled on Gawr Gura, who broadcasts Terraria on YoutubeLive.(Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN ) FIX : Fixed an issue where the game would freeze when using HarpyBox in online mode. version Hina Box : It is a box modeled on Nekoyashiki Hina, who broadcasts Terraria on Twitch.(nekohinaaa222) version FIX : Fixed a mistake that the highlight by SmartCursor was not displayed by the previous correction and some chests were set to the table. Harpy Box version FIX : I modified the script optimally. (For example, "Metal_Detector" reacts to chests that do not use metal) FIX : Vine Platform is no longer shining and the color has been changed to brighter. Sharky Box Box of Cthulhu Eye Rope Platform : It can be used as a "diagonal tile" of rope. It is not possible to connect the rope down from parallel tiles, so put the rope tiles one by one will work. version Happy Box Vine Platform version Squirry Box Decorative Glass Platform Dynasty Log Platform : It is a platform that retains the original image of "Dynasty Wood", unlike "Dynasty Wood Platform". version Silver Jewelry Box Bunny Box Kitty Box Puppy Box Pengy Box Wine Rack Accessory Rack Stone Chest Unchi Chest : Players receive a 3 second Stinky debuff when they open the Unchi Chest. It is vanilla's ineffective debuff. Unchi is a Japanese word for poop. Iron Platform"> This mod add 29 Chests and 7 Platforms. A practical chest made of stone, silver or gold. A chest with a cute design. A platform with a design using Iron and Vine. A platform that retains the original image of Dynasty Wood. A platform for putting diagonal decorations on side-by-side Rope. This mod does not significantly change the game or functionality. I made a mod for myself because I wanted to organize the contents according to the appearance of the chest. (It was for studying that I imitated the chest design of some other mods.) I will not update it until 1.4 support of tmodloader comes. Recipes & Crafting stations Workbench Invisible Chest-Chest,1 & Invisibility Potion,1 Stone Chest-StoneBlock,8 & Any Iron Bar,2 Sawmill Chesttable , Storage Chair , Timber Storage , Sediment Storage-Any Wood,8 & Any Iron Bar,2 Empty Rack , Book Rack , Potion Rack , Wine Rack , Accessory Rack-Any Wood,8 & Glass,8 Wooden Fridge-Any Wood,8 & Ice Block,8 Heart Box-Any Wood,8 & LifeCrystal,1 Star Box-Any Wood,8 & ManaCrystal,1 Bunny Box , Kitty Box , Puppy Box , Hina Box-Any Wood,8 & Bunny,1 Pengy Box]-Any Wood,8 & Penguin,1 Squirry Box-Any Wood,8 & Squirrel,1 Happy Box-Any Wood,8 & Sunflower,1 Sharky Box , Gura Box-Any Wood,8 & SharkFin,1 Harpy Box-Any Wood,8 & Feather,1 Box of Cthulhu Eye-Any Wood,8 & Lens,1 Anvil Gold Jewelry Box-Silk,2 & Gold Bar,3 Silver Jewelry Box-Silk,2 & Silver Bar,3 Furnace Unchi Chest-Clay Block,8 & Pink Gel,2 By Hand Decorative Platform , Box Platform-Wood,1 Iron Platform-Any Iron Bar,1 Decorative Glass Platform-Glass,1 Dynasty Log Platform-Dynasty Wood,1 Vine Platform-VineRope,1 or Vine,1 Rope Platform-Rope,1 version FIX : Fixed a bug that caused the client to crash when on-mouse with MAP. version Gura Box , GuraShark Box : A box modeled on Gawr Gura, who broadcasts Terraria on YoutubeLive.(Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN ) FIX : Fixed an issue where the game would freeze when using HarpyBox in online mode. version Hina Box : It is a box modeled on Nekoyashiki Hina, who broadcasts Terraria on Twitch.(nekohinaaa222) version FIX : Fixed a mistake that the highlight by SmartCursor was not displayed by the previous correction and some chests were set to the table. Harpy Box version FIX : I modified the script optimally. (For example, "Metal_Detector" reacts to chests that do not use metal) FIX : Vine Platform is no longer shining and the color has been changed to brighter. Sharky Box Box of Cthulhu Eye Rope Platform : It can be used as a "diagonal tile" of rope. It is not possible to connect the rope down from parallel tiles, so put the rope tiles one by one will work. version Happy Box Vine Platform version Squirry Box Decorative Glass Platform Dynasty Log Platform : It is a platform that retains the original image of "Dynasty Wood", unlike "Dynasty Wood Platform". version Silver Jewelry Box Bunny Box Kitty Box Puppy Box Pengy Box Wine Rack Accessory Rack Stone Chest Unchi Chest : Players receive a 3 second Stinky debuff when they open the Unchi Chest. It is vanilla's ineffective debuff. Unchi is a Japanese word for poop. Iron Platform Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Bait & Tackle
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Download v0.0.7 (37.7 KB) |
VikingIwan |
Fishing mod that seeks to make fisihing more powerful, and fun!
------------------------------------ Changelog: v0.0.7: Fixed WunderFisch not working as tool Lowered Lamia Princess Spawnrate Lowered Royal Pungi droprate v0.0.6: Added new mob + Banner Added new pet Added WunderFisch Added 5 new fish v0.0.5: Added Uber Fish Hook v0.0.4: Added Mod Browser Icon v0.0.3: Added Crimson Seahorse (Angler Quest) Added Hornet Fish v0.0.2: Added new "True Master Bait" Fixed multiple lores not working v0.0.1: Added a new fishing accessory called "Uber Tackle Box" Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.41 (856.7 KB) |
Legendary_Boi |
The Terraria Azurium Mod adds new and random content to your world!
(Keep in mind most of the sprites may not be too appealing...) Version 0.1.41 -Fixed eyeball corruption variant damage Version 0.1.4 -Mod now has 45+ items -NPC balance changes -Several new weapons, some new tools, and accessories -Other minor changes -New NPC (rarer than pinkies!) Version 0.1.3 -New post-Moon Lord weapon Version 0.1.2 -Mod now has a total of 30 new items -More weapons made from Slimulate Bars at the Slime Station -Forgotten Slime drops fixed in Expert and Normal mode Version 0.1.1 -More weapon drops from The Forgotten Slime -Expert Bag drop with exclusive expert item Version 0.1 -Adds 22 new items -6 new NPCs -1 new Boss -1 new biome with respective trees -This mod was realeased for fun, it is a HUGE W.I.P. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
the most op and destructive pickaxe
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Download v1.0.3 (26.5 KB) |
CatCatDeluxe |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Terra Avaritia
Download v0.4.2 (244.1 KB) |
NeKO21 |
This mod is designed to end the game.
Adds new mechanics and new types of plants. Adds MultiBlocks structure. Mod contains: -72 Items -24 Tiles -1 Town NPCs The mod will be constantly updated. Update check in site..."> This mod is designed to end the game. Adds new mechanics and new types of plants. Adds MultiBlocks structure. Mod contains: -72 Items -24 Tiles -1 Town NPCs The mod will be constantly updated. Update check in site... Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Oblivion Mod
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Download v0.8.6.0 (10.1 MB) |
Meowey |
Oblivion Mod Version
Update Legend Bow can now use every Arrow but the overall damage is decreased by 30 All homing modded projectiles use the new and improved homing AI system Added Relic Shards and Determination Arrow (Relic Arrow Type) Relic Shards can be dropped from all post-Moonlord bosses with a slight chance: ( Oblivion 10% / 1 Per drop ( Annihilator 20% / 1-2 Per drop ( Toxic King Slime 33% / 3-4 Per drop Nerfed Fire Stone Melee Damage Increase: +20% -> +5% (20% is way too much for a stone even if your life is under 50%) Changed Sicke of Purgation (Usetime 18 -> 21 / Damage 300 -> 280 2nd Projectile damage: "base damage + 200 -> base damage - 100" 3rd Projectile damage: "base damage + 100 -> base damage + 150" It felt too easy to use and too strong at the same time) Removed Debuff Immunity from Elemental Stones and added all the small benefits to the Infinity Stone and buffed some of them. Increased the amount of Heavy Grenades you can craft. Oblivion doesn't drop Ex Cores and Onyx Bars anymore. Bruning and Master Shield now give you buff immunities correctly. Message Box ignores immunity frames but also decreased the damage. Reduced Ultimate Terra Blade projectile piercing from 4 to 2. Several resprites. Reworked Rain Gun. (Now called Signus) Added The Swarmer (Toxic King Slime Summoner Weapon) Added Golden Token. (Expert Queen Slime Item) Added Robot Eye. (Expert Master Control Item) Added first Relic Item. (Determination Arrow) Changed and simplified some recipes. Changed Magical Heart ( If over 50% life:"Reduced Damage -15% -> -10%" + "Defense -50 -> -20" If under 50% life:"Health Regen +5 -> +6" If under 33% life:"20 Defense -> 10 Defense" If under 25% life:"25% Damage -> 10% Damage" If under 20% life:"Crit Chance 25% -> 10%" If under 5% life: "M/H Regen +20 -> +15" So it is less impactful and less powerful.) Increased Cooldown debuff duration for revival power. Hotfix Update Changed Message Box. Changed Rain Gun. Changed Corrupted Blaster. Onyx ore now spawns automatically if you generate a world. (You can still only mine it with lunar pickaxes or above) Reduced how much onyx ore can spawn in one world. Reduced how much shadow ore can spawn in one world. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.3 | Edit | Delete |
Summoner Additions
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Download v1.2 (25.3 KB) |
Heroshrine |
Summoner Additions adds a few summoning-related items to buff summoners in Terraria! This is my first ever mod, so I did not go too crazy with the additions. Thank you for giving the time to even read this!
Pre-Hardmode: -Living Spore (2/25 drop chance from jungle spores) -Living Band -Minion Strength Potion Hardmode: -Tuft of Unicorn Hair (1/20 drop chance from unicorns) -Rainbow Totem -Living Totem -Pygmy Totem Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Sword Sorcery (WIP)
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Download v0.3.1 (139.6 KB) |
PikiktheYeet |
Did you Ever think the Melee class just Isn't big enough? WELL SAME HERE! this mod aims to fix that while still (Mostly) fitting with the progression of the Vanilla Game!
Special thanks to ThatOneXMan (spritework, such as Incendiary Longsword and Dragonforce) and Big Ounce (excellent ideas, such as Purple Haze Feedback and DIO's Sign) My youtube channel: ThatOneXMan's: Big Ounce's: CHANGE LOG: V0.3.1 -Nerfed the ROQ -Buffed iron and lead daggers V0.3 (Finally, after all this time, it's here!) -5 New items -4 Swords -Slo Boi -Negativity -Iron Dagger -Lead Dagger -1 Gun -Bandit Rifle -Updated sprite for DIO's Sign -Nerfed True Terra Blade V0.2.1 -Various sprite updates -Improvements to a couple recipes -Added mod homepage -Starburst fixed to do Magic damage instead of Melee -Ectoplasmic Claymore nerfed to fit better with the flow of the Game V0.2 -Added 5 new items (All of which are Pre-hardmode) -4 Swords -Stick -Stick On A Stick -Plastic guitar -Netherite Sword -1 Magic weapon -Starburst V0.1 -Released -45 Items added (Some of which aren't complete) -24 Swords -1 Yoyo -5 Guns -3 Boomerangs -3 Accessories -3 Misc crafting materials -1 Completely not working at all Chain Guillotine type weapon -1 Magic weapon -1 Completely not working at all Spear -2 Wands (New kind of Useless but fun Magic item!) -1 Hamaxe -8 Projectiles (Only 4 of which work) -1 Boss drop imporvement -A new crafting recipe to make Harpy Wings way easier to obtain Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
pbone's Utilities
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Download v1.1.5 (430.1 KB) |
pbone |
Adds many features and items to increase the quality of life, including
- An item that automatically sends collected money to your piggy bank. - An item to summon a portable safe, similar to the money trough. - Bottomless buckets and sponges for lava and honey, as well as a liquid combination item. - Magnets to increase your grab range. - An item to automatically sell picked up items. - Global, configurable autoswing. - Endless buffs. - Increased buff slots. ...and more! All features/items can be enabled and disabled to prevent content overlap. The homepage has all the info on current features, changelogs, and an invite to our discord server. Check it out! Credits: - pbone: Main Developer. - Tomat: Developer, fixer of spritesheets. - Rijam: Additional fixer of spritesheets Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
cheat calamity bosses
Download v0.1 (8.2 KB) |
bjng |
cheat calamity bosses is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |