tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Download v0.2 (4.6 KB) |
raydeejay |
This mod adds a simple "laser sight" which can be enabled and disabled
with the "/laser" command. I wrote it because I often have trouble locating the mouse pointer when there are many things on screen. Made with love and Emacs on GNU/Linux. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Astronomy Overhaul
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Download v0.2.3 (55.8 KB) |
gawgitta, polar, and Rig… |
Astronomy Overhaul
Astronomy Overhaul aims to flesh out the space biome, and give it some depth other than just "Harpies, Wyverns, Islands, sometimes aliens". This mod adds content to the space biome, to give players a reason to set up permanent outposts there as opposed to just dumping their painter there because the painting looks nice. -=-=-=-=-=- Changelog: 0.2.3: Began to upkeep a changelog, Renamed Sunsteel to Igneus, Added Igneus Spear Credit: Amazing thanks to the sprite artist, Polar Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Losing Is Fun
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Download v1.4.2.1 (63.5 KB) |
hamstar |
Makes Terraria fair. See config file to adjust settings in 'Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs'
- v0.1 Set Horseshoe-based items to only sometimes protect - v0.1 Nerfed Fetid Baghnakhs - v0.1 Nerfed Daedalus Stormbow - v0.1 Home-teleport needs a 3.5s warmup; interrupts on move - v0.1 NPCs won't sell to you if they're too close together - v0.1.2 NPCs won't sell if too high off the ground - v0.2 Yoyos in use now slow movement speed by 3/4 - v0.2.2 Nerfed Reaver Sharks (equiv. Gold Pick) - v0.3 Eternia Crystal is unhoikable - v0.3 Nerfed Cactus Sword - v0.3 Nerfed Snowballs - v0.3 Buffed Amber Staff - v0.3 Nurse now gives a stacking 3 min debuff on each use - v0.3 Ranged weapons do not crit while moving - v0.3 Ranged weapons crit +15% while still - v1.0 Gravitation Potion flips have 2s cooldown - v1.1 Nerfed Leaf Wings flight time to 1/3 - v1.1 Increased Musket Shot & Empty Bullet prices - v1.1 Nerfed Chlorophyte Shot damage - v1.1 Mounts will 'buck' player on taking some damage - v1.1 No respawn during boss fights (defaults to off) - v1.1 Crimson mobs now rarely drop Worm Teeth Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Supercelebi14's Special Mod Of Autistic Things
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Download v0.12.1 (135.1 KB) |
supercelebi14 |
Supercelebi14's Special Mod Of Autistic Things is a mod that adds weapons... and a few other things...
v0.1.0: release and added the aggressive pizza v0.2.0: added a sonic thing plz do use it BECOS I AM THE COOLEST HEG HOG ALIVE! v0.3.0: ADDED MOTH LAMP 10/10 MEME GOOD v0.4.0: added DK coconut gun! bewhare it fires in spurts... v0.5.0: added advanced bow and some gay thing... v0.5.1: fixed oopsie! V0.6.0: Fixed recipe for gay gun and also added devilsknife V0.7.0: Added jevilstail and nerfed some items (devilsknife and sonic shoes) v0.8.0: Added Rocketbarrel Pack for one cool kong v0.9.0: Added The no u! and natural 20! (keep critting) v0.10.0: Added sans undertale armor! vo.11.0: Added Gem hoods! Mix any kind to get the set bonus (e.g. diamond hood + ruby robe = set bonus) also added a sword that shoots too many projectiles vo.11.1: Corrected small errors in new items! v0.12.0: Added shroom armor, bar and bow and an additional icon resprite! v0.12.1: fixed minor problems because i am not organised This mod adds... 28 items: 10 weapons 3 accessories 2 full armor set Gem hoods 1 vanity piece Discord: Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
OP items
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Download v0.15 (52.3 KB) |
CDK Entertainment |
OP items is OP items.
HAHAAAHA UPDATE: Fixed Daedalus Forge recipe. Added icon. UPDATE 0.15: Added First Prism. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.0.5.2 (133.7 KB) |
Breadcast |
Version 0.0.2
- added Throwing Dart - fixed some hitbox issues Version 0.0.3 - added Dartling Gun - changed throwing dart recipes Version 0.0.4 - added Shuriken - fixed some stuff Version 0.0.5 - added Compact Energy (wizard monkey) - updated Seeking Shuriken to seek differently Version - Added Armor Penetration to Some Weapons *Balancing Changes* - made basically everything do a little bit less damage Press "homepage" if you want to join my discord server. im trying to make this mod balanced so if you think somenthing is unbalanced come report it to me"> Adds Bloons TD Towers and such as weapons Currently all T0 weapons are sold by the merchant. Version 0.0.2 - added Throwing Dart - fixed some hitbox issues Version 0.0.3 - added Dartling Gun - changed throwing dart recipes Version 0.0.4 - added Shuriken - fixed some stuff Version 0.0.5 - added Compact Energy (wizard monkey) - updated Seeking Shuriken to seek differently Version - Added Armor Penetration to Some Weapons *Balancing Changes* - made basically everything do a little bit less damage Press "homepage" if you want to join my discord server. im trying to make this mod balanced so if you think somenthing is unbalanced come report it to me Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
No Boss Fight Respawn
Download v1.1 (2.2 KB) |
Searous |
-- Multiplayer Only --
Disables the ability for players to respawn during a boss fight. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.3.7.0 (853.9 KB) |
Stardust9681 |
Join the Discord here!
![]() Changelog: Vers. + Addition of new biome and 3 NPCs + Slight additions to pre-existing vanilla content (tools, ammo, more) + Lots of new items (weapons, accessories, and more!) + Multiple NPC's + New buffs (and debuffs) + Sprites and Balancing + Added a homepage (links to discord) + Changed AI of some projectiles to work better with the user + Fixed bugs (many provided by community) + 2 new crafting stations + New Icy-Themed boss + Added Shaman Class: A class focused on buffing and healing nearby allies (support) Vers. + Made ores generate upon world generation + Ores no longer crafted using various hardmode items, and can instead be found in and around the world + Fixed Godlyx set bonus to no longer provide near infinite flight + Added one more brick type (looks great with paint!) + Other balancing changes + Added CHEESE + New building block! + Removed some bugs + Added 1 more armour set (2 total) Vers. + several new items + 2 new resources + 1 armour set + 2 new tiles - Still currently in development, best used with cheat sheet or hero's mod for testing of items - World Gen. will potentially be added/used in 0.2 or 0.3"> Onyxia is a general content mod with goals to lengthen vanilla's potential. + Join the Discord here! ![]() Changelog: Vers. + Addition of new biome and 3 NPCs + Slight additions to pre-existing vanilla content (tools, ammo, more) + Lots of new items (weapons, accessories, and more!) + Multiple NPC's + New buffs (and debuffs) + Sprites and Balancing + Added a homepage (links to discord) + Changed AI of some projectiles to work better with the user + Fixed bugs (many provided by community) + 2 new crafting stations + New Icy-Themed boss + Added Shaman Class: A class focused on buffing and healing nearby allies (support) Vers. + Made ores generate upon world generation + Ores no longer crafted using various hardmode items, and can instead be found in and around the world + Fixed Godlyx set bonus to no longer provide near infinite flight + Added one more brick type (looks great with paint!) + Other balancing changes + Added CHEESE + New building block! + Removed some bugs + Added 1 more armour set (2 total) Vers. + several new items + 2 new resources + 1 armour set + 2 new tiles - Still currently in development, best used with cheat sheet or hero's mod for testing of items - World Gen. will potentially be added/used in 0.2 or 0.3 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Multiply Accessory Stats By 10
Download v0.3 (14.4 KB) |
bisbing |
Exactly what it says.
Most accessories up until the Pink Horseshoe Balloon have been modified. Additionally, I have modified the Vortex Booster, Nebula Mantle, and Betsy's Wings, as they are similar to the Hoverboard. The Angler Tackle Bag has also been modified, as it is just a combination of previous accessories. Accessories like the Water Walking Boots or Lucky Horseshoe cannot really have their stats multiplied by 10. Currently, the Rifle Scope is not supported, and the zooming function of the Sniper Scope is not supported. I apologize for any inconvinience caused by lack of X10 Rifle Scope support. The only accessories left to modify are the Rifle/Sniper Scope, Yoyo Strings, Counterweights, Hive Pack, Yoyo Glove, Spore Sac, Shiny Stone, Yoyo Bag, and the DD2 accessories. This mod is unfinished, the things listed below are things I still need to do. 1: Modify the accessory tooltips to reflect the new stats. 2: Modify the accessories that I have not yet modified. 3: Get the Rifle Scope to work. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Spirits of Terra
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Download v1.0.12 (57.4 KB) |
kook |
Requires cheatsheet for most things Spirits of Terra is an mod aiming for becoming a content mod that brings some QoL aspects and lots of new stuff to the game The mod also adds a new difficulty mode, Misery (inspired by Fargo's Eternity mode) Sprites by Rigel Programmed by Kook Contributors: Murky Non-existent beans Kaelan Microwave noise Devraza Follow the Discord for updates: Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Void Addons
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Download v0.1.0.8 (8.2 MB) |
Alpha |
Just a little mod i'm making with my friend
Updates :) (latest at bottom) v.1.0.3 = added github page + (hopefully) icon. v.1.0.4 = added a homepage v.1.0.5 = some item fixes and (i think) new stuff (which i don't remember) v.1.0.6 = Updated Sprites v.1.0.7 = Added a cool new weapon v.1.0.8 = new weapons + a new broken boss Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v2.1.0.1 (204.6 KB) |
hamstar |
Allows placing devices that can be configured to emit any type of particle ("dust"), "gore", sound effect, or game sprite (item, npc, or projectile)as a hologram. Animation rate, volume, size, direction, color, type, etc. can all be configured per emitter.
NEW (v1.2): Now featuring holograms! Use these to draw game sprites in any size, color, orientation, or type. Holograms may be animated, adapt to ambient light, or feature cool special effects. Credits: Chloe - Sound emitter, hologram code contribution Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Essential Accessories
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Download v1.1.2 (15.8 KB) |
Pyxelation |
this mod combines accessories that I thought would fit.
It currently combines: - Shield of Cthulhu and Ankh Shield - Frostspark Boots and Lava Waders Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Clean World Generator
Download v1.3.1 (3.5 MB) |
post_ |
Any world generated with this mod enabled will not have a corruption / crimson biome. Also, when the Wall of Flesh is killed, Hallow and Crimson/Corruption will be generated.
Blue, Purple, and Red solutions will be available from the steampunker at all times. 1.3.1: -Updated to the latest version of tmodloader 1.3: -Shadow Orb / Crimson Heart Grab Bags --Sold by the wraith, who is now much more visible, after the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu is defeated --Give you items that would be dropped by breaking them -Placeable Demon Altar --Crafted with a workbench at a workbench 1.2.2: -Quick hotfix to 1.2.1 1.2.1: -Unemployed Wraith animations are still incomplete, but he will no longer render as just feet. -Added Crimson and Corruption Grab Bags that can give you the items that are unattainable that would come from breaking Crimson Hearts and Shadow Orbs respectively. These are sold by the Wraith -Added a Meteor Remote sold by the Wraith after the Eater / Brain is defeated. To fight the bosses, you will have to buy seeds from the dryad and make your own biome. The meteor remote calls a meteor down. 1.2: -Added the Unemployed Wraith npc that moves in if the player has demonite or crimtane ore (has defeated Eye of Cthulhu) --He can sell the materials to make worm food / bloody spine based on which world evil was selected during world creation --He sells deathweed -The Dryad now sells corruption / crimson seeds in Pre-Hardmode, adding hallow seeds once hardmode begins Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.1 | Edit | Delete |
Marshmallows Mod
Download v0.1.4.8 (133.7 KB) |
Nebur7420 |
The Marshmallows Mod is a mod made to give marshmallows the attention they deserve.
(I made this mod because Fury Forged said he would love to see someone do something with marshmallows) THIS MOD IS IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT!! V0.1.4.1 - Added Marsh Bars Added Upgraded Marshmallow Blade and Marshmallow Storm Staff Overhauled the Marshmallow Storm Staff Fixed crafting recipe for the Marshmallow Shotgun (now uses boomstick) V0.1.4.2 - Added Marshmallow Slimes Added Marshmallow Boomerang Updated Cooked Marshmallow Blade Texture Marshmallow projectiles now slow the enemy V0.1.4.3 - Added Marshmallow blocks and walls Added Marshmallow Chair, Table and Workbench V0.1.4.4 - Added Marshmallow Torches Added Marshmallow Bookshelf Added Marshmallow Sofa Added Marshmallow Dresser V0.1.4.5 - Added Cooked Marshmallow blocks Fixed slow debuf for marshmallow projectiles V0.1.4.6 - Added Marshmallow Grenade ammo (needs balancing) The mod currently adds: Weapons - Melee - Marshmallow Blade Marshmallow Boomerang Cooked Marshmallow Blade Ranged - Marshmallow Blower Marshmallow Shotgun Magic - Marshmallow Storm Staff Cooked Marshmallow Storm Staff Ammo - Marshmallows are ammo now Marshmallow Grenade Ammo Armor - Marshmallow Set - DJ Headpiece - 3 Defense (Set bonus: +3 defense 10% increased movement speed) Headpiece - 1 Defense (Set bonus: +2 defense) Breastplate - 2 Defense Boots - 1 Defense NPCs - Hostile - Marshmallow Slime Tiles - Blocks - Marshmallow Block Cooked Marshmallow Block Walls - Marshmallow Walls Furniture - Marshmallow Chair Marshmallow Table Marshmallow Workbench Marshmallow Dresser Marshmallow Bookshelf Marshmallow Sofa Light Sources - Marshmallow Torch Planned Items - Early easy mode weapon set Late easy mode / early hardmode weapon set Hallowed tier weapon set Lumnite tier weapon set Tiered Armor set Marsherite bars (hallow infused marshmallows) Mallowrite bars (lumnite infused marshmallows) A giant marshmallow boss A marshmallow pet Marshmallow blocks and furniture Everything marshmallow! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Free money
Download v0.1.0 (6.9 KB) |
Azrael#1123 |
Adds crafting recipes without ingredients for all 4 coin types (and increases their max stack size to 9999)
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Illusionist Mod
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Download v0.2.5 (16.1 KB) |
Divergent916 |
The Illusionist Mod is a mod I came up with that aims to do two main things:
1. It adds a creative new class, illusion. 2. It adds new content to Terraria's endgame. The illusion class adds unique new weapons which are based around manipulating your enemies in order to defeat them. For example, some of the weapons may distract enemies or make them enrage on each other. Currently, the mod is still in active development. Stick with me to see this mod grow into something great! ATTENTION: This mod is currently in a BETA testing stage, so please don't judge the mod off of what you see in this version! The current version (0.2) includes: � The life core consumable (increases HP to 700) � Souls of height (dropped by celestial creatures, used in the life core) � The Stick of Intimidation (beginner illusion weapon) � The Shadowstone (demonite illusion weapon) You can view a full changelog by joining the discord linked on the mod's homepage. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.5 (119.4 KB) |
TheOneDrRandom & Devs |
WhatIfTerrariaWasAnAnime is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.17 (200.4 KB) |
Looney278 |
Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Rise of the Colossus
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Download v1.7 (17.2 MB) |
Demigodish |
Rise of the Colossus is planned to be a big content mod. It will have lore, NPCs, bosses, ore, and maybe even biomes. (Also, if your wondering why it's called "Rise of the Colossus" it's not because it just sounds cool, The Colossus is planned to be the final boss!) The credits are on the forums page The Discord Server: The Forums thread: Note: again, this mod is still in development. this is NOT the complete mod, and will have updates to come. When there is an update, I will post what was added here. Version 1.7 Added a bunch of stuff including a new glowing mushroom boss, new weapons, armor, and items. More to come soon Version 1.6.3 (this update is a sneak peek for a much bigger soul seeker class update) Added Soul Seeker Class Added a few weapons for the class Added some armor for the class All enemies drop soul orbs resprited the Sunfire Serpent, Sunfire Bat, Plasmite slime Added Star Quartz slime Star quartz now spawns on sky islands Added some crafting materials Version 1.6.2: Added spears for the prehardmode ores Added shortswords for the hardmode ores Added a lore keeper NPC Added Onyx armor Fixed bugs and balancing issues with the 1.6 update Added the Onyx Rifle and Magnum Added Plasmite Railbow Plasmite armor now give increased chance to not consume ammo Added Ichor spitter and cursed flame lobber to provide a way for rangers to inflict cursed inferno and ichor without having to use the bullets Added an Iron Man vanity set Added a mod homepage Version 1.6.1: Added mod Icon. Version 1.6: Added Dayblaze, the Sunfire Serpent boss Added three weapons, a crafting material, an expert accessory, a trophy, a mask, and a lore book for the Sunfire serpent. Added a Sunfire snake to drop the Sunfire Serpent summon item. Added an upgrade to the sniper scope crafted with Plasmite Bars. Added an upgrade to the fire gauntlet crafted with Sunfire Bars. Added Devilsknife, a weapon referencing Deltarune that is an upgrade to the Deathsickle. Added the luminite forge to smelt Sunfire Bars Version 1.5.1 Added a Sunfire Summon weapon Added a Sunfire flamethrower Version 1.5: Added two new enemys that spawn in hell (Sunfire Slimes and Sunfire Bats) after moonlord is defeated and drop Sunfire crystals. these can be smelted into bars Added armor, weapons, tools and accessories crafted with Sunfire Bars Added a debuff called sunfire inferno that is inflicted by Sunfire Slimes and Sunfire Bats Version 1.4: Added a bunch of vanity items found in the post-plantera dungeon Removed the dev item added in 1.3 and replaced it with a dev vanity set. Added a bunch of items that make you immune to certain debuffs Added an upgrade to the ankh shield Added 6 more arrows Added 14 more repeaters and 1 more bow Added the luminite anvil, used only for 2 things (for now) Added a new hook that drops from green slimes Fixed the plasmite bullet sprite so that it no longer appears behind the player when firing Added an upgrade to the Daedalus Stormbow and Tsunami Version 1.3: Added Plasmite, a post-golem ore that spwns on world gen. Added armor and weapons to go with Plasmite ore Added Star Quartz, a post Boc/EoW ore Added two weapons to go with Star Quartz Added Three [Unobtainable] lore related armors Added two [Unobtainable] lore related weapons Added Cryophobia, an upgrade to the Blizzard staff Added upgrades to all the emblems Added resipes for all the emblems Added Star Dust, a crafting material made from fallen stars Added an [Unobtainable] dev item ( **Warning** this item is only for the worthy ) Changed the Shell Shield so that it no longer increases melee dmg, it now lets you dash similar to the Shield of Chuthulu Added one new enemy, it is a slime made to drop the plasmite ore that were added Version 1.2.1: fixed some things Version 1.2: added more turtle items (Made with shells) -Shell Claymore -Shelltillery -Shell Shield Added Enchanted Plant Fibers (a plantera drop) Added a Plantera summon item Added more accessory recipes Removed Xenoswarm Rifle because it was buggy Version 1.1: fixed some things Version 1.0: (release) 9 Flamethrowers, strewn through out progression, from pre-boss to post pillers. Gem swords, one for each gem in the game. Gem revolvers, one for each gem in the game. Granite and marble weapons. Recipes for many accessories. (without breaking progression) An upgrade to the Candy Corn Rifle and Xenopopper. (I Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |