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Gunners' Arsenal
Download v1.1.5.2 (9.2 MB)


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
PiercePotato's Peculiar Pieces!
Download v0.4.0.2 (12.7 MB)


PiercePotato's Peculiar Items!

This is my first larger-scale mod, and one of my first mods in general.
It currently adds over 4 dozen items, including all of the items from my Slime Gear mod.
It also adds the Robot NPC, who sells various modded items, and the Bizzaria Biome.

This mod is under active development, so expect a constant stream of new items!

For the chance to contribute to the mod, development updates, and more, check out the Mod's official Discord!

Lead Programmer- PiercePotato
Sprite Artist- SkullyZ
Composer- Dyslexic Popcorn Pepper

Special Thanks

Patch Notes

Fixed error preventing mod from running.

Fixed the inventory sprite for Spongy Dirt.
Spongy Dirt and Spongy Grass now appear correctly on the Minimap.

VER 0.4
It's been a while since the last update- I've been very busy with other things, but I haven't abandoned this project by a long shot!
Note that updates will likely be a bit slow for a while, however.
PPP's First (And very likely only) biome, Bizzaria, has been partially added!
The biome does not generate naturally and must be created artifically to exist in a world.
Currently the biome is visual only and does not create any special enemies. It will be developed further over time.
The background is also currently a placeholder.
The blocks "Spongy Dirt" and "Spongy Grass" have been added.
Spongy Dirt can be crafted at a Solidifier with dirt and gel.
Spongy Grass can be crafted with Spongy Dirt and Grass Seeds.
Added Bizzarium-- A rather strange pre-hardmode ore. What use could it have...?
Two new tracks by DPP- Bizzaria Overworld and The Place Below!
Overworld plays while in the Bizzaria biome, obviously.
Updated Description.

The "Suspicious Looking Skull" Has been renamed to "Suspicious Looking Bone".
Suspicious Looking Bone sprite has been updated.
Suspicious Looking Bone can now be crafted.
Both new Music Boxes can now be purchased from the Robot NPC.

VER 0.3
Dyslexic Popcorn Pepper has joined the team as a Composer!
The following tracks have been added:
Peculiar Pieces (Title Theme)
Bizzaria Underground
As of now these music pieces have not been put in their final contexts, but they can be listened to via their respective Music Box.
Added a new pet; SkullyZ's Raven!
Summoned using the Suspicious Looking Skull.
The Survival Charm sprite has been updated, no longer a placeholder sprite.

"Miniature Robot" has been renamed to "Suspicious Looking Robot", as she was deeply offended by being called small.
She also, uh... changed up her look.
Fixed spelling error in the tooltip of the Memorial Hourglass.

NEW MUSIC- This Mod's first-ever tracks, Slimy and Mushy Feet, have been added!
They can be listened to via their respective music box.
Fixed bug with the painting "Harbinger Dimitrus" not dropping when broken.
Mod files restructured; no impact on gameplay.

VER 0.2.2
New Weapon- The Broken Hero's Revenge!
An alternative to the True Excalibur and True Night's Edge, The Broken Hero's Revenge shoots a spinning projectile that busts after hitting a surface.
After bursting, the projectile spawns several smaller tracking fragments.
Thanks to _-Comic-_ for the idea and sprite for the item!
Added Special Thanks section to the description, to thank people who may not have been team members, but helped or supported the project in some form.

A new decorative item has been added, a memorial dedicated to a recently-deceased entity.
The sprite for PiercePotato's Head has been updated.
My end goal for the sprites in this mod is that they look like they could be in Vanilla. As I continue working on this mod, I'm going to practice the Terraria shading style on it's sprites, instead of the more 2-tone style I normally use.

Replaced homepage with the mod's Terraria Mod Wiki homepage. Discord is now linked in desc instead.

VER 0.2.1
A new painting has been added.
The Robot NPC has been given new dialogue.
Some behind-the-scenes stuff has been updated-- Don't worry about it. ;]

Fixed the range of the Shorterswords being longer than intended.
Updated Description.

VER 0.2
Introducing the Shorterswords, the mod's first-ever weapon type!
There's one for each vanilla Shortsword, and they have severely reduced range and knockback, but higher speed.
They also have the same base damage as their respective shortswords, and are crafted by breaking a shortsword into 3.
Maybe at some point I'll create my own specialized Shorterswords, who knows?
Added Survival Charm,

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
5 seconds random item
Download v1.0 (12.7 KB)


In this mod, you'll find yourself on top of a single lihzahrd brick in a completely empty world. Every 5 seconds you get a completely random item, with a 1/5 chance of it being a block to stand on.
Some bosses might be easy when you get all the good weapons at the beginning, but how far will you get?

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.0.4 (94 KB)


AnimLib is a mod library, meant to be utilized by other mods.
As a library mod, this does nothing on it's own.
The purpose of this mod is for other mods to easily create
more complicated animations for sprites of their players.

For modders interested in using the mod to create animations,
visit the GitHub repository at

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Non Consumables Boss Summons
Download v2.1 (34.3 KB)

Omega Nightfueled

The thing i most hate of terraria is grinding bosses. is so boring getting the summoning item. There are mods that adds an npc that sells boss summons but it's too expensive so this will make things easier to farm.
i couldn't do the Fishy guy spawn so i did a truffle worm spawn.
Now all Biome Bosses can be spawned everywhere

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
A Calamity
Download v0.3 (7.3 KB)


It really is a calamity, or is it?

Features: You have to figure it out for yourself. I wouldn't want to ruin the surpise.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.2.2 Edit | Delete
Bows & Arrows
Download v0.1.3.6 (70.9 KB)

KSI Edge

Bows & Arrows

This mods add various bow related playthrough items and are balanced!!!

New Arrows:
Each vanilla arrow type has a their respective endless quiver variant :D

"Shadow Flame Arrow" 35x Wooden Arrows, 1x Shadow Flame Essence
"Frost Arrows" 35x Wooden Arrows, 10x Ice Blocks
"Poisoned Arrow" 35x Wooden Arrows, 1x Stinger
"FrostFire Arrow" 10x Flaming Arrows, 10x Frostburn Arrows
"Eternal Arrow" 10x Cursed Arrows, 10x Shadow Flame Arrows
"Spectre Arrow" 35x Wooden Arrows, 1x Ectoplasm
"Quad Fire Arrow" 10x Flaming Arrows, 10x Frostburn Arrows 10x Cursed Arrows, 10x Shadow Flame Arrows

Asterisks means not implemented yet***

New Bow:
"Jungle Bow" 1x Rich Mahogany Bow, 14x Jungle Spores, 2x Stingers, 1x Vine
"Desert Storm" 10% Drop rate from desert antlions
"Snow Fall" 7x Platinum/Gold Bars, 9 Shiverthorns, 99 Snow Blocks
"Spectre Bow" 18x Spectre Bars
"Shroomite Impact Bow" 18x Shroomite Bars
"Venus Crossbow" 25% Drop rate from Plantera
"Current" 3% Drop rate from Angry Bones in the Dungeon

Misc Items:
"Shadow Flame Essence" Sold by the goblin tinkerer during hardmode
"Bone War Axe" 10% Drop rate from desert antlions
"> Bows & Arrows

This mods add various bow related playthrough items and are balanced!!!

New Arrows:
Each vanilla arrow type has a their respective endless quiver variant :D

"Shadow Flame Arrow" 35x Wooden Arrows, 1x Shadow Flame Essence
"Frost Arrows" 35x Wooden Arrows, 10x Ice Blocks
"Poisoned Arrow" 35x Wooden Arrows, 1x Stinger
"FrostFire Arrow" 10x Flaming Arrows, 10x Frostburn Arrows
"Eternal Arrow" 10x Cursed Arrows, 10x Shadow Flame Arrows
"Spectre Arrow" 35x Wooden Arrows, 1x Ectoplasm
"Quad Fire Arrow" 10x Flaming Arrows, 10x Frostburn Arrows 10x Cursed Arrows, 10x Shadow Flame Arrows

Asterisks means not implemented yet***

New Bow:
"Jungle Bow" 1x Rich Mahogany Bow, 14x Jungle Spores, 2x Stingers, 1x Vine
"Desert Storm" 10% Drop rate from desert antlions
"Snow Fall" 7x Platinum/Gold Bars, 9 Shiverthorns, 99 Snow Blocks
"Spectre Bow" 18x Spectre Bars
"Shroomite Impact Bow" 18x Shroomite Bars
"Venus Crossbow" 25% Drop rate from Plantera
"Current" 3% Drop rate from Angry Bones in the Dungeon

Misc Items:
"Shadow Flame Essence" Sold by the goblin tinkerer during hardmode
"Bone War Axe" 10% Drop rate from desert antlions

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Magic Fertilizer
Download v0.1 (7.4 KB)


Magic Fertilizer is a small mod. It adds a "magic fertilizer" item, sold by the Dryad post-plantera. Use it on saplings to grow them into living trees!

NOTE: When the trees grow, they might be bugged out. Place a block next to them or relog to fix.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Mod Libs - Libraries - UI
Download v1.2.2 (208.9 KB)


Supplies a library of helpful methods, classes, and "services" for UI use.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Complete Shortsword Class
Download v0.19 (59.5 KB)


v1.19 mini-update


- Added Solar Potion

- Added Overcharged Dragon Paw (Shortsword dropped by betsy with 1/4 chance)
Early Nexts Updates features:

- Unique weapons for Tremor mod

- New weapons

P.D: To get special items with another mods compatibility, you will download the expansion apart of this mod.

The Complete Short Sword Class Mod is a mod that adds a lot of new s
hortswords with new interesting tactic. This tactic consist when you hit any npc with your shortswords you will have a defense boost and potion sickness debuff.

This mod adds a new potion; the titanium skin potion. This potion gives you 15 defense for 1 minute.

Some of the swords are this:

- Wooden Pike: - The most basic shortsword, has 2 damage and gives you a small amount of defense when attack.

- Laser Shortswords: - The small version of lightsabers, it has a secondary attack that gives you feather falling and swiftness buff for some seconds

- Big Syringe: - A weapon that drops the nurse on hardmode, when you attack an enemy, it drains a lot of life from it, but the potion sickness debuff cooldown increases a lot.

- Stick: - The most powerful weapon in the game, it deals more than 2k of damage, and it does a lot of attacks that breaks the game.

With this mod you can craft shortswords with hardmode ores and you can craft the Night's edge swords in small version.

This mod is in pre-alpha and probably i will to add a lot of things like these:

- Calamity and tremor mods shortswords
- Add the new tactic in vanilla weapons.
- Fix bugs
- Accesories
- New shortswords

Any question add me on my discord (Dok#9396).

Download this mod and enjoy the new shortsword system!

Mod created by RecPlus

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Elemental Hearts Recrafted
Download v1.10 (84.6 KB)

Vincent Jenei (Lite#4249)

A stripped down version of the rewritten classic mod - Elemental Hearts - adds in numerous consumable life crystals crafted using the various elements found across the game, bought from NPCs, or rewarded for killing bosses.

Quality > Quantity
Great addition to any modded playthrough.
Gives a use for leftover/extra blocks and ores, without being unbalanced.
Spreads with progression.
Simply complex.

Discord Link:

Note: This mod was written in and for 1.4. If you still are on 1.3, this mod was backported and some features will be missing.
Also Note: The recipe browser shows "Tree" for the crafting station to make the gem hearts. They are actually crafted at each respective gem tree.


Removed waste.
Removed debug logs.
Fixed the stupid bug where boss hearts had recipes. (After 2 months because I forgot 1.3 existed.)

Fixed the description...
Mod icon.

Fixed the description...
Mod icon.

Stripped down backport to 1.3. Initial publish to 1.3 modbrowser. The 2 mods, 1.4 and 1.3 are separate branches.
Only the essentials: This mod is not the same as the 1.4 mod. But they both have the same code structure and are both exponentially better than the deprecated version.
Reverse Recipes.

Lesion Heart
Empress of Light Heart
Queen Slime Heart

Gem HEARTS are crafted at an anvil.

Reduced Config Options.

Life Crystal Heart - Dedicated to AdamChromeE! Thank you for making a mod review!
Code Cleanup.
Names which used to be like: "Eye Of Cthulu", is now: "Eye of Cthulu".
Soul Of Fright Heart => Fright Heart.
Soul Of Might Heart => Might Heart.
Soul Of Sight Heart => Sight Heart.
Renamed "Eye of Cthulu" to "Eye of Cthuhlu".
Renamed "Brain of Cthulu" to "Brain of Cthuhlu".

Journey Mode code.
Fix description.
Code Formatting.
Boss hearts implemented.
(+21 hearts)
Rewrote the saving and loading code.
Player data doesn't get reset after every update/reload anymore! :)
This gives the .txt file in Appdata/Roaming less value, but I will keep it there incase something happens and the player wants to get back what they lost.

Hardmode hearts implemented.
(+30 hearts)
New optional info display (Similar to the cellphone), can be toggled in the config (Turned off by default).
(shows how much bonus HP you are recieving from the mod)
Fixed + added a lot of backend code.
Bestiary code + shop code implemented.
New settings in the config to allow you to disable/enable boss hearts or material hearts.
(A use case for this can be for a modpack which likes the boss hearts feature but dont like the material hearts. Disabling material hearts ALSO disables their recipes. Disabled hearts are destroyed (sold) upon entering your inventory.)

Item tooltip now displays information depending on its usability.
[Max Consumed]: if config is untouched/set to default.
[Amount/Max]: if config set to higher than 1.
[Disabled]: if config set to 0. (For modpacks etc.)
New config for the shockwave. Incase you want to disable it because it is too distracting or takes too long.
A new file gets created in AppData/Roaming every time you save the game, with info on which hearts you have consumed. This can be used incase something horrible happens to your save file and you need to add some things back.
Fix with the recycle crafting recipes, hearts that are crafted by only 1 item (Such as the enchanted heart) now return the full item when you craft back. It used to craft back into nothing, but the recipe would still be there.

Strong code Optimizations.
UI text demonstrating amount of potential HP earned, text doesnt show up if you can't consume another.
Reverse crafting recipes - All hearts can be extracted back into 80% of its material form, must be near an extractinator.
Value is now consistent with material cost. Sell price is a 75% return of what its materials would cost.
Logging code, in the client.txt file.
Mini shockwaves are released now opon consumption. If a heart gives +5 Max HP, theres 1. If a heart gives +25 Max HP, theres 5. You get the pattern.
Text is now determined by the rarity of the heart.

All pre-hardmode hearts finished.
First release on the mod browser.
(From here, I am going to make sure everything within the code and mod that I want is finished before comensing to Hardmode / Bosses. Im going to work on some UI etc.)

A complete rewrite of the old 1.3 classic. New repo, same mod. Drastically changing the codebase, incorporating a WAY more modu

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (5.3 KB)


UndertaleMod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
More Prisms
Download v1.5 (63.3 KB)


More Prisms is a mod that adds more prisms to the game !

Version 1.5 :

- 1 prism : "Lunar Prism"

- 1 accessorie : "Mana Ring T3"

- Some other changes have been implemented :
The mana cost of the prisms have been increased
Now the mana rings increased HP but in return the recipes of mana rings costs life crystals

Version 1.4 :

- 1 accessorie : "Mana Ring T2"

- Some other changes have been implemented :
The recipe of the "Terra Prism" have been adjusted

Version 1.3 :

- 1 prism : "Terra Prism"

- Some other changes have been implemented :
The recipe of the "Gem Staff" have been changed

Version 1.2 :

- 1 prism : "Night's Prism"

- 1 accessorie : "Mana Ring T1"

- Some other changes have been implemented :
Now the prisms add debuff to their target

- First Prism have been nerfed

Version 1.1 :

- Icon added

Version 1.0 :

- 1 staff : "Gem Staff"

- 1 prism : "First Prism"

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
new weapons
Download v0.1300000 (27.9 KB)


this mod adds a few new weapons to make and use!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Slime Biome
Download v2.4 (1.1 MB)


More info at
The Slime Biome Mod is a WIP (Alpha), but it is a mod about Slimes
There is a mid amount of content at the moment.
Slime biome is a biome that spawns underground. It has new things to fight, new loot, even minibiomes.
there are 6 colored minibiomes, 3 spawn per world (in pairs of 2 like copper and tin). There is a hole minibiome in
the center, the "Oasis". The oasis is filled with houses (never valid). There is exactly 1 per world, and its filled with
loot to explore.

Right now there is:
3 buffs
24 Walls, Some Unsafe
56 Tiles, 2 Ores, some unobtainable
21 NPCs, Including Example Mod's Flutter Slime (with modifications), some unobtainable
88 Items, some Unobtainable

1: Slime Staff is a 1% Drop from non-HardMode enemys in the biome
2: Slime torches make no sense
3: Voting for flutter slimes ended with 5 yes, 0 no. (I am keeping flutter slimes if example mod is ok)
4: The position is locked to 2/3 down Y axis (Any size, even custom), but anywhere on the X
5: EVERYTHING in the WG of the biome is scaled by "maxTilesX" in the world stats, extra large worlds work
6: it is very config heavy, but config can very on whether they work.

Quethed, for most of the mod
Example Mod Creators, for Flutter Slime

Known bugs:
furniture in the eye can be buggy in placement
any increased melee speed may break the quick slime sword, because it is already close to the computer max
if aligning is just right, at just the right spot, jungle temple will cut the middle (It is somehow that massive)
if the oasis is clean from rails destroying houses (or at all) then you are lucky
large worlds get geysers everywhere in oasis
enemy config and stats are broken
slime biome can sometimes be too big in main world gen
Remove underworld walls
Slime biome can again spawn around the dungeon
World Gen can crash sometimes

1=not compatible
2=unusually compatible
3=sometimes compatible
4=usually compatible
5=completely compatible
b=partially broken

terraria=4c "look at the bug list, some things in there are it"
tremer=4a "if a mud structure spawns just right, it destroys the middle"
spirit mod=5c
elements awoken=1c "well, do you want to be on fire?"
alchemest npc=5c
the antiaris=4c "removes the fun of finding the biome"
mod helpers=5c
wormholes=3c "removes the fun of finding the biome"
extensive inventory=5c
boss checklist=5c
banner checklist=5c
calamity addon=5c
easier boss loot=5c
instant respawn=5c
joost mod=5c
magic storage=5c
max stack increase=5c
max stack plus=5c
recipe browser=5c
"the" fixer=5c
vein miner=5c
weapon out=5c

/ = changed
* = trying to implement
+ = added
- = removed
| = bug
~ = bug fix

-- V 2.4 Slimy Overhaul Update --

+ Ghost slimes
+ New debuff: "Spectrally Sticky"
+ Slime clouds
+ Slime islands. they spawn in the oasis
* wall spawning mostly
+ Central slime island. it is notably big
/ Slime trees now spawn on the grass. (they before required planting)
/ Slime oasis structures and slime oasis furniture have new code to spawn smoother and better, but they are still not perfect
/ Slime oasis structures can now have multiple floors
+ Slimelings dropped from new sleeping slimelings
+ Slimelings can now be in weak slime blocks
+ Slimeling staff
~ Slime chest shrines now properly adapt color to minibiome
+ Slime chest shrines can now spawn broken
+ Slime blocks can now connect with some vanilla blocks
+ Slime beams
+ Slime badges to honor the 10,000 downloads of this mod
~ Slime katana now has 1 knockback
~ Protecting slimes now drop gel
+ Colored slime recipes
~ Slime wood is now a wood
+ Slime merchant. He moves in if you validate his house in slime biome, and cannot be moved from that spot
/ Both flutter slimes do more damage than 2
/ Enemy config changed to be more adaptible
/ Slime blocks can now be bounced upon
+ Pots in slime biome now have a unique style; they are now slime pots
~ Sticky and slime biome status now is removed correctly when out of slime biome
/ Slime crates are now fished at accurate rates
/ Minibiomes can no longer spawn near each other or to the center
+ New world generator that makes slime biome blobby and spread
/ Main generator is now the blobby one
+ Teleport stations in the center of each minibiome
+ Magic Slimeballs
~ Slime biome is no longer considered entirely by weak slime blocks
~ Red minibiome map color was updated to the new color rather than the old lime
~ Crystalized slime now is given correct nam

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Sizeonator
Download v0.1 (9.2 KB)


This mod lets you change the sizes of npcs, projectiles, and items.
It's all located in the ModConfig menu.
Your options are 1/10th the size to 10x the size

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Lost Girl/Nymph Town NPC Mod
Download v1.1.0 (29.2 KB)


This mod adds the Lost Girl Town NPC.

To spawn her you must use purification powder on Nymph. You only have to do this once, after dying she will come again automatically.
Nymphs will not spawn when she is present on the world.

She has a shop with a few items: Metal Detector, Nymph banner, Compass, Radar, Bowl of soup, and after defeating any Mechanical Boss she will also sell Fish Finder.

3.Other features
This mod has Census - Town NPC Checklist mod support.

1.0.0 - initial release
1.1.0 - added gore

Thanks for checking out my mod!
//by papryk

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.5.5 (1.3 MB)


Join my discord to give recommendations/suggestions on what to add and help balance items
Click my homepage to head to my discord Changes: added manganese deco, and the aerosault slime boss
dev: Crimson, FailureofMankind and Tboy (new member of the gang yay!)

-This mod adds a bunch of content pre hm and a new boss, and it likes mushrooms.....

-3 ores
-Manganese furniture and walls
-some powerful weapons

A big thanks to FailureofMankind for making this mod a reality, without him this mod would have gotten nowhere

(note from FailureofMankind: THERE, THE NERF HAS BEEN DONE DID. THEY ARE NOW BALANCED (should be :haha:), AS ALL THINGS SHOULD BE...)

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Seabean's Add-On Races
Download v2.0.3.1 (182 KB)


-MrPlague (creator of original mod and template)
-Seabean (me, spriter and coder)


-Removed aggro increase"> My first attempt at a Terraria mod, some add-on races for MrPlague's Races mod!
Currently includes the Otterian and Werewolf races.

-MrPlague (creator of original mod and template)
-Seabean (me, spriter and coder)


-Removed aggro increase

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Mech Tweaker
Download v1.0 (23.4 KB)


Mech Tweaker allows for customization of mechanical game elements such as timers, statues, and traps.

By adjusting values in the config, you can customize timing and limits.

Statues are normally limited to 3 items or 3 npc spawned, but adjusting the "Statue Limits" options can customize this limit.

Timers, traps, and statues also have various cooldowns which can also be adjusted.

To speed up a timer triggering a statue, both "Timer Speed Multiplier" and "Mechanic Speed Multiplier" need to be used together.

Be wary of extreme speeds in multiplayer play, as spawning traps extremely fast could cause lag, especially if there are several traps.

Also note that Spiky Ball Traps can't yet be sped up very much since the spiky ball limit is still in effect.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>