tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
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Download v0.33 (118.6 KB) |
Asterverse |
The aim of this mod is to fill in and improve on all of the things I feel are missing from Terraria, with balance in mind. I plan to cover most or all aspects of the game, ranging from items like weapons and accessories to game mechanics like fishing or spawn rates.
The homepage button now goes to the official Amalgamize forum page. A wiki will be made some time in the near future. Current Features: Potion Crystals Flask Crystals Accessory Upgrades Teleportation Utilities Loot Utilities Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Cosmic Calamity
Download v0.3.0 (22 KB) |
zovible |
Cosmic Calamity Is Currently Under Devolopment, dont jude too harshly yet. Message me on discord (Zovible#8119) If you would like to help!
Updates: V0.2.0 - Updated the recpie for hydrogen from Mythril Bars to Pearlstone V0.3.0 - Added "Helium" and "The Supernova" will fix the Supernova sprite soon! sorry for inactivity Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Gods have no mercy(Dark lord's story) -W.I.P.-
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Download v0.0.4 (6.6 MB) |
John Bluefire |
WIP "Gods have no mercy, so you have to destroy all of them." In this mod, you'll be able to face more gods and even fight as a dark lord. If you are weak against darkness, then don't install this mod, if not have fun. If the gods find out about your objective, they will try to stop you. It includes: -Two more bosses (one for a specific class) -A "brand" new weapon that is the upgrade to other two -A new class that is based around mobility and defense (The more defense, the more damage) -A new accesory that simplifies everything, but is tedious to craft and it's upgrade -A new crafting bench (an altar, doesn't work as a demon altar) -A new set of armour Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Random Crates Mod
Download v1.1 (3.1 KB) |
5 |
Random crates adds crates as a rare drop from any hostile, non statue spawned enemy in the crate's corresponding biome.
Details: All biome crates have a 0.2% chance to drop in their respective biomes Wooden crates have a 0.3% chance to drop anywhere Iron crates have a 0.2% chance to drop anywhere Golden Crates have a 0.1% chance to drop anywhere Coming Soon: Mod support for modded crates Changelog: 1.0- First Release 1.1- Significantly Lowered Drop Rates Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.9.5 (243.2 KB) |
matlomax |
Wires, revisited!
Still in Beta, so expect bugs, and expect for the UI to kinda suck. See the project wiki for detailed information on what this mod does. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.4 | Edit | Delete |
Multiplayer Recipes
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Download v1.3.2 (16.2 KB) |
SolarAweTM |
This is a very basic mod for a very specific server. It adds and removes certain recipes.
Those recipes are: - Most Calamity shrine items - Murasama, Terminus, and the Dragon Scales - Removed recipes for Item Frame and Weapon Rack - Recipes listed in the changelog below I wouldn't recommend using this unless you need these EXACT changes. v1.3.2 Changes: - Added the rest of bulk crafting bars - Calamity: - Added bulk crafting for all bars and cores v1.3.1 Changes: - Fixed bulk crafting recipes v1.3 Changes: - Added bulk recipes for pre-hardmode bars - Mod no longer requires Calamity, all recipes are intact - Updated mod name v1.2.2 Changes: - Added recipe for Heavenfallen Stardisk - Recipe changes based on if you have the Catalyst Mod enabled or not - Catalyst is NOT required - Homepage link goes to source code v1.2.1 Changes: - Added recipe for Luxor's Gift v1.2 Changes: - Spooky Wings now require 50 Spooky Wood - Tattered Fairy Wings now require 5 Ectoplasm v1.1 Changes: - Added mod icon Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0.0.11 (3.3 MB) |
wvlad |
This mod focuses on improving rogue class experience in Calamity mod. It's original stealth mechanic is useless because standing still while fighting a boss is a death.
Generally this mod attempts to change your playstyle from blindly spamming attack to carefuly aim each shot. So my changes are: * Stealth regeneration doesn't depend on whether you are walking or standing so you are free to move as fast as you want and still able to do stealth strikes. * Stealth dodge: in full stealth you are invulnerable to first projectile or enemy contact (also works immediately after stealth strike). The dodge reveals you from stealth. This is a compensation to not working agro mechanic which doesn't really do any noticeable effect in the original mod. * Rogue stealth strike deal more damage. This is multiplied after defense. * Rogue weapons damage rebalance, fixed too OP and too weak weapons. * Crit calculation uses crit chance at the time when projectile is launched, before stealth consumption. Each feature can be enabled or disabled. Source code is included. You can install/uninstall this mod in your existing playthrough. Multiplayer IS NOT SUPPORTED YET. Additional features: * Full Rage on respawn with Heart of Darkness in inventory or equipment slot (even vanity). * SuperDummy has defence and DR set according to a world progression. * Prints total damage dealed to dummies - usable to measure stealth strike damage. * Reduce grinding: all treasure bags drop, legendary, defiled and rare drop chances are upped to 50%. * Cheat: slow motion key, locks on 30 fps. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Zenith Alternative (LOST Fractal)
Download v2.0 (48.5 KB) |
BlazenBreaker |
This mod aims to add a replacement for zenith, since my last one af first fractal got taken down, and due to many people wanting it to retuen ive re-added it as a brand new item. The Lost Fractal!
also gotta tell adam about this. thanks to CC for the amazing sprite! again if any updates come around, expect them to be visual updates. thanks and have fun! 2.0 glowmask fix Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
3 Slots Position
Download v1.2 (9.1 KB) |
Trivaxy |
3 Slots Position
Trivaxy's first UI, ever. Special thanks to the people on Discord. :D (Especially jopojelly) This mod has an item called `3 Slot Position UI` that will bring up an UI. (Item is unobtainable by crafting, use Cheat Sheet or something) The UI has 3 buttons, when they are clicked for the first time, they will be set to the position you are in. You can click them later again to teleport to the position you set them in! To delete the positions, click on that little garbage icon next to them and then click on the position you want to delete, so you can set it again. The UI would be placed on top of the screen next to your hotbar. I made it as small as possible so you don't really notice it there/it doesn't bother you. If you want to remove the UI from view just use the `3 Slot Position UI` item again. Changelog: Version 1.2: -Updated to tModLoader version 0.10 Version 1.1: -The delete button now changes texture when you are deleting positions. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.1 | Edit | Delete |
Realistic Blood
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Download v0.3.1 (25.2 KB) |
valkyrienyanko |
Whenever the player is hit by the NPC or projectile, during the day a black color transition will come over the player along with a few blood particles. If the player is hit during the night than the transition color is red.
v0.2.1 Fixed bug so the mod no longer spams chat. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.3.1.6 (91.1 KB) |
RicardosKuchen |
RAT (Ricardos Altered Tools)
Is a Mod where i wanted to add something for the People who do things like "Only Melee Run" or "Only Summoning Run" | This Mod Adds: | - A Ranged, Magic, Yoyo and Summoner Weapon for the Weapon Starfury and Starwrath | - A Melee, Ranged, Yoyo and Summoner Weapon for the Weapon Demon Scythe | - A Melee, Ranged and Summoner Weapon for the Weapon Unholy Trident | - A Ranged and Summoner Weapon for the Weapon Meowmere | - A Ranged Weapon for the Terrablade | - So basically 18 Weapons | ///UPDATE LIST/// 17.09.2018 Version: 0.2.9 Added: 3 New Yoyos for Starfury, Starwrath and Demon Scythe | 26.09.2018 Version: 0.3.0 Added: A new Set "Unholy Trident" Tweaked: The Wrath Yoyo is now smaller and the Wrathbow shoots now Fallen Stars. | 31.10.2018 Version: 0.3.1 Added: A new Set "Meowmere" and a Ranged Weapon for the "Terrablade" | 4.4.2019 Version: Changed: Because people said that the Name "RAM" is to clickbaity i changed it to RAT. Tweaked: You can now Disable the Nyan Cat and some Graphical Tweaks. | 28.5.2020 Version: Changed: Staff of Meow only cost now 50 Mana. Tweaked: Updatet and fixed some outdated things. | Also Thanks for 15000 Downloads!!!! It's really alot for me that so many People want to play with my Mod, i really appreciate it!!! Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.2 | Edit | Delete |
Extra recipes
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Download v0.6 (34.4 KB) |
Terrariano (Katogamer) |
Extra recipes is a mod that allows you to craft some items that can't be crafted in normal game, like Aglets, Hermes Boots, Cloud in a bottle and more!
- More than 20 recipes! - 2 Extra items for craftings! - 2 new monsters to get dyes! Future updates: More recipes!!! *0.2 Github. , Icon added *0.3 Nazar recipe changue, new recipes! Bug fixes and new item *0.4 Added Rod of Discord and titant glove recipes! *0.5 Lots of changes to various recipes to "stabilize". Eclipse/golem items now need lihzahrd blocks to craft. Added a new recipe group of Gold and Platinum. Soon the mod is planned to be available for 1.4. Thank you very much for all the downloads!! *0.6 Reduced Green and brown zombie spawn (90% > 45%) rate and incremented blue an red angry Tumbler (10% > 20%). The mod was released for the 1.4 tmodloader version!! Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Insta Kill Weapons
Download v2.0 (10.1 KB) |
TraoX |
Insta Kill any enemy with these OP weapons!
Discord : Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Soul of the Titans (Boss Accessories)
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Download v0.5 (917.8 KB) |
Null_Nature |
Soul of the Titans (Boss Accessories) is a mod that offers 15 new extremely powerful accessories. Each of these accessories is dropped by its respective boss, where the accessory represents its soul, its true essence. Because they are very powerful accessories, the chance of them dropping is very low (1% Classic and 2% Expert), but if you get any of these items, your strength will increase a lot, because you absorbed the SOUL OF A TITAN. By default you will only be able to use 2 souls at the same time (Balance), but if you want you can edit this in the Mod settings. In MaxSoulsEffects you can select the amount of souls that can be used at the same time. Some effects of this mod were inspired by other games/mods that I admire. Thanks to the discord people who helped me... New - Added option: Soul Drop Chance to mod settings. Where you can edit the drop chance (Percentage) of souls. The default value will be 3%, you can change that, but I recommend that you don't eat too much, so it won't be too easy to get the souls Note: This is the first version, more updates will follow. (I hope) Update Note: // V0.2 - Added the homepage and icon for the mod // V0.3 - Added option: Soul Drop Chance to mod settings. // V0.4 - Bug fix // V0.5 - Bug fix // Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Consumable stations
Download v1.3.9.8 (44.9 KB) |
Duck |
Mod for Fargo's Mutant mod that turns buff stations to potions
For potions: get source and use bottle station For infinite platinum coins: get 3998 platinum and use crystal ball 1.3.2 - added omnistation consumable 1.3.4 - added heart and star statue that work from inventory, requires 10 (3 for heart) statues, 1 5 seconds timer and 50 wire 1.3.5 - nerfed hearts statue to 3 hearts per 10 seconds and star statue to 1 star per 3.4 seconds, while there is 7+ hearts/stars are anywhere in the world those items stop working 1.3.6 - added Philosopher's Potion Philo stone that doesn't take accessory slot. - added challenge item - added item that turns on toggles during p2 mutant fight - added bat statue that work from inventory, requires bat statue, 50 wire, 6 5-second timers. 1.3.7 - bat statue no longer spawn bat, instead it deal damage equal to bat on various stages of the game, it was done to prevent loot from this NPC - deleted all class stations, since this feature moved into a core mod. 1.3.8 - omnistation grants station buffs, depending on what weapon you are holding, while it is in your inventory 1.3.9 - added Normal Omnibuff and Nohit Omnibuff - small fixes and balance Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Fishing Crate Additions
Download v1.1 (3.9 KB) |
TheLoneGamer |
This tiny mod adds some extra items to fishing crates.
- Wooden Crates have an 1 in 15 chance to give any non-combined fishing information accessory and 1 in 20 chance for any non-combined fishing accessory. - Iron Crates have an 1 in 8 chance to give any non-combined fishing information accessory and 1 in 10 chance for any non-combined fishing accessory. - Golden Crates have an 1 in 3 chance to give any non-combined fishing information accessory and 1 in 5 chance for any non-combined fishing accessory. - In hardmode, Hotline Fishing Hooks has an 1 in 50 chance to be obtained from Wooden Crates, 1 in 25 chance from Iron Crates, and 1 in 10 chance from Golden Crates. - Corrupt Crates have an 1 in 10 chance to give any Ancient Shadow armor piece, 1 in 3 chance post EoC or EoW to give 10-20 Demonite Bars, and 1 in 3 chance post EoW to contain 5-10 Shadow Scales. - Crimson Crates have an 1 in 3 chance post EoC or BoC to give 10-20 Crimson Bars, and 1 in 3 chance post BoC to contain 5-10 Tissue Samples. - Jungle Crates have an 1 in 3 chance in Hardmode to contain a Turtle Shell and 1 in 4 chance post any Mech boss to contain a Life Fruit. - Dungeon Crates always include a Golden Lock Box and post Plantera give 2-5 Ectoplasma. Future Plans... - Mod icon, possibly more items added to crates, and chance changes with possibly a config file. Change Log... - 1.1: Added items to Corrupt, Crimson, Jungle, and Dungeon Crates. - 1.0: Released. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.1 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Vanilla Item Recipe Changes
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Download v1.5 (103.2 KB) |
SoaringGecko |
Calamity Vanilla Item Recipe Changes does exactly that (adds the vanilla crafting changes from Calamity)
Please note this mod does not work while Calamity is enabled Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Mod Libs - Libraries - Tiles
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Download v1.1.1.2 (100.2 KB) |
hamstar |
Supplies a library of helpful methods and classes for tile finding, filtering, and complex structure placement.
Note: This is a WIP mod. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Extra Recipes
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Download v1.2 (7.6 KB) |
Marothedog |
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.6.7 (606 KB) |
Sangar |
Opswords es un mod creado para ser un mod complementario a Terraria, aunque se puede utilizar tambien en complemento de otros mods para mejorar la experiencia. (re instalar el mod en la versión mas nueva) (re install the mod in the newer version) ) ----------------------------------------------- Este mod contiene - 1 Montura - 3 Enemigos - 1 moviliario - 16 municiones nuevas - 16 armas mele - 7 armas a distancia - 1 arma lanzable - 5 armas magicas - 1 pocíon - 7 accesorios - 2 sets de armadura -------------- /Lista de cambios/ -------------- V0.6 -Traducción parcial del mod a: *Chino *Ruso *Ingles *Polaco *Frances -Arreglos menores -Añadidas todas las balas infinitas V0.5 -Añadido conjunto de hierro reforsado -Añadido zombie debil -Añadido emblemas V2 -Añadido Arma slime V2 -Añadido fragmento de neutrum -Añadido lingote de la noche -Añadido lingote de la selva -Añadido lingote de Hueso -Añadido aleta de luminita -Añadido piesa de armadura -Añadido cofre de piedra -Añadido amalgama celestial -Añadido supertiburon -Añadido pistola vampirica -Añadido escopeta maldita -Añadido ultra healting potion -Añadido espadas de gemas -Añadido jungla ardiente -Añadido gusano de abejas -Añadido rayo de sangre -Añadido L.M.G -Añadido tomo de estrellas -Añadido verdadera hoz demoniaca -Añadido Furia desertica -Añadido 2 estardantes -Añadido emblema de lanzador -Añadido saco infinito de balas de clorofita -Añadido saco infinito de balas de Ichor -balanceo de Ultratiburon -balanceo de garritas -etc V0.4 -Simples arreglos -Añadido zombie tanque -Añadido slime tanque V0.3 -A�adido Katana de tungsteno -A�adido �Alas de Luminita� -A�adido �Plumas de Luminita� -A�adido 2 armas m�gicas -A�adido 1 montura -A�adido �Balas slime furioso� -A�adido �Balas de camuflaje -A�adido Conjunto de la Noche -A�adido �Metralleta de bengalas� -A�adido �UltraBlade� -Retexturisacion de �Garritas� -Cambio de crafteos -Icono de mod -etc V0.2 -A�adido �Katana de madera� -A�adido �Pico de hierro petrificado� V0.1 -A�adido �Garritas� -A�adido �Ultratiburon� - A�adido �Minigun� - A�adido �AniquilaBosques� -A�adido �CloroDrax� - A�adido �Destrosamundos� Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |