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Token Mod
Download v1.2.0.1 (140.7 KB)


Six Blessed Apples, but not a single Rod of Discord.
The Golem giving you his fifth Sun Stone without any Picksaw.
Two hours of generating worlds in search of a Pyramid - in vain.
Just one underground painting missing for your collection.
Fishing, no comment needed.

Does that sound familiar ? If yes, you have been visited by the R.N.Goddess and found unworthy. But thanks to this mod, your troubles are over !

TokenMod is a mod that adds special crafting components to the game, dropping randomly within the world. These components allow you to craft (almost) all rare or hard-to-find items in the game from the comfort of your home.

Click "More information" below to access my GitHub, where you can find my contact info !

Quick changelog (See github commits for full changes)

v1.2.0.1 - Minor fix
Fixed the Sniper scope being craftable instead of the Rifle scope
Lowered the cost of post-plantera dungeon melee and ranged enemy drops

v1.2.0 - Major changes to the drop/cost formula, bosses and fishing
Value-to-essence formula completely changed, prices and drops are higher now
Boss bags no longer drops tokens - bosses directly do now, using different values (Expert drops are instanced like bags - experimental)
Fishing now grants tokens directly instead of crates - rarer but coniderably more
Fishing quests now grant tokens, scaling with quests completed
Fixed Shadow chest items not being craftable (only swappable)
Essence can now be recycled individually in addition of by groups of 100

v1.1.0 - Major changes to tokens
All eligible location tokens now drop instead of a random one
Tokens can no longer be recycled into Essence
Normal biome tokens no longer drop underground
Weather and Invasion tokens now only drop on the Surface
Item recipes have been updated
Eternia Stones now drop both Invasion and Boss tokens instead of either randomly

v1.0.2 - Bugfixes
Fixed Amarok and Hel-Fire tier (Was 2, now 3)
Tweaked Token distribution to be weig

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Ty's Yoyo Redux
Download v1.3 (174.6 KB)


~Ty's Yoyo Redux~

Ty's Yoyo Redux is a small mod made to expand on the vanilla yoyo experience. It is a general support and content mod made to improve yoyos, this includes:

- Giving unique effects to all the vanilla yoyos (except the terrarian and wooden yoyo) such as The Rally now leaving damaging afterimages, The Chik now randomly sprays crystal shards and The Kraken lashing out with damaging tentacles in all directions when it hits an enemy.
- New yoyos at various points in progression to help smooth progression and add options such as The Asteroid which is a fireball launching meteorite themed yoyo, The Virtuoso a yoyo with devastating crits and The Extraterrestrial Taser a yoyo obtainable from the martian madness that electrocutes enemies with lingering energy balls.
- New progression appropriate recipies for certain yoyos to make them easier to obtain in a normal playthrough.
- New yoyo specific acessories to give more options and variety to a yoyo playthrough.

In addition, all of these features can be enabled or disabled via the internal config to fit the mod to your liking.

- 18 Effects for vanilla yoyos and descriptions for those yoyos.
- 14 New Custom Yoyos.
- 5 New Custom Accessories.
- 3 Recipies for vanilla yoyos.

Visit the forums page for a much more indepth description of all changes and additions this mod adds.

v1.0 - Release.
v1.1 - Mod linked to github & added logo.
v1.2 - Updated Logo. Added configs for various mod features. Added boss checklist support for all applicable yoyos. Minor bug/balance fixes.
v1.3 - Updated Logo. Tooltip formatting changes (this should make the tooltips function correctly in shop interfaces and when other mods also give them tooltips). Minor bug/balance changes.

Planned changes:
- Change Code 1 and Code 2's auras from dust to an animated sprite.
- Update to tmodloader 1.4 whenever that happens.
- A final "Zenith tier" yoyo, called "Andromeda". (For 1.4)
- An empress of light yoyo, called "Spectrum". (For 1.4)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Azure Skies
Download v0.1.4.1 (596.7 KB)


Azure Skies is a mod focused around expanding on parts of the game that feel a bit empty. Currently it adds content to the pre-HM Sky and Snow biomes, along various other miscellaneous items.

Check out the forum page for more info on some of the items in this mod!

Massive credit to Joostmod and Amulet of Many Minions, both of their source code helped me to learn a lot of the more complicated stuff in this mod!

- Added a link to the brand new forum page! No longer will you need to join and leave the discord to try and get any info about the mod!


- Added Shroom Scepter, a magic weapon that summons a shield of shrooms.
- Added Shroom Sprinters, a dash boot accessory that lets you dash in any direction and grants increased jump height. (explained more later)
- Added Infested Scarf, a summoner accessory that grants minions a chance to heal you for a small bit of health.
- Added Mycelial Armor, a vitality based armor set that not only grants extra health, but also grants a slight boost to fungal weaponry.
- Added
- Upon defeating Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu, the game will now warn you that the sky biome has changed.

- Sludge Slime spawning changed. Normal chance is halved, but during Blood Moons their chance to spawn will rise by 4 times, plus the blood moon spawn rate increase.
- Changed Azurite mining requirements. No longer requires you to beat Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu, and instead only requires that you have 65% or higher pickaxe power.
- Made Azurite enemies only spawn upon defeating Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu.
- Mushroom Trees now drop Mycelium Spores.
- Weapon balancing
- Starfall Storm damage nerfed, (25 -> 17) mana cost nerfed (28 -> 25)
- Spore Shot mechanic tweaked. Now only super charges Mycelium Arrows if more arrows are nocked up.
- Azurite Armor nerfs
- Now only grants 2/4/3 defense (was 3/4/4 before)
- Ranged and Magic damage is now only increased by 5% (was 6% before (WOW thats gonna really effect the set isn't it))
- Expanded the Dash Boots crafting tree.

- Fixed a bug where Mushroom Biome enemies wouldn't drop Mycelium Spores
- Fixed an issue with the Spore Shot's rarity
- Fixed an issue with the Strange Kunai dealing melee rather than thrown damage
- Various balance changes to the Hel's Breath and Tortured Crystal
- Improved visual effects of Fungal Energy projectiles on death.

- Fixed a bug where the Dark Caster, Skeletron, and Spikcicle wouldn't drop some modded drops

- Release day! (Technically delayed because of Mod Browser issues)
- 48 new items added (including 2 armor sets and a robe for mages)
- 15 new NPCs added (Mainly found in the Snow, Mushroom, and Sky biomes. Includes a very basic mini-boss fought during a Blood Moon.)
- 3 new buffs added
- 1 new ore, Azurite, is introduced. It is found in the Sky Islands and from enemies that spawn post-Eater/Brain.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Guns, Glorious Guns!
Download v0.2.1 (1.3 MB)


Guns, Glorious Guns is a mod that will drastically enhance your gunplay! By adding procedurally generated guns based on guns from the Borderlands series, you'll never find the same gun twice! Guns can have all kinds of cool elemental types, damage and critical hit values, and special effects based on their manufacturer! There are currently:
- 145 Gun Archetypes. These include: Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns, and ARs
- This means there are 10 billion+ possible guns
- 1 Quest! Make a new character to receive your first quest. More to come soon.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Unlimited Bars
Download v1.17.20 (8.5 KB)


Unlimited Bars

This Mod Allows You To Dupe Bars

Download CheckList

X Downloads = 500
X Downloads = 1000
X Downloads = 1500
X Downloads = 2000
X Downloads = 2500
X Downloads = 3000
X Downloads = 3500
X Downloads = 4000
X Downloads = 4500
X Downloads = 5000
X Downloads = 5500
X Downloads = 6000
X Downloads = 6500
X Downloads = 7000
X Downloads = 7500
X Downloads = 8000
X Downloads = 8500
X Downloads = 9000
X Downloads = 9500
X Downloads = 10000

Enjoy !

These dupe Mods Arent So Cheaty, And, Im Only Doing What We Do In Multiplayer.

"> Unlimited Bars

This Mod Allows You To Dupe Bars

Download CheckList

X Downloads = 500
X Downloads = 1000
X Downloads = 1500
X Downloads = 2000
X Downloads = 2500
X Downloads = 3000
X Downloads = 3500
X Downloads = 4000
X Downloads = 4500
X Downloads = 5000
X Downloads = 5500
X Downloads = 6000
X Downloads = 6500
X Downloads = 7000
X Downloads = 7500
X Downloads = 8000
X Downloads = 8500
X Downloads = 9000
X Downloads = 9500
X Downloads = 10000

Enjoy !

These dupe Mods Arent So Cheaty, And, Im Only Doing What We Do In Multiplayer.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Summoned Weapons
Download v1.0 (70.9 KB)


Summoned Weapons adds a upgradeable sword, gun and magic missile for summoners.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
A Big Stick
Download v2.5.0 (74.6 KB)


Adds Stickguns, Stickrifles, and several varieties of Sticks to shoot from them.
Most sticks ignore invincibility frames, but don't deal much damage.
This mod currently includes:
- 10 different kinds of Stickguns, which can fire sticks quickly but with not much damage.
- 10 different kinds of Stickrifles, which can fire sticks slowly but with a lot of damage.
- 12 different kinds of Sticks, some of which inflict debuffs upon impact.
- 1 boss.
- A very large stick.

The source code for this mod is available on Github -
Here's a summary of everything that is available in this mod -
You're welcome to join our discord server if you have a suggestion or just want to say hi -

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
HoloEN Mod
Download v0.4.1 (510.6 KB)


HoloENMod adds our favourite Yakuza Dragon as an NPC and a set of our brand new ore, Hololite and more! This mod is a work in progress.

-Added the Reaper boss fight and weapons
-Some rebalancing
-Changed Description

My Discord server link is feel free to join in case you want to give feedback, help, suggest ideas or you just want updates on the development.

Thanks to:

Devourer Of Toast

For the help

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Download v3.0.0.2 (3.7 KB)


In this mod (Crafting+) You will get more crafting recipes!
Update 1.0
Added Recipe for life Fruit [20 Chlorophyte Bars,a 1 LifeCrystal]
Update 2.0
Added recipe for Muramasa [20 Platinum/Gold Bars, 1 Platinum/Gold Broadsword, 10 Sapphires]
Update 3.0
Added Recipe for Hermes Boots [1 Aglet, 10 FallenStars]

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.8.1.0 (31.9 KB)


� meu primeiro mod e enfim vejam ai essa baga�a '-'
my first modification XD

Esse mod adciona 3 novos npcs, que a medida que o player mata os boss novos itens s�o liberados em seu invent�rio.Para eles aparecerem � necessario que o Eye of Cthulhu tenha sido derrotado e que em seu inventario tenha garrafas de vidro com agua e sem agua, alem de casas disponiveis.

This mod adds 3 new npcs, that as the player kills the boss new items are released in their inventory. For them to appear it is necessary that the Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated and that in his inventory have glass bottles with water and without water, besides houses available.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Presents and Goodie Bags Drops
Download v1.3 (10.2 KB)


it makes every mob to have a 1/80 chance to drop a goodie bag
and 1/13 chance of dropping a present
update 1.1:
-bug fix
update 1.1.5:
-better description
update 1.2:
-bug fix
update 1.3:
-new icon
-bug fix

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Obama Gaming Mod
Download v0.8.7.2 (22.5 MB)


Obama Gaming

Obama Gaming is a mod that added random stuff to the Game
it also sometime adds a very usefull mechanic like loot box , 1.4 shotsword changes , npc talking , town npc summoning, Smooth camera stuff, and more ,wich almost all configurable

this mod is also support other mod plus it add some item if some mod is enabled.

Note : 'there is a config to disable or enable mechanic if you didnt want to use it or there is a mod that make it broken or something'

Obama Gaming Added stuff including :

- Obama Town Npc that have voice
- Simp Queen Town Npc ( i dont want to talk about it )
- 80 + Items
- bobux ( for cool people only )
- "Joe" difficulty ( eternity mode bootleg )
- New Class : Simp class ( still work in progress since simping is hard)
- Configurable Starting Items , Npc , And starting bags ( good if you dont want to suffer for searching hermes boots or something )
- a config to Ban NPC , Item, Item in shop , And Projectiles
- Funny game references
- Some New Random Mechanic including :
- 1.4 shortswords ( configurable )
- turn shortswords into normal sword (configurable)
- some npc now talk ( kinda annoying )
- some npc can be converted to its counterpart using powder
- enemy sometime drop unfinish gun and can be finish by obama
- Sussy Stone ( item that allows you to summon town npc )
- golden critter now cannot be killed by player ( configurable )
- mimic now drop soul of mimight for crafting mimic drop ( not all of it tho )
- Camera Follow bosses and player !! ( very cool and look nice, configurable since mod that also modify screen position exist )
- Play Music when talking to npc ( configurable )
- Funni lava bouncy thing ( configurable )
- Expert staff thing that make expert and not
- Show NPC Catch Item (usefull when catching critter in the dark) (configurable)
- Custom Starting Items, you can add your own starter item ( it will labeled as starting item)
- funni rage death mechanic
- no more using table and chair for crafting
- No Combat Text Config
- Wet beats fire config
- Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Advanced Item Description
- "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear
- Death counter
- more stuff coming soon
- Lootcrate
- ObamaSphere Boss ( post moonlord ( updated ! ) )
- Spider Bunny Boss ( idk why i add this , but its in the mod)
- Smoll Mod Cross Stuvf
- Enchuntment ( very op , iam gonna remake this soon )
- Collectible Head with unique ability
- Crystal Class ( increase decrease damage by class)
- Sinep stone ( change crafted weapon damage type by crystal class)
- Auto Extractinator ( auto extract slush , silt and stuff)
- Obamium ??!!??11
- funni bug

Stuff i plan to do :
- Enchuntment Rework
- Head Stuff
- Mod Cross ( pain )
- Remove spagetti code and fix all bug ( never )

Progress i made but not done :
- Bobux thing ( Almost done )
- Joe Difficulty ( only 3 custom ai has been made )

Credits :
- Resemble Ai , vocodes for some voice FNF , Undertale , Omori, Minecraft,and other stuff i downloaded randomly on google for some sound effect and stuff.
- Some sprite i downloaded randomly on google and then adjust it , i cant make sprite (:
- Darksouls 3 for the boss theme of obama sphere ( very epic ).

Changelog :

Note : internet was a mistake

Known issue : ( index out of bounds from ConveyorBelt, just ignore it if this messages pop up. it says item is being spawned outside of world but i really dont spawn items anywhere :/ )

v. [ Tiny Update ]
- added auto extractinator
- icon back to normal
- fix littlest tinniest ittie bitties bug

v.0.8.7 [ Some Update ]
- Obama now actually sell token collector
- Added Dead counter :)
- Added taple time card
- Added 1.4 shortsword feature
- Reworked shortsword to normal sword setting
- Simp weapon rework :
- Simp weapon now no longer uses simp energy
- Simp weapon doesnt have crit chance instead it uses crit charged
- Added new simp weapon
- Tweaked some code

v.0.8.6 [ another post exam update ]
- Added Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Added advanced item description ( configurable )
- Added Wet Beats Fire Config
- Added config to ban shop item
- Added Token Collector for imksushi mod that allows you to collect token
- Chain killer rework
- added "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear (configurable)
- Added boss for mana fruit mod by ppeb that is work in progress
- Improved config
- Improved some other stuff ( code rewrite and stuff )
- Fixed Item Texture not found

v.0.8.5 [ remaster up"> Obama Gaming

Obama Gaming is a mod that added random stuff to the Game
it also sometime adds a very usefull mechanic like loot box , 1.4 shotsword changes , npc talking , town npc summoning, Smooth camera stuff, and more ,wich almost all configurable

this mod is also support other mod plus it add some item if some mod is enabled.

Note : 'there is a config to disable or enable mechanic if you didnt want to use it or there is a mod that make it broken or something'

Obama Gaming Added stuff including :

- Obama Town Npc that have voice
- Simp Queen Town Npc ( i dont want to talk about it )
- 80 + Items
- bobux ( for cool people only )
- "Joe" difficulty ( eternity mode bootleg )
- New Class : Simp class ( still work in progress since simping is hard)
- Configurable Starting Items , Npc , And starting bags ( good if you dont want to suffer for searching hermes boots or something )
- a config to Ban NPC , Item, Item in shop , And Projectiles
- Funny game references
- Some New Random Mechanic including :
- 1.4 shortswords ( configurable )
- turn shortswords into normal sword (configurable)
- some npc now talk ( kinda annoying )
- some npc can be converted to its counterpart using powder
- enemy sometime drop unfinish gun and can be finish by obama
- Sussy Stone ( item that allows you to summon town npc )
- golden critter now cannot be killed by player ( configurable )
- mimic now drop soul of mimight for crafting mimic drop ( not all of it tho )
- Camera Follow bosses and player !! ( very cool and look nice, configurable since mod that also modify screen position exist )
- Play Music when talking to npc ( configurable )
- Funni lava bouncy thing ( configurable )
- Expert staff thing that make expert and not
- Show NPC Catch Item (usefull when catching critter in the dark) (configurable)
- Custom Starting Items, you can add your own starter item ( it will labeled as starting item)
- funni rage death mechanic
- no more using table and chair for crafting
- No Combat Text Config
- Wet beats fire config
- Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Advanced Item Description
- "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear
- Death counter
- more stuff coming soon
- Lootcrate
- ObamaSphere Boss ( post moonlord ( updated ! ) )
- Spider Bunny Boss ( idk why i add this , but its in the mod)
- Smoll Mod Cross Stuvf
- Enchuntment ( very op , iam gonna remake this soon )
- Collectible Head with unique ability
- Crystal Class ( increase decrease damage by class)
- Sinep stone ( change crafted weapon damage type by crystal class)
- Auto Extractinator ( auto extract slush , silt and stuff)
- Obamium ??!!??11
- funni bug

Stuff i plan to do :
- Enchuntment Rework
- Head Stuff
- Mod Cross ( pain )
- Remove spagetti code and fix all bug ( never )

Progress i made but not done :
- Bobux thing ( Almost done )
- Joe Difficulty ( only 3 custom ai has been made )

Credits :
- Resemble Ai , vocodes for some voice FNF , Undertale , Omori, Minecraft,and other stuff i downloaded randomly on google for some sound effect and stuff.
- Some sprite i downloaded randomly on google and then adjust it , i cant make sprite (:
- Darksouls 3 for the boss theme of obama sphere ( very epic ).

Changelog :

Note : internet was a mistake

Known issue : ( index out of bounds from ConveyorBelt, just ignore it if this messages pop up. it says item is being spawned outside of world but i really dont spawn items anywhere :/ )

v. [ Tiny Update ]
- added auto extractinator
- icon back to normal
- fix littlest tinniest ittie bitties bug

v.0.8.7 [ Some Update ]
- Obama now actually sell token collector
- Added Dead counter :)
- Added taple time card
- Added 1.4 shortsword feature
- Reworked shortsword to normal sword setting
- Simp weapon rework :
- Simp weapon now no longer uses simp energy
- Simp weapon doesnt have crit chance instead it uses crit charged
- Added new simp weapon
- Tweaked some code

v.0.8.6 [ another post exam update ]
- Added Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Added advanced item description ( configurable )
- Added Wet Beats Fire Config
- Added config to ban shop item
- Added Token Collector for imksushi mod that allows you to collect token
- Chain killer rework
- added "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear (configurable)
- Added boss for mana fruit mod by ppeb that is work in progress
- Improved config
- Improved some other stuff ( code rewrite and stuff )
- Fixed Item Texture not found

v.0.8.5 [ remaster up

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Class Expansion
Download v0.1.1.4 (50.2 KB)


Class equality aims to have the same amout of items for every class, every type of weapon, bosses and expand the throwing and summoner class, such as making a copper flail, or a new whole set. This mod doesnt add any RPG mechanics such as leveling up.
If interested on spriting, coding, testing or translating this mod contact me trough discord: #0212
From Sunday,26/March/2018 i will try to have a weekly update.

To-Do List
-Complete prehardmode gear.
-Add Marble & Granite themed set.
-Pirate Set
-Comet Pillar for throwing characters
-Complete hardmode gear
-Add Forbidden/Frozen class equivalents
-Create magic healing items
-Royal set
-& more...

-Added the Ale Propeller, direct upgrade of the ale tosser, launches ales at high speeds!
-Added copper tier charms and wooden shield
-Added gun and tome equivalent to the amethyst staff
-Added Copper boomerang and thrown alternative, sprite is placeholder (and hideous)
-Fixed: wooden sword charm doesn�t actually increase knockback
-New set: Silversteel

-Added wood tier charms, charms are generic class-based accesories that enhances combat of said class
-Added wood tier blowpipe and throwing alternative to the wooden boomerang (that is also craftable!)
-Fixed wooden armor extra damage % tooltip
-Added a recipe for the wand of sparking

-Added Spark, clone of the Sparking Wand
-Full set of Wooden Armor now provides extra damage

-First version ever!
-Added ninja set which can be obtained by killing the King Slime
Known Issues
-Ninja spear bugs out visually

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
HeroSword and more weapons!
Download v0.5.0 (28.5 KB)


This mod is very small at the moment and isn't recommened by itself.
This is also my first ever project so don't expect anything to be that amazing on what the weapons can do.
I do like the sprites though ;D
This mod mainly focuses on the original weapon that started this mod, The Hero Sword!
It is just a repaired version of the broken hero sword since I thought Terraria always needed that.
Update 0.3.0

-NEW True Terra Blade(post MoonLord)
-NEW Luminite Sword(post MoonLord)
-NEW Whirl Pool YoYo(Any time in in the game,mostly pre hardmode)
-Small changes to Here Sword like reforge price and use sound
Update 0.4.0(the dirt update)

-NEW Dirt Katana
-New Dirt Bow
-New Dirt Arrow
Update 0.4.5

-NEW Ice Spear
-NEW Collision(sword)
-NEW The Cannonball(flail)
-True Terra Blade nerf(now does 390)
Update 0.5.0

-Removed Dirt Arrow
-Buffed Dirt Bow(shoots faster)
-Nerfed True Terra Blade(220)
-Hero Sword Projectiles no longer go through blocks
-Changed True Terra Blade and Hero Sword projectiles
-Fixed The Cannonball
-NEW Magic Bullets(magic weapon prehardmode)
-NEW Banana Sword(sword hardmode
-NEW Sand Minigun(gun hardmode)
-NEW Crystal Cutlass
-NEW Doomsday(bow hardmode)
-NEW Harvester(sickle hardmode)
-NEW Lihzahrd Slicer(sword hardmode


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Save Control
Download v2.0 (34.2 KB)


Save Control adds a UI button in game to the top left of your screen that when pressed saves your progress. In singleplayer, it will save both your world and player. In multiplayer it will only save your player.
Save Control also adds a button to the in-game settings menu. This button exits the world without saving. Upon clicking this button there wil be a prompt for assurance.

Thanks to LolXD87 for spanish translations!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Replacement Zeniths
Download v1.2.0 (24 KB)


Welcome to Replacement Zeniths! (Also adds (useless) grass block!)
This Mod adds 2 new Swords to Terraria! It's only going to be available to 1.3 Terraria. (I'll probably make a different version for 1.4 once TModLoader gets the update)
The 2 new swords are: TerraMere & MeowBlade.
If you couldn't tell by the names, once the 2 most powerful swords are put together, they can make a stronger version of both of them!
There's 2 versions of them to suit your liking on projectile. (Or look)
The blade itself can tell you what projectile it shoots. For example, TerraMere shoots Meowmere projectiles out.
Hope you like it!! :)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Architect NPC
Download v1.0.2 (39.8 KB)


Adds a new town NPC called the Architect. They sell building materials like wood, stone, dirt, and other nonrenewable or difficult to get materials.

To get the Architect to spawn, defeat the Eye of Cthulhu.

Meant to be an addon to Helpful NPCs by Caseratis, but it can be used on its own without any issues.

For a complete NPC experience, I'd recommend combining this mod with Helpful NPCs by Caseratis and Just Another Alchemist NPC by CopperShortsword.

This mod is compatible with Census.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Permanent Creative Shock
Download v1.0.1 (2.1 KB)


Removes the ability to place blocks and use tools.
Useful for custom challenges and maps.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Zenith Toilet
Download v2.1 (31.3 KB)


This mod basically just adds a Zenith Toilet.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Melee to Throw
Download v1.1 (12.9 KB)


This mod makes it so all vanilla throwing melee weapons deal throwing damage instead.
Weapons affected are Boomerangs, Chakrams, Yoyos, Ball and Chain weapons, the Magic Dagger and the Flying Knife.
Also, weapons such as the Harpoon, KO Cannon and Golem Fist have been changed to deal ranged damage instead of melee.
This has support for currently a few mods right now. Calamity, Crystilium, Drop your Weapon, Elements Awoken, GRealm, Pumpking, Sacred Tools, Spirit and Thorium.

See Homepage for changes and other mini mods.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>