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Expanded Biome Content
Download v0.1.2 (19.4 KB)


Expanded Biome Content Mod

This Mod Add More items to all terraria biomes.

Version 0.1.2
- Fixed Error ( crashing the mod because the heart on the name )

Version 0.1.1
- Mandible Sword Sprite change
- New npc (Ent)
- Changed all swords raritys
- Changed all swords size
- changed swords name
Version 0.0.1
- BorealWood Great Sword
- EbonWood Great Sword
- Palmwood Great Sword
- PearlWood Great Sword
- Rich Mahogany Great Sword
- ShadeWood Great Sword
- SpookyWood Great Sword
- Wood Sword
- Mandible Sword (dropped from Ants)

"> Expanded Biome Content Mod

This Mod Add More items to all terraria biomes.

Version 0.1.2
- Fixed Error ( crashing the mod because the heart on the name )

Version 0.1.1
- Mandible Sword Sprite change
- New npc (Ent)
- Changed all swords raritys
- Changed all swords size
- changed swords name
Version 0.0.1
- BorealWood Great Sword
- EbonWood Great Sword
- Palmwood Great Sword
- PearlWood Great Sword
- Rich Mahogany Great Sword
- ShadeWood Great Sword
- SpookyWood Great Sword
- Wood Sword
- Mandible Sword (dropped from Ants)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Tacklebox: Modest Fishing Content
Download v1.2.0 (72.7 KB)


Tacklebox adds a modest amount of supplementary fishing content throughout the game, mainly filling in the gaps left by the vanilla game. This includes...

- 20+ fresh new fish spread across Water, Lava, and Honey in the Desert, Mushroom, Meteorite, Dungeon, and other biomes previously lacking unique fish!
- 6+ juicy baits unlike any you've used before!
- several fishing rods, including some with unique properties!
- stylish fishing accessories!
- new fishing crates, including the long lost ocean and tundra crates!
- new junk items, because of course!

...and more!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
EA Retro Music
Download v0.2 (21.8 MB)


Elements Awoken Retro Music restores the old music that some people enjoy to the Elements Awoken Mod

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Darkpuppey's Journey in Code
Download v0.500 (16.3 MB)


Look, I honestly don't know what im doing. Maybe something good will come of this? We can only hope.
Some of the content in this mod is either craftable from nothing or only accessible through CheatSheet.
Have fun
-Added a new boss, Jim (Theres actual effort put into this boss I can assure you)
-New Underworld enemy, Jimothy (T r u s t m e)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Magic Wands!
Download v0.89 (17 KB)


Thanks for 6000+ downloads!

Update Notes
-Added Pearlwood Wand
-Changed how Confringo works (shouldn't be very noticable)

~Three craftable wands that changes what it shoots depending on which spellbooks you have equipped.
~Six spells (all have craftable spellbooks):
- Duro
- Avada Kedavra
- Rictusempra (It's spell book upgrades it)
- Expulso
- Confringo
- Incendio
- Sectumsempra

Special thanks to ArcheRion for helping me out a ton! I couldn't have done it without them. Thanks also to everyone who's downloaded my mod, you've motivated me to keep updating!
This is my first mod, so please undertand any bugs or glitches that you may encounter. Thanks for downloading!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.8 (63.3 KB)


Mobs will have a chance to drop a lottery ticket. When used in a
Extractinator, it has a chance to drop various items.

See the homepage for a detailed prize table.

Made with love and Emacs on GNU/Linux.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Mod Settings Configurator
Download v1.1 (22.3 KB)


Definitely not inspired by a certain MCM. Pull up an in-game menu to modify settings for supported mods, default key is the tilde <`> key, but can also be accessed via Mod Extensions if you have HERO's mod or Cheat Sheet installed.

Features for modders:
* Add variables and comments to a list of modifiable settings.
* Supports bools and most number values.
* Simple system for saving and loading variables between games.
* Disable certain settings for clients in multiplayer.

Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Halfborn Mod
Download v0.3 (567.2 KB)

Efromomr, CKnight, Meura…

Currently this mod is in beta stage, so any bugs could be possible.

Halfborn Mod presents terraria players a brand new way to fight enemies - in the monster form. Custom transformation allows you to turn into a mighty demon with powerful abilities. Kill the Wall of Flesh and Plantera to earn more power. Also, the Universal Item helps prehardmode mages a lot. Enjoy!

Mod adds:
+66 new items
+4 buffs
+7 NPCs
+14 tiles

Join our discord server:

Also chack out new WIP game from our team!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Easy Fishing
Download v0.2 (47.9 KB)


This mod greatly facilitates the original fishing system.
Adds fishing rods with different number of bobbers.

v 0.2:
- Added improved magnet version (The Magnet)

v 0.1:
- 7 unique fishing rods
- 4 item for craft
- 1 cheat bait
- 1 unique useful pet, Magnemite (pokemon)

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.4.0 (21.6 MB)


感谢加载游玩 Phantom 幻影Mod!



[幻影] 绘画部
[幻影] 代码部
[幻影] 脑洞部
[幻影] 音乐部
[幻影] 其他人员




“玩具车”坐骑所使用BGM音乐为动漫《头文字D》插曲《Deja Vu》,原唱Dave Rodgers
*Official Phantom Mod Wiki(官方屑英文wiki,正在完善):


By 幻影Mod制作组
"> 感谢加载游玩 Phantom 幻影Mod!



[幻影] 绘画部
[幻影] 代码部
[幻影] 脑洞部
[幻影] 音乐部
[幻影] 其他人员




“玩具车”坐骑所使用BGM音乐为动漫《头文字D》插曲《Deja Vu》,原唱Dave Rodgers
*Official Phantom Mod Wiki(官方屑英文wiki,正在完善):


By 幻影Mod制作组

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
100X Spawnrate
Download v0.1.2 (12.7 KB)


100X Spawnrate is a Mob Spawnrate incrase mod that is crazy!


you will try the challange?

NOTE: If you are a youtuber and record this and publish this to youtube. be sure to credit me for your viewers to know that i made this mod


0.1.2 Nothing Changed, Just a Github Release

0.1.1 Added a Homepage

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod
Download v0.1.5 (58.8 KB)


Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod is a mod I will be creating and adding to over time.
This is my first mod, and I will make sure to see it through to when it is complete. It will be complete when I'm satisfied with my work!
I'm making this by myself, so it may take some time. I do not intend to work with specific individuals consistently throughout the creation of the mod.

I have made the mod website be a post on the Terraria Community Forum. You can leave feedback and read all info regarding the mod there.


Info- Check the forum post! (Updated 10/29/19)


(Updated 8/31/19)
- Added Empty Gauntlet
- Added Infinity Gauntlet
- Added Each stone with a unique ability
- Added Orb, Tesseract, Aether, Prized Possession, Mystic Eye, and Scepter

(Updated 9/11/19)
- Sprites are now slightly better, but still unfinished
- Some accessories have been balanced
- Beginning to work on more specific abilities with the stones

(Updated 10/6/19)
- Some new sprites
- The Mind Stone currently doesn't work
- The Power Stone now has a use
- The Mystic Eye doesn't currently work, neither does the Time Stone
- The Space Stone cannot be used yet
- The Tesseract is being fixed
- Many items don't show their sprites upon use - this is on purpose
- The Infinity Gauntlet no longer is used as a melee weapon, it is an accessory. This is the first part in a major change for the mod.

(Updated 10/29/19)
- Sprites have entered Version 4. Changes still to be made.
- Every stone (except the Time Stone) now has a proper function!
- All accessories (except the Gauntlet) are working!
- Some items have a weird use sound or none, I'm still figuring out sounds.
- I made the Tesseract obtainable. Find out from where by checking out the mod's forum post!
- The next update will include the Time Stone functioning, temporary ways to obtain all items, and newer sprites. After that comes the Gauntlet.


Plans- (Updated 10/6/19)
-Make better sprites for all items
-Fully flesh out abilities of each item
-Make debuffs
-May add some items from heroes (Concepts: Iron Man Armor, Thor's Hammer, Cap's Shield, Hawkeye's Bow, Spidey's Web Shooters, Supreme Intelligence item?)
-I have 2 ideas for bosses or waves, if I can figure out how to make them I will make sure to (Avengers wave event)
-Idea for a pet, structures, and rare loot from chests
-Gauntlet wont be just a standard weapon, it will have a unique use


I would like to state that this idea is not at all new, or my own.
I will be taking inspiration from other similar mods, and may incorporate some of their mechanics into this one. I will be sure to credit each one here.
I am obviously not affiliated with Marvel, Disney, or any associated companies. I'm making this for fun.


Inspired by addon for Garry's Mod, "Infinity Gauntlet SWEP and Model" by Xyz_
Inspired by the Ancients Awakened Mod for Terraria.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Edorbis (Without musics)
Download v0.3 (1.7 MB)


!!! If you want the mod musics, please install Edorbis Music !!!

Adds :

- 109 weapons
- 13 armors
- A new class : the engineer
(-> 36 weapons)
(-> 8 armors)
(-> 6 accessories)
- 4 Pre-Hardmode bosses
- 1 Hardmode boss

Compatible with boss checklist

Authors :

Firefloy : Coding & Spriting
Eoc/Squishen : Spriting
FatCat : Music
MARK. : Music

Others contributors :

SpicySpaceSnake - Sprites
bumce - Ideas
Jimbo Animations - Sprites

Links :

Discord :

0.3 :

Items added :


- Engineer Marker
- Lithium Marker
- Goblin Marker
- Shadow Marker
- Crimson Marker
- Steampunk Marker
- Spectre Marker
- Centaurium Marker
- Wooden Wrench
- Copper Wrench
- Tin Wrench
- Gold Wrench
- Platinum Wrench
- Android Wrench
- Blight Wrench
- Jungle Wrench
- Meteor Wrench
- Demonite Wrench
- Crimson Wrench
- Wasp Wrench
- Bone Wrench
- Kelvinite Wrench
- Oni Wrench
- Cobalt Wrench
- Palladium Wrench
- Hallowed Wrench
- Chlorophyte Wrench
- Steampunk Wrench
- Centaurium Wrench
- Goblin Spear
- Goblin Repeater
- Chaos Orb
- Hades Stormbow
- Lithium Sword
- Lithium Bow
- Lithium Arrow
- Thunder Spell Tome
- Lithium Staff
- Lithium Tesla Blueprint
- Lithium Railgun
- Martian Tesla Blueprint
- Firefloy's Spear
- Lithium Arrow
- Kelvinite Arrow
- Hornet Gun
- Shroomite Railgun


- Energy receptor
- Turred Pendant

[Energy Generators]

- Wind Turbine
- Solar Panel
- Geothermal Reactor
- Chlorophyte Solar Panel
- Thermite Reactor
- Centaurium Reactor


- Lithium
- Electrostatic Silk

Engineer changes :

- Drones will not automatically attacks enemies, but they can be controlled with engineer's remote
- Drones and Sentries no longer require a positive energy income to be created.
- The underpowered debuff will no longer happen when under 20% of max energy,
it will instead happen when the energy amount is at zero, it will also reduce the drone shoots speed
instead of the damage
- Default max energy is now 20 instead of 100
- Reduced max energy for all engineer armors and accessories
- Engineer Critical chance has been replaced by a new stat : drone shoot speed,
it increases the fire rate and the velocity of drones and turrets projectiles
- Added 5 prefixes (modifiers) to Engineers weapons, the strongest one is optimized.
- Drones and turrets will spawn gores on destruction
- Energy Potion will give a fixed amount of energy like health or mana potion
- Capacity potion will give 10 (instead of 50) extra max energy in pre-hardmode and 20 (instead of 100) in hardmode
- Drones and turrets have a chance to be destroyed when the current energy amount is 0
- Turrets will be automatically destroyed if they didn't attacked during the last 30 seconds
- You can see the range of the turret when passing your cursor in it

Item changes :

- The Steampunk armor no longer boost ranged stats
- The Steampunk armor is now post-Plantera
- The Steampunk armor got upgraded
- Replaced the Cyborg armor by the Martian armor
- Replaced Portable Solar Panel by Solar Panel(Furniture)
- Reworked Blight Reactor
- Replaced Kelvinite Reactor by Glaciation's Fang
- Reworked Gauntlet of Cthulhu
- Reworked Cursed Cloak
- Reworked Atlantite Arrow
- Reworked Centaurium Remote
- Blightbringer damage increased from 15 to 17, now burn and poison the target
- Meteorite Revolver damage increased from 10 to 12
- Blaster Zero damage increased from 18 to 20
- Steampunk Revolver damage decreased from 280 to 250
- Atlantium Bow damage decreased from 32 to 26
- Hunting Bow damage increased from 10 to 12
- Cursestorm damage increased from 50 to 60, now shoots cursed arrows instead of cursed bolts
- The Harp damage increased from 20 to 30
- Molten Tack Shooter damage increased from 15 to 23
- Cursed Staff damage reduced from 45 to 40, the minion shoot 25% faster
- Reworked The Harp
- Reworked Light Katana
- Reworked Camellia
- Replaced Zombie Launcher by Blight Crystal Staff
- Nails Gun and Energy Weapons has been converted into drones or turrets
- Replaced Rusted Wrench by Wooden Wrench
- Replaced Iron Nail Gun by Copper Wrench
- Replaced Lead Nail Gun by Tin Wrench
- Replaced Electric Ray Gun by Golden Wrench
- Replaced Electric Shotgun by Platinum Wrench
- Replaced Spiky Ball Launcher by Android's Wrench
- Replaced Energy Flower by Jungle Wrench
- Replaced Kelvinite Blaster by Meteor Wrench
- Replaced Stinger Launcher by Wasp Wrench
- Replaced Bomber Wrench by Bone Wrench
- Replaced Nail Avalanch by Kelvinite Wrench
- Replaced Nail Gust by Oni Wrench
- Replaced Energy Cannon by Energy Wrench
- Replaced Nail Blizzard by Cobalt Wrench
- Replaced Nail Storm by Chloro

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.6 (11 MB)



Remnants currently adds:
- Reworks to much of the vanilla worldgen
- A new procedural dungeon to explore
- Various QoL changes

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
All Blend
Download v1.1 (14.3 KB)


All Blend by Dark-Assassin

Visit homepage for description and changelog

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Dacern's skyblock mod
Download v0.2.5.3 (38.6 KB)

Dacern The Creator

Subscribe to Dacern the creator on YouTube

This mod allows you to play skyblock in Terraria easily. If you want to download the skyblock world file, instructions are in the homepage (Discord) if you go the the channel called "Skyblock world download"

__New features worth mentioning__
-Fixed minor glitches
-Added "FAQ responses" to description

__Important features__
-Hitting stone gives you a bunch of items
-New summons available
-Merchant is insanely useful

_FAQ responses_
-After beating skeletron, the merchant sells an item to send your world to hardmode
-Remember, crates help get lots of items. Hermes boots, star fury, staff of regrowth, water walking boots, etc.
-Certain projectiles are able to harvest from the stone
-You can craft demon altars/shadow orbs/hellforges/pots/lihzahrd power cells/lihzahrd altars/chlorophyte, and some others. To see their crafting recipe, it may be best to get a recipe browser, or give to the guide an item you think is related to one of the previously mentioned items.
-Merchant sells boss summoning items. Just check his shop about the time you would normally fight the boss you want to fight, and it is likely you will see the summoning item in his shop.
-Abeeminatin is craftable. Take a honey bucket to the guide to see how.
-Skeletron drops a dungeon station. To use it, bring an iron/lead bar to it, and craft dungeon bricks. Place them underground in the mass of dungeon walls to the far left side of the world to get a dungeon. The brick walls crafted through the station do not help with creating a dungeon, and are rather just for decorative purposes. You must use the left side of the worlds dungeon walls.
-Obsidian, hellstone, crimstone, and ebonstone drop from the stone after beating boc/eow, lihzahrd bricks drop post plantera, and the hardmode ores, plus a few more things, drop in hardmode.
-To get meteorite, check on the terraria wiki about a meteor's spawn conditions, and fit their needs. Let one appear naturally.

__Check out my other mods__
-Dacern's quality of life mod
-Dacern's extra content mod
-Dacern's challenges mod

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Utility Bombs Reborn
Download v0.2.5 (116.4 KB)

dtim, direwolf420

# Utility Bombs Reborn #
Adds various types of bombs to the game, craftable at a workbench (except for fill bomb).
These bombs affect tiles or walls within their explosion radius.

* Fill bomb & dynamite
* Wall bomb & dynamite
* Water bomb & dynamite
* Evaporation bomb & dynamite
* Hell bomb & dynamite

Version 0.2.1:
* Port to tModLoader v0.10.1.5
Version 0.2.2:
* Added sticky variants of most items (Recipe: bomb/dynamite + 1 Gel, by hand)
* Added config option to make bombs that create tiles un-slope touched tiles
* Changed dirt bomb & dynamite to fill bomb & dynamite
* Uses items from your inventory now, and not just dirt
* Crafting recipe changed to bomb/dynamite + 10/20 dirt + 10/20 stone at an alchemy table or bottle
Version 0.2.4:
* Port to tModLoader v0.11.5 (integrated ModConfig)
* Evaporation bombs now evaporate all liquids, not just water
Version 0.2.5:
* Port to tModLoader v0.11.7.5
* Added wall bomb/dynamite, places a bomb at your cursor and destroys only walls (Recipe: bomb/dynamite + 5/10 dirt + 5/10 stone at a workbench)

Visit the Mod's Homepage for even more info

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (126.4 KB)

Lead82 (Victor Poudero…

ZenithSpellBook add a singular magic book made from various iconic magic weapons . It slowly charge while firing random projectiles in a diminishing spread , when the projectiles start to overlap the book open and fire a large animated laser beam .

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Weapons+ Mod
Download v0.0.8 (300.4 KB)


Weapon+ Mod v0.0.8

Note: This mod's development has just started, don't expect many items yet.

The mod in its current state adds:
- 1 Melee weapon
- 1 Magic weapon

-Made the final version of the Dragon's Flare

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
More Demon Eyes
Download v1.5.3 (220.5 KB)

Riften Guard

More Demon Eyes is a small mod that adds in 38 eye related enemies, 2 ore, 29 items, 3 new accessories, 2 sets of armor with weapons made with the ore, 2 tools, a pet, and 4 tiles. (Thank you Cobalt for helping me code this)


Updated Eye See You Projectile sprite


Bug Fixes


Added an town NPC


Changed most Eye spawn rates and added a new secret enemy that drops a weapon and has their own banner (*Hint* It spawns after Skeletron)


Sprite and balance changes


Last minute bug fixes and sprite changes


Bug Fixes and Balance changes (most importantly, both eye armors supports non vanilla classes like rogue and bard)


Topaz Eyes correctly drops 2 topaz, eye pendent is made at a iron anvil, and ALL eye enemies got balance changes


Reduced the lunar eye damage by 10 points


Buffed the lunar eyes damage by 100%


Devil Eye got their horns back and 1 new accessory


Fix a bug where cavern eyes would spawn in the dungeon


New wings and sprite changes


A lot of sprite and balance changes


Added 2 new throwing weapons and some balance changes


We don't talk about version 1.3.6


Balance changes and localization changes


Added 1 new accessory


Bug Fixes


Sprite updates to the Cosmic Seeker armor, nerfed the Eye Poker, and everything made of Galactic Bars is cheaper to make


Fixed a few bugs


Added 2 new npc's, 1 new ore/tile, a new armor set and weapons with that new ore, and 8 new items


Added the endless silver bullet pouch


Fixed very problematic bugs


Added 12 enemies, 1 item, 1 new tile, and some minor bug fixes


Greatly improved the peeper helmet sprite.


Made some balance changes, minor bug fixes, and updated the devil eye sprite.


Made the eyeshakes have a 100% chance to drop.


Made the eye tools more viable and changed most of the eyes sprites.


Made the peeper set more universal.


Adds 1 new enemy and a new potion. (The last 2 versions was nothing too special.)


Adds 1 new pet.


Adds 6 new eyes, 2 items, and fixed an issue where you can blow up eye ore without defeating EOW or BOC.


Adds 16 eye enemies, 1 ore, and 8 items.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
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