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More Bosses
Download v0.2.1 (197.3 KB)


Really bad mod do not get



Test update with no new changes

I've forgotten everything before 0.2.01

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Celestial Weaponry
Download v0.7.3.1 (1.8 MB)


Currently features:

Added Libra's HE Daggers from Mental Omega.

Because the floor is lava.

This mod intends to add weapons and items from various media such as anime and other video games!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Bloodborne Healing
Download v1.1 (16.8 KB)

Leviathan & Caseratis

This mod adds the Blood Vial from the game Bloodborne.
- Heals 40% of your max life when used
- Gives potion sickness for 30 seconds
- Obtained when creating a character or with 30 lesser healing potions at a bottle
- Heals a max of 5 times in prehardmode, 7 times in hardmode, 10 times post Moonlord
- Refilled at nurse or when you die
Caseratis - Coder
Leviathan - Came up with the idea
LordMetarex - Made the Blood Vial sprite

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Jojo Bizarre Adventure Stands
Download v0.1 (7.1 KB)


Jojo Bizarre Adventure Stands is a mod that adds in Star Platinum.
I might add in more later

10 Fallen Stars
10 Platinum Bars

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Keybrands+ Re:coded
Download v1.0.40 (1.1 MB)


A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory...
A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream...
I want to line the pieces up... yours, and mine.

Keybrands+ Re:coded is, as the name suggests, a full rewrite of the original Keybrands+ mod that I made a very long time ago.
It aims to add many keybrands with some being stronger or more versatile than others and also to expand the concepts of multi-class weaponry and equipment.
Gather keybrands throughout the game to combat the Heartless threat and become the one true keybrand master!

Currently, this mod adds:
Many, many keybrands, most providing alternate attack modes and attached abilities, plus a rework of the original Keybrand
A new town NPC, the Keybrand Master who sells restorative potions and useful materials
A new currency, Munny, used to purchase various goods
Several crafting materials, used to make and upgrade keybrands, among other things
Several consumables, including a salty yet sweet treat, and a panacea to cure all that ails you
Several accessories, including the Crown Charm which will grant you a second chance, and multiple tiers of enhanced gliding
This mod also introduces a new resource used by keybrands, MP, which does not regenerate naturally but can be restored through several methods and will recharge when depleted

Planned features:
Many more keybrands! It wouldn't be Keybrands+ without them!
Several different Heartless and Nobody types to fight
An item synthesis system with recipes that need to be deciphered
Sub-armor, equipment that can be synthesized to increase certain stats
And much more!

Chem - Creator of Keybrands+ and lead dev
Dan Yami - Lead dev

Licflagg, Q, LuftRaptor - Ideas and support
Teesi - Resprites for some keybrands

Version History:
Added an icon to denote the damage type of a keybrand's alternate attack mode
Added Spiritualist Essence, the summon equivalent to the Warrior, Guardian, and Mystic essences, currently unobtainable but will be important later on
Added Stardust Fragment to the recipe of the Zenith Fragment to accomodate for the addition, it'll also use Spiritualist Essence when it becomes obtainable

Keybrand and Kingdom Key can only be used after Plantera is defeated
Kingdom Key requires 3 Zenithite to craft, rather than just 1
Zenithite is a lot less common from all sources
Zenithite now has a greatly reduced droprate from enemies when a boss is alive
Treasure Chests no longer spawn while a boss is alive

Optimized Munny and MP Orb pickup logic
Renamed Treasure Magnet to Munny Magnet to reduce confusion with the vanilla 1.4 item of the same name, this will mean that any existing Treasure Magnets will turn into unloaded items (thankfully they are fairly cheap to replace)
Slightly shrinked Strike Raid's hitbox, this shouldn't affect the overall effectiveness of the projectile
Changed the homepage to link to the github repository, in the readme you'll be able to find the discord invite link

Gave Strike Raid and Judgment afterimages and fixed up Eternal Flames' afterimages
Reduced the damage nerf for Judgment if being used with the normal Keybrand, since it made that kinda useless in general
Keybrand Mold no longer requires a shortsword
Added a secret method to obtain a certain item

Added the Hollow Sigil, a challenge item obtained on character creation, or by crafting it at a demon altar
Favoriting the Hollow Sigil will lock your maximum life to 1 point, this has a special interaction with the Crown Charm
Zenithite+ can now be found in Treasure Chests, having a 1/256 chance to replace any normal Zenithite that would drop

Judgement has reduced damage and crit rate when hitting the same target

Fixed Judgement targeting behaving strangely if its current target is behind a wall
Judgement should no longer get stuck on enemies that turn invincible (I.E. Moon Lord's eyes)

Due to the fact that it's entirely possible to have a dungeon without an Abyssal Tide, they are now always generated in chests containing a Muramasa
Zenithite+ is now actually obtainable, apparently I disabled them for some reason, probably because they were pretty useless
Added Aero-Carbon Alloy, Aerosteel Plating, and Aerogel, which all can be found in chests and can be used along with a single Zenithite+ to make the Zenitherium Crucible, though its use is currently purely aesthetic

Judgement now homes into enemies it hasn't hit recently instead of being controlled with the cursor
Judgement gives 1/3 of the usual delta granted from damage dealt, the same reduction applies to Draconic Flare's debris
Reduced Keybrand D/Kingdom Key D alt attack MP cost and

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Motion Blurs
Download v1.3.1 (43.9 KB)


Adds motion blur effects to projectiles and npcs. Instant epic mode. Adjust settings if laggy or not to your taste.
- Config: Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/Motion Blurs Config.json
- Source:

- Updated to Mod Helpers v2.0.1
- Added public API to apply custom blurs
- Revised trail fx renderers completely
- Improved trail appearance considerably
- Now requires Hamstar Helpers v1.1.4
- First release

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Map Markers
Download v1.4.2.1 (170.7 KB)


Map Markers allows you to place markers on map.
Markers are stored per-player so other players on server will not see your markers, unless they set as Global.
Global markers can be edited or deleted only by their owners, or anyone if owner set marker as "Public edit" or "Public delete".
Starting with v1.1.0, multiplayer marker limit exists, it is set to 5 per player by default, this can be changed using mod's console command.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Expanded Flail Arsenal
Download v1.14 (382.2 KB)


---Expanded Flail Arsenal---

Expanded Flail Arsenal is mod thats main goal is to make Terraria beatable using only flails

As of now, the mod currently has:
- 33 new flails
- 2 new armor sets
- 5 new shields
- 7 new melee/flail accessories

Want more information about anything ingame?
Check the wiki:

==== Announcement ====
The final major update of the mod has released

If you have witnessed a bug, please come to the discord server to tell me

-- Dev Team --
Sir Mark

-- Helpers --

-added 2 new accessories
-fixed code

-adds in new SpaceKnight helmet
-numerous fixes and changes

-adds in 8 new flails
-adds in 1 new accessoy
-adds in 1 new armor set
-adds in 1 new armor piece

-buf fixes
-changed a few stats

-nerfed a few flails

-fixed a few rarites

-fixed Ball and Chain bone attack
-fixed Starvation direction it faced
-improved the Chained Bolt shine

-added Chained Bolt
-added Starvation
-added Snowball
-added Final Striker

-added Frozen Lantern
-added Magical Triangle
-added Shroomite Warhead

-fixed particles of Cursed Soul

-added new spin buffs to a few flails
-changed a few recipes

-buffed all flails

-some flails now have 1.4 flail mechanics
-added 5 new shields
---Molten, Rotten, Flesh, Turtle and Beetle
-added new flail chain accessories
---Chain Shackle, Oil Shackle, Hellfire Shackle and Shadowflame Shackle
-added Crusader armor
-added dev weapons

-added Eternal Soul

-fixed Flyal rarity

-added Star Eye (design and idea by Vitt)

-new players now spawn with an Adventurer's Lantern

-buffed Scarlet Raptors
-buffed Cursed Soul

-fixed Scarlet Raptors recipe

-added Scarlet Raptors
-added Cursed Soul

-removed Agonizer
-removed The Slaughter

-forgot to add a way to get Flyal, so i added it in now

-added Flyal

-added Crusader
-added True Crusader

-changed name to Expanded Flail Arsenal

-made The Cookie obtainable

-added The Cookie

-Ball & Chain can now be dropped by skeletons
-Silver Spinner and Tungsten Spinner now have correct rarity

-fixed a few typos

-added Silver Spinner
-added Tungsten Spinner
-added Ball & Chain

-Birdies feathers now have there own sprite
-mod icon doenst work

-The Hive now works with Hive Pack
-added mod icon

-added Agonizer
-added The Slaughter
-Birdies feathers no longer home in on enemies

-added Adventurer's Lantern
-added Thorny Flail
-added The Hive
-added Solar Fury
-added Amalgam
-added Birdie
-added Bundle O' Joy

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.1 (17.9 MB)


Hello and welcome to my 4-month long, one-man project called TerraScape!
In short, it's a mod dedicated to recreating content from the 2007 OldSchool RuneScape servers in Terraria.
One of the goals of this mod is to provide balanced and fun game mechanics to add to your ordinary Terraria experience.

Version 1.2.1 updates:
Updated to tModLoader v0.11.6.1
A new feature: Slayer!
Added 5 different slayer masters, enchanted gem, skip token, pack of potions, pack of healing potions (also greater variant) & bacon pack.
4 new bosses, based on the superior slayer monsters.
New endgame melee weapons: Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin & Zamorak godswords and the Saradomin Sword. These are currently obtained from the slayer shop, they will be moved to the God Wars if such update will be released. (no promises yet)

Read the forum post for more details.

Current content includes:
Total of 394 items
70 Weapons (22 Melee, 10 Ranged, 37 Magic and 1 throwing)
14 Armor sets + 95 vanity items
20 Enemies
14 Bosses
One new Town NPC, with 5 variants based on progression
One new ore

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.1 Edit | Delete
Loot Craze
Download v0.2 (65.7 KB)


Welcome to Loot Craze! As the name suggests, there's a lot of loot to be found! The mod's just a general content expansion mod, where I just add a lot of things. Fight otherwise lackluster enemies for rare, combineable drops. Challenge new, unique, bosses! Enjoy :)

Currently adds 32 new items and 1 new boss!

Check out the forum page here:

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Tenebrae Mod
Download v1.6.4.1 (1.2 MB)

Scratch Lunin and the Te…

The Tenebrae Mod is a mod that aims to improve the overall Terraria experience by adding new weapons, items, and other bits of content / QoL changes.
We plan to add a lot more stuff in due time, including post-ML content (a new biome and gamemode), plus a full overhaul to the meteorite biome.
A lot of the coming changes will be focused around a theme of "cosmic horror".

This mod is currently W.I.P.

Programmers- Scratch Lunin, Sag, mint william, Vintage, Darkuss
Spriters- Scratch Lunin, PSM, Strunter
Conceptulizers- WAV42 Big E, Slayer
Musicians- Squid and (possibly) Scratch Lunin

v1.6.4.1 Changelog: "The What Kind of Update Is This Update"

- Resprited Shade Sphere and Bloodbane
- Resprited and renamed the Darklight to Abaddon
- Increased chance for Medusas to drop Pocket Mirror from 1/100 (1%) to 1/20 (5%)

v1.6.4 Changelog: "Resprites and Fixes: The Sequel"

- Added 9 new unsafe variants of Dungeon Walls, which can be crafted from normal walls or bricks
- Added the ability to convert Dungeon Walls to Dungeon Bricks and vice versa
- Added the Stone Caltrop
- Resprited the Pot Mimic Banner (both item and tile)
- Resprited the Meteark and its projectile
- Resprited and reworked Eyebow to fire an alternate arrow on right-click
- Replaced Reflective Glove with Blind Man's Glasses
- Changed the Sightseeker's Rarity from Blue to Pink
- Changed recipes of Sticky and Bouncy Spiky Balls to now give 20 instead of 10 and 4, respectively
- Buffed Nebula Vaporwave (increased damage from 75 to 150) and fixed the Vaporwave projectile's animation being too slow
- Buffed the Meteark (use time decreased from 40 to 30, now fires meteors every 2 swings)
- Buffed and resprited the Skelerang (it now leaves a trail of gravity-affected bones in its path)
- Removed Feral Shots and gave the Feral Bite immunity to Medicated Bandage and its upgrades
- Removed Flesh Gauntlet and Berserked debuff
- This also fixed an issue where enemies lost all contact damage after being struck
- Removed Venom Antidote and gave the Venom immunity to Medicated Bandage and its upgrades
- Gave Webbed immunity to Armor Bracing and its upgrades
- Fixed a bug where the Pot Mimic would be invisible in the Underground Snow biome
- Fixed the projectile sprite of the Mecharang being the old sprite
- Fixed an issue where Spectre Spiky Balls could lifesteal from Target Dummies
- Fixed issues where the Nebula Vaporwave and Spectre Obliterator projectiles homed towards Target Dummies

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Azercadmium Mod Music
Download v0.3.1.4 (14.5 MB)

BraycoeYT and the Develo…

Azercadmium Mod Music is a mod that gives music to the bosses. You might want this if you have Azercadmium.
Currently themes for:
~Ember Glades
~Titan Tankorb
~Matrix Scavenger
~Empress Slime

Version History:
~Changed the logo back to the cave form.
~Added theme for the Eldritch Jellyfish.
~Removed theme for Empress Slime.
~Added theme for the Ember Glades.
~Updated Logo.
~Added theme for Titan Tankorb.
~Linked Github (can't be done before the release).
~Added themes for Dirtball, Matrix Scavenger, and Empress Slime.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
The Super Funny High Quality Community Made Content Mod
Download v1.2 (33.2 MB)

The Crew

The Super Funny High Quality Community Made Content Mod is a collaborative experiment in modding. We gathered over 80 "developers" and attempted to "code" this monstrosity. If this has caught your eye, feel free to download it, although the result may not please you.

-Added a bunch of stuff that was going to be for updates in the future, have fun finding them all!
-Goodbye and thanks for all the laughs (and downloads).
-This will be the final update of this this mod, although it may be developed in the future.

V1.1.0.1 - HOTFIX

-Endless Mode
-Multiple resprites
-Fun and interesting new items
-Boss checklist improvements
-A few config options
-Fargo's Mutant mod compatability
-Some content from the mod "compendium of trash", the successor of PaS which sadly died
-And more!

-Boss Checklist compatibility


~~~ LEAD DEVS ~~~

Pyxis (creator), Arnold Palmer, musicman, TigerShark, Split, efcawesome

Exitium, Shardion,convicted tomatophile (Stevie)

multibanana, Fargowilta, A44, BabyBlueSheep, Doodle, PuddingPepzi, Randomtrr2, Hugekraken, Lemmy, Rebmiami, yogu, bob100, Bobby 4852, the42ndcorgi, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Samuel Werner, nelomanee, Phanta


yelloface, A Bad Spriter, LolXD87, Amnosia, bruhmomento, AP STP, Apple Stick, Arcri, Arcyanide, BM124, WINGNUT, Bousta, BrimstonelordT, Robber234, lettuce, Cabig, bruoh, Cherry, Chimken Numgets, CreeperSaga95, Croissant, Shawdy's Like A Melody, Red Lee, CC, D4rK3R_66, Daboy, daim, DAYSA, desest scourge, Dumb Sharpener, MuffinsMuffins1, Eh Maybe, Enanodso, Drain, ez veszélyes, Sneaklone, Legofactor, Memora, festivneer, Fixit20153, FreeLancer, gareb3ar1, EpicCrownKing, GitGudWO, gitl, GMA, Gongaga, groove time babey!!!!?!?, It'sSquid, izzyandviolins, CrackJackery, JellyBru, Kevert_321, Krito, Klink, Komotho, KrazyxWolf, LightFleece, Lihi02, Lunkexs, Maskano, R8DIO, Thatonekid415, Mello, Microwaved Sun, monkeee, ee, Totally Not A Hentai PFP, moonburn, Neon, Nerbins, NO, No Me Soy, Nomis, Oli. H, or_not_er, OS, Ranipla, Fefo06aert, PlaceholderName, Plane 'n Boom, potato, energykid, prirp, raspribbon, Real_Lucien_Fielder, Vadim, Rhyex, rish, Roboglitch, Salvati, Sane039, Sans, ScreechamusPrime, Seraph, Sevenberry, sised, SolariumTea, Osiris the Fallen, Sploopo, Ssssstar control 2, bricc, SuccCentral, GoldenCraftVSGames, Gabe///, Walking House, The Prophet, the sin of drunk, TheCherrynuke, Carleah22, Tip, tired, TechTato, a cats, UltraYarida, Universe, Vector, Velboyoyo, Victor16, Voup, THE m, Woodio, Xlaine, Yana, YourAverageCasual, ZefroW, ZETRYJEN, Zote, Pyrossal, BlazenBreaker, PlatinumOre, Emperor OwOpatine, Birb Might, AndreyGhoxt, bob cry, Depressed Chara, Red Lunatic, Bat Mox

Hey! You scrolled to the bottom! Good job! Here's some planned things for you!
-4 new bosses
-A new biome, the mech biome filled with wonders and horrors
-A new class built around one of the most powerful weapons in the game
-Endless mode exclusive items for each boss and miniboss
-And much more...

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
The Unchained Terrarian
Download v0.3 (271.8 KB)


A heavily work-in-progress weapon mod by XSlayer300. This mod currently adds four weapons based from Doom first person shooter series. But there will be more to come by in further updates...


== Changelog ==
Added another new weapon, no other than the Super Shotgun!
Added the Marine Survivor; Sells TUT-related equipment. Sprite made by DerpoTheMagnificent, animated by me, sorta.
-Moving him to a house is just like the Dryad.
Removed crafting recipes for all of the weapons due to the above change.
Balanced the cost of all of the weapons and ammo.
Added proper weapon sounds from Doom.
Decreased firing rate of the shotgun.
Other assorted changes which I forget.

Added a new weapon, the Chaingun!
Decreased firing rate of the pistol.

Initial Release.

== Credits ==
Me: Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Chaingun, Pistol, Bullet Box sprites; Coding
Id Software: Shotgun box sprite
Example Mod: Example codes of some assets
DerpoTheMagnificent: Marine Surivor sprite
perkristian: Royality-free High Resolution Doom sounds, used for Doom 1 weapons
Tmodloader: For helpin' me out, sometimes. As well as making this mod possible.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Dryad's Wood Stash
Download v1.3 (12 KB)


Dryad's Wood Stash is a mod that makes the Dryad sell Wood Piles for a price.

Wood Piles can then be crafted into any kind of wood using a workbench.
[Except for Dynasty Wood and Spooky Wood]

This mod basically makes the Dryad sell wood for a price.

v1.3 - very slightly reduced the wood's price

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
More Minishark's Mod
Download v1.6.0 (108.5 KB)


This mod adds in:

- 4+ Accessories
- 16+ New Guns
- 1+ New NPCs

short shark lmao

(Note: For some reason, debuffs from guns aren't working. Trying to work on a fix!)

1.6.0 Changes:
• Added New "Draykshark" Weapon.
• Added New "Shark Defibrillator" Item.
• Nerfed Advashark shooting speed to be more fit for 2nd best.
• Fixed Corruptshark and Ichorshark damage for hardmode.
1.5.0 Changes:
• (My Uncle Passed So I Added Items in Tribute to him.)
• Added Kansas City Chiefs Jersey
• Added Kansas City Chiefs Flag
• Added My Uncle's Gun With a Red & Yellow Color Scheme.
• Bug Fixes.
v1.4 Changes:
• Added new "Shark" Town NPC.
• Added the "Original Terra Shark" from the "Terra Shark" Mod.
• Added new "Ironshark" Weapon.
• Added new "Leadshark" Weapon.
v1.3.2 Changes:
• Removed Shark Fin from the "Woodenshark" Crafting Recipe.
v1.3 Changes:
• Added New "Woodenshark" Gun, a Very Early Game Weapon.
• Added New "Shark Tooth" Accessory.
• Added New "Golden Shark Teeth" Accessory.
• Added New "Living Shark Fin" Accessory.
• Added New "Shark Heart" Accessory.
• Changed Advashark Crafing Recipe to Now include the "Shark Heart".
v1.2.5 Changes:
• Updated Terrashark in the Mod Icon to have the new Texture.
• Added New "Shortest Shark" Gun, a Hardmode Weapon.
• Changed Advashark Crafing Recipe to Now include the "Shortest Shark".
v1.2 Changes:
• Buffed Corruptshark, Made It Faster & Made The Crafting Recipe More Expensive. Is Now Made at a Demon Alter.
• Buffed Ichorshark, Made It Faster & Made The Crafting Recipe More Expensive. Is Now Made at a Demon Alter.
• Changed Terrashark Texture To Be a More Green Color.
• Fixed Pistishark Having To Be Crafted at a Mythril Anvil.
• Made Every Gun Excluding, the "Terrashark", "Skyshark" & "True Minishark" Now Require a Varied amount of Shark Fins Instead of a Minishark.
v1.1.1 Changes:
• Buffed Terrashark
• Changed Terrashark Crafting Recipe.
v1.1.0 Changes:
• Nerfed True Minishark
• Added New "Broken Hero Gun" Item.
• Changed True Minishark Crafting Recipe.

Credits To:
Tobias: Spriter

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Do it with a copper shortsword!
Download v0.1.0.1 (3.7 KB)


Do it with a copper shortsword!
Copper shortswords get stronger the more kills they get.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.5 (37.3 KB)


Converts the sprites and sounds of coins to Legend of Zelda rupees.

Shares a homepage with my main mod.


* icon
* Github integration
* tModLoader v0.10.1.4


* tModLoader v0.10.1.3


* tModLoader v0.10.1


* fixed crafting bug that was affecting other mods (introduced in v1.0.1)


* tModLoader v0.10.0.1


* sprites and sounds are now correctly restored when disabling this mod without restarting the game

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Secret Dyes
Download v2.0.1 (65 KB)



A small mod to add a few special dyes
to the game using hidden shader effects.

The dyes are available in a variety
of colors for those that use it (one :P).

Obtain the dyes at the Dye Vat with
specific recipes involving Strange Plants.

Latest Patch (2.0.1):
- Rebuilt with latest ShaderLib to stop crashes

Latest Update (2.0):
- Updated to latest ShaderLib version.
- Dev dye now ignores player direction

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Better Russian Font (Улучшенный русский шрифт)
Download v1.0.1 (18.8 MB)

Translators Team & Mirsa…


This mod replaces the ugly vanilla Russian font with a beautiful Cyrillic version of Andy Bold (the font that the game uses for English), which fits this game perfectly and, most importantly, doesn't make your anyone's eyes bleed.


Этот мод заменяет отвратительный ванильный русский шрифт на красивую русифицированную версию Andy Bold (шрифт, используемый игрой для английского языка), которая идеально подходит этой игре и, самое главное, не вызывает ни у кого кровотечения из глаз.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>