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Longbows FTW
Download v1.11 (10.6 KB)


Longbows FTW is a small mod that does two things:
-It adds Longbows made from Hardmode ores (including Chlorophyte and Hallowed). They are non-Mechanical equivalents to Repeaters.
-It makes Repeaters shoot slower, but with more damage, velocity and knockback. This way there is more variety for arrow-shooting weapons.
I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to Dota for the Portuguese translation.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Angler++ (No Quest Delay, Shop)
Download v0.1.1 (41.6 KB)


No Quest Wait Time.
Custom Angler Shop.
Quests Completed Tally.
More Coming Soon.

Adjust Potion Prices

Release"> Sick of hunting for bait and waiting another day for a new quest?
Angler++ seeks to solve both of these problems.

The Angler now owns a store selling fishing themed items, potions, rods and even bait!

No Quest Wait Time.
Custom Angler Shop.
Quests Completed Tally.
More Coming Soon.

Adjust Potion Prices


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Crouch, Crawl, and Roll
Download v1.2.2 (53.8 KB)


This mod allows you to, as the title suggests, crouch, crawl, and roll!
Crouching, crawling, or rolling halves your height, allowing you to fit into 1.5 block spaces.
Hold the Crouch key (I recommend CTRL and rebinding Smart Cursor) to, well, crouch.
Stay still while holding crouch to charge a crouch jump, which is higher and faster than normal!
Move while crouching to start crawling! Your speed is halved while doing this.
Press the crouch key while moving to roll! Rolling speed is increased by jump speed (like from frog legs).
Melee weapons deal 15% more damage and knockback during the first half of a roll.
Pressing and holding crouch midair will make you dive, increasing your horizontal speed.
Holding Crouch while diving and moving will make you roll when you hit the ground, reducing fall damage by 100!

Version 1.2.2
- Added Hotkey to toggle crawling so you dont need to hold down the crouch key
- Reduced diving runspeed multiplier from 2x to 1.5x
- You can now roll while crawling

Version 1.2.1
- Added support for mods to disable the ability to crouch using mod.Call
The arguments are
"CanCrouch" //string which is required
p //int for the player's index
canCrouch //bool whether the player can input crouch (point being to set this to false)
forceUnCrouch //bool which, if true, forces the player to uncrouch (forcing their head into the ceiling)

Example use:

Mod crouchMod = ModLoader.GetMod("CrouchMod");
if (crouchMod != null)
crouchMod.Call("CanCrouch", player.whoAmI, false, true);

Version 1.2
- Added Shoes of the Blur, now you can do a spin dash just like sonic!
- Added Shoes of the Rolling Blur, combination of Shoes of the Blur and Cross Charm
- Increased money value of Cross Charm and Charm of Immunity
- Reduced immunity frames granted from Charm of Immunity and Cross Charm from 24 to 20
- Tweaked tumbling physics and animation (rolling on a slope)
- You now tumble when you land with a dive
- You no longer get the melee weapon damage and knockback bonus towards the end of your roll

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Thorium Class Tags Consistency
Download v1.0.5 (22 KB)


Adds the Thorium -Class Tags- to other classes items (Warrior, Ranger, Sorcerer, Summoner, Thrower).
Will not work with most mods when it comes to armors and accessories, but obviously has Thorium (and Orchid) compatibility.

Changelogs :
- Added tags to celestial fragments.
- Dynamite is not tagged as a sorcerer item anymore.
- Mod is now client-side.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Mask Shop
Download v0.7.0 (69.4 KB)


Adds town NPC who sells variety of new masks.
Moves in after Eye of Cthulhu is killed.

v0.7.0 changes:
-fruity update

v0.6.3 changes:
-some minor visual improvements

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
More Things Mod
Download v1.1.0 (53.4 KB)

Yuu Otosaka

+4 Removed weapons
+2 New weapons
+2 New items
+16 Unobtainable tools
+8 New crafts
Mod localizated for Russian!

Versions Info:
1.1.0 - Fixed bugs with Suspicious Antenna.
1.0.9 - Added Venomourne. It can be combined on Tinkerers Workbench.
1.0.8 - Added Firemourne and Explosivo. It can be purchased from Cyborg.
1.0.7 - NanoGun can now be purchased from Cyborg.
1.0.6 - Added NanoGun that is currently unreachable. Updated icon.
1.0.5 - Added icon."> +4 Removed weapons
+2 New weapons
+2 New items
+16 Unobtainable tools
+8 New crafts
Mod localizated for Russian!

Versions Info:
1.1.0 - Fixed bugs with Suspicious Antenna.
1.0.9 - Added Venomourne. It can be combined on Tinkerers Workbench.
1.0.8 - Added Firemourne and Explosivo. It can be purchased from Cyborg.
1.0.7 - NanoGun can now be purchased from Cyborg.
1.0.6 - Added NanoGun that is currently unreachable. Updated icon.
1.0.5 - Added icon.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Trelamium Mod Remastered
Download v0.2.4 (22.3 MB)

Rubber Duck

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Master Mode
Download v0.2.2 (7.8 KB)


Vanilla 1.4 was taking too long so behold the long awaited Master Mode.

-All enemies have 3x Hp and 3x damage
-That's it

-In Expert Mode stats are only multiplied by 1.5x (3x total)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Steel Custom Race
Download v0.8.6.88 (590.8 KB)


Flexible body made out of living steel. Race of an researchers and explorers, protectors and guardians.
They are not fit to harm, but harming them - is a bad idea. SECOND RACIAL ABILITY ADDITION RACIAL ABILITY UPDATE
-All of the upcoming updates will be mostly for balance purpose.
-Requires MrPlague's Authentic Races to work.



-SnowMelon (Steel race creator)

Original mod:
-MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder)
-CrocWithShades (betatester)
-Dragons Tired (betatester)
-Blaquestone (gameplay balance)
-Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester)"> Description:
Flexible body made out of living steel. Race of an researchers and explorers, protectors and guardians.
They are not fit to harm, but harming them - is a bad idea. SECOND RACIAL ABILITY ADDITION RACIAL ABILITY UPDATE
-All of the upcoming updates will be mostly for balance purpose.
-Requires MrPlague's Authentic Races to work.



-SnowMelon (Steel race creator)

Original mod:
-MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder)
-CrocWithShades (betatester)
-Dragons Tired (betatester)
-Blaquestone (gameplay balance)
-Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Campfire Buffs
Download v1.3.1 (23.3 KB)


When near a campfire, you get the following additional buffs.

Mana Regeneration
Health Regeneration (stacks with campfire regen)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Example Mod
Download v0.11.8.3 (4.3 MB)

TML Team

Learn how to mod with tModLoader by exploring the source code for this mod.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.6 (10.9 KB)


Makes all flying minions pass through terrain to prevent them from getting stuck.

Does not change ground minions. Tested on all vanilla minions. Should work with all mod minions.

Shares a homepage with my main mod.


Now only affects minions that take minion slots to prevent some attacks from being affected.


* icon
* Github integration
* tModLoader v0.10.1.4


* tModLoader v0.10.1.3


* tModLoader v0.10.1


* fixed crafting bug that was affecting other mods (introduced in v1.0.1)


* tModLoader v0.10.0.1

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Dark Souls Vanity Pack
Download v0.2.0 (154.1 KB)


***************Welcome Home Ashen One.***************

This mod is a Vanity Pack, meaning these armors
have no effect on gameplay, other than looks.

This mod aims to add most of the fan favorite armors
from the entire Dark Souls franchise. (no Sekiro/Bloodborne)
And bring some of the deep & grim lore along with them.

This mod is currently under active development,
and I would like to include the community in said development.
Feel free to send me (On Discord @ Articulo#1394)
any recommendations of an armor set you would like to see.
Feedback and critiques are also greatly appreciated/encouraged.

Every tooltip you see in this mod is the actual flavor text of
the armor in Dark Souls itself.

Every armor peice added by my mod has the same recipe.
- 10 Ash Blocks
- 5 Silk
- 1 Iron/Lead Bar
@ Any Anvil

This is the list of every single set added by my mod SO FAR
-Slave Knight Set
-Sun & Iron Set
-Wolf Knight Set
-Catarina Set
-Firelink Set
-Thrall Deserter Set
-Havel's Set
-Faraam Set
-Dragonscale Set
-Leonhard's Set

Hope You All Enjoy,


Prithee be careful, I don't want to see my work squandered.


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Starter Bag (Pre-Boss Gear)
Download v1.2.1 (12.2 KB)


Starter Bag (Pre-Boss Gear) adds a Starter Bag that you receive when you
create a new character, it includes:
-Hermes Boots
-Cloud in a Bottle
-Grappling Hook
-20 Bombs
-Copper Armor

Update 1.1:
-New Icon
Update 1.2:
-Updated Sprite
-Updated Icon
-Now the Starter Bag includes Copper Armor
Update 1.2.1
-Description fix

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Adjustable Anything
Download v1.3 (261.3 KB)


Adjustable Anything is the final form of Global{NPC, Item, Projectile} mods.
The world is under your control now - projectile splitting, NPC health, weapon damage...

Set any configuration option to -1 to disable it.

Links to lists of the IDs required for some parameters (Shoot, AI, etc...) can be found on the homepage.

If you know your way around C#, we're in need of some code cleaning, too.

---v1.3 CHANGELOG---
New options added to the config to selectively choose what Items, NPCs and Projectiles to not modify.
Updated old "Except Special" config option to either block or only allow modifications to things listed in the new config options.

Redid like... 4% of the code?
Drank a lot of coffee.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Split Screen
Download v2.0.1 (1.2 MB)


Adds split screen multiplayer with gamepads and multiple keyboards/mice
Please visit the mod page for installation instructions.

Check the mod homepage if you have any issues setting up multiple keyboards/mice

Mac/Linux users please use version 1.0.1: Version 2.0.0+ will not work!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
True Tooltips
Download v1.3.2.4 (61.7 KB)



Change the color of- or turn off most vanilla tooltip lines. Set the alpha value to 0 to turn a line off.

Change the position and line spacing of the tooltip.

Show the item's full-size sprite.

Ammo Line
Shows the item's ammo's name, amount and rarity, shows the mod that adds the ammo if "Mod name next to item name" is on and shows the ammo the item needs if the item has no ammo. Works with fishing poles and tile wands.

Better Price Line
Correct sell price for items with custom price, always visible, better color coding, cleaner. Replaces vanilla price line.

Velocity Line
Shows the item's velocity. May not always be accurate due to items shooting multiple different projectiles, projectiles changing velocity mid flight, etc..

Better Speed Line
Shows attacks per second. Replaces vanilla speed line.

Better Knockback Line
Shows knockback as a number. Replaces vanilla knockback line.

Combines weapon and ammo damage and weapon and ammo velocity and combines weapon and ammo knockback if "Better Knockback Line" is on.

Shows the mod that adds the item next to the item's name.

Adds a background to tooltips.

Changes the layout of the tooltip to be more readable.

Gives text that appears when hovering over items with custom rarity that are dropped or in the hotbar the right color and shows the name of the frontmost dropped item instead of the backmost.

Turn off text pulse.
A fully customizable tooltip-enhancing mod.
Now client-side.


Change the color of- or turn off most vanilla tooltip lines. Set the alpha value to 0 to turn a line off.

Change the position and line spacing of the tooltip.

Show the item's full-size sprite.

Ammo Line
Shows the item's ammo's name, amount and rarity, shows the mod that adds the ammo if "Mod name next to item name" is on and shows the ammo the item needs if the item has no ammo. Works with fishing poles and tile wands.

Better Price Line
Correct sell price for items with custom price, always visible, better color coding, cleaner. Replaces vanilla price line.

Velocity Line
Shows the item's velocity. May not always be accurate due to items shooting multiple different projectiles, projectiles changing velocity mid flight, etc..

Better Speed Line
Shows attacks per second. Replaces vanilla speed line.

Better Knockback Line
Shows knockback as a number. Replaces vanilla knockback line.

Combines weapon and ammo damage and weapon and ammo velocity and combines weapon and ammo knockback if "Better Knockback Line" is on.

Shows the mod that adds the item next to the item's name.

Adds a background to tooltips.

Changes the layout of the tooltip to be more readable.

Gives text that appears when hovering over items with custom rarity that are dropped or in the hotbar the right color and shows the name of the frontmost dropped item instead of the backmost.

Turn off text pulse.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Spectral Aves' Calamity Chiptune Boxes Mod
Download v1.2 (14.3 MB)

Alphakip & SpectralAves

This mod adds special music boxes that play Spectral Aves' Calamity mod music remixes.

Boxes are crafted by catching a Spectral Avian in a bug net and putting it in a terrarium, crafting bread (Hay and a water bottle at a furnace), then crafting Bread with the respective box at the Spectral Avian Terrarium


~Thank you to SpectralAves for letting me make this mod

~Thank you to DM Dokuro for allowing us to use remixes of his music in this mod

~Thank you to the Calamity Devs for allowing us to make this mod

~Thank you to LordMetarex for allowing us to make 8-bit versions of their Music Box sprites

~Thank you to GabeHasWon for help with code

~Thank you to Hallam, God Of Rainbows for testing

~Thank you to Glitched_Pixel for the Icon

~Thank you to all of you who enjoy Spectral Aves' music

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Echoes of the Ancients
Download v1.0.7.1 (4 MB)

RandomZachOfKindness, Va…

Echoes of the Ancients is a general content mod that adds in many things, with a focus on cool and unique items.

Current content:

320+ new items.
2 new bosses.
Post-Moon Lord content.
Small Vanilla tweaks (configurable!).
5 new ores with accompanying sets.
Even more not listed here!

If you have any feedback, suggestions, bugs, or other things you want to share, join the Discord (Mod homepage)!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Worldbits: Yuyu's Microstructures
Download v0.1.1.2 (209.8 KB)


Worldbits is a mod that adds custom microstructures and world generation to the game! Some are tiny, natural features, and others are larger ruins with new items! There are currently 14 microstructures of varying sizes listed below:

- Asteroids
- Arcane Sky Island

- Abandoned House
- Ornate Pond Crossing
- Ruined Tower/Library
- Fallen Living Tree Branch
- Graveyard
- Campsite

- Frozen Fishing Hovel
- Snowed-in Ice Cabin
- Frozen Refuge

- Corrupt Nest
- Giant Bone Spikes

- Glowing Gravesite
- Gem Digsite

Please visit the forum page for any questions, suggestions, or bug reports. A medium/large world is highly suggested for optimized gameplay. Requires a brand new world to work when installed.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
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