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Terrarium Arcana
Download v1.4.4.5 (28.3 MB)


Terrarium Arcana

569 New Items - Including Weapons, Tools, Accessories, Armours, and More
38 New Enemies - Flying Cheeseburgers, Giants, Lobsters, Demons, Giant Spiders, and More
3 New Town NPCs - Add more character to your wooden boxes with 3 new 'people' to interact with
4 New Bosses - Ranging from Pre King Slime to Post Moon Lord
31 New Tiles - Including new ores and crafting stations such as Uranium, Galaxite, and Oil
36 New Effects - Ranging from potions that let you pierce armour, to debuffs that can topple even the Moon Lord himself
4 New Explosives - Spice up your world with uranium explosives that range from twice the size of dynamite, to ones that can obliterate an entire large world
2 New Pets - Hamsters and Bunnies!!! :)

Terrarium Arcana is a medium sized content mod which throws in new items, blocks, and npcs to the vanilla Terraria experience.


Added 3 new items, including 2 boss summoning items
Minor balancing.


Nerfed M134 Minigun's damage from 4 to 2
Added malachite arrows and bullets
Maybe some other things??? idk


Small random stuff
Oh, and a new item


Hot Fixes
Nerfed the laser drill pickaxe power to 224%


Added a post-Plantera recipe for chlorophyte bars
Fixed Omni Soul tooltip displaying 250% increased damage instead of 300%
Added a second tooltip to the fake gold key
Minor fixes


Added 14 new items
Added 13 new accessories
Added 1 new yo-yo obtained from Everscream


Added 30 new items
Added 2 new armour sets
Added 8 new enemies
Added 1 new mini boss
Added 2 new buff/debuffs
Added a couple vanilla recipes
Added a dungeon biome mimic with a summoning key
Balanced several vanilla and modded weapons
The dungeon now has hardmode pre-Plantera content
Added 2 new status messages for the pre-Plantera dungeon and the post-Moon Lord tundra
Reduced the chances of fishing up Miner's Dreams
Pirate Captains and the Flying Dutchman can now drop bags of loot and/or crates
Renamed the Devourer of Darkness to the Scourge of the Darkness, mostly because it sounded too similar to Devourer of Gods


Added 4 new items
Added 1 new buff and 2 new buff potions
Added a few vanilla recipes
Modified a few modded recipes
Orange slimes can now spawn anywhere in the cavern layer, but spawn more frequently roughly half way to Hell
Cosmic Overlord has more health
Changed a few projectile sprites


Added 2 new items obtained by fishing
Rebalanced a few armours
Fixed minor localisation issues


Added 11 new items
Rebalanced several post-Moon Lord weapons
Galaxite armour set bonus now triggers at a static 33% max health
Changed the Enchanting Altar's name from Enchanting Alter
Fixed other issues


Many vanilla weapon buffs/nerfs, including Betsy's Wrath, Chain Guillotines, and more


Fixed a bug involving the dark lance
Buffed a few vanilla weapons
Arrows and bullets now make impact noise on tile hit


Added 1 new item purchased from town npc
Vanilla balance changes


Reworked several guns
Vanilla and modded balance changes
Cleaned up some code


Vanilla and modded balance changes
Added 1 new buff


Vanilla balance changes
A few resprites
Fixed a bug where the lead axe would have 270% axe power under certain circumstances


Added 9 new items
Added 9 new tiles
Minor resprites
Multiple modded and vanilla balance changes


Added 1 new item
Added 1 new tile
Minor resprites


Added 28 new items
Added many new foods and other consumables
Added 3 new tiles
Several balance changes
Several resprites
Reworked the Malasama and changed it's name
Added 9 new effects


Added a handfull of new weapons
Several balance changes
Added death potions
Resprited several items


Several balance changes
Rebalanced even more weapons to 1.4 standard
Sabre-cats now spawn post EoC

Version 1.4.0:

Added 138 new items, which include weapons, armour, countless accessories, and many more
Added 6 new tiles and furniture
Added 3 town npcs
Added 14 new hostile npcs
Added 1 new boss
Added 6 new effects
Added 1 new pet
Updated many sprites
Bug fixes
Many balance changes

Version 1.3.8:

Added 10 new items
Updated several sprites

Version 1.3.6:

Added 5 new items
Several localisation changes
Several modded balances
Many bug fixes

Version 1.3.6:

Added 6 new items
Vanilla and Modded Balances
Bug fixes

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Another RPG Mod Edited
Download v0.9.6.13 (2.8 MB)

Shinx (Full credit to Pl…

This is an edited version of AnRPG mod made by Plexus.
I got permission from the mod author to upload this version and it will be removed if he wanted to.


Full changelog can be found at:
TL;DR: This version is much more balanced than the original mod, more suitable for playing in Multiplayer.

Have fun!

Main features:
- Deep RPG system with stat, classes and skill tree. Even weapons and armors have their own skill tree
- Every single enemy scales, including modded ones.
- Item rarity/modifier along with special enemy + boss rank/modifier. Be ready to deal with Dio (Yes you heard it right).

Most recent changelog:

- Fixed typo.
- Tweaked stats for throwing class branch.
- Added config option to turn on multiple projectiles for ranged weapon.
- Removed debug message, for real this time.
- Nerf early HM enemy HP/Defense.
- Buffed following bosses projectile damage:
+ Jensen (Shadows of Abaddon)
- Nerfed following bosses projectile damage:
+ Infernace (Elements Awoken)
- Removed debug message
- Buffed following bosses projectile damage:
+ Spirit (Split)
+ One-Shot(Split)
- Increased Queen Bee and Skeletron HP by 40% due to hard-coded defense (not being able to scale)
- Buffed enemy defense.
v0.9.6.6| Made changelog easier to read
- Buffed vanilla bosses projectile damage.
- Reverted VIT/CONS defense gain buff.
- Buffed enemy damage in Hardmode.
- Fixed bosses from Shadows of Abaddon and Split having ridiculous projectile damage.
- Fixed serious vanilla bosses projectile error.

- Buffed % Increased Defense node early game.
- Buffed VIT/CONS defense gain.
- Buffed boss HP + Defense.

- Added a different formula for projectile damage calculation when a boss is alive. This will somewhat prevent bosses' projectile from going crazy.

- Fixed serious bug with projectile damage calculation.

- Fixed wrong XP transfer calculation. Now correctly transfer 70% of XP from one item to another.

- Changed defense calculation formula a little bit for new worlds. At day 0, enemies get 50% of their defense value, up to 100% at day 20. With this change, you should struggle less in the first 20 days of your playthrough.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.1.1 (6.5 KB)


A mod in a box to make boxes for boxing.

Adds the Boxinator.
The Boxinator is an item that spawns a basic house, a wooden box with furniture.

Commissioned by Abyssal_Kutku

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Rockos ARPG Legacy
Download v0.10.0.22 (372.8 KB)

Rockos/Darkwolf7786 (8/26/2017)
-Gonna use this as a standard for now, tmodloader version + revision, should be alright.
-Fixed Max MP variable not saving properly. This caused MP gained from level ups not to remain on the character when reloading. Since MP gained at level up is based on your stats AT the level up, its not possible to fix this on pre-existing characters without leveling up again, so you'd have to make new characters for this, sorry. Thanks to Dexeren for noticing.
-Fixed the "Start with negative HP" on newly created characters. Thanks to Dexeren for supplying code for this.
-Prevented the "Status" window from showing while the inventory is open. It was left in from the original, though not many seem to like it there since people tend to play with their inventories open sometimes and it takes up screen space.
-Removed giving 1000 Skill Points on new characters, this was for testing.
-Updated to tmodloader
-Passives appear to save properly to characters.
-Special Thanks to Mirrodep for putting in the labor converting the save/load commands to this version.

-Fixed the multiplayer drop (plague from long ago)
-Fixed the multiplayer life bug which render player invincible. (plague from long ago too)
-Fixed exp give in multiplayer. (Plague from the start of porting this mod.)

-Fixed Heartless bug.

-Fixed life leech bug for non ranged
-Fixed draw fps drop ( I hope at least )
-Fixed damage while heartless ( I Hope too)
-Fixed life regen adding old life regen value

-fast fix hp reset

This mod add more deepness to the core game. By removing the need to hunt down crystal heart.

The core of this mod is a skilltree web of 524+ passive which help you build a character as your play fit.

Ui has been updated and more convinient with the option to move around the Ui itself.

Also, the monster give xp so you can grind as much as you need.

More info at terraria for

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Calamity Weapons Unleashed
Download v1.1.1 (20.8 KB)

Webmilio, Blockaroz

Want to use the different finite weapons but Calameme is doing you an unepic ? Then this mod is for you!

Quick definition:
- Finite Weapon: a weapon that can only be used X amount of times during a boss fight (i.e. the magnum)
- Finite Ammo: a type of ammo that cannot be obtained "infinitely" (i.e. magnum rounds)

What this mod does:
- You can now buy all types of finite ammo from the Arms Dealer after deafting their respectives bosses (see below)!
- You can also use all finite weapons unlimited times during boss battles
- All stack sizes for finite ammo changed to 999

Defeating King Slime/Eye of Cthulhu
- You can buy Magnum Rounds from the Arms Dealer

Defeating Skeletron/Entering hard mode
- You can buy Grenade Rounds from the Arms Dealer

Defeating any mechanical boss
- You can buy Explosive Shotgun Shells from the Arms Dealer

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.9 (13.9 KB)


StartWithAStarterBag is a mod that will allow you to spawn with a starter bag at the begining fo the game which contains manny useful items to help you!

Join My Discord =>

Update 9.0 -> Adds updated sprites and icons including a new effect when opening the bag!

Lemmy - Creating the Mod.
Contributers - HondaCivicMoment - Sprites.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Obama Prism
Download v6.9.8 (80.7 KB)


adds an extremely overpowered obama prism

very original funny haha obama funny yes haha

someone said it should be harder to craft, you know who you are, #8912 ;)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Spirit Blossom (The Stars Above Addon)
Download v1.0.3.0 (28.9 KB)


The Stars Above that allows you to craft the Spirit Blossom as an upgrade to the Unforgotten.

Note that abilities, though similarly named, do function exactly the same as their League of Legends counterparts."> A fan-made addon for The Stars Above that allows you to craft the Spirit Blossom as an upgrade to the Unforgotten.

Note that abilities, though similarly named, do function exactly the same as their League of Legends counterparts.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Miniboss Expansion
Download v0.9 (87.7 KB)


Miniboss Expansion is a mod that expands the contents of terraria.

Please let me know how do you like this mod :


As for now it focuses on:
- Ice Golem
- Sand Elemental
- Paladin
- Wyvern
- Mothron
- Goblin Summoner
- Biome Mimics

All of those minibosses drop their respective trophy and mask.

In expert mode they drop emblems, which are materials for expert miniboss treasure bags.

These treasure bags include an expert exclusive item.


After beating WoF Merchant (in Expert mode) sells empty bags, which are a material for the expert miniboss treasure bags.

WoF now drops a hint (in Expert mode), telling the player about the treasure bags.

Update 0.6
- Added Mothron content.

Update 0.7
- Deleted all pets.
- Added Goblin Summoner content.

Update 0.8
- Fixed a bug in which you couldn't get the Mothron Mount Buff
- Added Biome Mimics content.

Update 0.8.5
- Added 5 new weapons (melee, ranged X2, mage, summon) 4 of them can be crafted using Ice Cores (vanilla drop from Ice Golem)

Update 0.9
- Added 3 new weapons (melee, ranged, summon[it isnt really a weapon, more of a tool]) all of them can be crafted usinf Forbidden Fragments (vanilla drop from SandElemental)
- Decreased the chance of dropping Ice Shard

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Terrarian's Nuclear Arsenal (NEW OHKO ROCKET LAUNCHER)
Download v1.2.1.6 (568.5 KB)


Terrarian's Nuclear Arsenal adds in some very powerful explosives, OP endgame weapons, armor and accessories, some that can even blow up an entire large world!

If you are having problems with this mod or want to help with the development of my big content mod (Flex Tape III), you can join the discord server here:

This mod is still a WIP and I will keep adding new content overtime.

-Fixed a glitch that caused people's game to crash when using the link item

-Fixed some bugs

-Added an item that links to my Discord Server and other socials so you can get help easier if you encounter bugs

-Removed sound effects from The Galaxy Shredder and Termination because many people thought it was annoying


-Added Termination which is an upgrade to The Galaxy Shredder that can kill any enemy in ONE HIT, including enemies with high defense, high damage reduction and bosses from the Calamity Mod

-Added Radioactive Rock which is a building block and crafting material

-Added Excavator which is a powerful rocket launcher used for mining blocks

-Added sound effects to the nukes and other weapons

-Tweaked and polished some things


-Added The Galaxy Shredder which is a SUPER OP endgame weapon that requires every hardmode weapon to craft

-The Galaxy Shredder can change what kind of class damage (Melee, Ranged, Magic or Summon) it deals by right clicking

-Added the Summoner Army which is an accessory that gives the player +100% summon damage and + 100 minion slots

-Fixed many grammatical errors


-Added Nuke Armor which is crafted from all the Hardmode armors (excluding the Dungeon Defenders 2 armor sets)

-Nuke Armor has all the unique set bonuses from the Hardmode armors along with a lot of other good stats


-Added the Bonus Package from Borderlands 2

-Minor code improvements

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v1.7.1.1 (22.3 MB)


A mod that does basically whatever it wants. Somewhat like Joostmod. Please check out Joostmod if you get the chance, it's pretty good.
Progression currently goes up to after Moon Lord, most recipes are in Hardmode.

Collect materials to craft into different items like basically every content mod.
Each boss has its own unique weapon drop (WIP).
Build a house for the Eggplant Wizard when you get at least 1 Crimite, also defeat the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu to get another NPC to spawn.
Going into the Cavern is dangerous, but it can provide you with powerful materials if you're careful.
There's three different Post-Golem item classes!
Watch out for the Pog Ball. He is funny.
You may fight one of two final bosses (warning, there is even another).

There's another "final" boss that you can fight with using the Lurker God's totem... but is there another? Maybe the TV has an answer...

Infected biome surface background textures are mostly placeholders until I can make better designs.


7/16/2022: Finally added proper boss drop items for the main progression line of bosses, fixed things, and added things. Removed Herobrine. Updated localization files.
4/16/2022: Sorry for cranking out so many updates. Sinister Stability is made better, other slight random changes, added a few other random things. Nerfed some things.
4/2/2022: MANDATORY bugfix update, fixes and balances things and makes Eggplant God's AI actually good. Also removed the last of the accidental double damage projectiles.
3/29/2022: Huge hotfix, sliced the damage of hostile projectiles in half because they apparently do double damage (good game design /s). I have no idea if I added anything new.
3/14/2022: Apologies for another update, required hotfixes needed to be made. Space Cadet armor has been buffed. New Fallen Star-like items drop during Hardmode. Gorigan enemy now spawns in the Desert. etc things.
3/2/2022: Chiropka's AI has been completely reworked, no more cheesing via staying close. Added a very special boss to the Hunger and removed recipes for most spaceship cannons. Added a traveling NPC that will randomly visit your town and stay there (very humorous). Removed Herobrine.
2/13/2022: Entirely new biome has been added, but don't remake your worlds, it is generated AFTER killing the big spider boss in the Cavern! The biome adds two new bosses, three enemies, and a few other things. Added Boss Checklist stuff.
1/24/2022: Removed some bloat, changed Tank's AI finally, changed a few sprites. Gorigan, a few other enemies, and Sky Alien are being worked on in addition to a HUGE upcoming boss.
1/14/2022: Tactical UFO has been revised and remade, Sun Stones and Moon Stones were made to spawn after the Wall of Flesh is killed, Eggplant Goddess now spawns after Tactical UFO is dead, and a few other reworks/changes.
1/7/2022: Lurker Pyromancer is complete, made Chilled Lurker easier, still working on Tank.
10/25/2021: Lurker God was made better, no more Skeletron AI, currently working on the Tank and Lurker Pyromancer to be more original.
10/25/2021: Reworked the steel items (specifically the swords) to be better, changed Heliron to not use Vanilla AI, made Green Menace have original AI, etc. Stim Doctor's design has been changed.
10/25/2021: Finally a content update. Added a very long boss fight that took AGES to make, but I hopefully haven't forgotten anything about it. You can get a cool sword from it :) (if the fight is too easy I WILL make it harder)
8/19/2021: Eggplant God has been added, Martian Emperor has been reworked, enjoy.
8/17/2021: I forgot to make the Eggplant Commander/etc not spawn at all jajajaja. Okay but seriously he doesn't spawn anymore, at least for now. (Martian Emperor is bugged atm so don't panic) EGGPLANT GOD COMING VERY SOON
7/17/2021: It has occurred to me that the final two bosses had... unreasonable attack power, I did testing with an endgame character and kept dying. Oops, heh. Fixed that though.
6/26/2021: Added Monstro as a Pre-HM boss! Additionally improved some balancing.
6/16/2021: A few changes that include bug fixes and balancing.
6/14/2021: Full mod completed! Changes and additions will be coming along! At the moment the demonic final boss's essences aren't used for anything (changing soon so recipes will be added).
6/10/2021: Very minor changes regarding two new names for the Stim NPC and balancing fixes.
6/9/2021: Cleanup of the mod and added Stim items to increase specific stats based on progression, and an NPC to sell them.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Sell Slot
Download v0.1.0.2 (5.5 KB)


The Sell Slot Mod does exactly one thing: It adds a slot next to the trash slot in your inventory, which sells whatever you place there.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Vex's Quality of Life Items
Download v1.0.3.1 (18.5 KB)


Vex's Quality of Life Items is a small mod which adds a few useful items to the game.

Broken Rod of Teleportation
* An early-game alternative to the Rod of Discord.
* Has several restrictions:
- Limited teleport range
- Always takes 1/7th of the player's max health
- Inflicts Chaose State for 10 seconds, and cannot be used at all in chaos state
- Inflicts Slow and Cursed Flames debuff
* Crafted at an anvil using 10 of any gold bar, 1 mana crystal, and 1 of each vanilla gem stone

Tome of Improved Sight
* Magic item which grants Night Owl buff and Shine buff
* Uses all of the player's mana, and gives one second of buff for each mana spent
* Right-click using the item also grants the Magic Lantern light source
* Crafted at a workbench using 1 book, 2 lenses, 1 blink root, 1 mana crystal, 1 night owl potion, and 1 shine potion

Tome of True Sight
* Magic item which grants Night Owl, Shine, Dangersense, Spelunker, and Hunter buffs
* Also grants custom True Sight buff, which greatly illuminates the player, and also illuminates the tile under the cursor
* Also drains half of the user's life, and inflicts a large number of debuffs, each lasting 1.5 seconds
* Uses 200 mana
* Right-click using the item also grants the Suspicious-Looking Tentacle light source
* Crafted at a workbench using 1 tome of improved sight, 1 hunter potion, 1 dangersense potion, 1 spelunker potion, 5 souls of light, 5 souls of sight, and 1 eye of the golem

* None so far!
* Please report any bugs you find to the forum thread :)

v1.0.3.1 - Emergency hotfix
v1.0.3 - Full release - includes icon and source code
v1.0.2 - Added forum link
v1.0.1 - Icon update
v1.0 - Pre-Release

Source code coming soon!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Player Location Saving
Download v1.3.3 (21.8 KB)


Continue your adventure! Log in where you left off!

Have you ever wished you could continue your adventure exactly where you last logged out at instead of starting all the way back from your spawn?
Then this mod is for YOU!

Player Location Saving is a simple mod that automatically saves player location on logout, and returns players to their saved locations when logging back in.

Player Location Saving is compatible with all types of mods.
It works on both singleplayer and multiplayer worlds/servers.
Both 32bit and 64bit.

Icon credit: BeepSheep

Update History:
1.1: Added multiple world support.
1.2: Fixed huge server bug - should work when player is large distance away from spawn now.
1.3: Compatibility added for 64bit version of tModLoader.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v36.18.0.1 (3 MB)


Tired of playing Terraria alone? Let the TerraGuardians accompany you.

The TerraGuardians are mythical humanoid creatures that lives in the Ether
Realm, and for some reason, now they are moving to Terrarian worlds.

Befriend TerraGuardians, and they will help you, and also try to find out
what is happening to cause them to appear, too.

There are quite a number of guardians you can find during your gameplay,
each with their way of recruitment. Rise the friendship level, the more
friendship level, the better for you.

You can also leave them guarding your houses, to protect your citizens,
and do their requests for rewards.

There's also a few Terrarian characters you can have as companions.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Element Powers
Download v1.5.0.2 (23.2 MB)


* 11 elements:
- Water
- Fire
- Plant
- Air
- Ice
- Electricity
- Shadow
- Light
- Illuminance
- Radiation
- Interstellar energy

* 52 weapons
* 13 accesories
* a new ore
* a new biome (Imcomplete)
* 5 pre-hardmode boss
* 3 hardmode bosses
* 2 post-Moon Lord bosses
* Custom soundtrack"> Nature has emerged and allowed you to use part of it to use its elements as weapons against your enemies.

The mod have these stuffs:

* 11 elements:
- Water
- Fire
- Plant
- Air
- Ice
- Electricity
- Shadow
- Light
- Illuminance
- Radiation
- Interstellar energy

* 52 weapons
* 13 accesories
* a new ore
* a new biome (Imcomplete)
* 5 pre-hardmode boss
* 3 hardmode bosses
* 2 post-Moon Lord bosses
* Custom soundtrack

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
All the Walls
Download v1.3 (42.8 KB)


This mod provides new items so that every single vanilla wall is now obtainable and placeable.

Walls that previously would be destroyed upon hammering now drop their respective walls.

In addition, safe walls can now be converted to unsafe variants through crafting.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Potion Seller Reborn
Download v2.0.1 (22.6 KB)

TUA Team

This mod adds a Potion Seller Town NPC. Simple as that.

Based on Potion Seller by gamagamer64 and Phupperbrimmy.
Code used with permission.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Flight Left Timer
Download v1.4 (20.1 KB)


Flight Left Timer is a mod that counts the amount of flight time you have left.
The amount left will be drawn by default in the center of the screen, however, you are able to change its position via mod config.
You are also able to instantly disable it via the mod config. This mod is client-sided.
No number will be displayed when you are not flying.

This mod was requested by Crimsoneye495, and coded by GoodPro712


Thanks for the icon sprite and the concept, Crimsoneye495.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Calamity Music: Planetoids & Abyss Miniboss
Download v1.1 (9.5 MB)

DM DOKURO, EmissaryOfInf…

Calamity Music: Planetoids & Abyss Miniboss a mod that adds scrapped music for the planetoids and the Eidolon Wyrm.

This is a mod of another mod, Calamity: The Lost Themes. All it does is remove the 3 boss themes that were not, in my opinion, "lost" as they have since been added to a mod called Turquoise's Music Replacements.

All the credit goes to DM Dokuro, the creator of these themes, and EmissaryOfInfinity for working on Calamity: The Lost Themes. All I did was add a config to turn these themes on and off and remove Turquoise's themes.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>