tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
JereTheJuggler's Custom Generation
Download v1.1.3.5 (443.5 KB) |
JereTheJuggler |
JereTheJuggler's Custom Generation is a mod that adds a lot of new features to the vanilla world generation. Some features are small and purely cosmetic, while some are completely new structures that will help with progression through the game. This mod also uses purely vanilla blocks and items, so any world created with this mod should also be compatible with the vanilla game.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Valhalla Mod [Beta]
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Download v0.3.0.3 (4.2 MB) |
Tamet & G.A.S. |
What is it?
Valhalla Mod is mostly inspired by Omnir's Nostalgia Pack which was based on references like LOTR, FF etc. That's why there are many references in our mod too. You can find many things based on Norse Mythology, Games (SMB, Bomberman, RoR, Dota 2...). Another main idea of our mod is adding things that can fill the gaps in terraria like new weapon types to standard classes like Glaives and Aura Staffs, or expanding base weapons like Dartguns. Mod status Mod is now in Beta. Having one person that code and one that make sprites is not effective way of making mod. That might change in the future but for now there will be long gaps between updates. Big updates will be released every 2-3 months and I hope mod will get it's version 1.0 in 2021 or 2022. For now we need your feedback to make things that are in mod more intresting and balanced. Valhalla Mod includes: -500+ new items -75+ new Enemies -1 Boss -2 new Town NPCs -50+ new Tiles Tags: [Test] - May come in the future/Probably not work well [Only Test] - Item only for tests [Hell] - Hell Update [Thunder] - Thunder Update [Tar] - Tar Biome Update [Nano] - Nano Update [L&N] - Light And Night Update Update List: -Updated the localization files -Updated the localization files -Added new Pun Based Items. -Added Backpacks to every weapon that missed a Backpack before. -Replaced Tin ore blocks with Copper ore blocks. -Massively overhauled the Dwarf's help dialogue -Buffed Terratrident back to it's old glory. -Removed Herobrine. -Base Wing Velocity has been rescaled from 3.1415 per block to 2.7182 per block -Added Big Fungus -Removed Small Fungus -Added Foot Fungus -Gold Chest 2 doesn't spawn during Windy Days and Frost Moon Event -Calamity mod is now blocked in Silesia Region of Commonwealth of Poland -Touching grass no longer kills Redditors -Other major changes -Fixed Colossal Carnage Treasure Bag drop -Added new items to Great Present -Slightly buffed Magic Claw and Rising Tide -Added some tooltips -Added sound to appearing and disappearing windows -Improved some hitboxes -Other minor changes 0.3.0 -Added the "Coldfather" miniboss and new enemies to Frost Legion -Added a new "Colossal Carnage" Boss (works only in singleplayer) -Added a Booty Mimic to Pirate Invasion, with new drops -Added the first "Community Pet Contest" pet: Axolotl in a bubble! -Added Geomancer and Shaft Sentinel to caverns -Added new enemies to underground snow biome -Reworked Corrode weapons and added new ones -Added new furnitures -Recoded auras and glaives -Resprited some items and enemies -Fixed some multiplayer bugs -Some code clean ups -Other minor changes 0.2.1 -Added Ifrit and Dark Lord items -Added Plant Pots -Reworked glaives -Updated some spawn conditions -Updated spawn of Dwarven Anvils -Some balance changes -Other minor changes -Fixed some spawn conditions -Rebalanced Glass Shield 0.2.0 -Added new Sludge enemies and Corrode items -Added new Bee enemies and bee items -Added new desert items -The Emperor's Expert Mode AI has been improved -Some auras got revamped -Added new Items, Enemies, Buffs and Tiles -Many balance changes -Fixed some bugs associated with Boss Checklist -Some sprites updates -Some code clean ups -Updated the localization files -Other minor changes 0.1.3 -Halloween is here! Try some new spooky items: Spider Dart, Pumpkin Lights, Pumpkinade -Added new Items: Glass Shield, Jade Storm, Jade Orb Staff and some unobtainable ones for future updates -The Emperor's AI has been improved -Some balance changes -Other minor changes 0.1.2 -Mod now supports Yet Another Boss Health Bar and Boss Checklist -Fixed some The Emperor boss multiplayer bugs -Fixed some item values (damage, price, etc.) -Fixed some problems with enemy banners -Other minor changes -Added Mod Icon Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Super Stacker
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Download v1.0.2 (10.3 KB) |
hugojmaia |
Increases the max stack of items closer to the variable limit.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Vape RPG Alpha
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Download v0.3.4.2 (1.6 MB) |
FractalXX |
This mod is going to be an action RPG mod. It's in a very early alpha stage, so some features might not function as intended, bugs are common, use the mod at your own risk.
ATTENTION: Don't use it in conjunction with Vape Loot as this mod has it integrated. Current features: A simple RPG-like level system, XP can be gained from mob kills (the XP gain is determined by a function of the mob's HP, Defense, Damage) On every level-up you get 5 stat points and 1 skill point. These can be spent on the Character Panel (default hotkey: C, set it in the options if it's not set). Base stats: Strength (+Melee Damage, Crit), Magic Power (+Magic Damage, Crit), Dexterity (+Ranged Damage, Crit), Agility (+Melee Speed), Vitality (+HP), Intellect (+Mana). Chaos mobs: When a hostile NPC spawns (if it's not a boss) it has a 10% chance of transforming to a Chaos mob. Killing these grants Chaos Experience. Chaos rank: If you gain enough experience, you'll rank up and get 1 Chaos Point. These can be spent for minor bonuses ad the character panel. Skills: They're all passive skills and I don't really intend to introduce active skills to the mod (they doesn't fit Terraria, imo). They are also on the character panel. Despite the stats/skills there is no "class-restriction". You can make any kinds of hybrid builds. Vape Loot's item qualities are implemented but they give base stat bonuses (like Strength, Dexterity) instead of basic Terraria bonuses. I repeat, the mod is highly volatile in Multiplayer. Don't expect tech support if you encounter any bugs with it. However, if you have time for testing MP, go ahead. You may report bugs here and when I have time, I'll try to fix it. Many things are tweakable via the config files. Please refer to the mod's thread for documentation. WARNING: This mod is heavily in development and is in only a testing phase. Expect updates/changes very often. ATTENTION: Multiplayer is not complete. No support will be given for any bugs you may encounter in MP, but you may report them on the mod's thread. You CAN use other UI mods such as Unleveled. All you have to do is to disable this mod's UI in its config file: (My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/ModConfig/VapeRPG.json) <- set EnableUI to false, then RELOAD/RESTART. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.2 | Edit | Delete |
Hook Stats and Wing Stats
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Download v1.11 (51 KB) |
stormytuna |
Hook Stats and Wing Stats is a mod that adds, you guessed it, the stats of all wings and hooks to their item tooltips. It also adds a couple tooltips to some wings that were missing them, Betsy's Wings being a good example
Hook stats are: Reach (tiles), Velocity, Number of Hooks Wing stats are: Flight Time (seconds), Height (tiles), Horizontal Max Speed (mph), Vertical Multiplier This mod currently covers vanilla, tModLoader, Spirit, Thorium, Shadows of Abaddon, Elements Awoken, Split, Consolaria, Mod of Redemption, Ultranium, The Antiaris, Echoes of the Ancients, Joost, Clicker Class, Terra's Wing Compilation and Ancients Awakened If there's a mod you'd like me to add support for, message me on discord (stormytuna#2688) Future Plans: - Update to 1.4 stats for tModLoader 1.4 - Add support for other mods Changelog: Version 1.11: - Added support for Ancients Awakened hooks and wings Version 1.10: - Added support for tModLoader dev and patreon wings Version 1.9.2: - Updated Icon Version 1.9.1: - Fixed a typo in Ivy Whip's stats Version 1.9: - Added support for Terra's Wing Compilation (UPDATED) Version 1.8: - Added effect tooltips for some Thorium wings - Colored bits on tooltips are now customizable in the config Version 1.7: - Added support for Joost Mod hooks and wings - Added support for Clicker Class wings Version 1.6: - Made tooltips prettier - Added compatibility with Calamity - this Mod's vanilla tooltips will not show if Calamity is enabled - Added Vertical Speed Multiplier wing stat to Thorium wings Version 1.5: - Added support for Consolaria wings - Added support for Mod of Redemption hooks and wings - Added support for Ultranium wings - Added support for The Antiaris wings - Added support for Echoes of the Ancients wings Version 1.4.1: - Fixed a typo in the mod description Version 1.4: - Added support for Split hooks and wings - Added support for Elements Awoken hooks and wings Version 1.3: - Added support for Shadows of Abaddon hooks and wings - Added support for Thorium hooks and wings Version 1.2.1: - Added Vertical Speed Multiplier wing stat to Spirit wings Version 1.2: - Added support for Spirit hooks and wings Version 1.1: - Added to GitHub - Added icon Version 1.0: - Released Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.2 (135.1 KB) |
SupremeShoelace |
BetterNPCs is a mod aimed to add one NPC to move in after every boss or event. So far we have ten.
v0.1.2: Added the Marksman and four tiers of summoner pendants. Heavily nerfed the prices of many items. Keep in mind that this mod is focused on NPCs and not spriting, so if you're looking for beautiful sprites, this is not the place. Discord: NPC List: King (King Slime) Optometrist (Eye Of Cthulhu) Barista (Eater Of Worlds / Brain Of Cthulhu) Snob (Skeletron) Gremlin (Goblin Army) Bodybuilder (Queen Bee) Croupier (Wall Of Flesh) Prince (Any Mechanical Boss) Magician (The Destroyer) Marksman (The Twins) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.7 | Edit | Delete |
PickCrafter Mod (A lot of Pickaxes)
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Download v0.3.2 (68.8 KB) |
KamiKamikadze |
PickCrafter Mod (A lot of Pickaxes) Adds cool Pickaxes
from PickCrafter game. Changelog is on discord! :) Other Developers/Graphic Designers who helped making this mod: -DasJafss -Craftolizer -ShapelessArchery"> PickCrafter Mod (A lot of Pickaxes) Adds cool Pickaxes from PickCrafter game. Changelog is on discord! :) Other Developers/Graphic Designers who helped making this mod: -DasJafss -Craftolizer -ShapelessArchery Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity BossRush Calamitas Bug Fix 灾厄BR普灾bug修复
Download v1.0 (3.4 MB) |
Plantare(BiliBili@世纪小花) |
*English Description*
Only For Calamity, On Which Version BossRush Cannot Go On Normally After Defeatting Clonemitas. This Mod Will Kill CalClone Phase 1 Directly When You Have Defeated Cal Once In This BossRush To Fix The Bug. As The Bug Is From, Actually, Only Defeating Cal Phase 1 Allows BR To Continue While Cal Phase 1 Turn To P2 Immidiately On 75% Health. *中文介绍* 只为灾厄1.4.5.003服务,在这个版本里BossRush击败普灾后进度无法继续推进。 开启这个mod后,如果你已经在这个BR里击败过一次普灾二阶段,会直接秒杀所有一阶段普灾直到BR进度成功推动。 实际上,这个bug的原因是,BR判定你击败普灾是判定你击败普灾一阶段,而普灾一阶段到75%血量会立即转变成二阶段,所以永远无法击败。 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.6 | Edit | Delete |
Monster Girl Enemies
Download v0.3.0.1 (2 MB) |
Jon Smitten |
A cosmetic mod that converts various NPCs into cute monster girls. UwU
----------------------------- Currently converted: - all Slimes, Flying Fish, Angry Nimbus - Antlion Charger, Antlion Swarmer, Vulture, Basilisk - Snow Flinx, Wolf, Ice Elemental, Ice Golem (partially animated) - Giant Flying Fox, Moth, Flying Snake - Sea Snail, Shark - Herpling, Brain of Cthulhu - Unicorn - all spider-type enemies incl. Sand Poacher - Demons & Devils - Lunar Pillars, Rainbow Crystal Special thanks: Mr.Scolex - Brain of Cthulhu, King Slime crown ----------------------------- Due to the different dimensions of some of the sprites, the hitbox may not coincide with the sprite. In particular, aim for the body, not the head. ----------------------------- Not converting: - Already humanoid: All zombies, skeletons & skulls, goblins, pirates, elves, lihzahrds, cultists, mummies, ghouls, Paladin, Chaos Elemental - Already female(-ish): Nymph, Harpy, Floaty Gross, lamiae, Medusa, Sand Elemental, Ice Queen - Too small: all bats, Servant of Cthulhu, all goldfish and piranha, all jellyfish, all critters & corrupted variants, regular bees, Pixie, Crab, Squid - Dungeon traps (Blazing Wheel, Spike Ball) - Worm-type enemies . (Nothing's set in stone: Already done sprites may be revisited and low-priority sprites may get done.) ----------------------------- Changelog: . v0.3.0.1: - increased contrast of Rainbow Slime . v0.3 (slime update): - all Slimes - Basilisk - Wolf - Giant Flying Fox - Sea Snail - Rainbow Crystal - updated Ice Elemental . v0.2: - Flying Fish, Angry Nimbus - Antlion Charger, Antlion Swarmer - Snow Flinx - Moth, Flying Snake - Herpling, Brain of Cthulhu . v0.1.1: - Fixed multiplayer crash . v0.1: - Vulture - Ice Elemental, Ice Golem (partially animated) - Shark - Unicorn - All spider-type enemies incl. Sand Poacher - Demons & Devils - Lunar Pillars Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
House Builder
Download v0.1.2.3 (4.3 KB) |
Boxman1100 |
House Builder adds the Wooden House item which builds a small wooden home at your cursor. Perfect for NPC's to live in. The item costs 70 wood and can be built at a workbench.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Glory Mod
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Download v2.4.1 (44.6 MB) |
sised |
Glory mod replaces vanilla bosses with modded ones. It is balanced to expert mode, but why would you play normal mode anyway. Since the vanilla bosses are gone, this mod has an entirely new storyline and progression compared to the vanilla game.
This mod is WORK IN PROGRESS. currently, the following bosses have been replaced: 1) king slime 2) brain of cthulhu 3) eater of worlds 4) wall of flesh 5) the destroyer (will get reworked) It also adds some items you can use. Have fun, good luck. UPDATE: 2.4.1: -Syphon staff added -Some resprites UPDATE 2.4.0: -All bosses except annihilator reworked. -Other stuff Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Boss Materials Plus
Download v1.1.2 (24.4 KB) |
Caseratis |
Have you ever grinded for a certain weapon for hours? Well now you don't have to!
Introducing Boss Materials Plus! This mod will add materials that drop from bosses that allow you to craft that boss's drops! Bosses you can craft the weapons of: Queen Bee - Bee Wax WoF - Soul of Balance Ogre - Stone of Etheria, can also be used to upgrade Tier 1 turrets to Tier 2 Plantera - Plantera Petal Duke Fishron - Fishron Scale Golem - Ancient Clay Betsy - Flame of Etheria, can also be used to upgrade Tier 2 turrets to Tier3 Martian Saucer - Martian Scrap Metal Moon Lord - Lunar Essence Dev Team: Caseratis - Coder Xray299/MysticalPheonix - Spriter seabass927/seabassmustang927 - Spriter Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
More Costumes and Vanity
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Download v1.60 (1.2 MB) |
Melster |
Adds costumes and single parts from various universes and also skins for items.
It supports the following languages: English and Spanish. Update 1.60 - Added Hooded Herobrine Head. - Added Mask of Cthulhu. - Added Shub Niggurath Mask. - Added Azathoth Mask. - Added Wither Storm Head. - Added Ice Ender Creeper Head. - Added Prison Zombie Head. - Added Giant Ghast Head. - Added Creeder Head. - Added CaptainSparklez Head. - Gave the Creeper Mask a crafting recipe. - Added SCP-049 Mask. Update 1.50 - Added Drowned, Stray, Ghast, Spider, Cave Spider, Guardian, Elder Guardian and Wither heads. - Added SCP-173. Vanity block. - Added SCP-3388. Skin for cactus. I'll add a 3388 set later. - Added SCP-1137. Vanity block. - Made compatible with new version, if it wasn't already. - Changed tooltip format. Update 1.40 - Renamed mod, as now it adds skins for weapons. - New icon. - Added Dragon Handle. Skin for Copper Shortsword. - Added Lostvayne. Skin for Night's Edge. - Added Rhitta. Skin for The Axe. - Added Gideon. Skin for Pwnhammer. - Added Tesseract. Vanity block. - Resprited Costume Creators. - Added Space Stone. Skin for Magic Mirror. - Added Chastiefol. Skin for Dark Lance. - Improved some code. - Added Zombie, Husk, Creeper, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, Enderman, Beta Enderman and Steve heads. - Removed Herobrine Head. Update 1.30 Yay! 10000 total downloads! - Added... something... - Added Pump costume. ok. i'm tired. have update. Update 1.21 - Added Thanos (movie) costume. - Fixed errors. Update 1.20 - Changed icon. - Added Captain America costume. - Added Bellion costume. - Added Zeldris wig. - Added Derieri costume. - Added new crafting stations: Costume Creator and Costume Creator (Spoilers). The first one lets you create some costumes, while the second one lets you create all of them, including costumes that may contain spoilers. - Fixed errors. Update 1.12 - Added Demon King Meliodas costume. - Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Zenith Hamaxe
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Download v1.2.4 (25 KB) |
Porygon-Z |
a zenith hamaxe, the thing no one wanted but i made anyway
v1.2.3: -buffed the axe and hammer power, there is a reason for the numbers, try to figure it out :p v1.2.4: -fixed rarity Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.1.2.1 (75.8 KB) |
direwolf420 |
Allows the player to name the summon item of any pet, so that the pet will show its name when hovered over it (similar to how NPCs show their name)
There are two ways to use this mod: 1. UI accessed via hotkey ('P') 2. Chat command ('/renamepet') For instructions on both, visit the homepage Changelog: v1.1.2.1: Possibly fix rare bug with mouseovering a pet in multiplayer v1.1.2: Add a config + setting for disabling the chat autofill feature v1.1.1.2: Fix rare bug with mouseovering a pet in multiplayer v1.1.1.1: When opening the UI and the mouse item slots in, the text field now auto-focuses v1.1.1: Using the UI allows you to randomize the name, over 10 million possible names v1.1: An additional way to rename a pet through a UI accessed via hotkey v1.0.0.5: tml 0.11.7 update v1.0.0.4: tml 0.11 update, command says the correct thing now when not holding a pet item v1.0.0.3: Buff tip of the summoned pet now also displays its name v1.0.0.2: Narrowed down detection of pet summoning items, if you had any previous items set to a name that weren't a pet, they will be reset upon game quit v1.0 and Initial release and added icon Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Bombus Apis (The Bee Mod)
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Download v1.6.1.1 (1.2 MB) |
SkippZz |
Bombus Apis (The Bee Mod), is a class content mod that adds content to vanilla terraria
- Adds a new class Beekeeper. This class uses hymenoptra damage to destroy your enemies - This class, uses Honey, which is a similar resource to mana, albiet regenerated slower, more elusive, and should be used more sparingly - Adds many content to progression, currently adding (46) weapons, (12) accessories, (6), armor sets, (2), armor helmets, and one new town npc - The mod has just gone through a massive revision, respriting literally everything, and reworking many weapons, projectiles, and armor sets, it also adds plenty of new content - The full patch notes of the update can be found on the official discord server, located on the forum page - Current version:"> Bombus Apis (The Bee Mod), is a class content mod that adds content to vanilla terraria - Adds a new class Beekeeper. This class uses hymenoptra damage to destroy your enemies - This class, uses Honey, which is a similar resource to mana, albiet regenerated slower, more elusive, and should be used more sparingly - Adds many content to progression, currently adding (46) weapons, (12) accessories, (6), armor sets, (2), armor helmets, and one new town npc - The mod has just gone through a massive revision, respriting literally everything, and reworking many weapons, projectiles, and armor sets, it also adds plenty of new content - The full patch notes of the update can be found on the official discord server, located on the forum page - Current version: Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Expeditions Addon : Interactions
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Download v0.1.2.1 (91.1 KB) |
orian34 |
Expeditions Addon : Interactions adds a handful of quests and items for the Expeditions mod as well as trying to make the NPC feel more alive, kinda.
It's an addon so you can't use it as a standalone mod. This is the alpha version until Expeditions is reworked. Suggestions and feedback is greatly appreciated. V0.1.2.1 : Fixed mod icon V0.1.2 : Added github repo support Version 0.1 : 41 Quests and 6 Items. Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
The Throwing Expansion
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Download v3.8.1 (651.3 KB) |
Grodus |
This is a mod meant to allow you to use the throwing class in hardmode, as well as adding items for it in pre-hardmode! Currently, the items inside of this mod are:
- 2 new sets of throwing armor - 3 rebalanced sets of armor (gladiator, obsidian, and viking) - 8 new throwing variant helmets (hardmode ores) - 42 new throwing projectiles - 8 new throwing launchers - 9 new throwing accessories - 1 new NPC Update Notes: V 1.0: 2 new weapons and 3 rebalanced sets of armor V 1.1: Added a mod icon V 1.5: Updated mod icon, Javelin Ballista, Amethyst Javelins v 1.6: Added Topaz and Sapphire Javelins V 1.7: Added Wooden Javelins and Shuriken Launcher V 1.8: Added a new npc: The Gladiator V 1.9: Fixed glitches, added shadowflame knives (Gladiator sells the throwing counterpart if you have the Shadowflame knife from the goblin invasion) V 2.0: Added Emerald, Diamond, and Amber javelins V 2.1: Added a config file, added Attuned Fossil accessory V 2.2: Added copper javelins, added all wood variant javelins, added 3 new throwing accessories, rebalanced many items V 2.3: Added meteor javelins and all pre-hardmode ore javelins V 2.4: Added Jester Javelins V 2.5: Added a Throwing Grenade Launcher (fires grenades) V 2.6: Completed the viking set and added it as a drop from undead vikings V 2.6.5: Added a Throwing Emblem drop from the wall of flesh V 2.7: Added the Spartan Shield accessory V 2.7.5: Added the Spartan Relic Shield V 2.8: A lot of rebalancing, added a throwing variant helmet for all the hardmode ores V 2.8.5: Added the ability to right click the throwing launchers to convert them between throwing and ranged damage V 2.9: Added Waspnades, and made them a drop from plantera V 2.9.5: Added Libra armor V 2.9.9: Added Icy Shards V 3.0: Added Cryo armor V 3.0.5: Added Cryo Launchers V 3.1: Added true javelins, many bug fixes V 3.2: Added more true javelins and more bug fixes V 3.2.5: Added Frozen Leafs and a Cryo grenade launcher V 3.3: Made the Traveling Merchant sell a munitions pack at a 25% chance, added the munitions pack which adds a chance to shoot more shots V 3.4: Added Makeshift Javelins and Splinter Javelins, fixed many bugs, made many balance changes V 3.4.5: Added the Shiny Rock, an accessory sold by the Skeleton Merchant that adds 1 penetration V 3.5: A lot of quality of life changes V 3.5.5: Added a Munitions Pack tile, Added Javelin Quiver accessory, new fishing crate and throwing potion V 3.5.9: Bug Fixes V 3.6: Bug Fixes, completed Javelin Ballista V 3.6.8: Fixed many bugs, overhauled the armors, and changed some buffs V 3.7: Added Ichor Grenades, Cursed Grenades, and ShroomNades. Also made the Diamond Break debuffs take longer to proc V 3.8.0: Updated some old code. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Modders Toolkit
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Download v0.17.0.1 (1.2 MB) |
jopojelly |
ModdersToolkit is a toolkit for modders, hence the name.
Current Tools -C# REPL, evaluate and run code interactively (on server console as well) -Hitbox visualizer -Dust tool -Item defaults tool -Projectile spawner -Player layer viewer -Interface layer viewer. -NPC Spawn Calculator -Fishing Result Calculator (Thanks direwolf420) -Texture updating/editing tool -Shader updating/editing tool (w/ Webmilio) (see wiki for usage instructions) -UI Playground -Background Tool -Miscellaneous (NPC info, tile grid, chunk calculator) Planned Tools -WorldGen tools -Sound explorer/tester -NPC Loot validator -NPC Spawn validator -NPC kill visualizer Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Zocklukas' Mod
Download v1.2.3.3 (132 KB) |
Zocklukas |
This is a mod that adds random Content to the game
This mod is great to play with other mods together and its not recommened to play it without other content mods It Currently adds: 2 Ores 41 Items 3 Tiles 4 Buffs 3 Potions 1 Town NPC You may want to install the mod "Recipe Browser" by Jopojelly to see the recipes of the mod Some Sprites or Code might be not Finished More Help on the Thread (Just click on "Mod Homepage" for that),or on the Discord,link is on the thread Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10 | Edit | Delete |