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Calamity Mod PT-BR Translation
Download v1.1.2.5 (585.4 KB)


'Calamity Mod PT-BR Translation' é um mod que fornece uma tradução não-oficial do Calamity Mod para o Português Brasileiro.

Tradução feita por Pixelnando, com a ajuda de Master Dong/Skyshadow no código.
Agradecimentos a Tolsyak pelo seu mod de tradução de código aberto no Github.

Para uma lista completa de todo conteúdo traduzido presente no mod, visite a página inicial do mod no fórum.

Nota: Não sou afiliado com o Fabsol nem os desenvolvedores do Calamity Mod.
- Armas de ataque à distância traduzidas.
- Armas de ataque físico adicionadas na atualização 1.5 traduzidas.
- Armas retrabalhadas na 1.5.1 traduzidas.
- Melhoria na tradução de alguns itens.
- Alguns itens diversos que não tinham tradução agora foram traduzidos.
- Novo ícone para o mod.
- Encantamentos no nome e na descrição do item traduzidos.

- Várias traduções ajustadas para estarem de acordo com a 1.5.
- Tradução de "Rogue" alterada de Assassino para Ladino.
- Traduzido tags como Fire Weapon, Ice Weapon e Nature Weapon, bem como Developer Item e Donor Item.


- Compatível com a versão
- Itens introduzidos na versão 1.5 traduzidos.
- Draedon e seu trio Exo traduzidos.
- Novo diálogo da Calamitas Suprema durante a batalha traduzido.


- Compatível com a nova versão 1.5 do Calamity (o conteúdo novo ainda não foi traduzido).
- Ícone atualizado.


- Descrição do mod alterada.


- Diálogos de NPCs traduzidos (exceto as opções dos mesmos).


- Ferramentas traduzidas.
- Bônus definidos traduzidos.
- Ícone atualizado.
- Dicas de hotkeys traduzidas.
- Dicas de itens no Modo Morte traduzidas.
- Modificadores traduzidos.


- Consumíveis traduzidos.
- Novo ícone adicionado ao mod.
- Mensagens de status no chat traduzidas.


- Montarias traduzidas.
- Animais de estimação traduzidos.
- Adicionado um novo ícone para o mod.


- Tinturas traduzidas.
- Móveis traduzidos
- Itens de invocação de chefe e eventos traduzidos.
- Variados sacos de coleta traduzidos.
- Lore traduzida.
- Nomes dos registros de Draedon traduzidos.


- Adicionado uma página inicial para o mod.

v1.0 - Lançamento do mod

- Acessórios traduzidos.
- Munições traduzidas.
- Armaduras traduzidas (sem o bônus).
- Blocos traduzidos.
- Materiais traduzidos.
- Inimigos traduzidos
- NPCs traduzidos.
- Armas do tipo físico traduzidas.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
tModLoader Japanese Translation
Download v1.5.4.12 (7.7 MB)


WARNING!: This mod does not add any content.

tModLoader v0.11.8.8
Boss Checklist v1.1.6.1
Calamity Mod (No Calamity Music) v1.5.1.1
Calamity Mod Music v1.5.1.2
Census - Town NPC Checklist v0.3.1
Fargo's Mutant Mod v2.4.2
Fargo's Souls Mod v1.3.99.91
Fargo's Music Mod v1.0.1.3
Item Stats+ v1.3.2
Magic Storage v0.4.3.6
Recipe Browser v0.8.9.1



-Calamity Modのアップデートに合わせてアイテムのツールチップを変更しました
-「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Recipe Browser」のアップデートに対応しました(翻訳は全て完了していません)

-Calamity Mod使用時にUIが表示されない不具合を修正しました

-「Calamity Mod」、「Calamity Mod Music」、「Fargo's Mutant Mod」、「Fargo's Souls Mod」のアップデートに対応しました(翻訳は全て完了していません、お待ちください)

-「Fargo's Mutant Mod」のアップデートに対応しました

-「Fargo's Souls Mod」のアップデートに対応しました

-Fargo's Mutant Mod有効時にModロードをするとエラーが発生する不具合を修正しました

-「Fargo's Mutant Mod」、「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」、「Magic Storage」のアップデートに対応しました
※ロード時の不具合により、Fargo's Mutant Modの次のテキストは翻訳されません:アイテム名、ツールチップ、バフ名、説明文、NPCの名前、タイル名

-「Fargo's Mutant Mod」、「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」のアップデートに対応しました

-「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」のアップデートに対応しました(今回のアップデートで追加された文章の中に技術的に翻訳できていないものがあります、ご了承ください。)

-「Boss Checklist」、「Recipe Browser」のアップデートに対応しました

-「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」に対応しました"> WARNING!: This mod does not add any content.

tModLoader v0.11.8.8
Boss Checklist v1.1.6.1
Calamity Mod (No Calamity Music) v1.5.1.1
Calamity Mod Music v1.5.1.2
Census - Town NPC Checklist v0.3.1
Fargo's Mutant Mod v2.4.2
Fargo's Souls Mod v1.3.99.91
Fargo's Music Mod v1.0.1.3
Item Stats+ v1.3.2
Magic Storage v0.4.3.6
Recipe Browser v0.8.9.1



-Calamity Modのアップデートに合わせてアイテムのツールチップを変更しました
-「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Recipe Browser」のアップデートに対応しました(翻訳は全て完了していません)

-Calamity Mod使用時にUIが表示されない不具合を修正しました

-「Calamity Mod」、「Calamity Mod Music」、「Fargo's Mutant Mod」、「Fargo's Souls Mod」のアップデートに対応しました(翻訳は全て完了していません、お待ちください)

-「Fargo's Mutant Mod」のアップデートに対応しました

-「Fargo's Souls Mod」のアップデートに対応しました

-Fargo's Mutant Mod有効時にModロードをするとエラーが発生する不具合を修正しました

-「Fargo's Mutant Mod」、「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」、「Magic Storage」のアップデートに対応しました
※ロード時の不具合により、Fargo's Mutant Modの次のテキストは翻訳されません:アイテム名、ツールチップ、バフ名、説明文、NPCの名前、タイル名

-「Fargo's Mutant Mod」、「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」のアップデートに対応しました

-「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」のアップデートに対応しました(今回のアップデートで追加された文章の中に技術的に翻訳できていないものがあります、ご了承ください。)

-「Boss Checklist」、「Recipe Browser」のアップデートに対応しました

-「Fargo's Souls Mod」、「Fargo's Music Mod」に対応しました

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Bowsword Mod
Download v0.2.0.5 (1.9 MB)


Bow Sword Mod adds in "all" of terraria's bows and swords combined to form a multi-weapon
some items were made with help from alchemistNPC mod and Joost mod


all early pre-hardmode bars now have bow swords.


added all pre-hardmode and early hardmode bows and bow swords.


added Terra bow and terra bow swords, also phase blades and sabers bow versions plus bow swords
also chlorophyte bow and bow sword.


added wood bow swords and bow short swords, also added the cactus bow and bow sword, plus the
Dead Man's Bow and undead bow sword.

added bladed glove bow and bow sword, also added the bow sword for the madible blade,
bone and ice sword hardmode counter parts and bow swords, plus new drops from the stylist
and dye trader to be combined with their other drops.


"every" pre-hardmode and hardmode has been added

cheat items

added a bunch of new ammo, and fixed all bow swords to use the arrow you want


added a bunch of bows and swords that combine every sword and bow in terraria.

added the ability to dismantle bow swords by right clicking, also a few new arrows.


added a bunch of accsesories and new arrows and a bunch of boss and town npc related "bows" and "swords".

added a few accsesories and 2 new cheat weapons one of them being a gameraiders101 themed weapon.


added a ton of new weapons, a few accessories, and almost all of the boss weapons.

change non-special weapons to be special, changed some item sprites, rebalenced a few weapons, added alternate ranged-warrior helmets for early hardmode sets, and a few minor weapon changes.


Added a full celestial armor set, the final boss weapon, and significant changes to the zenith bow.

Added a bunch of spears, improved vanilla spears, a few teleportation items, a few accesories, more deltarune themed items and 2 eniemies, a armor set, improved the death steel bow, made relic items useful,

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.7.2 (20.5 KB)


Auto Catch Crates"
" Auto Catch Accessories"
" Auto Catch Tools and Weapons"
" Auto Catch Quest Fishes"
" Auto Catch Normal Catches"

"Toggle Auto Cast Fishing Pole": Toggle auto casting bobbers.
"Lock Casting Target To Cursor": Lock the casting target to cursor. Bobbers will be casted to a locked position wherever the cursor at. Only useful when activating "Auto Cast Fishing Pole".

Below are Chinese translated description.




"拉鱼线延迟(秒)": 设置检测到鱼后拉浮标的延迟时间。
" 自动钓宝匣"
" 自动钓饰品"
" 自动钓工具和武器"
" 自动钓任务鱼"
" 自动钓一般渔获"

“Toggle Auto Cast Fishing Pole”:开关自动抛鱼线
“Lock Casting Target To Cursor”:将鱼钩投射目标锁定到光标,开启后浮标将被投射到锁定位置。仅在激活“自动投射钓鱼竿”时有用。"> This mod can help you fish automatically. Which means auto pull and cast bobbers while holding a fishing pole.
Note that you need to bind a key to toggle auto cast bobbers.

You can see this mod's source code here:

"Pulling Delay": The delay of pulling bobber up after detecting available fish.
" Auto Catch Crates"
" Auto Catch Accessories"
" Auto Catch Tools and Weapons"
" Auto Catch Quest Fishes"
" Auto Catch Normal Catches"

"Toggle Auto Cast Fishing Pole": Toggle auto casting bobbers.
"Lock Casting Target To Cursor": Lock the casting target to cursor. Bobbers will be casted to a locked position wherever the cursor at. Only useful when activating "Auto Cast Fishing Pole".

Below are Chinese translated description.




"拉鱼线延迟(秒)": 设置检测到鱼后拉浮标的延迟时间。
" 自动钓宝匣"
" 自动钓饰品"
" 自动钓工具和武器"
" 自动钓任务鱼"
" 自动钓一般渔获"

“Toggle Auto Cast Fishing Pole”:开关自动抛鱼线
“Lock Casting Target To Cursor”:将鱼钩投射目标锁定到光标,开启后浮标将被投射到锁定位置。仅在激活“自动投射钓鱼竿”时有用。

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Vitality Mod
Download v0.4.3 (5.1 MB)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Sorcery Overhaul
Download v1.0.31 (1.4 MB)


From the creators of Archery Overhaul comes Sorcery Overhaul!

Sorcery Overhaul focuses on improving magic items in Terraria. We've added over 100+ unique magic items including armor, weapons, materials,
accessories, spells, scrolls, & more!

This mod currently adds in the following 100+ items:

. 32 New Staffs
. 24 New Magic Tomes
. 13 New Accessories
. 14 New Materials
. 6 New Consumables
. 4 New Armor Sets
. 6 New Prefixes/Reforges
. 14 Recipes for existing vanilla items
. 4 Modified vanilla items
. 2 New Enemies
. 1 New NPC

Unique Features:

. Spell Power - Spell Power gives magic weapons secondary effects, and effect chance and power increases as spell power is increased.
. Critical Strike Mana Recovery - Upon critical hit, some mana will be restored, can be increased by accessories and armor
. Spells - New consumable itemst that uses spell power as a damage type
. Scrolls - Incredibly powerful consumable items that be crafted or bought from the Apprentice NPC

We still have SO much more we want to add to this mod, so stick with us as we finish up hardmode and complete the mod!

If you didn't know, I'm actually a game developer, and I make tons of art, music and more! (This is my first terraria mod, criticism is welcome!) If you want to share your work and have fun,
or want a list of the items in this mod, join my discord below! We try to update the mod every other week. If you want to help make sprites or code for the mod, join my Discord and send me a message!


If you want to support both my terraria mods and my games, become a patron for a custom donor item and other special rewards!


= Overhaul Team =:



Check out the new wiki from Sorcery Overhaul!


== v 1.2.7 - Quality & Quantity ==

. 2 New Hardmode Tomes, "The Monsoon" and "Crystal Flames"
. 1 New Early-Game scroll, "Living Scroll" which can be crafted or found in wooden chests
. 2 New Hardmode Spells, "Greater Healing Spell" and "Greater Mana Spell"
. Death Eater Armor Lightning no longer creates a chain reaction
. Wizard Tome tooltip fixed
. Moonsoon Nerfed, less lag
. Fixed some bugs
. Changed some recipes to be less grindy
. Updated some sprites

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Fluid Library
Download v1.1 (21.7 KB)

Itorius & team

Allows adding of custom fluids while maintaining cross-mod compatibility

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.1 Edit | Delete
Dark-Assassin's Mod Library (DALib)
Download v1.2.3.3 (54.3 KB)


Dark-Assassin's Mod Library (DALib) by Dark-Assassin

Visit homepage for description and changelog

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v4.100 (38.4 KB)



-Adds 44 more potions with different effects and/or simple effects

Check mod homepage for more details

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Recipe Browser && Magic Storage
Download v1.0.0.4 (21.6 KB)


Allows you to filter items in your magic storage according to the selected item in the Recipe browser.

Magic storage:
Filters if the crafting or the storage panel is open.

Recipe browser:
Filters when the item selected in one of Recipe list, Ingrigient list or Items list.

By default filters by click on item only if the filter hot key is pressed in that moment. That behaviour can be changed in the config.

Change log:
Fixed calling the base method for ingredients
Added homepage, Renamed config property
Added auto selecting recipe in the craft menu

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Lite's Elemental Hearts [Deprecated]
Download v0.8 (25.4 KB)

Vincent Jenei (Lite#4249)

As of December 2021, this mod is now deprecated.
A new and improved version of this mod has been in the works the past few months and is finally done. Its been released, and can be found on the mod browser.

Elemental Hearts is a mod which adds a ton of new consumable items which increase your health (Like life crystals). They are based on all of the basic elements, (blocks, ores, etc.).

As with all of my mods, I prefer quality of quantity. This mod is a great addition to any modded playthrough, which adds a use for all of your leftover/extra blocks and ores.
This mod spreads with progression, so that you can never become too powerful.

+Mod support with Calamity, Thorium, ElementsAwoken, Fargosouls, Laugicality, Ancients Awakened, Confection Rebaked, and Consolaria.

Mod By:
Vincent Jenei (Lite#4249)

Mod is labeled as deprecated.
New rewrite is finished!
All data has been removed from this mod. It is now an empty mod so it doesn't cause any problems with the newer one.
Made a new summer icon to catch your eyes. This also will represent a new leaf.
I will no longer neglect this mod. It is a great project of mine and I will continue to work on it.
Added several missing vanilla hearts.
Added Confection Rebirth hearts support.
Added Ancients Awakened hearts support.
Upgraded the Menacing Heart AI
+ He now spawns minions that rotate around the player and eat up bullets.
+ Menacing Heart now slightly moves instead of standing still after teleporting.
New summon weapon dropped by the Menacing Heart.
+ Slowely spawns friendly versions of the Menacing Heart's minions.
+ Their purpose is to protect the accesory, since it is a piece of life crystal broken off of the Menacing Heart.
Added Zenith Heart.
Added all event boss hearts (vanilla only at the moment).
Added Enchanted Heart that obtainable from shrines.
Added Cloud and Sunplate Hearts craftable from Clouds either Sunplates.
Adjusted some recipes.
Adjusted the description.
Fixed the bug where you wouldnt be able to create a character.
0.7.30 (Spring Cleaning (Not the full rewrite, but as much cleaning as I can get in))
Removed Elemental Hearts UI. (Never worked, and you can use the recipe browser)
Removed Menacing Dye.
Fixed all Menacing Tools.
Added recomendation to config.
Removed dev weapons and hearts.
Dev wings are only vanity now.
Removed some stuff from the Life Crystal mini biomes.
Removed Global Suppressions. (file for development purposes)
Removed the duplicate Mod Player and added that stuff to the original mod player. (code optimizations)
^This fixes the error when using Calamity, "The type "ElementalHeartsPlayer" already contains definition for "CharredLife". (was a big problem in the discord)
Removed some Legacy code. (This might cause problems for people using pre 0.9 version worlds, but it helps clean up code).
Removed the reference needed for WebmilioComons, along with any functionality we added with it like achievements. This will fix a lot of problems.
Removed some alt icons, and created a NEW icon (Looks pretty sick!).
Removed crystal walls, they were unobtainable.
Removed the old music I made 2 years ago for menacing heart, reducing file size.
Menacing statue is no longer found in random world gen... BECAUSE IF YOU STEP ON A PRESSURE PLATE HE WOULD SPAWN!
Menacing statue now costs life ore to craft.
Rewrote the boss bag code.
^ AppleInTheSky's dev wings are now obtainable from treasure bags. (Rip AppleInTheSky :( )
Fixed a lot of boss hearts not registering on load
Rewrote the empty heart.
Deleted a few duplicate hearts.
Fixed the directory of the ancient life equipment.
Ancient Life Pick is now actually craftable.

0.7.20 (Versions messed up because of April Fools, but would be equivelent to 0.3.2)
Removed Rainbow Menacing Lunar Ancient Fleshy Celestial Royal Wormy Volatile Fishark with Googly Eyes and Brains of the Hives and Plants Idol Iron Heart with Solar Power MK2 +
Changed recipe from 100k of materials to 100
Added Menacing Heart, removed Menacing heart 2.0 which is immortal
All hearts add more hp to make it more balaanced
Combine all hearts to get 1 nothing!
The mega heart does not exist anymore.
In order to balance this, we have removed eternal menacing suffering debuf which damages that player for all of eternity, or until he reinstalls terraria or drinks milk.
0.6.9 (April Fools)
Added Rainbow Menacing Lunar Ancient Fleshy Celestial Royal Wormy Volatile Fishark with Googly Eyes and Brains of the Hives and Plants Idol Iron Heart with Solar Power MK2 +

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Skyblock Mod
Download v1.4.10 (172 KB)


This Mod adds a new way of playing Terraria as a Skyblock map

|| You will need custom map to play this mod ||
|| Click the button at bottom of page to get it! ||
|| (Visit the Mod's Homepage for even more info) ||

•Fertilizer •Multi-Tile Machine •Auto-Fisher
•Copper Wire •Red/White Threads •Compactor
•Compacted Blocks •Bottomless Lava Bucket
•Bottomless Honey Bucket •Concentrated Fertilizer
•Coballidium •Mythalcum •Adantium •Chlorphyte
•Extractinator •Sand •Ice •Silt •Slush •Clay
•Crimstone •Ebonstone •Pearlstone •Leather
•Desert Fossil •Hive •Hive Wand •Heart Crystal
•Hellforge •Chest Loots •Goblin Battle Standard
•Staff of Regrowth •Shadow Key •Shadow Chest loot
•Sky Mill •Living Loom •Cloud •Amber Misquito
•Ice Skates •Shadow Orb/Crimson Heart Loot •Flipper
•Boomerang •Ice Boomerang •Enchanted Boomerang
•Enchanted Sword •Lava Charm •Snowball Cannon
•Ice Blade •Water Walking Boots •Lihzard Traps
•Water Bucket •Lava Bucket •Granite •Marble
•And more!
•Obsidian •Stone •Dirt •Sand •Ash •Mud
•Compacted Blocks

Release Notes

-updated to tmodloader v0.10.0.2 and terraria

-fixed bug with DCU

-fixed crimson altar being placeable
-re-fixed bottomless buckets to not paint and be auto-reuseable again and be useable from hotbar

-fixed bug with lanterns
-fixed "painting" issue with bottomless buckets and made them non-autoreuse
-also hopefully made bottomless buckets flow properly

-fixed compacted blocks to s

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
One Punch Mod
Download v31.4.15 (261.9 KB)


Self explanatory, just kills everything(for real this time) in one punch. Craftable with one piece of dirt. This is a cheat mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
DNI Equipment Upgrade
Download v1.9.2.4 (202.7 KB)


This mod allows you to add upgrades and extensions to your equipment using mod-exclusive items.

Weapons can deal more damage and are faster to use!
Armor can provide more defense!

Further stats and effects for your weapons and armor!

For more info, please visit the mod's homepage.

Latest changes:

### v1.9.2.4
* Fixed crash when upgrading while having empty extensions locked
* Minor mod icon update

### v1.9.2.3
* Fixed crash when applying extension without any equipment
* Fixed Shadowspec rarity errors

### v1.9.2.2
* Fixed crash when detecting rarity of non-Blood Orange items for Thorium

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Banner Bonanza
Download v1.3 (55.7 KB)

jopojelly, @VoxelFox

Banner Bonanza lets you combine all of your banners into one, easy to maintain Banner Rack.

First, craft a Banner Rack from Rope, Glass, Topaz, and Stylish Scissors at a Heavy Work Bench and place it.

Next, right click on the Banner Rack while holding banners and they will be transferred to the Banner Rack.

You will receive the banner buff for all banners stored in the Banner Rack!

Right click on Banner Rack for a hint on which banner to work towards next.

Hover over a Banner Rack to see the progress on your collection.

You may be wondering how to get Stylish Scissors. The Stylist drops it rarely, so you'll have to be a bit cruel with the lava buckets, but it is well worth the guilt.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Battle Buff 24/7
Download v0.1.2 (261.7 KB)


Battle Buff 24/7 makes you have the Battle Buff all the time.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Argantium Reborn
Download v1.3.8 (1.3 MB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Mod Libs - Core
Download v1.5.4.2 (504 KB)


Provides a basic set of (mostly "low level") classes, libraries, and "services" expected to be used by advanced mods.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Cheeze's Content Pack
Download v1.1.4.3 (2.9 MB)


Cheeze's Conent Pack is a mod that adds a variety of content to Terraria.

As of right now the mod includes several tools, an armor set, a few new armor parts, a number of accessories, a new generated ore, 140+ weapons, lots of materials, several monsters, a town npc and a crafting station.
� There's content spread over hardmode and pre-hardmode.
� New content spread over a variety of biomes, places and events.
� Stacked Items crafted at a heavy work bench to save chest space.
� A ton of content related to other games like Ratchet & Clank, FlyFF and Overwatch.
� Variants to certain vanilla monsters with useful loot.
� Lots of new, fun and unique items are available.
� Tiered Kunai and Halberds.
� Alternative ways to get certain vanilla items.
� Several Quality of Life improvements.
� A little bit of cross content with other mods, more in the future.

NOTE: Update for tModLoader has just come out! If you see or find anything odd be sure to tell me!

Feel free to donate Ethereum to 0x7086C605A431ff8077a6378f79Ce32E125F1B000
or donate Bitcoin to 1CGDXuJHvyC3SLk2JEs4Q6hCULtHCTzxgD

v1.1.4.3 Hotfix
Icon Updated

v1.1.4.2 Hotfix
Updated to

v1.1.4.1 Hotfix
Fixed Tyrranoid sound not using the updated file.

v1.1.4 - Quality Improvements
Updated Megacorp Vendor to have a bigger contrast in the overworld sprite.
Reduced Tyrranoid Noise
Updated a few sprites

v1.1.3 - 0.11 Support, Quality Improvements!
Resprited a bunch of items to be more visually appealing
Added Infinite Ammo variants and config.
Created a new Icon.
Fixed minor bugs.
Added Viking Axe & Hammer
Added True Sun Strike
Some balance changes.

v1.1.2.4 - GitHub integration
The same as the previous version with some back-end changes to make the mod more open source reliable.

v1.1.2.3 - Minor Fixes
Hopefully finally fixed mobs spawning at wrong heights.
Built for 0.10.1
Icon Fixed.

v1.1.2.2 - Hotfixes
Changed Eyebats to only spawn in night.
Fixed Relic Fragment not dropping.

v1.1.2.1 - Icon Testing
Made an Icon and a few minor fixes.

v1.1.2 - Support, Quality Improvements and Nukes!
Major Changes to most "Fist" Weapons. Utilizing FlashKirby99's WeaponOut methods to have a variety of special attacks, a better appearance and much more!
Changes to Pulse Pistol and The High Noon to reflect your ammo on usage (might change again in the future in it's own ui section).
Platforming Improvements to Agents of Doom Upgrade line.
Variety of grammar tweaks and balances, I have rewritten a lot of text, so if you see any grammar mistakes, contact me.
Added two new weapons to the Gravity Bomb upgrade line.
A ton of graphical improvements to older sprites.
Fixed some minor bugs.

v1.1.1.4 - support.
Added a new monster.
Fixed Loot pool of Dragon Eye.
Buffed Pulse Rifle and the Vaporizers slightly

v1.1.1.3 - Happy late new year!
Fixed certain monsters spawning wrongly on the Y axis. I.E. Spawning in hell while they shouldn't.
Added a new recipe for Money Through if Thorium Mod is enabled.
Changed Molten Eye (which now spawns correctly) to only appear after defeating EoW/BoC.
Changed Dragon Eye to only appear after defeating EoC.
Overal Reduced Spawnrate of most monsters in the mod.
Revisited a lot of old sprites that were below par.

v1.1.1.2 - Merry Xmas
Build for 0.9.1
Fixed AI problem with Granite Wanderer in expert mode shooting more than a single laser at once.
Nerfed Dragon Eye.
Removed Hellstone Bolt drop from monsters in the Underworld except Wall of Flesh, thus preventing an early way to get tier 2 weapons.
Lancer and Heavy Lancer damage buffed and its shots now evaporate in water.
Lava Gun buffed and its shots now evaporate in water.
And more general fixes and balancing.
Nerfed Dragon Eye in expert mode.

v1.1.1.1 - Angel Update.
(New)(Some)Angel Weapons and essence now drop from the mech bosses, more coming soon.
Lots of bugfixes related to FlyFF weapons.
New Texture for Sun Strike (based on the textures Eli10293 supplied me a while ago.)
Reduced Droprate of certain weapons.
Nerfed Dragon Eye in expert mode.
Minor balancing and bugfixes.

v1.1.1 - Galactic Madness.
New Town NPC: Martian Trader
Added Mahogany Blowpipe.
Added Callisto Bow.
Ultra Agents now permanently fly and do more damage.
Added Slime Staff to King Slime drop list if Quality of Life mod is not loaded.
Made the Merchant sell flares if you have a Lava Gun or its upgrades in your inventory.
Made the Arms Dealer sell Rocket 0.
Improved compatibility with Prefixes from Enemies.
Fixed a bug that caused certain parts of recipes to dissapear when hovering over it when using a recipe group.
Lancer and Lavagun resprited by Vladimier, I altered

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Storm Diver's Additions Mod
Download v1.9.1.6 (1.7 MB)

Storm Diver

Note: This mod has been renamed to "Storm's Additions Mod" for tmod 1.4, and has a brand new logo (Giant vortex fragment surrounded by smaller fragments, with lightning coming from the middle one). If you port any world/character over to 1.4 you will lose any of this mod’s items obtained due to an internal name change and file renaming! If this is the case it is highly recommended to start a brand new playthrough!

This mod has ceased development for 1.3 and will receive no new updates, it is highly recommended to play the 1.4 version as that has received multiple updates exclsuvie to that version.

Storm Diver's Additions Mod is a smallish content mod, that adds content throughout the entire game where it seemed that something was missing, along with unique items thrown in here and there

There's over 200 total modded items for you to discover; including weapons, accessories, ammo, tools, armour, vanity sets, enemies, and more. Many are crafted with vanilla items, but some have their own modded ingredients added to the recipes. There's also some new recipes for certain things that did not have a crafting recipe before.

This mod includes:

-Over 100 new unique weapons across all classes
-Over 20 new accessories, including new expert exclusive ones
-9 new armour sets with unique set bonuses
-Many new ammos including unique ammo for certain weapons
-Multiple new tools
-New bars and other crafting materials
-A bunch of different buffs and debuffs inflicted from a range of sources
-9 new potions
-5 new Vanity sets and a speical vanity mask
-3 new pets
-23 new enemies across the game
-Some NPCs now sell new items
-A way to remove the shields from the pillars prematurely
-New recipes for certain uncraftable vanilla items

Credit to KittKatt for updating some of the sprites and providing balance suggestions

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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