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Genshin Impact Mod
Download v1.0 (21.3 KB)


Introducing the Genshin Impact Mod

A true to game mod focusing on expanding Terraria through the addition of Genshin Impact elements

We current add:
582 Items
29 NPCs
3 Bosses
Unique World Gen
IL Edits
And more!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Shader Library
Download v2.1.2 (139.2 KB)


A library intended to ease the creation and application of shaders.

This is a dependency mod.
Other mods may require this mod to be enabled.

Automatic functions of this mod:
- Fixes look of special dyes on pets and grappling hooks
- Allows use of armor dye on Familiar Wig

Patch 2.1.2:
- Added WeaponOut support for held item dyeing

Update 2.1.0:
- Code updates to avoid deprecation
- A couple of edge-case fixes
- Possibly other things but probably not

Patch 2.0.1:
- Fix reverse gravity issues

Patch 2.0.2:
- Fix some bad draw settings

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.1 Edit | Delete
Exodus Mod
Download v1.1.0.1 (5.4 MB)

M4trix, NovaDee

Learn how to mod with tModLoader by exploring the source code for this mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Creative tools
Download v4.0 (176.2 KB)


With Creative tools you can toggle different events
and game states with a single click of a button,
move NPC's and Items with your mouse, display
lots of Information on the screen and much more!

For a complete Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Thanks to Pyroknight for drawing the sprites.

Latest Changes:
v3.2 - Sprite Overhaul
+ Pyroknight redrew all sprites
+ Made Description more informative
+ fixed WeatherControl button text



Things you can toggle:
- Bloodmoon - Frost Legion
- Frostmoon - Hardmode
- Pumpkinmoon - Expert Mode
- Solar eclipse - Halloween
- Pirate invasion - Christmas
- Goblin Army - Party
- Martian Madness - Slime Rain

Clear Inventory:
Clear inventory or delete non-favorited items!
(inventory-, ammo- and moneyslots).

Modify held Item:
Change some properties of your held Item
Changes are not saved with the player

Modify Player:
Change some properties of your player
Changes are not saved with the player

Custom NPC:
Create your own basic NPC

Custom Item:
Create your own basic Item

Creative Fly:
Toggle to Fly in the air or through blocks!
control with WASD, SHIFT to go faster and CTRL to go slower

Magic Cursor:
Move NPCs and Items with your mouse
hold middle click and drag to move them
(only works for one npc of a type)

Game Info:
Information you can display on the screen:
- Mouse position relative to the World
- Mouse position relative to the screen
- Mouse and Mouse border Color

- Player name, whoAmI id, position, velocity, ect
- NPC position, velocity, name, type, aiStyle
- Item position, name, type, Distance to Mouse
- Projectile position, velocity, name, type
- Screen position, Screen Zoom
- Time, Global time, Rain Timer
- Hitboxes

Weather Contol:
Contol what time it is and change the moonphase

Play Sound:
Play any sound or Music and find their ID
(useful for modders)

DownedBoss Toggle:
Toggle what bosses you have killed already.
Example: You can only enter the dungeon when skeleton has been defeated. Instead of having to fight him you can just tick NPC.downedBoss3.

Summon Meteor:
You can summon a Meteor.
(only 1 meteor can exist in a world. If you want two, destroy the first one)"> With Creative tools you can toggle different events
and game states with a single click of a button,
move NPC's and Items with your mouse, display
lots of Information on the screen and much more!

For a complete Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Thanks to Pyroknight for drawing the sprites.

Latest Changes:
v3.2 - Sprite Overhaul
+ Pyroknight redrew all sprites
+ Made Description more informative
+ fixed WeatherControl button text



Things you can toggle:
- Bloodmoon - Frost Legion
- Frostmoon - Hardmode
- Pumpkinmoon - Expert Mode
- Solar eclipse - Halloween
- Pirate invasion - Christmas
- Goblin Army - Party
- Martian Madness - Slime Rain

Clear Inventory:
Clear inventory or delete non-favorited items!
(inventory-, ammo- and moneyslots).

Modify held Item:
Change some properties of your held Item
Changes are not saved with the player

Modify Player:
Change some properties of your player
Changes are not saved with the player

Custom NPC:
Create your own basic NPC

Custom Item:
Create your own basic Item

Creative Fly:
Toggle to Fly in the air or through blocks!
control with WASD, SHIFT to go faster and CTRL to go slower

Magic Cursor:
Move NPCs and Items with your mouse
hold middle click and drag to move them
(only works for one npc of a type)

Game Info:
Information you can display on the screen:
- Mouse position relative to the World
- Mouse position relative to the screen
- Mouse and Mouse border Color

- Player name, whoAmI id, position, velocity, ect
- NPC position, velocity, name, type, aiStyle
- Item position, name, type, Distance to Mouse
- Projectile position, velocity, name, type
- Screen position, Screen Zoom
- Time, Global time, Rain Timer
- Hitboxes

Weather Contol:
Contol what time it is and change the moonphase

Play Sound:
Play any sound or Music and find their ID
(useful for modders)

DownedBoss Toggle:
Toggle what bosses you have killed already.
Example: You can only enter the dungeon when skeleton has been defeated. Instead of having to fight him you can just tick NPC.downedBoss3.

Summon Meteor:
You can summon a Meteor.
(only 1 meteor can exist in a world. If you want two, destroy the first one)

Localizer Package
one year ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.10.2 (132.8 KB)


Adds wormholes for two-way fast travel between remote locations. Be warned: It's a bumpy ride, and there's no telling where you might end up!

Also, Town Portal Scrolls let you create your own personal wormhole (Wormhole Potion + Book + Mana Crystal).
- Config file: Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/Wormholes.json

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v1.5.2 (48.8 KB)


Are you tired of running thousands of wires between teleporters? Or do you just want to make your wiring tidier?
Then you're in luck, because Wireless is a (yet another) mod all about wireless signals!

It adds Wireless Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers and Remotes.
(please visit the forum thread for more info on how to use the mod)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Nightmares Unleashed
Download v1.6.7 (4 MB)


Fight some of the baddest bosses around! Or, fight some of the lesser bosses added for pre-hardmode!

This mod currently has;
- 10 unique bosses, 5 pre-hardmode, 4 hardmode, 1 true final boss (Tested with all endgame classes so it's very fair, just very difficult!)
- 7 minibosses, 3 pre-hardmode, 4 hardmode
- 135 items
- 12 enemies
- Extended throwing class
- The new final boss is spawned with materials obtained through Solar Eclipses, Alien Invasions and Pirate Invasions.
- Boss Checklist support!

Planned content;
- 16 bosses in total
- Lots more minibosses (Minimum 10)
- Tons more items (Hopefully a few hundred)
- Another tier to the endgame
- More regular npc's to flush out the game a bit (Hopefully at least 50)
- Extend the throwing class to hardmode (About 90% done)

1.6.7 adds:
- Added Worm Eye! Drops from Devourers. You use this to spawn the Grasper!
- Gave the Grasper a harder 2nd phase and expert mode AI! Also added an expert mode item and (so far) a new melee weapon drop!
- Gave the final boss his own theme! Also completely changed the sky modifier for him, he looks much more badass now! Basically, everything about him is improved. (He's much harder now)
- Nerfed the Full Restore a bit (Max stack size is only 1 now)
- Made all the bosses show up on the map again!
- Added the Dirt Yoyo! Toggles the class of damage (VANILLA) yoyos do upon use (Melee or thrown!), saved per-character!
- Did lots of balancing tweaks to the weapons post-moonlord! (The melee don't suck anymore!)
- Summoning item for the final boss requires more materials and is infinite now! Don't worry, if you had the old one you only need the new materials.
- Added the Imp lord! A pre-hardmode underworld boss for if you want one more step of gear before fighting the WOF.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Research System from Terraria 1.4
Download v2.1 (244.6 KB)


This mod adds an implementation of the Journey Mode research system from Terraria 1.4, with some minor alterations to be possible to accept mods.

This mod will not be updated when 1.4 TModloader comes.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Memes Unleashed
Download v2.7.69420.4 (46.9 MB)


Memes Unleashed is a random content mod that adds meme stuff and content from other games that I enjoy. I hope that you too will enjoy my 2 years of work on this disaster.

So far, we've got 300+ items and 12 bosses along with a whole lot of new recipes for your favorite vanilla items and new wacky enemies to challenge.

Shoutouts to Mod Contributors who helped this mod's progression in some way or another, it's much appreciated :]

Music creds:
Throwdown! by energykid
Boot Camp by Noisemaker
Static Biome by kilofox Music


Added Star Rifle
Added Gummy Amalgamate
Added Gourd Gazer
Added Memium Ore
Added Memium Ingot
Added Memium Armor
Added Memium Pickaxe
Added Memium Hamaxe
Added Big Chungus (bartuscus again :])
Added Deus Ex Mcdonaldia
Added Mac Sword
Added Throwing Ravioli
Added Husk
Added Splash Potion of Harming
Added Hypercam <--- New Boss!
Added Hype Sigil
Added Saw
Added Error
Added Pik
Added Piss Jar
Added Sus Pill

Added Bean God
Green Bean enemies now only spawn after the Bean God mini-event.
Green Bean enemies now jump around a lot.
Added Limewire
Added Hell Bunker, spawns with new world
Added Green Giant Green Beans, dropped by Green Beans
Added Green Bean Armor
Resprited Meme Nova (thanks bartuscus)
Tweaked Meme Nova's AI to feel less floaty.
Lowered HP stat on Reddit Portal
Added Boss Bags to every boss
Added Crustular Ayylien Wings
Added Power Star
Added True Power Star
Luminite Bars are now needed to craft Forager's Magic Protractor
Fixed a bug that caused infinite projectile spawning with the Royal Larva
Clown Vomit is now more affordable to craft
Removed Snake88

Added an ending event for the final boss.
Added two endings to the mod.

---Bad Ending: Crafting recipes and enemy spawns from the mod are disabled in the world you kill the final boss in.
You have been warned.---

Added a mysterious stranger.
Added Progenitor Shard (For ultimate weapons, no recipes yet)
Added Snake88 (Currently unobtainable)
Chemist now spawns after beating the Epic Delta Worm

Reworked Blade Demon
Added gun
Hallowed Gladiator armor now provides melee crit in the set bonus.

Added Caledscratch
Added Ascended Moth Staff
Added Snoop Dogg Snow Cone Machete
Added Super Luna
Added Blade Storm Deluxe

Added Eye Of Pestilence
Added Binding Agent
Added Alien Armor
Added Shaman Staff to Vineluminescence recipe

Added new superboss ------MEME NOVA------
Added Eternity
Added nope.
Added Vineluminescence
Added Vinekind Medallion
Added Vinekind Ambuscade
Added Spacial Ambuscade
Added Epic Delta Worm to the Boss Rush roster.

Added new music to the Static Biome
Static Biome now has a new visual effect that triggers when the player is inside it.
Added The Gemsparker
Added Clown Vomit
Added Overworld Bomb
Added Corruption Bomb
Added Crimson Bomb
Added Hallowed Bomb
Added Mushroom Bomb

Added a small explosion effect to Fireblast
Added Red Temperance
Added Doritos Temperance
Added Vine Rifle
Added Mechanical Megadrive
Nerfed Counter Lance

Added Beenana Star
Added Crusty Crab Cake
Changed the rarity value of Beeomass Armor
Removed AWP
Removed AK47

Added a second phase to Sanic
Removed Mayro and Weegee because they're bad and smelly

Added Portal to the Bee Dimension (a boss)
Added Beeomass
Added Beeomass Armor

Added Epic Delta Worm
Added Guardian of the Epic Delta Worm
Added Static Dagger to the Bootleg Mystery Box pool
Added Static Trident to the Bootleg Mystery Box pool

Added e
Added flavor text to legacy items
Added random loot boxes

Added summon benefits to Lizard Armor
Added a visual effect to Forager's Magic Protractor

More tweaks to Giant Grasshopper
Added Forager's Magic Protractor
Added Crystal Pepsi
Added Infinity Jersey

Removed a bunch of annoying stuff lol

Royal Larva now drops from Lamp Queen

Added block drops for some enemies
Dungeon Guardian now drops a lot of bones
Crabs now have a small chance of dropping crab cakes
Buffed Nerf Super Spaghetti Soaker
Slightly nerfed Missingno
Buffed Killdozer significantly

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Boss Expertise
Download v3.0.2 (43 KB)


Do you think that Expert Mode is too hard but still want a challenge? Are Normal Mode bosses too boring?
Then this mod is probably for you! Boss Expertise makes bosses behave like they're in Expert Mode, even though their stats don't change.
BossExpertise also adds some optional features (like bosses dropping Treasure Bags in Normal Mode), which are disabled by default.
Also allows you to toggle Expert Mode via chat command (/expert), Cheat Sheet or HERO's Mod.

Big thanks to Pop000100 for maintaining the mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Solutions Mod
Download v1.4.2 (391.4 KB)


Solutions mod adds several new Clentaminator solutions by way of a new town NPC, the Terraformer.
This solutions range from Filling solutions, which fill empty space with a block (or liquid), Removal solutions that remove any block (or liquid), biome spreading solutions, such as one for the Ice biome, to Ore spreading solutions that replace stone with a variety of ores and gems.
This mod also add two new Clentaminator types, also sold by the Terraformer: the "One Shot Clentaminator" that allows you to fire one solution vial at a time (no more consuming 5 vials to convert one block) and the "Boomstick Clentaminator" that fires three bursts of spray (shotgun spread) per single vial shot (also with no auto reuse).

To unlock the Terraformer, you need to have any Clentaminator in your inventory and an empty house. If she dies, she will only respawn if you have a clentaminator with you.

Changelog v 1.4.2
- Updated to Tmodloader

Changelog v 1.4.1
- Jungle solution now also converts dirt into mud and any corrupt stone/sand back to normal.
- Added icon

Changelog v 1.4
- Version for tmod 0.10
- Added Actuating/De-Actuating Solutions:
- They make appropriate solid blocks become passable/solid again. Actuating version sold by the Terraformer for 10 silver, post Golem, De-Actuating version crafted from 1 Actuating one.
- Added Actuator Placing Solution:
- Places actuators on wired, solid tiles that can be actuated eventually (ignores restrictions such as trees or chests on top). Made from 10 actuators and one Mineral Solution.
- Added Wire Removing Solution:
- Removes all wires, actuators and junction boxes placed on tiles. Sold by the Terraformer after defeating the Golem for 50 Silver.
- Added Lihzarhd Brick Solution (an ore spreading solution)
- Added Pickaxe Power Solution:
- This special solution can remove any block your strongest pickaxe/drill/claw can mine. Example: If you only have a Copper pickaxe with you, dungeon bricks cannot be removed. However, if you have a Cobalt Pickaxe and a Copper Pickaxe in your inventory, dungeon bricks will be destroyed. For Lihzarhd Bricks, a Picksaw in your inventory is required, regardless of where it lies. It is sold by the Terraformer after you defeat all 3 mechanical bosses.

Changelog v
- Corrected Dark Blue Solution spreading Crimson.

Changelog v 1.3.1
- Corrected Chlorophyte solution spreading Adamantite.

Changelog V1.3
- Major code refactor to allow for customizing sprays.
- Added Grass Spreading Solutions:
- Spread their respective kind of grass to any dirt/mud block that is in contact with air or platforms.
- "Grass Spreading Solution" bought at the Terraformer for 25 silver.
- Hallowed, Corrupt, Crimson, Mushroom and Jungle versions crafted with one "Grass Spreading Solution" and one biome converting solution (crafts 2).
- "Anti-Grass Solution" now crafted with a "Grass Spreading Solution" instead of bought.
- Added "Glass Filling Solution" and "Glass Removal Solution", crafted with 2 "Sand filling Solution" and one "Lava Filling Solution".
- Added a "Luminite Solution" that drops from the Moon Lord with 1/5 chance (cannot be crafted like other ore/gem solutions).
- Added Infinite versions to all solutions, crafted with 999*4 for most solutions and for ores/gem solutions with either 999*10 ore/gem + 999 Mineral Solution or 999 of the ore spread solution.
- Added Nozzle and Barrel accessories, sold by the Terraformer:
- Light Suppressor is available from the start, costs 50 gold, and makes all sprays emit no light.
- Concentrator Nozzle is available post three mechanical bosses for 2.5 platinum and reduces the radius of conversion by half.
- Spread Nozzle is available post Moon Lord for 10 platinum and doubles conversion radius.
- Tri Reductor Barrel is available post three mechanical bosses for 5 platinum, and reduces spray distance by 1/3 and chance to consume ammo to 1/3.
- Penta Reductor Barrel is available post Plantera for 7.5 platinum, and reduces spray distance by 1/5 and chance to consume ammo to 1/5.
- Long Range Barrel is available post Plantera for 10 platinum and doubles spray distance at the cost of double ammo consumption.
- Vast Range Barrel is available post Moon lord for 20 platinum and quadrples spray distance at the cost of 4 times the ammo consumption.
- All accessories stack and work regardless of ammo available, so shooting Clentaminator with a Long + Vast Range Barrel will consume 8 ammo if available, but still work and shoot 8 times further even if you only have one solution.
- Terraformer now only spawns in hardmode,

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.3.3 (70.8 KB)


ItemMagnetPlus adds a single item called "Item Magnet" that does the obvious thing: Sucking in items around you so you don't have to run around and collect them yourself.

Item Magnet (and corresponding buff) that
* can be crafted with simple materials (Iron/Lead)
* works while in your inventory
* can be toggled on and off
* has adjustable range and item succ speed
* has increased stats after killing bosses
* customizable via config ingame to fit your playstyle

How to use:
* Left click cycles through its ranges
* Right click shows current range (you can always check the stats on the buff tooltip)
* This right click functionality changes to "turn off" when "Buff" in the config is false
* Killing bosses improves its stats
* If you want it to either be on or off, change "Scale" in the config to anything but "Increase With Bosses"

* This mod is multiplayer compatible, the config is entirely server side, but the buff flag is forced to 1
* Items that are inbetween two players with magnets will "float"
* If "Instant" is enabled and multiple players are in range of an item, it will always go to the same player (it is based on join order)
* Due to the way the "grab delay" is only set in singleplayer, items dropped by the player will instantly latch onto the player, which is normal behavior
* Items might not get sucked up and turn into a "ghost" with the Auto Trash Mod enabled
* Lost items due to this bug won't be recovered
* Report any bugs in the forum thread (please)

Progression: (default config)
Starts with:
Range = 10 (blocks in each direction)
Velocity = 8
Acceleration = 8

Ends with: (killing Moonlord)
Range = 120 (one and a half screens)
Velocity = 32
Acceleration = 32

About the config:
* Buff decides if it gives you a corresponding buff icon to show the status of the magnet
* Held decides if the magnet works only when held
* "Activate On Enter" decides if magnet should be automatically activated when entering the world
* Filter function: Presets (hearts, mana stars, coins, pickup effects), blacklist/whitelist
* Magnet stats are limited to sensible values (Range only goes up to about three screens in any direction)
* If you increase Vel or Acc too much from those recommended above, items might get "stuck" on you until you deactivate it again
* Beware of lag when increasing these values, especially range
* If the difference between velocity and acceleration is too big, items will go in circles around you or get stuck until you deactivate it
* "Instant" skips any velocity of acceleration checks and directly teleports the item to your location
* After you change the values in the config, use the magnet again to take effect

v1.0.3.3: Reduce lag with full inventory

v1.0.3.2: Update item sprite, make config only editable by the host

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Unofficial Calamity Mod Music Lite (Only Bosses)
Download v1.0.5 (15.1 MB)

apotofkoolaid and Heart …

Music by: Heart Plus Up!, SkippyZii, Thriplerex, Salvati, and novaGnomes
Sprites by: Heart Plus Up!, Seasalt, toothbrush, IbanPlay, Cooper, Hugekraken, LordMetarex, and PokerFace
Coded by: apotofkoolaid


This is the LITE version of the mod, meaning this only contains boss themes and NOTHING ELSE.
Please go to this mod's homepage (our Discord server) to download the full version of the mod.

This mod will do nothing if the full version is enabled.

Music boxes from this mod can be converted to the equivalent music box in the full version (and vice versa) if both mods are enabled.


Unofficial Calamity Mod Music is an in-progress, fan-made music mod that aims to replace the entire vanilla soundtrack with new songs that better fit with the Calamity Mod OST. The mod is not yet finished and below is a list of all the current themes in the lite version.

-= Music List (Lite) =-

- King Slime - (Gelatinous Monarch)
- Eye of Cthulhu - (Bloodshot Barrage)
- Eater of Worlds - (Menace of the Chasms)
- Brain of Cthulhu - (Madness Incarnate)
- Skeletron - (Wrath from the Crypt)
- Wall of Flesh ~ Phase 1 - (The Rotten Core)
- Wall of Flesh ~ Phase 2 - (Core of the Damned)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Danew's Mini-Boss NPC
Download v0.2.2.1 (205.1 KB)

Danew Dr

Danew's Mini Boss NPC Adds A Brand New NPC To The Game: The Arch Wizard!
He Sells Summoning Items for various Mini-Bosses And Event Bosses (So, kinda like Fargo's Mutant)

Currently Supported mods: Calamity, Thorium, Spirit, Tremor, GRealm and Nightmares Unleashed

Since there isn't an official definition for a 'Mini Boss' most of the summon items are for enemies that can prove to be quite the challenge at the point they are fought.
If there are any other enemies/bosses you feel need to be added be sure to let me know on the forum thread.
Also let me know what other mods to support.
Hope you enjoy the mod!

v0.2.2.1: Fixed Old One's army summons being sold incorrectly
v0.2.2: Updated Calamity support (Abyss mini-bosses, "new" Earth Elemental, new Cnidrion, Great Sand Shark)
Added new DD2 mini-boss summons (Betsy, tier 3 Dark Mage and tier 3 Ogre)
Added new rare creatures (Digger and Giant Worm)
Added pillar summons
Arch Wizard now sells the Tiara if tier 2 Old One's army is defeated but not tier 1
New Arch Wizard sprite
Updated icon to have new Arch Wizard sprite
Adjusted shops slightly
Enemies no longer spawn directly on top of you
Adjusted most prices to be more balanced
Boss Items are no longer craftable
Removed Jabberwocky, Corrgoth, Crimgoth and Slimegoth from shops (not/no longer mini-bosses)

v0.2.1: Added some useless items crafted from the all the drops of each boss (one item per boss, these will be given unique effects in a future update)
GRealm Support (Barbarian, Undeadipede, Bumblebirb Rider)
Calamity Mod Support (Cnidrion, Earth Elemental, Cloud Elemental, Plagurbringer)
Seperated the Arch Wizard's shop into two different shops (Mini-Bosses and Event Bosses)
Added more summons to the RCC's shop (Anomura Fungus, Cochineal Beetle, Cyan Beetle, Devourer, Dune Splicer, Lac Beetle, Martian Probe, Undead Miner, Sea Snail, Squid, Tomb Crawler, World Feeder)
Removed Lost Head from RCC's shop (Instantly t

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Brighter Torches
Download v1.3.1 (21.5 KB)


Makes torches 50% brighter.

Removed redundant code.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Helpful Hotkeys
Download v1.7.4.1 (80.3 KB)


Adds helpful hotkeys. Change hotkey assignments in Settings/Mod Controls.

Cycle Ammo: Defaults to the Period key.
Cycles the ammo in the ammo slots. Quickly switch ammo to adapt to situations. Hold for 1 second to enable/disable Auto Cycle Ammo mode. In Auto Cycle Ammo mode, ammo is cycled each time ammo would be used.

Auto Torch: Defaults to the Tilde/Backtick key.
Automatically places a torch from your inventory in the world as close to the mouse cursor as possible. Great for placing torches quickly while exploring without worrying about aiming the mouse to find a suitable wall or tile to attach to.

Auto Recall: Defaults to the Home key.
Automatically uses a Magic Mirror, Cellphone, or Recall Potion from your inventory. No longer does your magic mirror need to occupy precious space on your hotbar.

Quick Stack to Chests: Defaults to - (Minus, like, get rid of this junk.)
If using a chest, Quick Stacks to that chest, otherwise, Quick Stacks to nearby chests. Simply a keyboard shortcut to the buttons. Just hold down the hotkey and run through your treasure room!

Smart Quick Stack to Chests: Defaults to \ (the \ and | key near backspace)
Like normal quickstack, except it is super smart. If you have a Wooden Axe in a chest, it'll place your Iron Axe in as well. Keep what you want to keep favorited. Solves Chest organization intuitively.

Quick Buff Favorited Only: Defaults to B (You'll want to remap the original Quick Buff)
Just like Quick Buff, but only attempts to use the potions that have been favorited (Alt-click). No longer need you fight bosses with Sonar, Fishing, Crate, Spelunker, etc potions.

Query Mod Origin: Defaults to the /? button
Hover over an item, NPC, buff, tile, or wall and a message will tell you which mod the thing came from.

Toggle Autopause: Defaults to P
Toggles the autopause setting.

Quick Use Item #20: Defaults to L
Use the item in slot 20. (2nd row, far right. Most useful for Rod of Discord and Money Trough)

Quick Use Config Item: No Default
Use the item specified in the config, regardless of slot, if found in inventory. Similar to Quick Use Item #20 but allows the item to be moved.

Swap Armor and Vanity: No Default
This will swap all armor in vanity with equipped armor, but only if the vanity slot is actual armor and not vanity. Hold for half a second to additionally swap accessories.

Swap Hotbar: No Default
This will swap the hotbar and the 1st row of inventory. Useful for swapping weapon and tool loadouts.

Cycling Quick Mount: No Default
A special Quick Mount hotkey that will cycle through all available mounts rather than just one. If used, simply replace the vanilla Quick Mount with this more versatile alternative.

Switch Frame Skip Mode: No Default
Cycles between frame skip off, on, and subtle.

Dash: No Default
Use this if you prefer to dash via a hotkey rather than the double tap method. There is a config option to disable double tap dashing if you want to avoid accidentally dashing the normal way.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Ore Seeds
Download v1.1.0 (50 KB)


SuperAndyHero#1185 either directly, on the official Terraria Server, or on the TML Server.

Tell me if ive missed any ores from a supported mod, or what other things I should add a plant for!


Developer: SuperAndyHero#1185

Any sprites not listed below: SuperAndyHero#1185

Chaotic Sprite: Stuckinahol3#9719

Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tungsten, & Souls of Night/Light Sprites: beberhard22#8066

Demonite, Crimtane, Enchanted Granite,
Enchanted Marble, Cryolite, Thermite, Star Piece,
Spirit Ore, & Floran Ore Sprites: Darkpuppey#9233"> The Ore Seeds mod adds new plants and seeds that allow you to grow ores once you have collected enough of said ore.
This mod contains Plants for every vanilla ore.
Plus support for:
+Sacred Tools
+Beyond The Forgotten Ages

Most ore seeds recipes require 20 ore and mushroom seeds at a demon altar, but recipes may vary based on the rarity of said ore.
I suggest you take some mushroom seeds to the guide or use recipe browser for a list of the seeds.

Every plant will always give one seed

Now works in multiplayer!

If you find any bugs, have have some feedback, or want to help with sprites, contact me on discord: SuperAndyHero#1185 either directly, on the official Terraria Server, or on the TML Server.

Tell me if ive missed any ores from a supported mod, or what other things I should add a plant for!


Developer: SuperAndyHero#1185

Any sprites not listed below: SuperAndyHero#1185

Chaotic Sprite: Stuckinahol3#9719

Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead, Silver, Tungsten, & Souls of Night/Light Sprites: beberhard22#8066

Demonite, Crimtane, Enchanted Granite,
Enchanted Marble, Cryolite, Thermite, Star Piece,
Spirit Ore, & Floran Ore Sprites: Darkpuppey#9233

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Colored Damage Types
Download v1.6.0 (63.4 KB)


Colored damage types changes the tooltip and damage text of weapons to be colored, so that it's easier to quickly tell what kind of damage the weapon deals at a glance.

Melee: Red
Ranged: Green
Magic: Blue
Thrown: Brown
Summon: Pink
Sentries: Light Purple

Cross-Mod Support for these damage types:
Thorium: Radiant, Symphonic, True
Calamity: Rogue
Redemption: Druidic
Enigma: Mystic
Battle Rods: Fishing
Clicker Class: Click

-Added cross-mod support for Calamity, Redemption, Enigma, DBZ, Battle Rods, and Clicker Class damage types.
-Added toggle to disable damage numbers.
-Added toggle to disable other players damage numbers in multiplayer.

-Now works in multiplayer! Test it out and let me know if you run into any problems.
-Remade the config menu again. Tried to make it a little easier to get through.

-Finally got around to adding mod configuration through tmodloader.
Old mod config files won't work, so unfortunately you'll need to redo your configs if you had changed anything.

-Added support for in game config reloading through Hamstar's Helpers mod.
-Split Sentries and Summons into 2 separate damage types w/different colors. Sentry damage is colored Purple.
-Added support for Alchemic damage type from Tremor. Alchemic damage is Dark Pink.

-The "True" damage type from Thorium mod is now added. True damage will be colored White/Gray.
-Adjusted the color of Symphonic damage type to make it stand out from Ranged damage more.

-Damage text for Radiant and Symphonic damage types will now properly change color.
-Known issue: Tooltips on Symphonic weapons do not change color. This will be fixed in a later update.

-Defense values on armor/accessories will now be colored gray.
-Now also changes the color of the text that shows when you deal damage to match the damage type of the weapon!
Note: Some projectile based weapons may show incorrect damage types. This needs to be manually changed for each individual projectile type. Please report any weapons that use incorrect colors.
Thorium damage types are not yet supported with this, and will use different colors for Symphonic and Radiant damage until the mod is updated
-This mod will now create a config file when loaded for the first time. You can use this file to toggle tooltip or damage colorings, and set individual colors for each type! Supports rgb and hex colors!

-Now changes the text that pops up when you deal damage to also be colored based on the damage type.

-Now works properly with Thorium's flat damage modifying items.

-Now supports Symphonic and Radiant damage types from Thorium

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Cheat Extensions for Hero's/Cheat Sheet
Download v0.1.3 (27.5 KB)


Cheat Extensions for Hero's/Cheat Sheet adds miscellaneous cheat functions for integration with hero's mod and cheat sheet

Additions so far:
No Clip (also gives infinite flight)
Infinite Flight (this doesn't need an explanation)
Cursor Teleport (rod of discord on demand)
Resettle NPCs (moves npcs back to their houses)
No Item Pickup (prevents you from picking up loose items)
Kill Aura (will auto kill any npc that tries to damage you)
Infinite Ammo (stops the consumption of ammo)
Infinite Items (stops the consumption of items)
Mine Aura (will automatically destroy blocks in the direction you are travelling)
Infinite Range (allows you to mine and place blocks at any distance)


-Added no item pickup, kill aura, infinite ammo, infinite items, mine aura, and infinite range
-Fixed a bug where sometimes an npc would be teleported to you while using no clip
-Added a notification if a user tries to use a cheat that has been disabled by the config
-Edited config labels for greater clarity

-Added resettle npc feature

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Secrets Of The Shadows
Download v0.21.1 (25.5 MB)

Vortex Of Rainbows

A mod which probably has something to do with Secrets and Shadows.
This mod's main plan is to add structures and other unique generation to the world, which can act as dungeons or help spice up exploration.

!! This mod is early in development !!
!! A large world is recommended in order for the generated structures to spawn without overriding vanilla structures !!

Bosses -> Currently 6, all with original AI!
Items -> Nearly 600, designed to unique!
Ores -> 3

New Subclass: Void
-Unleash very powerful attacks, at a cost
-High risk, high reward
-Has melee, ranged, magic, and summon items

Major Stuctures: 2
-Pyramid Dungeon Worldgen
-Planetarium Temple Worldgen
-A generous amount of smaller structures

(Current Developers)
Code, Direction, Art: Vortex#6230
Music, SFX, Direction, Art: Heart Plus Up!
Code, Audio Engineering: apotofkoolaid
Art: Mochi, MrPetkins

(Contributors and Other Credits)
Art: HugeKraken, Arcri, Pokerface
Testers/Other: Mushnib~, Astrobit, DreadSoul, Crimsonkeep, Bman, TheoR
Code: Graydee, ENNWAY, Qwerty3.14, OS, Nalyd T.
Minor Art: Naka, DeJuiceTD, Nomis

(Past Developers)
Emotional Support, Direction, Art: Coolio
Misc, Direction: FlameFreezer
Music: BananaLizard
Art: Blasfah

Update 0.21.1
-Attempted a fix for Recipe Browser crash
-Buffed Lux's survivablity across the board
-Other balance related changes

Update 0.21.0 "The Construct Update"
-New worldgen structure in the Dungeon and Jungle
-New Polaris summon shrine + 3 new ores
-Added the 3 remaining Constructs, all Hardmode
-Replaced Celestial Serpent with a new boss, Lux
-Reworked and added more items. New enemies
-Void Reworks, such as enemies being able to deal void damage, and different void regen mechanics
-Various balance changes
-Added a config option to lower the intesity of visuals and help with performance. Mainly affects certain boss related visuals, lasers, trails, etc.
-Many resprites and visual improvements
-Internal Optimizations and many Bug fixes

Update 0.20.2
-A new item, Plasma Accelerator, and reworked Bore Bullets
-A few bug fixes and internal optimizations that should hopefully make the mod less laggy

Update 0.20.1
-Reworked Treasure Slimes
-Added Permafrost and Tidal Spirit Staves
-Added two new starter house variants (courtesy of Astrobit and Mushnib~)
-A few resprites, bug fixes, and balance changes

Update 0.20.0 "The Pyramid Update"
-The Pyramid worldgen overhauled/improved. Added new enemies and a wave event and music.
-The Planetarium now features a vastly improved set of visuals.
-Other places have also recieved visual improvements, such as buff icons, bosses, enemies, armor, and weapons.
-Pharaoh's Curse has been completely reworked
-Several items have recieved visual and functional reworks
-A handful of new items have been added
-Many balance changes, bug fixes, and QoL additions
-Many internal code optimizations and fixes

Update 0.19.3
-New Expert drops for Icy Amalgamation, Subspace Serpent, and Pharaoh's
-A TON of various resprites
-A handful a balance changes
-Bug Fixes

Update 0.19.2
-More Items, such as the introduction of Void+Summon items
-New Worldgen structures in the Ocean, Sky, and Planetarium
-Putrid Pinky Reworks, both visual and functional
-Subspace Serpent has been completely reworked
-Many item reworks, both visual and functional

Update 0.19.1
-Just a quick hotfix in attempt to fix some bugs such as...
-Fixed game crash on attempting to load world
-Fixed enemies from other mods spawning too frequently in planetarium
-New Mod icon

Update 0.19.0
-Big thanks to qwerty3.14 for extensive feedback in many areas of the mod (and glowmask code)!
-Balancing changes, overhauls, and visual improvements in many areas (including various items)
-New Boss and Biome with lots of new items
-Various bug fixes

Update 0.18.4
-Pyramid prioritizes finding a non-underground desert
-Pyramid is now smaller, has new rooms, now generates with clogged hallways.
-Visual improvements in various places, added banners.
-Expanded content, Remade some old content.
-Buffed default void regen speed, modified void costs in various areas
-Bug fixes (Thanks Creeper da Snek and the people in the Discord server)

-Some small tweaks
-Homepage added!

Update 0.18.3
-Pyramid worldgen improved
-Visual improvements in various places
-Permafrost Fragment item pool expansion
-More Items, Enemies, and an Armor set
-Remade some items and added old ones back.
-Item balancing, especially with summon items
-Bug fixes

Update 0.18.2
-Fixed undownloadable error
-Icon added

Update 0.18.1
-More pyramid stuff and resprites

Update 0.18 The Purge
-Reworked or Removed almost every old ite

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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