tModLoader Mod List
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Universe Of Bows Mod
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Download v1.3.6 (2.6 MB) |
TheStachelfisch |
The Universe of bows mod adds:
-52 Bows -4 Accesories -2 Potions -62 Items -11 projectiles -1 Wing -2 Town NPCs -1 Hostile NPC *This mod is associated with the Universe of Swords mod by gnom.* **Visit Discord for more!** --Changelog-- V.0.1 -Mod Published V.0.1.2 -Icon added V.0.1.3 -Icon bug fixes V.0.2.3 -Bug fixes, The Cthulu bow now consumes ammo -Spelling mistakes -Added: "The Galaxy of special thanks" "The Destroyer's Bow" "Skeletrons's Bow" "The Twin's Bow" "Mechanical Bow" -Changed the drop chanches of "Infinite flight matter" to 50% -Buffed the moon bow -Projectile currently disabled to a bug -Changed the sprite of "BowMatter" V.0.2.4 -Bug fixes V.0.2.5 -Changed the description of "The Galaxy of special thanks" -Spelling mistakes V.0.2.6 -CUSTOM PROJECTILES *Celebration* -Moon Bow now deals 1200 damage instead of 734 -Moon Bow now shoots a custom projectile with any arrow V.0.2.7 -More custom projectiles -Mechanical bow now has got a custom porjectile -Archer Town NPC added V.0.2.8 -Bug fixes V.0.2.9 -Homepage added -Added "Blossom Bow" The Blossom Bow shoots Homing petal arrows -Resprited the Mechanical Arrow -Added the Archer(Town NPC) Spawns after king slime is defeated -Added homing Petal Arrow -Added Some sounds -The mod name is now red -Changed description -deleted unnecessary code V.0.2.10 -Added a real homepage V.0.3 -Resprited EVERY bow V.O.3.1 -Resprited the moon bow and mechanical bow -The Archer npc sells more stuff now -Added a bow called "EcoBow", can be bought from the Archer -Added a music box -Added some more sounds -Homepage updated -Resprited "Bow matter" V.0.3.2 -Resprited "Skeletron Bow" V.0.3.3 -Added the "Party Zombie" The Party zombie spawns at night with a 0.58% chance -Fixed sprite bugs -Fixed the unlimite money bug V.0.3.4 -Added the "Black and White" hostile NPC, spawns in the underground -Added the german Town NPC, spawns after King Slime is defeated -Added "Bratwurst" Item -Changed "Music box" V.0.3.5 -Added the Bow Bow -Nerfed some enemies -The Black and white monster only spawns in the underworld(Hell). V.0.3.6 -The mechanical bows now drop V.0.3.7 -The Cthulhu and Duke bows now drop V.0.3.8 -Added Meow Bow -Added Pure Phoenix Bow -Bug fixes(ALOT) -Code cleanup V.0.3.9 -Added "Ale bow" -Added "Bone bow" -Added "Enchanted bow" -Added "Greedy bow" -Added "Dirt bow" -Resprited all potions -fixed all potions V.0.3.10 -Bug fixes V.0.3.11 -Added "Dog bow" -Added "Rocket Repeater" -Added "Mini Bow" V.0.3.12 -Added "Heaven's wrath" -Added "Hell bow" -Added "Heaven bow" -Added "Fish Bow" -Added "Skull Crossbow" -Added "Cat bow" -The Ale bow is now obtainable -Bug fixes V.0.3.13 -Buffed some Bows -Bug Fixes V.0.3.14 -Added "Mana Bow" -Added "Ruby Bow" -Added "Diamond Bow" -Added "Wyvern Bow" -Added "Strange Bow" -Added "Pink Gel Bow" -Bug Fixes -Buffed some Bows V.0.3.15 -Added propper multiplayer compatibility V.0.3.16 -Changed the sprite of the Moon Bow -Some Recipes are now harder V.0.3.17 -Bug fixes V.0.3.18 -Wyvern Bow Projectile fixed V.0.3.19 -Bug fix with tmodLoader V.0.11.1 fixed V.0.3.20 -Downgraded to tmodloader V. V.0.3.21 -Added "Hunter Emblem" -Fixed Multiplayer compatibility -Fixed projectiles -Damagae balancing V.0.3.22 -Minor bug fixes V.1.3.0 -BETA OVER- -Added: "Bow Emblem Tier 1" "Bow Emblem Tier 2" "Bow Emblem Tier 3" "Star Bow" "Spore Sprayer" V.1.3.1 -Bug fixes V.1.3.2 -Code cleanup V.1.3.3 -Nerfed some bows -bug fixing -buffed some bows V.1.3.4 -Minor bug fixes -Balancing V.1.3.5 -Balanced some bows -Minor bow offset issues fixed V.1.3.6 -Removed not finished bow I accidently left in Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Start with base
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Download v0.2.3.2 (444.1 KB) |
Unftf |
"Start with base" is a small mod which generates a base at the end of world generation considering all NPC's of all active mods. If u are tiered building ur own all the time that mod might work for you. But it won't give you too much.
You still need to place chests and crafting stations. Only for NPC flats you don't need to care about anymore. It will check how many NPC your active mods contain and resize the base accordingly (only at world gen). It won't win a design award for good looking :) That's also your part. The main concept about this base is to reduce ways to NPC's, crafting stations, chests and a high amount of chest you can quick-stack to (after teleport back). Each of those can be done better but with negative effect for the other. If you think you got a better base structure write me in linked page please (also base pics there). Not all basee have been tested for long play. It would be nice if you can also write me your experience during playthrough with this base mod. Thanks for testing. gl hf! Config your base: left click at the GUI during world generation or add those commands to world name: $Ba2 - base with 2 NPC flats as core structure $Ba3 - base with 3 NPC flats as core ($b3b for big version, both look if enough space for all mod items) $Ba4 - base with 4 .. (useful for many NPC) $Ba5 - base with 5 .. below ground $Ba6 - base with 6 NPC flats as core (credits to Sergo for that) $Fpa, Fdy, Fwo, Fgr, Fbo, Fri, Fmb ---> changes the furniture material, $D.. only chair and desk $Tha, Tob, Tdy, Two, Tss, Tri, Tbo, Tgr, Tmb --> changes the tiles used for flats $Wha, Wdg, Wdy, Wwo, Wss, Wdi, Wri, Wbo, Wgr, Wmb --> changes the used wall $Lho, Lgl, Ldy, Lwo, Lpa, Lbo, Lgr, Wmb --> changes the used lantern $Ppa, Pri, Pdy, Pwo, Pbo, Pgr, Pmb, Pic --> changes the used platform ...and many more (no Gui: $noG) $Sy* - random style of used tiles, predefined $Sy0, $Sy1, $Sy2 $Cx1 - stores/loads config file which allows you to setup all values as you like You can combine those, e.g "MyWorldName$Ba3FdyTssWdi" (without quotes) will select base 3 with dynasty wood furniture (Fdy), stone slab for Flats (Tss) and dirt as wall behind (Wdi) more details at linked page updates: - new base & bug fixes while porting it to 1.4 - custom styles bugfix, desk chair: $D.. , same as $F - pause world gen, no gui mode: $noG - more options - now with GUI, lantern, platform option - custom style and marble style - base improv - small fix at npc count - add base 4 (for manny npc's) - some bug fixing - Advanced options, added 2 alternative base structures and the option to change the used tiles - some bug fixing Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Prefixes For Enemies
Download v2.0.0 (1010.2 KB) |
Jofairden, HattedHenk |
Allows enemies to spawn with prefixes, which can change their stats or add various special effects.
See the mod homepage for a much more detailed description of content and a changelog. 2.0.0 -------------------- please note: refactor is in early stages, very much WIP and may explode! - refactored all the prefixes in seperated classes - added dedicated prefix groups - added support for custom prefix groups and prefixes to be added by other mods\ - all items previously available in the mod have been removed Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
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Download v0.8.3 (262 KB) |
Dominic Karma |
This difficulty is harder than Death mode and can be activated with the Infernal Chalice when Revengeance Mode is active. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs. Possible plans to add custom music, items, and exclusive bosses in the future.... maybe. Some bosses may gain (unnecessary) extra phases for maximum "It's not over yet!" energy. NOTE: As of now, only Pre-HM (along with some HM) boss AIs are included, and bosses may be subject to rebalancing. Furthermore, the mod is not supported for multiplayer at this time."> An extension mod for Calamity that adds an extra difficulty - Infernum This difficulty is harder than Death mode and can be activated with the Infernal Chalice when Revengeance Mode is active. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs. Possible plans to add custom music, items, and exclusive bosses in the future.... maybe. Some bosses may gain (unnecessary) extra phases for maximum "It's not over yet!" energy. NOTE: As of now, only Pre-HM (along with some HM) boss AIs are included, and bosses may be subject to rebalancing. Furthermore, the mod is not supported for multiplayer at this time. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
JoJo Stands (by G@yLord239)
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Download v0.3.4.0 (6.8 MB) |
G@yLord239 and Jen`Ok |
To summon the stand check the control settings. This is a fan mod by JoJo Bizzare Adventure. At the moment, the mod adds 3 stands: Star Platinum, Magician's Red and Hierophant Green And also on 1 set of armor, improving the characteristics of stand. In the future, we plan to add new stands, new abilities and new clothes. The arrow for the stand is issued at the beginning of the game. For questions and suggestions, please contact our public in VK. ru: Для призыва станда проверьте настройки управления. Это фанатский мод по JoJo Bizzare Adventure. На данный момент мод добавляет 3 стандов: Star Platinum, Magician's Red и Hierophant Green А также по 1 комплекту брони, улучшающие характеристики стандов. В будущем, мы планируем добавлять новых стандов, новые способности и новую одежду. Стрела для получения станда выдаётся в начале игры. По вопросам и предложениям обращайтесь в наш паблик в ВК. Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
Item Checklist
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Download v0.5.2 (112.2 KB) |
jopojelly |
Item Checklist lets you view a checklist for picking up or crafting 100% of the items in the game
Toggle the checklist with the hotkey assigned to it in the settings. The checklist has several buttons at the top followed by some search filters and then the category chooser panel. Cycle Found Filter: Filters the list to show All, only Found, or only missing items. Cycle Mod Filter: Lets you filter by all items, only vanilla items, or individual mods. Toggle Messages: Toggles the announcement chat text that happens when you pick up a new item. Toggle Collect Chest Items: You can toggle the behavior of counting items seen in chests as "collected". Show Sort Value Text: Toggles showing additional text on the items in the checklist related to the currently selected sort. Filter by Name: Filters the checklist by item name. Filter by tooltip: Filters the list by item tooltip. Try searching for "minions". Categories, Sub-Categories, Sorts, and Filters: The 1st line contains various categories. Sub-Categories will show up on the 2nd line if available. Sorts are also on the 2nd line, click on one to sort the checklist. Finally, Filters end the 2nd line. Use the scrollwheel to scroll these panels. Cycle Sort Method: Sorts the list by ID, Value, Alphabetical, Rarity, or the chest auto-sorting algorithm. If you use Magic Storage and have the Toggle Collect Chest Items enabled, you will also collect all items in storage if you access it. If you have Recipe Browser, try out its Query Hovered Item on the Checklist items to quickly bring the item into Recipe Browser. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria Randomizer Mod
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Download v1.2.0 (41.6 KB) |
NuovaPrime, Fargowilta |
All configs are off by default, make sure to turn the ones you want on.
This randomizer mod lets you randomize many features of your game to create interesting playthroughs or even just chaos, some of the features that can be randomized include: NPC AI Randomization - Lets you randomize the AI of all enemies and creatures spawned, meaning you can have a bunny with bat AI or a demon eye with skeletron ai. Item & NPC Name Randomization - Randomizes the names of all items and npcs, creating some pretty wacky names. Item Stats Randomization - Randomizes the damage, knockback, use speed and projectile firing of all weapons, it tends to roll lower values than higher ones, so don't worry about balance. Item Sprites Randomization - Randomizes the sprites of all items to make one item have the sprite of a different item, so you can have a muramasa with the sprite of a mushroom. Item & NPC Sound Randomization - Randomizes the use sounds of items, and the hit and death sounds of npcs. Projectile AI Randomization - Randomizes the AI of all projectiles, creating some really odd projectiles. NPC Shop Randomization - Randomizing the shop contents and shop prices for all npc's that have them. NPC Loot Randomization - Makes all enemies drop a random item when killed. Worldgen Randomization - Randomizes every tile (that isn't from a biome) in the world upon worldgen. Everything rerandomizes whenever you reload your mods/game, so be warned of that. Changelog: V1.2.0 1) Added the ability to make only bosses drop a random item, chest randomization, the ability to override immortality on enemies, as well as some meme settings for AI. 2) Changed usetime randomization to also have a better chance to roll lower values. 3) Split off randomized projectiles from item stats randomization into it's own config. 4) Fixed a crash with item sprites randomization and the mod browser. 5) Made the eternia portal and crystal part of the "important npc's" config option for AI randomization. 6) Made most of the config options not force a reload. V1.1.1 1) Fixed an issue preventing people from loading the mod after updating. V1.1.0 1) Added randomization of npc shops, worldgen and npc loot. 2) Added more options to npc ai randomization. 3) Split name randomization into items and npcs. V1.0.3 1) Made the mod multiplayer compatible, whoops. V1.0.2 1) Made it so the item stat randomization doesn't apply to tools. Credits to Oli.H for making npc shop and worldgen randomization. Credits to fargowilta, the thorium discord and the tmodloader discord for giving me some ideas as I made this. Credit to catsounds for the mod icon. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Useful NPCs
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Download v2.0.5 (248 KB) |
Gortart, Lonely Star |
Useful NPCs add various NPCs that sell items that are annoying to get.
See the linked forum thread for more information. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Plentiful Ores
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Download v2.0.3 (34.7 KB) |
valkyrienyanko |
Never miss that particular ore you're searching for ever again. Ore spawns are roughly 2.5x more frequent. Ores that are effected are listed below. The mod is only triggered on world creation.
Iron / Lead Gold / Platinum Diamond / Ruby / Sapphire / Topaz / Emerald Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.6.1.5 (1 MB) |
Astrum |
'The Void gave birth to Three at first, those sparkling eyes of the Sun. Their legacy lives on through your thirst, to end what had never begun.' A vanilla-style overhaul to Terraria. Don't expect anything else ;) > Bosses, Weapons, NPCs, Mechanics, Lore, Some Overhauls < Release Alpha, super WIP Credit to ~ MrPlague, Glorifier, Arzon, Cecelune, Zeodexic, ~ ~ tModLoader discord, Paper Luigi, Cthuloso, ~ ~ Spook_A, ElGattoZeLatto, GabeHasWon ~ ...couldn't have done it without you <3 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.3.13 (275 KB) |
Saerus |
This mod introduces an RPG-style class and leveling system where all monsters provide experience based on their health, defense, and damage stats. Your current level and progression is presented in a movable UI box. As you level, you unlock various bonuses and progress through three tiers of classes with several choices along the way.
A MAJOR overhaul is now underway. See the forums or discord for more details! CHANGELOG: ===v1.3.13=== Revised Cleric/Saint descriptions. The auras were removed a while ago. Several new ACTIVE abilities have been added in their place. See the website for more details. ===v1.3.12=== Removed free Opener Attack on full-health targets. Renamed Opener Attack to Assassinate. ===v1.3.11=== Applied orb xp fix to ascension and boss orbs ===v1.3.10=== Fixed multiplayer orb xp bug (no longer grants xp to all players) ===v1.3.9=== Disabled Ninja petal procs. Built on latest tModLaoder ===v1.3.8=== Git Integration! You can now access downgrade through the Mod Browser. ===v1.3.7=== 1. Bug Fix * Fixed a bug that could prevent new and pre-mod characters from joining worlds ===v1.3.6=== 1. Cleric/Saint Abilities (complete!) * Sanctuary completely implemented * Divine Intervention completely implemented * Paragon/Renew completely implemented 2. Status System: * added a custom status system so that effects will not need to take buff slots (Cleric/Saint effects are statuses; during reworks, all current mod buffs will become statuses) * statuses do not show in the buff bar, but most will have visual effects * I am open to suggestions on how best to display duration info if at all (currently not shown) * added /expstatusmsg to toggle showing status gain/lose messages (defaults to on) 3. Misc: * Headless Horseman is now counted as undead * Optimizations for heavily populated servers and very low-spec systems 4. Bug Fixes: * Fixed a bug that could prevent certain mod abilit Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Health and Mana From Bosses
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Download v1.1.2.1 (13.3 KB) |
Striderr |
Health and Mana From Bosses is a mod that aims to decrease the amount of time that players have to spend searching for life crystals, mana crystals, and life fruit. It does so by adding them to the drop pools of all of the bosses.
Good luck and have fun! -Striderr Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.3 | Edit | Delete |
Faster Weapons
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Download v1.6.1 (28.4 KB) |
valkyrienyanko, convicte… |
v1.6 - Fixed bug where magic weapons were not effected
All weapons use time is 25% faster. (Configurable) E.g. Minishark shoots 25% faster E.g. Sword swinging is 25% faster Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v1.6.2.1 (92.3 KB) |
Sad Onion |
Auto Reforge is a mod that replaces normal reforge menu with more complex one that allows you to reforge automaticly.
Specific info on homepage Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Lan's Unlimited Buff Slots
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Download v0.2.1 (21.7 KB) |
Lanboost |
Gives the player an extra 200 buff slots so buffs doesn't override each other. Now uses TModLoader's internal code for this.
Changelog: V. 0.2.1: - Added config to set the max buff slots Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Universe Of Swords Mod
Download v2.8.1 (3.9 MB) |
Gnom |
Universe of Swords Mod adds tons of melee class weapons, which mainly consist of swords. More information on my homepage.
Version history: --------------------------------------- 2.8: Finally new update after months of inactivity! Update itself isn't too huge, just a few sprites and new weapons. Sorry about the delay and I hope you'll enjoy this rather small update. Anyway, here's the list of changes. Added new items: -Added new ore! Dark Ore is a rare ore that spawns after killing Plantera and is used to make strong items. -Calculator Sword -Nature Sword -Dran Wings (Two versions of them) Resprites (Credit goes to the great mutater and Horrior for SOTU resprite): -Sword of the Universe (Rainbow variant) -All rune blades (Including the True one) -Dragrael -Ice Breaker -Barbarian Sword -True Gem Sword -All Wood Sword -Doomsday -Musket Bullet Sword -Ancient Katana -Gnom Blade -All gem swords (Except Amber) -Saphira -Paladin Sword -Orcrist --------------------------------------- 2.7: Added new swords: -Sol Blade Other changes: -Balanced some of the swords -Removed some of the swords -Temporarily removed Nazgul Resprites: -Amethyst Sword -Emerald Sword -Sapphire Sword -Ruby Sword -Topaz Sword -Diamond Sword -True Gem Sword -Machine -The Stinger -The Eater -The Brain -Uriziel --------------------------------------- 2.6: Added new swords: -Daedric Sword -Crimson/Corrupt Crystallus -Poison Crystallus -Molten Shard -Venom Shard -Frozen Shard -Nightlight -Mechanical Soul -The Nightmare Amalgamation -Stone Shortsword -Ectoplasmic Ripper -True Terrablade -Scarlet Flare Greatsword -Smolder Blade Added new potions: -Skooma (Can be obtained through Travelling Merchant or crafted in hardmode) -Nord Mead -Lesser Melee Power Potion New tools: -Damascus Pickaxe -Damascus Hamaxe Resprites: -Crystal Excalibur -Ancient Katana -Death Sword -The Force -Master Sword Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.4 | Edit | Delete |
Mod of Redemption: Music Pack
Download v0.8.0.2 (62 MB) |
Hallam |
A separate mod for Mod of Redemption, adds the mod's custom music.
There are config options to disable the claimable music, or replace them with royalty-free alternatives, so fights can still feel impactful without hearing vanilla music play. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
PINKYMOD: A Tale of Gods and Men
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Download v1.5.3 (15.6 MB) |
Linx145 and friends! |
The Winds of Magic, Part 2.
Want dimensions? Want death? Want epic ADVENTURE? But most importantly, if you want to harness the Winds of Magic to fight Harpy royalty and Kobblin kobbunists alike, then this mod is for you, I guess. (Also comes with Slimes with swords - so click 'download' or else) Pinkymod is a mod, my personal project that I have been working on for quite some time already. The mod is a lore-centric content mod, but unlike many others, it seeks to expand the canvas for telling it's deep story beyond just the small world you play in. Instead, you can take to the seas and explore the Terrarian Mainland in adventure map segments. The mod is FAR from complete, but I will try my best to provide a good and memorable experience with what is currently in the game. Mod has limited multiplayer support, and I give no guarantees for stability Pinkymod Adds: ![]() ![]() ![]() -ATOGAM mode for the complete experience, the current locations/dimensions in the game, Traveller NPC and full lore -Classic mode if your computer cannot handle dimensions or don't want to get too invested into the mod and just use it as a side-mod. ![]() ![]() ![]() -All of which will proceed to murder you. Thank you for your patronage. ![]() -Minibosses galore! -Kungfu Slimes and tortoises with back-mounted artillery ![]() -Smarter AI and custom UI, with unique interactions for each NPC -New questlines and shops that update along with it ![]() -Prepare to cry ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ...And much, much more. See forum page for changelog"> The Winds of Magic, Part 2. Want dimensions? Want death? Want epic ADVENTURE? But most importantly, if you want to harness the Winds of Magic to fight Harpy royalty and Kobblin kobbunists alike, then this mod is for you, I guess. (Also comes with Slimes with swords - so click 'download' or else) Pinkymod is a mod, my personal project that I have been working on for quite some time already. The mod is a lore-centric content mod, but unlike many others, it seeks to expand the canvas for telling it's deep story beyond just the small world you play in. Instead, you can take to the seas and explore the Terrarian Mainland in adventure map segments. The mod is FAR from complete, but I will try my best to provide a good and memorable experience with what is currently in the game. Mod has limited multiplayer support, and I give no guarantees for stability Pinkymod Adds: ![]() ![]() ![]() -ATOGAM mode for the complete experience, the current locations/dimensions in the game, Traveller NPC and full lore -Classic mode if your computer cannot handle dimensions or don't want to get too invested into the mod and just use it as a side-mod. ![]() ![]() ![]() -All of which will proceed to murder you. Thank you for your patronage. ![]() -Minibosses galore! -Kungfu Slimes and tortoises with back-mounted artillery ![]() -Smarter AI and custom UI, with unique interactions for each NPC -New questlines and shops that update along with it ![]() -Prepare to cry ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ...And much, much more. See forum page for changelog Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |
MrPlague's Authentic Races
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Download v1.13.7.3 (2.5 MB) |
MrPlague |
MrPlague's Authentic Races aims to add playable Races in a similar fashion to Starbound or Dungeons & Dragons. Each Race directly changes the Player's appearance and stats, editing the Player's sprites themselves rather than just adding a "costume" onto them. This allows you to retain the ability to see your equipped armor and change the color values of the player (eyes, hair, etc), whilst also gaining an entirely different appearance. Races: -Human -Goblin -Kenku -Tabaxi -Dragonkin -Merfolk -Mushfolk -Derpkin -Kobold -Skeleton -Vampire -Fluftrodon Misc Changes: -Removed the fused-on clothing that is applied to the player by default. The player is instead equipped with Familiar Clothing, which can be removed -Upon spawning in for the first time, the player will get a race-specific lore item and a potion to disable/reenable Racial Stat Changes -If the player is a Merfolk, they will additionally gain an Emergency Water Pool Generator in the event the world has no lakes within their immediate spawn area -If the player is a Vampire or a Kobold, holding an Umbrella will protect them from the sun Credits: -MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder) -Mirsario (helped with cleaning up MrPlague's spaghetti code and did 90% of the custom race support) -SnowMelon (adjusted some of the audio files) -Frozenreflex (improved player texture management) -Steviegt6 (added text wrapping to the UI menus) -CrocWithShades (betatester) -Dragons Tired (betatester) -Blaquestone (gameplay balance) -Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester) -Shaggy Overlord (betatester) -FullyVoided, suggester of the Kobold Race -Pinsel, suggester and one of the creators of the Fluftrodon Race "> Description: MrPlague's Authentic Races aims to add playable Races in a similar fashion to Starbound or Dungeons & Dragons. Each Race directly changes the Player's appearance and stats, editing the Player's sprites themselves rather than just adding a "costume" onto them. This allows you to retain the ability to see your equipped armor and change the color values of the player (eyes, hair, etc), whilst also gaining an entirely different appearance. Races: -Human -Goblin -Kenku -Tabaxi -Dragonkin -Merfolk -Mushfolk -Derpkin -Kobold -Skeleton -Vampire -Fluftrodon Misc Changes: -Removed the fused-on clothing that is applied to the player by default. The player is instead equipped with Familiar Clothing, which can be removed -Upon spawning in for the first time, the player will get a race-specific lore item and a potion to disable/reenable Racial Stat Changes -If the player is a Merfolk, they will additionally gain an Emergency Water Pool Generator in the event the world has no lakes within their immediate spawn area -If the player is a Vampire or a Kobold, holding an Umbrella will protect them from the sun Credits: -MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder) -Mirsario (helped with cleaning up MrPlague's spaghetti code and did 90% of the custom race support) -SnowMelon (adjusted some of the audio files) -Frozenreflex (improved player texture management) -Steviegt6 (added text wrapping to the UI menus) -CrocWithShades (betatester) -Dragons Tired (betatester) -Blaquestone (gameplay balance) -Fallout_Patriot (gameplay balance, betatester) -Shaggy Overlord (betatester) -FullyVoided, suggester of the Kobold Race -Pinsel, suggester and one of the creators of the Fluftrodon Race Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Clicker Class
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Download v1.2.7.1 (598.4 KB) |
DivermanSam, Barometz, a… |
The Clicker Class is a set of joke weapons inspired by Cookie Clicker and other idle games. Have some fun with it as you click enemies to death!
Included: +48 new clicker weapons +19 new clicker accessories +4 new clicker armors +1 new clicker buff potion +1 different way of getting Carpal Tunnel Seriously, please don't hurt yourself... and have fun! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |