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5 years ago
This mod chooses a random class or race for you, based on basic dnd. There is a teacher npc that can sell you different classes to be. Requires the attributes mod, which gives you stats and a character sheet. If you aren't starting out new, then you will need to buy the character sheet from the villagers mod, when you get the hero villager. Or use cheat sheet to get it.
This is the one that brings them all together, designed to work with dnd, villagers, attributes, and starter weapons.
Elves and Magic Users now have 3 spells, spellbook gained at dawn.
Holy symbol placeable.
1.1 Major update to cleric. Bonus lives from dnd mod gives bonus wisdom. Wisdom gives bonus to class skill. Turn undead an item (for now) that gives a short buff. It hurts all monsters (for now). Small update to halflings.
1.23 If you roll a race, it will stay now if you take another class.
1.3 If you are a dwarf or halfling, the world looks mighty big to you. Also some benifits to Magic Users. And Theives. Upgraded Dwarves.
1.5 Paladins require 17 chr. If you are a fighting man, all you have to do is get your chr to 17. Extra lives give bonus to stats, based on class.
Monks require 15 wis, 12, str, and 15 dex.
1.6 fixed Cleric. Paladin now has big benifit with holy avenger. Assassin class requires Thief class with dex, str, and int of 12 or better.
1.8 Updated some of the buff sprites, new sprites by Gilly.
1.9 A Bur-a-Hobbit. Feet, elf ears, dwarf beard, for new characters.
3.3 Druid added, if you qualify. Only purchasable from the Teacher if you meet the requirements. Turns into a beast at night with the class ability, be sure to set the key for it.
If you like what I’m doing, and would like me to continue in this direction, consider donating. If you do donate, that means I’m working for you. Leave a note to let me know what you’d like to see in my future work, I'll make a custom class for you. And by class, I mean anything in D&D, warforged, teifling, dragonkin, etc. Thank you.
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