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Equipable Lanterns
Download v0.5 (20.7 KB)


This small mod adds equipable lanterns that are essentially upgradable versions of the Mining Helmet. Lanterns provide the convenience of the Mining Helmet's constant light, but with the added bonuses of allowing you to wear your full armor set, only taking up one accessory slot, more reliability than that of a Light Pet, the ability to apply prefixes/reforge, and added bonuses for the better lanterns besides just being brighter.


== Recipes ==

Mining Lantern (Early Pre-Hardmode) - Slightly brighter than Mining Helmet.
Crafted using 1 Mining Helmet, 1 Chain, 3 Diamonds, and 3 Silver/Tungsten Bars at an Anvil.

Evilantern (Mid Pre-hardmode) - Brighter version of Mining Lantern.
Crafted using 1 Mining Lantern, 10 Bones, 10 Lens, 10 Vertebrae/Rotten Chunks, and 3 Crimtane/Demonite Bars at a Tinkerer's Workbench.

Honeycomb Lantern (Late Pre-Hardmode) - Brighter than Evilantern, health regeneration increased while equipped.
Crafted using 1 Evilantern, 25 Honey Blocks, 3 Vines, and 5 Stingers at a Tinkerer's Workbench.

Pixie Lantern (Early Hardmode) - Brighter than Honeycomb Lantern, mana and health regeneration increased while equipped.
Crafted using 1 Honeycomb Lantern, 25 Pixie Dust, 10 Souls of Light, and 3 Cobalt/Palladium Bars at a Tinkerer's Workbench.

Treasure Lantern (Mid-Hardmode) - Brightest lantern, grants Spelunker buff while equipped.
Crafted using 1 Pixie Lantern, 50 Ultrabright Torches, 50 Spelunker Glowsticks, and 10 Titanium/Adamantite Bars at a Tinkerer's Workbench.


== Changelog ==
0.5 -
Added Honeycomb Lantern.
+ Upgrade from Evilantern, crafted using 25 honeycombs, 3 vines, and 5 stingers and Tinkerer's Workbench.
+ Gives health regeneration.

Adjusted light amounts for all lanterns aside from normal Lantern.
Benefits of lower tiered lanterns now applied onto upgraded lanterns (e.g. Honeycomb Lantern is upgraded to Pixie Lantern, therefore Pixie Lantern gets health regeneration as well as mana regeneration.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Vacuum Chest
Download v0.5 (12.2 KB)


Simple Vacuum Chest that sucks in items within a given radius when a wire pulse is applied. Needs free slots in it's inventory or refuses to vacuum.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Electricity Plus
Download v0.1.3.1 (1.4 MB)

Insu Cookie

Welcome to Electricity + !
Mod created by : Insu Cookie

This mod adds a whole new variety of in game electronic and wire functions.


- Fixed Prototype Core Spawn
- Fixed Prototype Striker
- Fixed Prototype Nuetronizer

Sorry for no new items! I'll get some soon.


Thanks to bluemagic123 for creating tModLoader!
Thanks to people in the community for help with coding and other knowledge!

@Insu Cookie
(thanks to @AceCyan too, for small sprite jobs here and there rarely.)

We're not looking for any other coders besides myself, but a spriter would be nice.

Thanks for downloading!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10 Edit | Delete
Starter Bag
Download v0.1 (7.5 KB)


Adds a "Starter Bag" to newly-created characters

Starter Bag contains:
- Cloud in a Bottle
- Hermes Boots
- Magic Mirror

- Copper Broadsword
- Wooden Bow / 200 Wooden Arrows
- Sapphire Staff
- Slime Staff

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
AStar Pathfinding
Download v1.0.1.1 (49.4 KB)


This mod adds Pathfinding to Enemy and Town NPCs.
That means they will be smarter and navigate the world and try to avoid obsticals to try and get to their target location.

NPCs will only search for a path within a distance of 120 blocks as enemy ones will usually despawn outside 125 blocks.
They will also not search through areas they cannot normally nativate, such as sky for gravity NPCs and outside the water for Fish, and places they won't fit through.
Some however will jump up platforms to get to their target location. Some can't go through platforms at all. (I'm looking at you most Demon Eyes)
Slimes, Jellyfish and Derplings are excluded as they are considered dumb.
Bosses and NPCs that pass through tiles are also excluded.
Any modded NPC that does not use a vanilla AI style that's allowed in this mod, they will be excluded too.
AI Styles that are allowed: 2,3,5,14,16,17,22,26,38,40,44,49,62,85,90,91,96,97 (You can look them up on the wiki)

There have been limits I've hit due to how things work in vanilla:
* Town NPCs can't stay on platforms vertically above too far away from their home.
* Not all NPCs will move properly or as gracefully as they do without pathing

See Homepage for changes.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Terrarian's Bizarre Adventure - Addon Pack
Download v1.0.1 (249.4 KB)

HellGoesOn, Duncedaft

Terrarian's Bizarre Adventure - Addon Pack adds non-canon stands requested by TBA supporters.

Stands in this mod are not going to be "balanced" as its main goal is satisfying the supporters.
Current Content:
-Soul of Cinder stand

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Customizable Defense
Download v1.0.2 (12.3 KB)


Allows you to configure the defense protection ratio.

Also nullifies damage if you have 50 damage points worth of defense over it. (Also configurable)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
One Punch Man Mod
Download v0.1 (9.5 KB)


One Punch Man Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Justice for yoyos!
Download v1.1.5.0 (130.1 KB)


If anyone wanted to use yoyos like its a class this is a yoyo mod
Warning: Its unfinished and doesnt have many yoyos

-Stuff for yoyos
And thats it but hope for more because this isnt enough for yoyos is it

If you actually think its worth supporting me, there is my channel:
But no, dont watch the videos you wont understand them and you will get the cringe

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Inventory Hotkeys
Download v0.1 (6.4 KB)


Adds 10 hotkeys for the 2nd row of your inventory.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (52.6 KB)


Adds gunblades to the game.
Gunblades are blades that use melee damage but also shoot bullets.
The actual blade will hit enemies and deal listed melee damage.
The bullet will deal listed damage plus listed bullet ranged damage.


- All basic prehardmode ores can be crafted into gunblades.

- Demonite, Crimtane, and Hellstone may now be crafted into gunblades.

- Gold and Platinum Gunblades slightly larger.
- Gold Gunblade texture updated.

- All basic hardmode ores can now be crafted into gunblades.
- Crimtane Gunblade texture updated.

- Hallowed bars can now be crafted into gunblades.
- All hardmode gunblades now attack slightly faster.
- All gunblades now have a little less knockback.

- Chlorophyte bars can now be crafted into gunblades.

- True Gunblade can now be crafted with Hallowed Gunblade and Broken Hero Sword.
- Lumiphyte Gunblade can now be crafted.
- All hardmode gunblades now have 1 less damage.
- Updated Chlorophyte Gunblade with a tooltip and other little fixes.

- Frostfire Gunblade can now be crafted.
- Ice and Fire Gunblade can now be crafted.
- Hellstone Gunblade texture updated.

- True Ice and Fire Gunblade can now be crafted.
- Lumiphyte Gunblade can now be upgraded.
- Updated Hellstone, Frostburn, and Ice and Fire Gunblades with tooltips.
- True Gunblade deals 2 less damage and Lumiphyte Gunblade deals 4 more.

- Ice Fire and Phyte Gunblade can now be crafted.
- All Gunblades now have less knockback.
- Ice and Fire Gunblade and True Ice and Fire Gunblade now only need 8 of each souls to craft.
- Gunblades with multiple dot effects now apply the lesser damage ones for twice as long as the last one.

- Prehardmode Gunblades made with basic ores can now be combined with their counterparts.
- Crimega and Demultra Gunblades can now also be crafted.
- All Gunblades' textures have been greatly updated a

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Mr Tree Mod
Download v0.32 (21.7 KB)

RjayPL & GabeHasWon

Adds the beloved Mr Tree, among other things, from BaumProduction's series.

Mr. Tree Sprite by RjayPL; programming & Baum Mask texture by GabeHasWon.

v0.32: Added home page.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Hearty Bags 2.0
Download v0.5 (7.4 KB)


A beta version of the upcoming major update to Hearty Bags which adds support for bosses from select content mods among other changes.

Changes in last update: 0.5: Hearty Bags stack to 9,999, Vanilla progression modified (see forum post), beginnings of mod support implemented

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
CSGO Weapons by LKZ
Download v0.3 (12.7 KB)


CSGO Weapons by LKZ is a mod mainly designed for PVP. IT features several guns from the popular game CSGO.

Change Log-
v 0.1 - Released with basic guns and a knife.
v 0.2 - Added SSG 08, P90, and tweaked the AK's damage to balance it's slower shot speed. Buffed Knife.
v 0.2.1 - Buffed M249.
v 0.3 - Major Update: Added An R8, Deagle, P250, XM1014, Nova, and a secret Dev only item.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Death Spectate
Download v0.1.3 (20.5 KB)


Death Spectate allows you to spectate other players while you are dead.

This is a client-side mod, so you can download it without needing other players to.

Visit the homepage if you want to know more, or report bugs / give feedback.

thanks @cloud for the janded mod icon

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Debuff Immunity
Download v1.2 (20.2 KB)

Creeper Da Snek

This mod adds in several accessories to prevent nearly every debuff in the game. They combine, too!

Note: My sprites are bad. Feel free to resprite anything you see fit.

Thank you to Wintar and Match28 from TCF for providing a few sprites for the mod!

v1.0.0.0: Released the mod.
v1.1.0.0: Actually made the Zues' Eschetuon function as an Aknh Shield. All dropped accessories now can be dropped in varying rates for Expert and Normal, and they drop from Boss Bags in Expert.
v1.1.0.1: Updated to tModLoader v0.10.1.2, made open source.
v1.2: Updated sprites of the Demigod's Blessing, Lunar Umbrella, Philosopher's Treasure, Otherworldly Shield, and Antivenom.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Piercing Projectile Fix
Download v1.3 (5.9 KB)

Leafia Barrett

Changes piercing projectiles to allow multiple to hit the same target at the same time, fixing some issues in a few big-name mods and allowing piercing ammo to work with more weaponry. See homepage for details.

1.3 - Updated to tModloader v0.10.
1.2 - Added a list of projectiles exempt from the fix, to prevent flamethrower-like weapons from being overpowered.
1.1 - Altered minion behavior to function with the new piercing mechanics.
1.0 - Release.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
The Doggo Mod
Download v0.7.2 (227.2 KB)

Doggo and Piers

doggo#9841 on discord.

Made mostly by Piers, the dev who made the Yoshi's Island Mod. Go check it out!

Also try the Inlustris Mod, Qwerty's Bosses and Items, and Mod of Redemption!

Warning. Please install a mod that lets you spawn in items, or else you'll have to wait for Hellstone just to see the floofy boy!

Also contains Ralsei, whom can arrive once you spawn in a Chao Egg. (By the way, did I mention I reccomend a cheat mod for use with this?)

Why? I don't know. Ask Piers. He's pretty chill.

All sprites belong to their original creators. (Namely the Ralsei sprites, ripped straight from Deltarune until I sprite an actual Ralsei.)

V0.6.0 - Squashed some nasty bugs, cleaned up a few tooltips, added a (currently WIP) yoyo that does nothing dont craft it
V0.6.9 - The nice update. Added an entire armor set dedicated to different people. This is technically V0.7 of the mod.
V0.7.2 - Touched up some items. The Chao seems to have disappeared. Moved the weapons to Hellstone-tier. Nerfed Ralsei's armor, which seems to have been resprited. Added the Fortnite Burger."> Greetings, player! Welcome to the Doggo Mod! This mod will primarily focus on random content additions that make no sense.

The main "creator" (despite not coding most of this himself) is doggo#9841 on discord.

Made mostly by Piers, the dev who made the Yoshi's Island Mod. Go check it out!

Also try the Inlustris Mod, Qwerty's Bosses and Items, and Mod of Redemption!

Warning. Please install a mod that lets you spawn in items, or else you'll have to wait for Hellstone just to see the floofy boy!

Also contains Ralsei, whom can arrive once you spawn in a Chao Egg. (By the way, did I mention I reccomend a cheat mod for use with this?)

Why? I don't know. Ask Piers. He's pretty chill.

All sprites belong to their original creators. (Namely the Ralsei sprites, ripped straight from Deltarune until I sprite an actual Ralsei.)

V0.6.0 - Squashed some nasty bugs, cleaned up a few tooltips, added a (currently WIP) yoyo that does nothing dont craft it
V0.6.9 - The nice update. Added an entire armor set dedicated to different people. This is technically V0.7 of the mod.
V0.7.2 - Touched up some items. The Chao seems to have disappeared. Moved the weapons to Hellstone-tier. Nerfed Ralsei's armor, which seems to have been resprited. Added the Fortnite Burger.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Converted Weapons
Download v0.3.3 (38.2 KB)


Version 0.3.3
-Fixed Summoner Wasp Gun dealing the same damage as the Bee Gun
Version 0.3.2
-Added some more Thorium weapons
Version 0.3
-Thorium Compatibility, 15 weapons from Thorium are added back in
the mod
Version 0.2
-Readded back the Wasp Gun that was forgotten by mistake
Version 0.1
-Updated Mod from version 0.9 of Tmodloader, separated from NeoNGhost

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
No Favorite Tooltips
Download v1.1 (10.4 KB)

5ir Prise

It's a simple mod it does what its name implies, it removes the Marked as favorite tooltip.

Marked as favorite
Quick trash, stacking, and selling will be blocked
200 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Strong knockback

200 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Strong knockback"> Description
It's a simple mod it does what its name implies, it removes the Marked as favorite tooltip.

Marked as favorite
Quick trash, stacking, and selling will be blocked
200 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Strong knockback

200 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Strong knockback

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
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