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Download v0.5.3.1 (54.9 KB)


This mod add some luckyblocks
You can broke one for drop random item or weapons

Luckybock types:
- Item Block: Drops random item
- Weapon Block: Drops random weapon
- Luckyblock: Drop random think

How to craft

Base Block - You need this Item to craft Luckyblock
1x Topaz
5x Any Iron Bar
on Workbench

On Crystalball you can craft
Weapon Luckyblock
1x Gold / Platinium Short Sword
1x Base Block

Item Luckyblock
10x Crystal Shards
1x Base Block

2x Base Blocks
1x Wooden Sword
50x Crystal Shards

or in Workbench
1x Item Luckyblok
1x Weapon Luckyblock

Lucky Hat
50x Base Block
50x Bad Base Block
1x Item LuckyBlock
1x Weapon Lucky Block
in Crystalball
or you can try your luck and drop it into a Luckyblock


If you want to suggest some features open an issue on GitHub

More items and functionalities are in develop now!


- Balancing Items
- Lucky Armor

- Lucky Hat


- New secret block
- Added mod Homepage
- Fixed bugs

- New weapon! Lucky Sword only dropped by Weapon Luckyblock or Luckyblock
- Better Icon

- Fixed errors
- Fixed Description.txt
- Added new items in Luckyblock

- Fixed Mod immage

- First release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
The Rustamouse Collection
Download v1.0 (618.6 KB)

Povter Gang

The Rustamouse Collection is a complilation of povter gangs best mods (doesn't mean they're good!)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Luminite Hammers
Download v0.1 (15.5 KB)


Add Luminite Hammers, those are the fastest tool speed.

- Nebula Hammer
- Solar Flare Hammer
- Stardust Hammer
- Vortex Hammer

Crafting Station
Ancient Manipulator
Nebula or Solar or Stardust or Vortex Fragment (14)

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Infinity Wings
Download v1.0 (6.9 KB)


This is a mod that adds a wings that fly in an incredible height, like... infinity. Like the red wings in 1.2.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Use Time Editor
Download v1.0 (5.1 KB)

Creeper Da Snek

This is the Use Time Editor. It does exactly what it says it does.

/usetime <time>: Changes the held item's use time to the integer entered.
Note: For some reason, setting an item's usetime to 1 or 0 makes it unuseable.
/autoreuse: If the held item cannot be reused automatically, makes it so it can. Applies vise-versa, too.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Customizable Respawn Time
Download v1.0.1 (6.4 KB)


A fork of the previously released Reduced Respawn Time mod which is fully customizable.

Changes in last update: Updated mod's homepage to a shared thread for all of my mods.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
The Desomation of Moon Lord.
Download v1.1.0.1 (1 MB)


This mod adds bosses, mobs, NPCs and items for when Moon Lord is defeated.

This Mod Is Work in progress!

What's new:

New sprites!:
solardust armour set (still being worked on)
the souls
solardust ore

Spelling fixes

The boss and and a fix to spawning it crashing the game (oops!)

Developed By:

Coded by 'djpiper28',
Sprites by 'Geometrical Warfare' and 'djpiper28'.


The Possessed Eye of Cthulu
Angry Slime Invader
Cryptys - Beta item


The Miner


Plutonium Slime
Aspherite Slime
Solar Slime
Celestial Slime
Guardian Slime
Spiked Guardian Slime
Radioactive Slime
Halloween Slime
Slime Invader


Ores (All have bars):

plutonium ore
celestial dust
solar dust
aspherite ore


plutonium bar
celestial bar
solar bar
aspherite bar
phurite bar
corlium bar
herrillium bar


Phurite Sword
Aspherite Sword
The Blade of Celestial Corruption
Corlium Great Blade
The Dust Sword
A very swordy sword
Slimey Sword
Laser gun
Impulse launcher
Plasma Melter


plutonium (summoner) # not sprited yet
celestial (mage) # not sprited yet
solardust (ranged)
aspherite (melee)


Fuel cell recharger


Fuel cell

soul of distortion # not sprited yet
soul of heresy # not sprited yet

Boss Summons:

Mysteroiusly Red Button
Slimey Sword
Cryptys Boss Summon

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Essences of Reality
Download v1.5.0 (92 KB)

Scuttlebug A-Press[Baka]

1 Armor Set
12 Tools
2 Town NPCs
3 Materials
1 Accessory
1 Boss
2 Weapons
Calamity Mod Support!


v1.5: Added Weapons, Material, and other stuff

v1.2: Added a Town NPC who sells Minerals including Calamity Bars.

v1.0: Boss Added! The First Major Update

v0.3: Added Starting Bag, Icon, and Accessory

v0.2: Added Materials and More Pickaxes, such as the Terra Pickaxe

v0.1: Released"> Essences of Reality is a content mod... But it doesnt have Souls yet.
Current Content:
A Starting Bag
1 Armor Set
12 Tools
2 Town NPCs
3 Materials
1 Accessory
1 Boss
2 Weapons
Calamity Mod Support!


v1.5: Added Weapons, Material, and other stuff

v1.2: Added a Town NPC who sells Minerals including Calamity Bars.

v1.0: Boss Added! The First Major Update

v0.3: Added Starting Bag, Icon, and Accessory

v0.2: Added Materials and More Pickaxes, such as the Terra Pickaxe

v0.1: Released

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
I Don't Want to Get Hurt in Terraria
Download v0.6 (62.7 KB)


BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense but in Terraria

New Moon Sword - Contain a powerful monster.
Mirror of the Dark Night - Strongest shield in the world.
Bridge of Bonds : Syrup - Flying transportation.
Crystal Hammer (Black/White) - Can increases size

Add Black Crystal Hammer

!You can make suggestions at my patreon!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.1 Edit | Delete
Uncluttered Projectiles
Download v1.2.2 (27.2 KB)


Uncluttered Projectiles reduces the visibility clutter of any player's projectiles and dusts near the current player and bosses.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Upgradeable Pickaxes
Download v0.1.3 (14.7 KB)


Upgradeable Pickaxes is a Quality of Life Mod that adds new pickaxe recipes and a new pickaxe Obtainable after moonlord,

basically it adds the ability to upgrade your pickaxe instead of making a new one and halves the cost of materials eg, gold pickaxe = 12 goldbar(s) it adds a alternative recipe: copper pickaxe + 6 goldbar(s).

every recipe is pretty obvious, pickaxe + Bar + Materials (like fragments or shadow scale) = pickaxe

the only recipe that is different is the picksaw to craft it you need a pickaxe with 200%+ pickaxe power (pickaxe axe or chlorophyte etc.) + jungle key + 9 chlorophytebar

pickaxepickaxe recipe - picksaw + any luminite pickaxe

0.1.3 - added the changelog
0.1.2 - added the pickaxepickaxe
0.1.1 - added a icon
0.1.0 - mod exists

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
New Cool Guns Mod
Download v1.3.0 (134.8 KB)


This mod adds a few new guns to the game. Because who doesn't love guns.

Guns: Wooden Gun, Pheonix Shark, Air Gun, Lens Gun, Blazing Shark, Fungal Cannon, Syringe Launcher, Blowminigun
Magic guns: Golden Eye of The Golem, Eye Rifle, Probe Gun
Ammo: Handmade Bullet, Red, Green, Grey, Purple and Yellow Syringe, Rubber Bullet, Luminite Seed
Materials: Retinazer Laser, Spazmatism Laser
Accesories: Ammo belt

Wooden Rifle: 30 Wood, 5 Lead or Iron Bars, 2 Chains at Anvil
Pheonix Shark: Minishark, Pheonix Blaster, 3 Shark Fins at Hardmode Anvil
Air Gun: Musket, Illegal Gun Parts, 5 Titanium or Adamantite Bars at Harmode Anvil
Lens Gun: Retinazer Laser, 10 Hallowed Bars, 5 Soul of Sights at Harmode Anvil
Golden Eye of The Golem: Eye of The Golem, 10 Lens, 50 Gold or Platinum Bars, 5 Chlorophyte Bars at Harmode Anvil
Eye Rifle: Spazmatism Laser, 3 Mana Crystals, 8 Hallowed Bars, 5 Soul of Sights at Harmode Anvil
2 Handmade Bullets: Stone Block, Iron or Lead Bar at Anvil
Megashark: Pheonix Shark, 25 Soul of Mights at Harmode Anvil
Blazing Shark: Pheonix Shark, 22 Soul of Mights, 10 Hellstone bars at Harmode Anvil
Fungal Cannon: Cannon, 20 Shroomite Bars at Hardmode Anvil
333 Luminite Seeds: 333 Seeds, Luminite Bar at Ancient Manipulator
50 Rubber Bullets: 50 Empty Bullets, Gel at Crafting Table

Spazmatism: 33% chance for Spazmatism Laser,
Retinazer: 33% for Retinazer Laser.
Destroyer: 20% for Probe Gun
Moon Lord: 10% for Blowminigun

4. NPC shops:
Arms Dealer: After defeating Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulu sells Ammo Belt, after defeating Skeletron sells Syringe Launcher and Syringes
Dryad: Sells Seeds when you have Blowpipe, Blowgun or Blowminigun in your inventory

Version 1.0.0
Initial release

Version 1.0.1
Updated for Tmodloader v0.10.1.3

Version 1.1.0
Added Blazing Shark
Drop chances for lasers adjusted
Lasers now stack to 99

Version 1.2.0
Added Probe Gun
Added Syringe Launcher
Added Syringes: Red, Green, Grey, Yellow, Purple
Added Fungal Cannon
Changed Wooden Rifle name to Wooden Gun
Fixed a firing bug with Wooden Gun
Changed mod name from "New Guns Mod" to "New Cool Guns Mod"

Version 1.3.0
Added Blowminigun
Added Rubber Bullets
Added Luminite Seeds
Added Ammo Belt

Thanks for checking out my mod!
by papryk

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
SrLavor's Mod
Download v9.40 (267.1 KB)


SrLavor Mod's additions

Now with bullets and arrows for every hardmode ore!

- Several new bullets, one for each ore!
- Several new arrows, one for each ore!
- Several new guns!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Dynamic Invasions
Download v0.9.4.3 (93.5 KB)


Implements dynamic mob invasions. Craftable a Cross-Dimensional Aggregator to summon your own invasions.
- Recipe:
- 1x Magic/Ice Mirror
- 5x Npc Banners (any); specifies each invader's type
- 1x Music Box (recorded); specifies invasion's music
- The Aggregator requires Eternia Crystals to summon
- Any combo of mobs and choice of music may be provided
- Each invasion summon increases crystal cost
- Configurable

Future plans
- Automatic (randomized) invasion events.
- Mid bosses.
- Waves (hopefully).

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Sorcerer's Seceret
Download v0.8.4.1 (282.1 KB)


This is the Sorcerer's Seceret mod,a mod that is litterly almost everything magic!

This mod has a ton of new magic weapons,some of them are even able to be upgraded!

Check out the forum page for more information:

v0.7.8.3:Added scrolls
v0.7.9.4:Added combination scrolls
v0.8.0.0:Added jungle items and some more scrolls
v0.8.0.1:Nerfed Windforce Staff and Magicite wings,buffed Concussion Wind
v8.1.0:Some more balancing
Nerfed Magicite Staff (now shoots in a burst fire mode too)
Fixed glitch where crafting Cursed Scroll you would 15 fifteen Cursed Flames(magic weapon)
Now you craft with 15 Cursed Flame(material item)
Scrolls now require more gems to craft,as they were too op for how easy they were to get (were 1 gem,now 8)
Star scroll buffed and now requires 8 amethyst
Added new weapons:Runes(shoots a ring bases on their color,debuffs everything on screen
unless immune)
v0.8.1.1:Updated Rune sprites.
v0.8.2.1:Added crimicite armor,wings,hook,combination staion recipie,and staff(all made out of crimtane)
v0.8.2.4:Fixed glitch that Cimicite Staff took shadow scales.
v0.8.3.4:Added Ichor and Cursed Stick(upgraded to lv 3 like snowball and torch)
Added Ichor and Cursed Runes
v0.8.3.5:Fixed glitch that the Inferno Flare Staff had the reicpie of Book Of Rockets
v0.8.3.6:Made a few items cost less

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Absolute Immersion
Download v0.3.0 (51.2 KB)


General Information:
Absolute Immersion is a mod that strives to make Terraria a lot more immersive by adding rpg elements such as races and classes (for now). Comes with it's own character creation menu!

Please leave feedback via discord: Slazmaz#5611.
A mod forum page is yet to come.

OOPS! Races are currently only cosmetic!
Playable races:
More coming soon...

Coming soon...

Added Multiplayer support.

Completely custom character creation menu UI. Added customization feature: The goblin race.

All the 134 vanilla hairstyles are available in the character creation menu. Also added a slightly different character creation menu UI.
"> General Information:
Absolute Immersion is a mod that strives to make Terraria a lot more immersive by adding rpg elements such as races and classes (for now). Comes with it's own character creation menu!

Please leave feedback via discord: Slazmaz#5611.
A mod forum page is yet to come.

OOPS! Races are currently only cosmetic!
Playable races:
More coming soon...

Coming soon...

Added Multiplayer support.

Completely custom character creation menu UI. Added customization feature: The goblin race.

All the 134 vanilla hairstyles are available in the character creation menu. Also added a slightly different character creation menu UI.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Zeph's Improved Tooltips
Download v0.17 (28.4 KB)


This mod modifies and improves the tooltips in the game.
This is a singleplayer/client-side only mod and can be used when playing on any server.
Servers with this mod installed will send it to any clients without the mod.

Enchanted Boomerang
13 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Very strong knockback

Enchanted Boomerang
13 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
4 attacks per second (Very Fast)
56 damage per second (4 from crits)
8 knockback (Very strong)
Reforges for 1 gold 66 silver 66 copper
Sells for 1 gold

- Damage per second
- Accurate crit chance calculations for DPS
- Accurate damage calculations for DPS
- Attack speed, taking in to account weapon speed buffs, auto swing, and delays
- Attack speed also factors in how melee projectile weapons work
- Ranged weapons use their current ammo for damage calculations
- Ranged weapons display their current ammo
- Knockback value displayed
- Reforge price shown on all valid items
- Sell price shown on all valid items
- The mod that an item came from is displayed
- Configure various settings and colours

- Zephilinox

v0.17.0 2022/01/19
- Added various configuration settings and colours
- Added option to highlight some key tooltip numbers
- Added ability to show the mod that an item is from, and an option to disable it
- Added option to enable/disable the tooltip line displaying the currently selected ammo for this weapon
- Added option to change when the reforge information is displayed
- Added option to change when the sell price information is displayed
- Changed the text for the reforge and sell price, to match NPC shop text
v0.16.0 2019/07/27
- Fixed Reforge tooltip showing for Vanity items
- Fixed Reforge tooltip showing for Armour
- Now checks to see if some pre-defined tooltips have been changed by a mod to prevent some crashes
v0.15 2019/07/05
- Added reforge price once the goblin tinkerer is rescued
v0.14 2019/07/05
- Fixed bug introduced in v0.11 for melee projectile weapon attack speed
- Added ranged weapon ammo calculations
- Added current ammo being used in ranged weapon tooltip
- Fixed DPS for pickaxes/hammers/axes
v0.13 2019/07/05
- Fixed bug in DPS relating to player weapon damage buffs
v0.12 2019/07/05
- Added sell price, matching vanilla store
- Fixed debug spam to chat, sorry about that
v0.11 2019/07/4
- Fixed incorrect attack speed with wooden sword/light's bane
- Reworded knockback
- Reworded speed
- Knockback rounds to the first decimal place
v0.10.1 Icon - 2019/07/4
- Forced an update so the icon can be uploaded
v0.10 Initial Release - 2019/07/4
- Damage per second
- Accurate crit chance calculations for DPS
- Accurate damage calculations for DPS
- Attack speed, taking in to account melee speed, auto swing, and weapon attack delays
- Attack speed also factors in how melee projectile weapons work
- Raw knockback value displayed next to knockback strength"> Description
This mod modifies and improves the tooltips in the game.
This is a singleplayer/client-side only mod and can be used when playing on any server.
Servers with this mod installed will send it to any clients without the mod.

Enchanted Boomerang
13 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Very strong knockback

Enchanted Boomerang
13 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
4 attacks per second (Very Fast)
56 damage per second (4 from crits)
8 knockback (Very strong)
Reforges for 1 gold 66 silver 66 copper
Sells for 1 gold

- Damage per second
- Accurate crit chance calculations for DPS
- Accurate damage calculations for DPS
- Attack speed, taking in to account weapon speed buffs, auto swing, and delays
- Attack speed also factors in how melee projectile weapons work
- Ranged weapons use their current ammo for damage calculations
- Ranged weapons display their current ammo
- Knockback value displayed
- Reforge price shown on all valid items
- Sell price shown on all valid items
- The mod that an item came from is displayed
- Configure various settings and colours

- Zephilinox

v0.17.0 2022/01/19
- Added various configuration settings and colours
- Added option to highlight some key tooltip numbers
- Added ability to show the mod that an item is from, and an option to disable it
- Added option to enable/disable the tooltip line displaying the currently selected ammo for this weapon
- Added option to change when the reforge information is displayed
- Added option to change when the sell price information is displayed
- Changed the text for the reforge and sell price, to match NPC shop text
v0.16.0 2019/07/27
- Fixed Reforge tooltip showing for Vanity items
- Fixed Reforge tooltip showing for Armour
- Now checks to see if some pre-defined tooltips have been changed by a mod to prevent some crashes
v0.15 2019/07/05
- Added reforge price once the goblin tinkerer is rescued
v0.14 2019/07/05
- Fixed bug introduced in v0.11 for melee projectile weapon attack speed
- Added ranged weapon ammo calculations
- Added current ammo being used in ranged weapon tooltip
- Fixed DPS for pickaxes/hammers/axes
v0.13 2019/07/05
- Fixed bug in DPS relating to player weapon damage buffs
v0.12 2019/07/05
- Added sell price, matching vanilla store
- Fixed debug spam to chat, sorry about that
v0.11 2019/07/4
- Fixed incorrect attack speed with wooden sword/light's bane
- Reworded knockback
- Reworded speed
- Knockback rounds to the first decimal place
v0.10.1 Icon - 2019/07/4
- Forced an update so the icon can be uploaded
v0.10 Initial Release - 2019/07/4
- Damage per second
- Accurate crit chance calculations for DPS
- Accurate damage calculations for DPS
- Attack speed, taking in to account melee speed, auto swing, and weapon attack delays
- Attack speed also factors in how melee projectile weapons work
- Raw knockback value displayed next to knockback strength

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
No Breaking Doors
Download v1.1.0.0 (14.9 KB)


A simple mod that prevents Goblin Peons from breaking down doors. Also has a config option to prevent other enemies from opening your doors and Tall Gates.

- Release
- Added proper homepage.
- Made it so no enemies can open doors as well. Can be configured.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.3.4.3 (322.8 KB)


This Mod Adds:
214 Items That Include:
Guns, Swords, Accessories, Materials,
Ammos, Tools, Sword Wheels, And More!
Thanks For 15,000 Downloads!
Special Thanks To ThunderMC
Update (Guns Update!)
+ 15 Assualt Rifles
+ 15 SMG's
+ Tooltips For Items
* Sniper Rifles Shoot Faster
* Refactored Shotguns
* Equippable Glowstick Now Has A Sell Price
* Nerfed Life Band Regeneration
* Nerfed Shotgun Bullet Amount
- Removed Seans Shotgun
Future Updates:
0.3.5: Short Sword Update
Got Any Weapon Ideas Or Wanna Help Out With
Future Pixel Art For The Mod? Feel Free To
Message DuplexLake#7799 On Discord!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Creative Content Mod
Download v0.1 (29.5 KB)


CCM (Creative Content Mod) is my second mod where i just dump ideas that come to mind. It has new items that might be helpful, though they certainly are cool.
Current Features:
- New Materials
- New Weapons
- New Potions

I plan to add a bunch more stuff like enemies, tools, blocks and maybe even bosses someday. Enjoy!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
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