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More Recipe
Download v0.4 (26.8 KB)


Have you ever wanted to make a platinum sword but your world was generated with gold? Or Have the Last Prism,
but Moon lord drop you only the portal gun ? This mod will help you in this things.
More Recipe adds recipe for almost everything terraria items, accessories, painting and boss drops.
It was Made to simplify the gameplay and to make possible change thing like ore or boss drops.

New version 0.4! Visit the homepage for more information

New version 0.3.5 adds:
recipes for accessories that previously could only be found in chest or dropped by enemy
see the homepage for a list of all recipe

version 0.3 adds:
Now you can swap King Slime items, and craft the with one Regale gel (dropped by him) at any anvils
You can craft binoculars (rare Eye of Cthulhu drop) with 4 lens and 4 iron/lead bar at any anvils
You can craft Eater's Bone (rare Eater of Worlds drop) with 30 shadow scale at any anvils
You can craft Bone Rattle (rare Brain of Cthulhu drop) with 30 tissue sample at any anvils
You can swap any Queen Bee's items, and craft them with 12 Bee Wax at any anvils
You can swap any Skeletron's items, and craft them with Golden bone (dropped by him) at any anvils
You can swap any Wall oF Flesh items, and craft them with Golden bone (dropped by him) at any anvils
You can swap any Plantera item, and craft them with one Seed (Dropped by her) at any hardome anvils
You can swap any Golem item, and craft them with 2 Beetle Husk at any hardome anvils
You can swap any Duke Fishron item, and craft them with one strange fish (dropped by him) at any hardome anvils
Now you can craft all Frost moon items with 2 snow power cell (dropped by everscream, santa nk1 and ice queen) at any hardmode anvils
Now you can craft all golden themed furniture with 30 shiny gold bar (Dropped by any pirate) at any hardmode anvils
Now you can swap all old one's army items, and craft them with defender medals, and craft Dark Mage items at any anvils, Ogre and Betsy items at a

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Gore Galore
Download v1.0.0.2 (22.1 KB)


Gore Galore adds absurd amounts of blood to the game every time anything gets hurt. It's awesome.

* Direction and speed of blood is determined based on what caused the damage, giving realistic-looking blood physics
* Blood slowly drips off of walls and ceilings
* Amount of blood that's produced can be edited in your Mod Configs folder
* Demonstration gifs are available on Gore Galore's forum thread

* None so far!
* Please report any bugs you find to the forum thread :)

v1.0.0.2 Mod is now specified as Client-side
v1.0.0.1 Emergency hotfix
v1.0 Full release - includes icon and source code
v0.1.2 Added forum link
v0.1.1 Pre-Release

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Solemn Lament(圣宣)
Download v0.8 (6.4 MB)


This mod add Solemn Lament from Library of Ruina/Lobotomy Corporation.
You can buy it from Arms Dealer in a graveyard which is similar to one in 1.4.

-Add icon.
-Adjusted the way the dead butterflies appear.
-Added special Dialogue to Arms Dealer.
-Decreased the duration of EternalRest buff.
-Decreased the base damage and knockback of Solemn Lament.
-Solemn Lament cannot be burnt in lava.
-Updated sound effects.
-Updated some visual effects.
-Solemn Lament cannot be burnt in lava truly this time.
-Bug fix



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Kryuger Collision - Terraria x Girls' Frontline
Download v0.3.2 (3.1 MB)


'Two worlds collide as man, beast, and machine fight to the death. New mechanical threats await the citizens of Terraria as coalitions far greater than the Mechanical Bosses enter through ripples in time and space. The Arms Dealer and Mechanic however, found a way to combat this threat with special help. Will you be the one to quell this post-apocalyptic clash of tragic proportions?'

Inspired by a previous Girls' Frontline mod on the Mod Browser, this mod attempts to add a very high amount of Girls' Frontline content to Terraria mainly in the form of an wave-based invasion event similar to the Frost Moon, Pumpkin Moon, and Old One's Army. Expect weapons from all 4 main classes; and expect tons of guns for rangers!


The world of Terraria is safe from most of the tragic influence of Girls' Frontline until the guardian of the Dungeon has been quelled. Begin your journey with a craftable item that requires meteorite and wire.
Tactical Doll weapons will be provided gradually over the course of a playthrough, and in Hardmode the Rescue Fairy Charm is needed to get certain T-Dolls that cannot be crafted.
Upon the defeat of a Mechanical Boss, you are able to face the threats that have been plaguing the PMC over countless months and years.
Upon the death of the mutant lord of the night, its resideu leaves some final connections in its wake.


Currently this public alpha release contains:
- 5 enemies
- 1 Town NPC
- 18 tiles
- 200+ items including a multitude of weapons and a select number of accessories
- Some cross-mod compatibility with the rising in popularity mod The Stars Above by PaperLuigi


Preliminary drops and crafting recipes are implemented for items and weapons not supposed to be obtainable in the currently given manner.

This mod's balance was mostly centered around Vanilla 1.4 levels and thus is well supported for other mods with similar powercreep. Calamity Mod players should be warned about going further with their playthrough's progression: the mod starts to fall off in between Providence and the Sentinels of the Devourer.


Credits to:
Girls' Frontline - Mica Team
Re-Logic - Terraria
blushiemagic, Jofairden, etc. - tModLodaer

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Anti-Lag Mod
Download v0.1.2 (14.4 KB)


A mod that adds a few options that can reduce lag a bit.

Options for disabling Gore, Dust, and Combat Text either always or during boss fights (or never)
Option for despawning projectiles that are too far off screen
Option for just reducing dust

Careful about turning dust off, as some projectiles are only visible with dust.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
OP Sword
Download v7.1 (27.9 KB)


It adds an OP sword that kills everything, what else is there to explain.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
What tile is this? (WTIT)
Download v2.6 (22.8 KB)

Sven & goldenapple

When you hover over a tile, the name of the tile is shown in a tooltip.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Summoner Overhaul
Download v1.2.1 (73.9 KB)


Summoner Overhaul is a quality-of-life mod for the often neglected summoner class.

It focuses primarily on the early game where there are very few options for summoners.

It introduces one pre-hardmode accessorry, two ultimate accessories, two pre-hardmode armours, two pre-hardmode staffs, and three hardmode staffs.

It will also make the finch staff craftable when it is ported to tModLoader 1.4

Evocation Pendant: Ruby + 5 Silver Bars + Chain

Evocation Scarab: Evocation Pendant + Papyrus Scarab

Evocation Emblem: Evocation Scarab + Summoner Emblem

Armour sets:
Starfall (1 defense, +1 max minion, Set bonus: 2.5% increased summon damage)

Head: 25 Wood + 15 Fallen Stars
Body: 30 Wood + 20 Fallen Stars
Legs: 20 Wood + 10 Fallen Stars

Necromantic Robes (2 defense, +2 max minion, Set bonus: 5% increased summon damage)

Head: 20 Silk + Forbidden Thread
Body: 30 Silk + Forbidden Thread
Legs: 15 Silk + Forbidden Thread

Jungle Bat Staff (15 damage): 25 Rich Mahogany + 5 Bat Tooth (dropped from Jungle Bats)

Skull Staff: 30 Bone + Skull Totem (dropped from Skeletron)

Living Crystal Staff: Crystal Staff Base + 25 Crystal Shards

Flying Fox Staff: Dropped from Giant Flying Foxes (Jungle, Night)

Nature Spirit Staff: 30 Essence of Nature (Dropped from Hardmode Underground Jungle enemies) + 5 Chlorophyte Bars + 10 Ectoplasm

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Elemental Judgement
Download v0.0.4.2 (757 KB)

Sounder Studio

The Elemental Judgement Mod currently adds:

200+ Items (Weapons, Armor, Materials, Etc)
8 Elements (The main crafting materials)
8 Bosses (1 super boss)
40,000+ Downloads
+ More

Bonus Content:

Extra recipes for regular terraria items
A large ammount of Yoyo's
Post moonlord content

Youtube Channel: Sounder Studio

There is a video on my channel made for anyone
who has any questions or suggestions for the mod.
Just comment on the video titled:
Terraria Elemental Judgement Mod QnA (+ News)


Added new weapon
Removed most god bosses

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Time Acceleration
Download v1.0.2 (22.8 KB)


I in Discord: Kenflesh#3090 - If you want to tell me something
Discord server: - If you have questions or ideas for my mods
If you want to support me:
"> This mod adds an item that can speed up time.

Have you seen how time goes fast during sleep in version 1.4?
I added an item that does this, but has a certain leveling.
The more you use this item, the faster it will be able to skip time.

To activate, use it as you use a weapon.
To change the speed, right-click in the inventory (how to open the bags from bosses).
Level indicates max speed.

Use any watch and a few stars to craft.

Magic Watch drawing created by Mistyk__

I in Discord: Kenflesh#3090 - If you want to tell me something
Discord server: - If you have questions or ideas for my mods
If you want to support me:

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
(Major Update!) Galaxium
Download v0.0.3.4 (282.1 KB)


My gosh you guys are amazing. Beyond that. I said I would make a major update for 1,000 downloads. Then you guys decided to bring that up to 2,000! I honestly have no words... Other than thank you so much! As a thank you I added I think 20+ items! I also nerfed the ever so overpowered Galactite Armor to be fair. I also went all the way and added a custom boss. It is unfinished until I figure out how to make it underworld only. But for right now enjoy the ez kills on it.
I also added in a pet alien which is crafted by the new ore I also added. That ore requires the new (unsprited) pickaxe. The Alien Anvil is currently useless but I feel it will give you time to guess what will be added next. Along with all this other stuff I mentioned I also made a new ammo. It can be used by the Galactite Blasters. Try it out for yourself! Next, I added recipes for some hard to get items. It also makes Zombie Arms useful again! Hopefully you enjoy this kinda massive update!

In case you thought this update would be 100+ items added you need to remember I only work on this about an hour a day because I have other things to do ya know!

-2 New Ores
-3 Sets of Armor
-5 Tiles (1 unused)
-6 Gem Swords
-4 Baseball Bats
-2 New Ammos
-7 Guns
-A few other Items that I can't remember!

Obtaining Galactite ore is easy enough. Just grab a hellstone pickaxe and get to mining away at the giant meteors crashed around the world! Sometimes they float in mid-air because they are alien related! (AKA I don't know how to make them stay underground) The other "Ore" Alien Fossils are collected by using the poorly sprited Galactite Pickaxe. It currently is only useful for making the Alien pet. Oh yeah I also fixed the small world problem so you can make worlds as large as you like!

>Update Log<

-Added 2 new sets of armor
-1 new ore
-1 new boss
-2 new tiles
-1 new ammo
-1 new set of wings
-Added recipes for hard to obtain items.
-Nerfed / Buffed a few items

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Op Sword EpicDragon
Download v3.8 (962.3 KB)


Op Sword EpicDragon adds a bunch of different types of swords with different strengths
Almost everything is crafted at the ancient manipulator for luminite bars

This mod works best with god mode and is usually just for messing around


Release 0.1 Added Op sword
Update 0.2 Op sword now has multiple purposes
Update 0.3 Op sword gets a projectile
Update 0.4 Added Healing sword
Update 0.5 Restores mana
Update 0.6 Added Breaker sword
Update 0.7 Increased Breaker sword tool range
Update 0.8 Fixed lag with Breaker sword
Update 0.9 Made crafting recipe
Update 1.0 Made Healing sword give Lifeforce effect
Update 1.1 Made Breaker sword give Spelunker effect
Update 1.2 Changed Op sword's projectile
Update 1.3 Removed excess code
Update 1.4 Added weak versions of the Op sword
Update 1.5 Added Bomber sword
Update 1.6 Added Rocket sword
Update 1.7 Added Bee sword
Update 1.8 Added Bow sword
Update 1.9 Added Weak and Ok versions of all sword
Update 2.0 Retextured some swords
Update 2.1 Resized some textures
Update 2.2 Added 3 types of Dragon swords
Update 2.3 Changed the projectile for Bow sword
Update 2.4 Added 3 types of Gun swords
Update 2.5 Added 3 types of Water swords
Update 2.6 Added 3 types of Rainbow swords
Update 2.7 Added God Sword
Update 2.8 Removed extra projectile from Rainbow sword
Update 2.9 Added Demonetization
Update 3.0 Added Monetization and Money
Update 3.1 Fixed max stack for Money.
Update 3.2 Added homepage for mod
Update 3.3 Changed icon
Update 3.4 Added weaker versions of Demonetization, Monetization and added Corona Virus
Update 3.5 Added 3 types of The Sun
Update 3.6 Added 3 types of The Moon
Update 3.7 Added the Master Sword
Update 3.8 Changed some recipes

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Banner Checklist
Download v0.2 (100.4 KB)


Banner Checklist:
This Mod is for confirming whether you have acquired a banner.
You can also check the display of NPC related to the banner and the number of kills.
Since it corresponds also to the Mod banner, please inform me when there is a Mod which is not displayed.

*** Acknowledgments ***
Most of this Mod's UI code is based on jopojelly's Recipe Browser.
I am grateful to Mr. jopojelly for publishing a great code.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Gold Rush(闪金冲锋)
Download v0.11 (8.4 MB)


Gold Rush from Library of Ruina/Lobotomy Corporation.
Use King of Greed's EGO Weapon to punch enemies heavily!

-Optimized some details.
-Optimized some details again, and fixed some issue about gravity and mount.
-After the dash, players will get a speed and a short immune frame.
-The dash direction is related to the relative direction of the portals and players.
-Increased the upper limit and duration of the Power of Greed.
-Power of Greed will persist until you switch your weapon.
-Power of Greed will undergo a qualitative change after hitting enemies enough times.
-Fixed some tooltips.
-Fixed some bugs.
-Fixed some bugs * 2.
-Updated some sounds and sprites.
-Fixed some bugs * 3.
-Modified the visual effects.
-Reworked all the weapon.


-武器全部重做。"> This mod add Gold Rush from Library of Ruina/Lobotomy Corporation.
Use King of Greed's EGO Weapon to punch enemies heavily!

-Optimized some details.
-Optimized some details again, and fixed some issue about gravity and mount.
-After the dash, players will get a speed and a short immune frame.
-The dash direction is related to the relative direction of the portals and players.
-Increased the upper limit and duration of the Power of Greed.
-Power of Greed will persist until you switch your weapon.
-Power of Greed will undergo a qualitative change after hitting enemies enough times.
-Fixed some tooltips.
-Fixed some bugs.
-Fixed some bugs * 2.
-Updated some sounds and sprites.
-Fixed some bugs * 3.
-Modified the visual effects.
-Reworked all the weapon.



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Champion Mod
Download v0.220 (400.7 KB)


-=-Champion Mod Info-=-
Champion Mod is a small community made project meant to make Terraria more interesting. Currently it has a slow production but is seen as a labor of love from the small team involved in its development. It would be the team's dream to expand our horizons and recruit any new people willing to help out. The mod currently adds many different weapon types, crafting materials and miscellaneous items to spice of Terraria gameplay. There currently is a new NPC, the Farmer, and a boss in development.

Weapons to flesh out each biome more.
Custom Potions, Tools, and Accessories to come.

Alpha Destroyer 32768

Beta 0.22:
New Items:
- Immolator
- Sky Blue
- Devil's Knife
- Optical Residue
- Primal Cleaver
- Primal Fury
- Primal Justice
- Primal Staff
- Eater's Mandible
- Bolide Bringer

- Nature's Bounty Particle Effects and Animation improved
- Baron's Blade no longer heals the player when hitting target dummies
- Risky Revolver's crit now stacks with crit buffs (E.g. Shroomite Armor)
- Memory Fish sprite changed
- Wyverns now have a 12% chance to drop the Sky Blue
- Corrosive Alchemer Gun sprite changed
- Acidic Alchemer Gun sprite changed
- Dreadful Alchemer Gun sprite changed
- Peashooter sprite changed
- Stone Bullet item sprite changed
- Snowball Rifle sprite changed
- Acorn Staff sprite changed
- Acorn Staff projectile (acorn) sprite changed
- Nature's Protection item sprite changed
- Bayonet item and projectile sprite changed
- Enchanted Katana item sprite changed
- Snowball sledgeshot item sprite changed
- Bolide Bringer item sprite changed
- Risk Revolver item sprite changed
- Bonded Multisword item sprite changed
- Sagittarius item sprite changed
- Astral Rampage item sprite changed
- Sun Staff item sprite changed
- Moon Staff item sprite changed

==="> Discord server link:
Wiki link:

Please report bugs to Mariothedog#4707 on Discord.

-=-Champion Mod Info-=-
Champion Mod is a small community made project meant to make Terraria more interesting. Currently it has a slow production but is seen as a labor of love from the small team involved in its development. It would be the team's dream to expand our horizons and recruit any new people willing to help out. The mod currently adds many different weapon types, crafting materials and miscellaneous items to spice of Terraria gameplay. There currently is a new NPC, the Farmer, and a boss in development.

Weapons to flesh out each biome more.
Custom Potions, Tools, and Accessories to come.

Alpha Destroyer 32768

Beta 0.22:
New Items:
- Immolator
- Sky Blue
- Devil's Knife
- Optical Residue
- Primal Cleaver
- Primal Fury
- Primal Justice
- Primal Staff
- Eater's Mandible
- Bolide Bringer

- Nature's Bounty Particle Effects and Animation improved
- Baron's Blade no longer heals the player when hitting target dummies
- Risky Revolver's crit now stacks with crit buffs (E.g. Shroomite Armor)
- Memory Fish sprite changed
- Wyverns now have a 12% chance to drop the Sky Blue
- Corrosive Alchemer Gun sprite changed
- Acidic Alchemer Gun sprite changed
- Dreadful Alchemer Gun sprite changed
- Peashooter sprite changed
- Stone Bullet item sprite changed
- Snowball Rifle sprite changed
- Acorn Staff sprite changed
- Acorn Staff projectile (acorn) sprite changed
- Nature's Protection item sprite changed
- Bayonet item and projectile sprite changed
- Enchanted Katana item sprite changed
- Snowball sledgeshot item sprite changed
- Bolide Bringer item sprite changed
- Risk Revolver item sprite changed
- Bonded Multisword item sprite changed
- Sagittarius item sprite changed
- Astral Rampage item sprite changed
- Sun Staff item sprite changed
- Moon Staff item sprite changed


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Calamity Rare Recipes
Download v0.2.1 (25.7 KB)


This mod aims to add recipes for rare items in the calamity mod

v2.1: Drastically reduced the materials for the items!

Current Recipes Added -
Shrine Items
Rare Item Variants
Yharim's Crystal
Halibut Cannon
[Charging Station and Power Cell Factory recipes temporarily removed due to a bug in v2.0]

Planned Recipes/Other Stuff -

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Cheaty Tools Reloaded
Download v0.6 (127.7 KB)


Cheaty Tools Reloaded is a Rewrite of the mod Cheaty Tools. The reason for this rewrite is that
i lost my source code for the original mod when my computer got wiped. The code on github is very outdated so
I had no fallback. The original is discontinued.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Enemy Modifiers
Download v0.1.1 (122.1 KB)


Adds a variety of Modifiers for Enemies. Currently 35 of them
Percent chance is configurable, starting at 25%
You can blacklist specific modifiers if you don't want to see them
You can blacklist specific enemies from ever getting modifiers


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Box of Gadgets
Download v0.2.0.0 (258.5 KB)


This mod aims to add random useful items and features to the game. It'll be mostly items or features that give some kind of QoL improvement.

Adds Shovels, a new tool type that can dig soft soils very quickly, notably they can dig all grass types in one hit.
Adds Tool Prefixes, these have a 33% chance of being applied to any pickaxe, axe, hammer or shovel.

Changelog: : New Placeables and Other Stuff:
- Updated to TModLoader 0.11.5.
- Added Activation Rod, Auto Reeling Rod, Clockwork Digger, Crystal Lens, Crystal Clear Blocks and Walls, Restoring Kit.
- Increased chances of finding Reforge Kits, Lesser Reforge Kits and Enchanted Polish.
- Auto Reforge Machine now shows a preview of the prefix on the item when hovering over a prefix on the list.
- Fixes Auto Reforge Machine not working correctly with certain modded prefixes.
- Fixes Boulder Traps not generating in the jungle temple. : Fixed bug with right clickable items not working. : New Additions, Changes and Bugfixes:
- Added Boulder Trap, Auto Reforge Machine and Lihzahrd Workshop.
- Changed how Reforging Kits work, now you have to take them with your mouse and right click the item you want to reforge.
- Made Reforging Kits more common in chests.
- Master Key now also works on golden lockboxes. : Fixes crash when reloading the mod, and also fixes an UI bug with the Chlorophyte Extractor. : Fixes Reflector Blocks being unobtainable. Still working on some other stuff for the mod. : Just fixes the Chlorophyte Extractor in Multiplayer. : Updates and New Stuff:
- Updated to TModLoader
- Reduced chance of getting a tool prefix from 50% to 33.33%.
- Added new machine: The Chlorophyte Extractor (WIP). : Even More Fixes:
- Fixes the mod sometimes (or all the time?) failing to load... yeah, i'm very sorry for that.
- Spanish translation file being wrongly encoded (making it show an * for accented letters in-game).
- Old shovel not showing in the merchant's shop if the shop is somehow missing the copper axe. : Fixes:
- Critter Net Attachment teleporting critters to the player. It now also increases catched critter grab range to compensate.
- Old Shovel appearing twice in the merchant's shop (and replacing torches).
- Most tool prefixes not working as intended.
- Some spanish translations missing accents and having other grammatical errors (thanks a lot to RascaLDiego for the help!). : Updated to TModLoader, added Critter Net Attachment, Old Shovel, Plated Shovel, Tool Prefixes and Localization files. : Added mod icon. : Initial release, added Master Key, Ethereal Vortex, Enchanted Polish, Reflector Block, Reforging Kit and Lesser Reforging Kit.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Gambler NPC
Download v0.1 (15.4 KB)


Gambling is the sport of kings, they say.
This mod adds a new NPC: The gambler, who sells different "money chests", that can be opened for gold. The amount is random, and while you can win big, it averages out as slightly less than you paid.
It's a hell of a risk, but the higher level boxes can contain a little bit more than just mere coin.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
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