tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Ravel Mod
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Download v1.0.3.1 (1.3 MB) |
Jaqbix |
So what exactly is RavelMod? Ravel mod is a mod that adds stuff and it is going to add more stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() ● Re-Logic - for creating Terraria ● tModLoader team - for developing tModLoader ● All of our helpers - for helping us in all kinds of ways ● Tremor, Antiaris and Enigma coders - for letting newbie modders analyze their code ● Andriei - for writing the description and helping ● Myself - for not giving up"> ![]() Ravel mod is a mod that adds stuff and it is going to add more stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() ● Re-Logic - for creating Terraria ● tModLoader team - for developing tModLoader ● All of our helpers - for helping us in all kinds of ways ● Tremor, Antiaris and Enigma coders - for letting newbie modders analyze their code ● Andriei - for writing the description and helping ● Myself - for not giving up Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.1 | Edit | Delete |
Fargo's Testing Mod
Download v1.4.2 (12.3 KB) |
Fargowilta |
This mod is useful for testing purposes!
Features include: -A god mode that starts on and is more powerful than any others :tm: -Time never moves -Rain can never happen -Right click to map teleport All features can be toggled NEW UPDATE - V 1.4.2 -God Mode is now toggleable NEW UPDATE - V 1.4 -Renamed the mod -Added Paused Time, No Rain, and Map Teleport Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
imkSushi Name Pack
Download v0.2.0 (2.3 KB) |
imkSushi |
This is the first name pack for Terraria! This mod changes various names of items, for example:
Turtle thungs that should be Tortoise things are renamed to Tortoise things Gray Bricks (and Brick Walls) are renamed to Stone Bricks (and Brick Walls) Other Gray items are renamed to Grey items Requires imkSushi's Data Packs Mod Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
Expanded Weapons
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Download v2.6100 (752.2 KB) |
dpoopoop |
Expanded Weapons is a pretty cool mod, it adds over 100 weapons!
It adds more weapons to the more under used weapon types. (Like the Flamethrower) Even more weapons if you download the Whips & more mod! It also adds more accessories, like more combinations to previous accesories. Additions 165 Weapons! 148 weapons from base 17 weapons exclusive with whips mod 42 Melee weapons 42 Ranged weapons 30 Magic weapons 31 Summon weapons 9 Throwing weapons 10 Other weapons Enemies Cloud boss 16000 HP / 48000 HP (post golem) Drops some vanilla sky-themed items. Gets buffed after defeating golem and drops new items. Has a small chance to drop the Three Spikes item. Cumulus (cloud boss sidekick) 8000 HP / 24000 HP (post golem) Aggressive nimbus (cloud boss minion) 300 HP / 900 HP (post golem) Bullethell nimbus (cloud boss minion) 700 HP / 2100 HP (post golem) Cloud swarmer (cloud boss minion) 40 HP / 120 HP (post golem) Happy face (damage tester) 20000 HP Angry face (damage tester) 50000 HP Equipables Cloud star (expert) Endless star canister (ammo) Endless rocket box (ammo) Spectral bullet (ammo) Shroom bullet (ammo) Jesters bullet (ammo) Reinforced whip handle Frozen whip handle Ancient whip handle Stardust whip handle Solar gauntlet Vortex scope Nebula emblem Cloud truffle (mount) Michigun truffle (mount) Yeezys Milcoh tracers Pearlwood rainbow helmet (melee) Pearlwood rainbow hat (ranged) Pearlwood rainbow hood (magic) Pearlwood rainbow chestplate Pearlwood rainbow leggings Pool ticket Equipables (whips mod exclusive) Michigun emblem Michigun mask (melee) Michigun helmet (ranged) Michigun hood (magic) Michigun headgear (summon) Michigun suit Michigun leggings Luck axolotl Meteor tracers Other items Cloud handle (material for rain cloud weapons) Rainbow essence (cloud boss drop) Cloud trophy Cloud bag (expert) Soul of cloud Strange cloud (boss summon) Three spikes (material for all michigun items) Zardy pickaxe (a pickaxe for digging fast) Suspicious Call (martian madness summon item) Luminite Sigil (moon lord summon item) Pearlwood rainbreaker (hamaxe) Purity rainbreaker (hamaxe) Sussy potato (potion bag) Pearlwood rod (fishing) Pearlwood rainbow rod (fishing) Purity rainbow rod (fishing) Extract the mod for balance changes on vanilla weapons, and config balance changes to this mod's weapons History Update 2.61 Added Rainbow Bullet Fixed Snowflake Raelgun one-shot ceaseless void issue Update 2.6 Added Purity Rainblast, Purity Rainbow Torch, Purity Rainbow, and Purity Rainblade Added Purity Rainbreaker, and Purity Rainbow Rod Added Meteor Tracers Added Spectral Bullet, Shroom Bullet, Jesters Bullet Added Rainbow Essence Added Enchanted Potions Sussy Potato now has more potion types Oreo Obliterator MK2 beam visuals improved Buffed Diamond Blade use time (20 -> 18) Buffed the range of all flamethrowers Cloud Boss and Cumulus now has 10% DR Resprited Stardust Whip Handle Rebalanced all michigun weapons Rebalanced some post-moon lord weapons Michigun armor can now be crafted into auric tesla armor Minions now move around while idling Made Camping Torch and Pearlwood Torch minions smaller Nerfed Camping Torch (8-> 5) Adjusted the minion's ranges Modded NPCs are no longer immune to ExpandedWeapons debuffs Reworked Snowflake Raelgun Resprited Constellation Cannon Update 2.56 Made the Diego pet provide more life regeneration when your health is low Added a new feature to the Luck Axolotl accessory Update 2.55 Buffed all support guns and Snowflake Raelgun effect duration Improved Snowflake Raelgun homing Buffed Leech Shooter and Soul Thief healing Changed Snowflake Staff recipe Resprited Monochrome Rod Update 2.5 Added Luck Axolotl, and Pool Ticket Fixed a terrible bug on the Jamesbow and Pearlwood Rainbow shooting arrows downwards Buffed Pearlwood Rainbow Armor defense Made all pearlwood items easier to get Made Three Spikes a bit easier to get Update 2.47 Added an alternate recipe for Sussy Potato Made Cursed Bow and Ichor Bow easier to get Update 2.46 Buffed Optic Staff and Deadly Sphere Staff hit speed Pygmy Staff and Tempest Staff projectiles now have homing Reworked Clinger Staff Tempest Staff buffed (50 -> 65) Update 2.45 Whips mod exclusive update! Added Experienced Wand, Pearlwood Torch, Pearlwood Rainbow Torch, Cody's Greatstriker, Amerilaser, and Overdrive Staff Added Pearlwood Rod, and Pearlwood Rainbow Rod (fishing rods) Added Pearlwood Rainbow Armor Michigun weapons are now post-providence Reduced the souls required to craft pearlwood weapons to 10 Nerfed Double barrel shotgun (15 -> 8) Update 2.42 Pearlwood Rainblast projectile speed increased Pearlwood Rainblast left click projectile is now easier to aim Constellation Cannon blue star hitboxes fixed Slap Hand Whip damage buffed (60 -> 65 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
NoLefs's Mod
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Download v3.420 (27.5 MB) |
NoLefs |
NoLefs's Mod contains alot of items.
- 300+ Items! - Alot of town and enemy npcs! - 1 Boss and even some mini bosses! - Meme items! - SCP items! - Alot of armors! - Alot of cheat items. - Gets updated! Discord : I credit WeaponOut founder Flashkirby99 for lending me the code of a breakshot ammo. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v2.1.1.5 (113 KB) |
hamstar |
Adds stamina. Running, jumping, and other activities now require pacing.
- Fatigue: Expending stamina adds temporary max stamina loss - Exercise: Fatigue buildup increases non-temp. max stamina - 2 new potions, 6 new accessories - Fallen Stars recover small stamina amounts on use - Bottled Water recovers fatigue - Config file in Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/Stamina Config.json Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Will's Weapon Pack
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Download v3.5.3.4 (364.4 KB) |
Will the Terrarian |
This mod adds some fun weapons and accessories + a few ludicrous endgame/unobtainable items! ---UPDATE (2020)--- Some items nerfed. Some removed. ________________________________________ Pre-Hardmode Content -Repeaters: Wooden/Metal Repeaters: 10/12 of any wood/metal bar, higher rate of fire but worse damage -Longbows10 of any wood/metal, higher damage but lower rate of fire -Diamond Sword and Pickaxe from Minecraft, better than platinum/gold -Meteor Repeater: 8 damage but 10 usetime (2 lower than the legendary minishark) -Reinforced Shuriken: 50 shuriken and 1 iron bar, better than vanilla -Demonite/Crimson Throwing Weapons: 50 of each and 1 of each bar Hardmode Content -Icy Marrow. Effects of Ice Bow + velocity of Marrow -Shark-O-Matic: Shoots Shark Bullets and fires sharks as a secondary projectile, penetrates 3. 10% drop from Duke Fishron -Vanguard: Insanely powerful multi-use Sniper Rifle, pre-Moon Lord (homing/penetrating lasers) -Shroomite Repeater: 12 Shroomite Bars, shoots 2 arrows instead of one -Lancer: Butcher's Chainsaw and Chain Gun, shoots a spread of bullets and deals melee damage -Dragunov: Rapid fire Sniper Rifle, 10% drop from Golem, 10 Solar Tablet Fragments and Eye of the Golem, Rush B blyat -44. Magnum: a Hardmode upgrade to the Revolver -Auto-Reapeter: rapid fire bow (75% chance not to consume ammo), comparable to Megashark -Crossbow: Modification of Sniper Rifle, identical but shoots unique ammo type (crossbow bolts) -Yeet Hand: 1 Slap Hand, 1 Titan Glove, 1 Feral Claws, inflicts ichor, 30 knockback - Slap Hand has 20 -Blades of Exile: reference to God of War, upgrade to Chain Guillotines -Universal Sniper Scope: 1 Sniper Scope, 1 Magic Quiver, 30 Archery + Ammo Reservation Potions, ultimate ranged accessory -Shredder: Illegal Gun Parts Shoots Shurikens -Energy Sword: Hardmode shortsword, 50 crystal shards -Paladin's Wings: Paladin's feather, 20 soul of flight, high acceleration but low wing time -Breaker Tower - 3 stacked Breaker Blades. More of a joke weapon -Moon Sword - made from Terra Blade, Influx Waver, Meowmere and Star Wrath. Insane DPS -Aegis of Zeus - effects of Frozen Turtle Shell, Paladin's Shield and Ankh Shield -Flamespark boots - lava waders, frostspark boots, 30 speed potions and panic necklace. Effects of the listed combined -Suspicious Looking Shortsword - does 9999 damage. Have fun. Give the Copper Shortsword to the guide:) Visit the homepage for more information on crafting recipes and showcases Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.1.6.7 (4.1 MB) |
Optima |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Unlimited Zoom
Download v1.0 (10 KB) |
-Cyril- |
- English -
This is a mod that can adjust strang zooms For some reason in the vanilla Terraria, some bugs may appear when the zoom time is small Please understand How to use: 1. Open the settings in the game, find the Mod Configuration item, click and click Unlimited Zoom: Zoom Config item Or click the "gear" icon directly on the Mod list interface 2. Find the "zoom value" item and adjust it to the zoom you want. The available range of values is [0,1000000], and if you adjust it to 0, this mode is not turned on. There are two types of zooming, namely "Game screen zoom value" and "UI screen zoom value", as the name suggests. The maximum value of the latter is still 200% This mod will not be synchronized in server mode, that means even if the server not loading this mod, you can still use this mod and it will not be automatically replaced - 中文 - 这是一个能够调更加奇奇怪怪的缩放的Mod 因为原版的某种原因,缩放调小时可能会出现一些画面Bug 请谅解 使用方式: 1.在游戏中打开设置,找到Mod Configuration项,点开并点开Unlimited Zoom: Zoom Config项 或直接在Mod列表界面点开“齿轮”图标 2.找到“缩放值”项,将它调为你想要的缩放,值的可用范围是[0,1000],调为0即视为不开启此模式 分为两种缩放,分别为“游戏画面缩放值”以及“UI画面缩放值”,作用如名字所示。后者最大值仍然是200% 本Mod并不会在服务器模式下同步,也就是说即使服务器没有加载此Mod,你依然可以使用此Mod并不会被自动禁用 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Lunatic
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Download v1.4.1 (391.3 KB) |
hamstar |
This mod adds one important missing component to Terraria: A central motivation. Namely, hurrying to save the world. Literally.
Incidentally (maybe), please welcome our friendly newcomer to the town roster: The Lunatic. Who is he? Is he a he? Why does he want masks? Will his bake sale idea ever take off? Is that unearthly increasing orange sky tinge normal? Play this mod to find out! If for some reason you're finding the struggle to quell those pesky seismic tremors a bit much (or else too little), feel free to tone things down in the config file, found in 'Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs/The Lunatic Config.json'. ...did I mention there's an excellent, one-of-a-kind reward waiting for you at the end of your quest? No cheating! Important: - You'll need a relatively fresh world to play this. The Lunatic won't spawn if you've killed any of the main bosses. - You'll get warnings before the end comes. Talk to the Lunatic for more information. - Once time runs out, the apocalypse begins. It is permanent for any given world. - Protip: Try to keep this guy safe. Like any town NPC, there's no telling when he'll return, if you don't. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Infinite Wormholes v1.1
Download v1.1 (2.2 KB) |
Kimseru |
Allows players to craft wormhole potions with no ingredients.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Sonic Adventure: Chao Island
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Download v0.1.7.1 (26.1 MB) |
Piers from Piers Hub |
Are you looking to find out how to get a specific Chao, how to progress further or information on what your Chao does? Join the server and ask about the mods website, where you can find a bunch of helpful information related to Chao, Transformations, items and much more as time goes on. Update version 0.1.7 added: -Updated the coloring of all Chao transformations -Updated the coloring of all Chao eggs (except custom eggs) -Updated all of the Spiked Chao eggs -Updated Moogles store and rearranged the transformations and their prices -Updated Crash Bandicoot Chao -Updated Sans Chao egg and buff icon -Revamped Gloopity Chao and renamed it to Rocket Slime Chao -Revamped Mario Chao -Almost completely updated and edited Chao Suit items and renamed them to Chao Costumes -Completely resprited Chao Suit Pack and renamed it to Chao Costume Orb -Added Toro Inoue Chao transformation and Toro Inoue Chao (Complete with custom sounds) -Added GR101 Chao and GR101 Chao transformation -Added Crash Bandicoot Chao transformation (Complete with custom sounds) -Added Rocket Slime Chao transformation -Added Venom Chao transformation and added Venom Chao (Complete with custom sounds) -Added ENA Chao -Added Senpai Chao -Way more small QoL changes like buffs, nerfs and more There are a total of... 894+ Obtainable Chao, 30 playable Chao and 10 playable characters! -CREDITS- -Piers (Creator) -Zaiko (Creator of the Metal Sonic transformation and many Video Game Chao) -DylanDoe21 (Previous assistant with some code used in the mod) -Sneavile (Creator of the Shadow the Hedgehog transformation) -Qwerty (Creator of Unreleased Chao code) -Alpha (Creator of Attack Chao code) -Dismas (Previous Spriter) -PhoboStar (Previous Spriter) -Wolfch (Previous Spriter) -MewDude94 (Creator of Blaze the Cat sprite) "> Welcome to the Sonic Adventure: Chao Island Mod! This mod adds tons of adorable Chao, NPCs, Items, Transformations and Mounts from Sonic The Hedgehog into Terraria! CHAO ISLAND NOW HAS A WEBSITE! Are you looking to find out how to get a specific Chao, how to progress further or information on what your Chao does? Join the server and ask about the mods website, where you can find a bunch of helpful information related to Chao, Transformations, items and much more as time goes on. Update version 0.1.7 added: -Updated the coloring of all Chao transformations -Updated the coloring of all Chao eggs (except custom eggs) -Updated all of the Spiked Chao eggs -Updated Moogles store and rearranged the transformations and their prices -Updated Crash Bandicoot Chao -Updated Sans Chao egg and buff icon -Revamped Gloopity Chao and renamed it to Rocket Slime Chao -Revamped Mario Chao -Almost completely updated and edited Chao Suit items and renamed them to Chao Costumes -Completely resprited Chao Suit Pack and renamed it to Chao Costume Orb -Added Toro Inoue Chao transformation and Toro Inoue Chao (Complete with custom sounds) -Added GR101 Chao and GR101 Chao transformation -Added Crash Bandicoot Chao transformation (Complete with custom sounds) -Added Rocket Slime Chao transformation -Added Venom Chao transformation and added Venom Chao (Complete with custom sounds) -Added ENA Chao -Added Senpai Chao -Way more small QoL changes like buffs, nerfs and more There are a total of... 894+ Obtainable Chao, 30 playable Chao and 10 playable characters! -CREDITS- -Piers (Creator) -Zaiko (Creator of the Metal Sonic transformation and many Video Game Chao) -DylanDoe21 (Previous assistant with some code used in the mod) -Sneavile (Creator of the Shadow the Hedgehog transformation) -Qwerty (Creator of Unreleased Chao code) -Alpha (Creator of Attack Chao code) -Dismas (Previous Spriter) -PhoboStar (Previous Spriter) -Wolfch (Previous Spriter) -MewDude94 (Creator of Blaze the Cat sprite) Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.7.7 (88.9 KB) |
Guus6 |
This mod is still very WIP and will probaly be updated alot
currently contains: - 4 sets of prehardmode wings - 1 set of hardmode wings - 1 crafing material - 2 Pet v0.5.4 - Resprited the Crimtane soul and Ebonian Soul - Removed Skeletal Wings - Added Meteorite Booster (Sprite W.I.P.) v.0.5.5 - Resprited the Meteorite Booster - Rebalanced all wings v.0.5.6 - Added a little easter egg v.0.5.7 - Rebalanced pretty much all selling prices - Resprited Ebononian soul and Crimtane Soul again v.0.5.8 - Resprited Demonic Waders (Still W.I.P) - Rebalanced Demonic Waders v.0.5.9 - Added tooltips to all vanilla wings v0.6 - Added the Chunk of Flesh v0.6.1 - Lots of bug fixes v0.6.1.1 - very small changes and some bug fixes v0.6.2 - Rebalanced and resprited demonic waders v0.6.3 - Added somethings to Crimtane & Ebonian souls v.0.7 - Rebalanced all wings (Again) - Added Wings of Life - Added Pink Quartz (Currently, you have to make a new world to get this ore) - Added dust to most wings v.0.7.1 - Added Zinc ore (Currently, you have to make a new world to get this ore) - Added Sunplate anvil v.0.7.2 - Fixed loads of bugs (probably added more) - Added Eye Crusher - Made Zinc ore post EoC v.0.7.3 - Added Core of Flight - Added recipes for Lucky Horseshoe and the Cloud in a Bottle - Changed Meteorite Booster for Hell Wings v.0.7.4 - A lot of resprites - Added Honey Wings v.0.7.5 - Added Feather Core v. - Rebalanced Feather Core v.0.7.6 - MoreWings ores will now only spawn into the world after you have defeated certain bosses, not on world generation v. - Fixed bugs with ores v.0.7.7 - Removed Life Wings - Added Air Emblem - Changed the position of Pink Quartz progression wise Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Ophioid: A Boss fight mod
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Download v2.13 (5.4 MB) |
Kranot & IDGCaptainRussia |
Ophoiod is a mod focused on a boss and a multi-phase rematch later on that cuts down on soul griding in hardmode after the mecha bosses.
Supports Boss Checklist and Yet Another Boss Healthbar Requires IdgLibrary (search on the mod browser or go here Source code available on github Current Content: -2 summoning items for both evil biomes and 1 for the rematch fight -2(2nd boss has 3 phases) Bosses (With trophy and mask and a pet item!) Version History : V2.11 Ophiodpede drops his items at the body segment closest to who he was targeting V2.10 Proper Boss-checklist support! V2.09 Fly minions now fly off when the boss is not longer alive Ophiodpede (rematch) becames invulnerable at 5% HP, and his body segments are now properly buffed V2.07 This isn't really an update to the mod, but rather an update to information about the mod. The mod's homepage has been moved to my github as the Terraria forums staff will not give me control over the mod's thread without Kranot's approval (who practically doesn't exist at this point so you see the problem here), so I am unable to update any of out of date info on the mod's homepage. So now the homepage links to a wiki page on my github, where you can find UPDATED info on the mod as well as other things you may want to know about, the forum page is still a valid place to leave feedback for me as I still read there, but this update is really just a PSA. V2.06 So remember when I said there wouldn't be a treasure bag? Well as it turns out Kranot DID make one and I forgot to add it, so here you go! It only drops from the rematch however Did a sort of hard-counter to make the music play properly Discovered a bug, it's rare and how to cause it: by having no NPCs in your world. Something that's bound to not happen anyways, but if there are no NPCs, the boss with spawn with only 1 segment. So if you have this problem, this is why. V2.04 Added unfinished music tracks for the rematch, read below why they are unfinished and for an annoucement. The Fly phase was aparently missing its custom health bar support from YABHB, fixed. V2.03 The Worm phase has received a slightly stronger velocity cap when charging at the player. Furthermore, when airborne, if Ophoiopede is too far away from the player, his X velocity will slow down and he will become less likely to despawn V2.01 Updated to the new TMODLoader V2.0 -Alrighty here it is! The big update that finally adds the part 2 of the fight! -just be warning while you can fight it after golem, it's tougher than you may be prepared for... -I'll be rolling out minor updates with feedback and bug fixes as I discover them, thank you for waiting... WAY too long for this! -Fixed the Infested Compost not working in a Crimson World V1.94 -Fixed messed up body sprites, the WIP version of the boss has been buffed... V1.93 -Is now linked with GitHub! Link is on the 2nd post in the homepage. V1.07 -Fixed Projectiles not appearing for clients in network games V1.05 -Mod release -Disclaimer So some time ago Kranot and I stopped talking and I recently cut contact with him all together, So there won't be any more sprites being made (by him atleast), and that means no more content outside of what was planned. I don't think he even knows I finished 'his' mod, as he likes to view it. I have been working on a content mod I am very passionate about called SGAmod and am looking for spriters Check it out, if you like Ophioid-Mod, you'll like SGAmod <3 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Instant Respawn, but with Full Health
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Download v0.1.2 (21.4 KB) |
TeamDonut |
Thank you for downloading my mod!
Instant Respawn, but with Full Health TM is all about not smashing your keyboard when you die in Terraria. By using extra industrial technology, you will also respawn with full health when you die, preventing more keyboard smashing. (And possibly your monitor!) TL;DR: Instant Respawn and Full Health when you respawn. Enjoy ;) - TeamDonut Join the EPIC Discord as well! :) --- v0.1.2 --- The coins that you lost will now appear in chat! Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Fun Death Sounds
Download v1.2 (1.2 MB) |
Caseratis |
All this mod does is change the death sound.
Available Sounds: 1. Roblox Death Sound 2. GTA Wasted Sound 3. Mission failed we'll get em next time 4. Old Steve Hurt Sound 5. Windows XP Shutdown Sound 6. The Price is Right Losing Horn 7. To be continued... 8. Unreal Tournament Holy S*** 9. JonTron saying WTF 10. Heavy saying Dead 11. CD-i Ganon says Die 12. Dark Souls Death Sound 13. Applejack saying "Didn't see that one coming" 14. Classic Willhelm Scream 15. Rickety Rickety Rekt Son 16. Brutal, Savage, Rekt 17. Mario Death Sound There is only one option in the config. DeathSound (defaults to 0) You can set what sounds is made by changing the number. The number for each sound is the same as the list. (1 = Roblox, 2 = Wasted, etc.) Setting it to 0 will make it be a random sound each time you die. Want a sound added? Tell me on the TCF post or in my discord and make sure to leave a link to the video or whatever.​ Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.0.2 | Edit | Delete |
JoJoStands: Sounds
Download v1.1 (29.2 MB) |
AnotherGuy |
JoJo Stands: Sounds
This mod is a branch of JoJoStands with sound additions such as barrages, battle cries, pose quotes, etc. (Thanks to Prooooooos21 for helping me find the majority of the pose quotes!) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
[Unofficial] Calamity's Souls
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Download v1.0.4.0 (1.9 MB) |
Plantare(BiliBili@世纪小花) |
A bit completed yet, a fan-made mod focusing on interesting enchantments
It's still a uncompleted verson, my enchantment rework is in the half and there's bugs in it But i'm waiting untill cal 1.5 approaches :) *Announcement* It's more like a "fargo-style calamity expansion mod" instead of "another fargo's DLC mod", I mean, it doesn't support fargo' souls *Current Content* -Enchantments for every armor -1 armor set, 1 accessory, 1 ultimate crafting station and 9 weapons 'cause I cannot find fitting items to put in the enches -A few recipe changes, I don't want you to craft tarragon armor set for 3 times(Auric armor, Tarragon ench, Auric ench) *Future Content* -Complete enchantments including vanity armor -ENCHANTMENT SWITCHING SETTINGS -A tophat plantera town npc solding armor pieces when you have their enchantments -Rework all enchantments(I had done this more than like 4 times save me pls) and give them super flashing fancy visual effects -Replacing existing items with items in Platation mod or calamity and delete them. This doesn't include enchantments -Nothing else because I find it better to make a content mod separately when I want to do my own playthrough *The following content is Chinese description* *以上是英文简介* 稍微有点完成度,是个同人的mod,注重于添加有趣的魔石 仍然是半成品,我的魔石重做才做到一半,以及还有bug存在 但是鸽了(震声),等灾厄更1.5再说 *声明* 这个mod更像是“fargo风格的灾厄拓展mod”而非“另一个fargo DLC mod”,换句话说,不适配fargo魂石 *目前内容* -每个盔甲对应一个的魔石以及它们的上位升级 -1套盔甲,1个饰品,1个究极合成站和9个武器,因为我找不着应该给魔石配方塞啥了就自己做了 -一点点配方改动,因为我不想做三遍龙蒿套装(金源盔甲一遍,龙蒿魔石一遍,金源魔石一遍) *未来的打算* -完善魔石,包括时装的魔石 -魔石开关 -高顶礼帽世纪之花NPC,当你有魔石时售卖对应盔甲 -重制所有饰品,给它们加上超级无敌酷炫的视觉效果(乐) -把所有不是魔石的物品替换成灾厄或者百草园mod的物品,并删除它们 -没了,因为我觉得想写自己流程的话还不如新做个流程mod Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Teleporters unchained
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Download v1.1 (40.3 KB) |
DRKV & JamesTMP |
Are you tired of running kilometers of wiring, just to hook up two teleporters? Do you find teleporter hubs complicated and messy? We've got a solution:
* Wireless teleporters * Wireless teleporters are crafted from a regular teleporter, 10 wires and 8 ectoplasm. They work similarly to regular teleporters, but you don't have to connect them directly with wires. You can change the address of a teleporter by placing gems in its slots. Use the Fine-tuning wrench, which is sold by the Steampunker, to lock the teleporter and connect it to teleporters with the same address. The teleporters are connected on a cycle. When you activate a teleporter via wire, it sends things to the next pad, and receives things from the previous. Right click on a teleporter with the wrench, to change its position in the cycle. Contributions: DRKV Most of the coding JamesTMP Sprites and ideas Spellbound Wireless teleportation and gem addressing idea AlexanderStarship Wireless teleportation idea on TMEC Changelog: 1.1: - Fixed multiplayer - Fixed tile object placement on teleporters - Added auto-trigger Localizer Package |
7 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1 | Edit | Delete |
Minigun And OP Bullets
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Download v1.1.1.21 (66 KB) |
thelegend757 |
- Added the Crystal Shard material to OP Bullets and OP Arrows crafting recipe - Re-arranged the crafting recipe on OP Bullets and OP Arrows to put materials in order of availability - Changed the station required for Unlimited OP Bullets and Unlimited OP Arrows to the Crystall Ball instead of the Mythril Anvil to more closely resemble Vanilla - Changed the name of Unlimited OP Bullets and Unlimited OP Arrows to Endless OP Bullets and Endless OP Arrows - Changed the item rarity for the ammo types from Red to Yellow (OP Bullet, OP Arrow) and Red to Cyan (Endless OP Bullets, Endless OP Arrows) - Removed an unnecessary line from Endless OP Bullets and Endless OP Arrows tooltip - Added an infinity symbol to the sprites of Endless OP Bullets and Endless OP Arrows to help them stand out from regular OP Bullets and OP Arrows - Removed Fallen Star from OP Arrow crafting recipe To come in future updates: - Dust for OP Arrows - Make OP Arrows blend better with game visuals and lighting - Make a Bow/Repeater??? To come with 1.4 official release: - Remove Frostfire boots completely - Remove the ability to craft thelegend757's Wings - Add the Bone Glove from Skeletron, the Volatile Gelatin from Queen Slime and the Soaring Insignia from the Empress of Light to Perfectly Generic Item Previous Changelog: - Added a small amount of bullet spread to the Minigun to help it feel more natural - Changed the Minigun sound effect to default volume as the lower volume was only meant for testing - Added a slight fade-in effect to OP Bullets - Removed Avenger's Emblem from Perfectly Generic Item - Reduced Perfectly Generic Item defense from 10 to 2 - Reduced Perfectly Generic Item shield damage from 90 to 30 - Reduced Perfectly Generic Item sell price from 23 gold, 30 silver to 15 gold Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.8 | Edit | Delete |