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Download v0.5.0.0 (1.1 MB)


Project_Logic strives to add more functionality to the wiring side of Terraria.
This includes extra wires, Noteblocks, Delayers, Pistons, Radio links, enemy spawn controllers/disablers, and many more small but useful devices.

[Planned Features]
-Allow for custom noteblock support so other mods can add there own note sounds
-Rework Terraria.Wiring to become more mod-friendly (then probably move this to a core mod)
-Special inventory slots for wire components (similar to ammo slots)

[Possible Additions]
-Counter blocks (count wires hits and stackable)
-Team pressure plates and levers
-Team blocks?(only minable by that team)
-Team zones(possibly for another mod instead)
-Diagonal wires(Unlikely)
-Subtile wiring(Unlikely)
-Pulleys and platforms
-Drill that will pierce the heavens

[Todo List]
-Make wire's multiplayer compatible
-Rework of tiles to make delayers and noteblocks become wire component tiles (overlay style rather then solid)
-Make SpawnController multiplayer compatible
-Make wire render correctly when upside-down
-Add break-beam tile checker (ping and pong blocks, one actives, the other checks for recieved)

BUT DON'T DROP THE GRAND MASTER DESIGN! I'm currently working on fixing this.

-Added Collector(indev)
-Updated to new tML version
-Unloads static fields now
-Fixed reloading bug

-Added proper lighting to Noteblocks and Delayers
-Fixed small offset when mouse was over builder icons
-Fixed compatibility issues for tML

-Fixed major ModWire freazing bug
-Updated to tML v0.9.1
-Fixed Grand Master Design bug

-Added the remaining pistons. Credits to GabeHasWon for the sprites.
-Added extra check in ModWiring to improve efficiency on ModTile HitWire methods
-Made Spawn Controller multiplayer compatible
-Grand Master Design now lets you toggle placement settings using the number keys but only while the right click menu is open.


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Kimetsu no Terraria, The Demon Slayer Mod
Download v1.6 (2.3 MB)


Update Log - 1.6
I just wanted to say, thank you everyone for everything you've given me during this time. However, I have stopped the updating and production of this mod due to personal reasons and stuff getting in the way in life. I had the idea for this mod a while ago, almost 2 years now, and it's gotten quite a long way. I wanted to make the Demon Slayer Mod because I couldn't find one on the browser, so I popped open my terrible laptop at the time and started watching some videos and soon came the first sword - Water Breathing. The sprites for everything back then were less than impressive, but it's gotten much better recently. Hah, thinking about it, this mod was honestly just a joke for some friends in the beginning after i made my first mod called Attack on Terraria.. something like that. That one wasn't the best, but hey, it worked for what i wanted. Anyways, i just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the community and just getting here. I hope you've enjoyed the mod as i made it for a community, not just a game. The source code is now avaliable, and if someone would like to keep this mod moving, please by all means do so. See ya, space cowboys.

Update Log - 1.5.1
- Didn't realize sun breathing physically wouldn't drop, so it's back in crafting
- Ruin.

Update Log - 1.5
- Rengoku
- Rengoku will spawn once you use a new item called the "Train Ticket" (Dropped from Queen Bee, so that you mfs actually kill her.)
- He will sell you more breathings after beating more bosses, specifically hard mode ones.
- Doesn't sell Sun or Moon anymore.
- These can be gained through the Moon Lord and/or Xalgoth (Post-Moon Lord) boss battles.
- bALanCiNG
- Various other fixes and crafting issues solved
- Sound Breathing! (Dropped from Duke Fishron)

Update Log - 1.4.4
- Some recipes changed to require red devil banners instead of demon banners since demons don't spawn in hardmode

Update Log - 1.4.3
- Fixed and Edited more things, except rengoku >:(

Update Log - 1.4.2
- Minor bug fixes
- Rengoku spawn bug hopefully fixed
- Rengoku dialogue changed, hopefully helps with sun breathing

Update Log - 1.4.1
- coconut.jpg

Update Log - 1.4
- Rengoku NPC,(3 variants, Kyojuro, Senjuro, and Shinjuro) he's the one who you'll go to for just about everything related to having a breathing style. You can gain Flame Breathing from him if you like, but he sells different breathings every moon phase.
- Rengoku spawns after you beat the Wall of Flesh, so it needs to be hardmode for him to spawn.
- General Bug Fixes with breathings not being able to be aimed and such
- Other Reworks of things like Love, which has changed to Cursed Flame
- Nichirin Ore (Don't worry you dont have to remake your world, it can be made with hellstone)

Update Log - 1.3.7
- Vapor and Ember Breathing are now all avaliable Pre-Hardmode (FIXED)

Seriously, it's been 2 and a half weeks.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's downloaded my mod, I hope you all enjoy it and just know this makes me extremely happy. 9K downloads in 2 weeks is insane, like seriously, I made this for fun at the beginning but now you guys show me that you enjoy it and I just wanted to say thank you :D

Update Log - 1.3.6
- Sun Breathing recipe changed and edited damage/output

Update Log - 1.3.5
- Slight adjustments to breathing styles

Update Log - 1.3.4
- Added 3 types of breathings, 2 able to be gained pre-hardmode

Update Log - 1.3.3
- Slayer Marks have a 1/750 chance in dropping from demons
- Tsukigini Slayer Mark has a 1/1000 chance in dropping from demons
- Messed with True Moon Breathing a little, and trust me it is THE endgame weapon you'll want, so good luck with that :>

Update Log - 1.3.2
- The night calls to you...

Update Log - 1.3.1
- Bug Fixes

Update Log - 1.3
- Colorless Blades now drop from demons with a 1/50 chance
- Added slayer marks (Endgame)
- Added 2 new breathing styles

Update Log - 1.2
- Added Rengoku and Kamado family cloaks

Update Log - 1.1
- Added mod icon

Update Log - 1.0
- Mod released!"> UPDATE LOG

Currently the mod adds:
- New Accessories
- Melee weapons based on Demon Slayer's Breathing Styles
- Nichirin Ore
- Rengoku NPC
- 1 New Boss (Post-Moon Lord)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Update Log - 1.6
I just wanted to say, thank you everyone for everything you've given me during this time. However, I have stopped the updating and production of this mod due to personal reasons and stuff getting in the way in life. I had the idea for this mod a while ago, almost 2 years now, and it's gotten quite a long way. I wanted to make the Demon Slayer Mod because I couldn't find one on the browser, so I popped open my terrible laptop at the time and started watching some videos and soon came the first sword - Water Breathing. The sprites for everything back then were less than impressive, but it's gotten much better recently. Hah, thinking about it, this mod was honestly just a joke for some friends in the beginning after i made my first mod called Attack on Terraria.. something like that. That one wasn't the best, but hey, it worked for what i wanted. Anyways, i just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the community and just getting here. I hope you've enjoyed the mod as i made it for a community, not just a game. The source code is now avaliable, and if someone would like to keep this mod moving, please by all means do so. See ya, space cowboys.

Update Log - 1.5.1
- Didn't realize sun breathing physically wouldn't drop, so it's back in crafting
- Ruin.

Update Log - 1.5
- Rengoku
- Rengoku will spawn once you use a new item called the "Train Ticket" (Dropped from Queen Bee, so that you mfs actually kill her.)
- He will sell you more breathings after beating more bosses, specifically hard mode ones.
- Doesn't sell Sun or Moon anymore.
- These can be gained through the Moon Lord and/or Xalgoth (Post-Moon Lord) boss battles.
- bALanCiNG
- Various other fixes and crafting issues solved
- Sound Breathing! (Dropped from Duke Fishron)

Update Log - 1.4.4
- Some recipes changed to require red devil banners instead of demon banners since demons don't spawn in hardmode

Update Log - 1.4.3
- Fixed and Edited more things, except rengoku >:(

Update Log - 1.4.2
- Minor bug fixes
- Rengoku spawn bug hopefully fixed
- Rengoku dialogue changed, hopefully helps with sun breathing

Update Log - 1.4.1
- coconut.jpg

Update Log - 1.4
- Rengoku NPC,(3 variants, Kyojuro, Senjuro, and Shinjuro) he's the one who you'll go to for just about everything related to having a breathing style. You can gain Flame Breathing from him if you like, but he sells different breathings every moon phase.
- Rengoku spawns after you beat the Wall of Flesh, so it needs to be hardmode for him to spawn.
- General Bug Fixes with breathings not being able to be aimed and such
- Other Reworks of things like Love, which has changed to Cursed Flame
- Nichirin Ore (Don't worry you dont have to remake your world, it can be made with hellstone)

Update Log - 1.3.7
- Vapor and Ember Breathing are now all avaliable Pre-Hardmode (FIXED)

Seriously, it's been 2 and a half weeks.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's downloaded my mod, I hope you all enjoy it and just know this makes me extremely happy. 9K downloads in 2 weeks is insane, like seriously, I made this for fun at the beginning but now you guys show me that you enjoy it and I just wanted to say thank you :D

Update Log - 1.3.6
- Sun Breathing recipe changed and edited damage/output

Update Log - 1.3.5
- Slight adjustments to breathing styles

Update Log - 1.3.4
- Added 3 types of breathings, 2 able to be gained pre-hardmode

Update Log - 1.3.3
- Slayer Marks have a 1/750 chance in dropping from demons
- Tsukigini Slayer Mark has a 1/1000 chance in dropping from demons
- Messed with True Moon Breathing a little, and trust me it is THE endgame weapon you'll want, so good luck with that :>

Update Log - 1.3.2
- The night calls to you...

Update Log - 1.3.1
- Bug Fixes

Update Log - 1.3
- Colorless Blades now drop from demons with a 1/50 chance
- Added slayer marks (Endgame)
- Added 2 new breathing styles

Update Log - 1.2
- Added Rengoku and Kamado family cloaks

Update Log - 1.1
- Added mod icon

Update Log - 1.0
- Mod released!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.8.1 (155.4 KB)


Action-RPG inspired loot system that adds 37 new modifiers to your gear!
Modifiers on non-crafted items are discovered with a scroll of identify sold by the merchant.
+18 weapon modifiers
+10 armor modifiers
+9 accessory modifiers
Randomized loot quality
+1 unique modifier
Rare (25%)
+2 unique modifiers, 1 for accessories
Legendary (10%)
+3 unique modifiers, 2 for accessories
Primal (1%)
+3 unique modifers for weapons and armor, 2 for accessories
+PERFECT rolls in each modifier
Custom modifier effects, for example:
+damage when standing still
+attack speed during night
+damage in jungle
damage taken cannot exceed a certain amount
ignores damage taken if under an amount
...and much more!

added 37 modifiers
fixed armor ignoring modifier not calculating defense
added multiplayer compatibility
fixed item rolls reseting when reforged
non crafted items now spawn as unidentified
added scroll of identify
bought from the merchant
required to discover item's modifiers
added tome of identify
created with 100 scrolls of identify and a tome at a bookcase
not consumed when used
rebalanced some affixes
changed scroll and tome sprites
fixed bug with equipping unidentified armor or accessories
added added orb of alchemy
used to upgrade a single magical item to rare quality
crafted with 1 soul of night and 3 cursed flame or ichor
drops in hardmode (2%)
added essence of favorable fate
allows a reroll on a single item
crafted with 1 bottled water, 1 ectoplasm, and 1 soul of sight
drops post-plantera (1%)
fixed items not dropping properly and chests not storing items properly in multiplayer
magic items can now roll chance on hit affixes
improved magic reduction scaling on weapons
fixed damage in jungle affix not working properly
fixed items not storing affix values properly in multiplayer

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Infinite Minions
Download v1.2 (77.4 KB)


The Infinite Minions mod adds a variety of items to the game:

10 Progressive (and overpowered) summon accessories
3 Exclusive hybrid weapons
1 Accessory for INFINITE MINIONS
Speeds up the vanilla summon weapons

Please do keep in mind that vanilla terraria has a hardcoded limit of 1000 projectiles. Minions are projectiles. I WILL FIGURE OUT HOW TO INCREASE IT EVENTUALLY.

Join the discord server to give any suggestions

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Minecraft x Terraria
Download v0.2.9.2 (194.7 KB)


Minecraft x Terraria [g:4]
This is a Mod that adds many Minecraft Items to Terraria.
At the moment this mod only contains a few things, but this is going to change.

Planned things
Many Bosses and also Secret ones (be excited)
Many more Mobs and NPCs
Many more Items & Blocks
Many more Tools, Weapons & Armors

This mod incudes
31 Items

Stone Axe had wrong Name

Some Armor now needs a Anvil

Zombie Spawnrate decreased
Fixed that Diamond Pickaxe couldn't mine Cobalt and Palladium

Added 5 Shovels

Zombies now have lower defense

Added Golden Armor
Armor is now craftable with the equivalent ore
Iron Armor is now more expensive

Added Iron Armor
Fixed spelling mistake

Added Leather and Leather Armor
Made it possible to craft Leather on various ways

Zombies now have Sounds from Minecraft

Fixed the Ricipe of the Diamond Axe
Reduced Mod Size

Added 5 Axes

Zombies now have Gore

[g:5] Old changes on Mod Homepage [g:4]"> [g:5] Minecraft x Terraria [g:4]
This is a Mod that adds many Minecraft Items to Terraria.
At the moment this mod only contains a few things, but this is going to change.

Planned things
Many Bosses and also Secret ones (be excited)
Many more Mobs and NPCs
Many more Items & Blocks
Many more Tools, Weapons & Armors

This mod incudes
31 Items

Stone Axe had wrong Name

Some Armor now needs a Anvil

Zombie Spawnrate decreased
Fixed that Diamond Pickaxe couldn't mine Cobalt and Palladium

Added 5 Shovels

Zombies now have lower defense

Added Golden Armor
Armor is now craftable with the equivalent ore
Iron Armor is now more expensive

Added Iron Armor
Fixed spelling mistake

Added Leather and Leather Armor
Made it possible to craft Leather on various ways

Zombies now have Sounds from Minecraft

Fixed the Ricipe of the Diamond Axe
Reduced Mod Size

Added 5 Axes

Zombies now have Gore

[g:5] Old changes on Mod Homepage [g:4]

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Fallen Stars
Download v1.1 (10 KB)


This mod makes Fallen Stars appear more often. Config in game to set how much more often
Default is 2x fallen stars, up to 500x

-Increased max rate to 500x

-Added a config to set the Fallen Star rate going from normal rate to 100x rate

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v1.5.0.1 (1.6 MB)

Kranot, Muzuwi

Bugfixes update.
Introducing Ammo Belts, that allow quick switching between ammo in your ammo slots!

Ammobox+ is a mod that's entirely dedicated to the ranger specialization of Terraria, and adds 43 new ammo types with new effects and their own recipes to the game.
Currently added ammo types:
- Rubber Bullet - has a very high knockback
- Peculiar Bullet - has a chance to turn enemies into a Bunny
- Drugged Bullet - creates an aura of damage around a shot enemy
- Ice Bullet - slows down enemies, with a chance to freeze them
- Markershot - shot enemy takes 15% more damage
- Miner Bullet - has a low chance of dropping a random amount of ore
- Spectral Bullet - can penetrate up to 4 blocks, but the accuracy decreases substantially with each block
- Starfall Bullet - has a low chance to turn into a star
- And more, including new arrow, dart and rocket types!
Please report issues on the GitHub issue tracker!
Terraria Forums:
---------- CHANGELOG ----------

Updated for tModLoader v0.11.6.2
Fix a crash when spawning dev weapons when no weapon conditions were met
Fix double spawning of rocket effects on MP

v1.5.0.0 - Bugfix Update
New Feature - Ammo Belts! They allow you to switch between ammo in your ammo slots
Drugged/Cactus ammo now respect the npc.dontTakeDamage (fixes weird behaviour with Golem)
Fix phantasmal ammo flying straight through blocks when shot at a certain angle
Add ice sound effect
Potential compatibility for Ammobox rockets with modded launchers
Fix pre-hardmode bullet behaviour
Fix ammo display not working correctly on MP
Fix infinite ammo being consumed when shot from MechTransfer turrets
Fixed rockets being terribly desynched on multiplayer

v1.4.4.1 - Endless update! New, infinite versions of all Ammobox ammo types
New UI Element: Ammo Display - Shows ammo that will be shot from held weapon. Off by default - Default hotkey is 'P'
Fix miner ammo dropping lunar ore/ammoboxes dropping post-ML ammo after defeating any mech boss
Fix post-plantera ammo dropping from ammoboxes after defeating any mech boss
Added Mod.Call abilities, modders can now use several different commands to enhance compatibility of their mods with Ammobox+
Secret items...?
Minor optimizations

v1.3.3.1 - Add rockets to Ammoboxes

v1.3.3.0 - Rocket update! 13 new rocket types added (special effects only work with Rocket Launcher/Grenade Launcher/Snowman Cannon/Proximity Mine Launcher, Celebration is not included due to programming issues and Electrosphere Launcher is planned in the future. Celebration, Electrosphere Launcher and modded launchers can use the rockets, however they behave just like Rocket III/IV's, and have no special effects)
Fix ammo dropped from ammoboxes very rarely getting prefixes
Fix bullet hitboxes

Full changelog on GitHub.

---------- Known issues ----------
- Ice/Slime ammo may rarely cause erratic movement in enemies, please report such cases on the Issue Tracker on GitHub

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Mod Libs - General Libraries & Services
Download v1.7.3 (504.2 KB)


Supplies a broad library of helpful reusable classes, common-purpose self-contained (`public static`) methods, and "services" for assorted stateful features.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Calamity Loot Swap
Download v1.6.1 (151.8 KB)

Potato Person and YuH

Lets you switch between drops from Calamity bosses using new "Manipulator" items

- Manipulators have a 100% drop rate from most bosses
- You can craft the Manipulators with the boss' ""expert"" drop
- This mod will implode without Calamity on
- Profaned Guardians and Eidolon Wyrm don't have items as they do not have any alternate drops with the same drop rate.
- There's also a Psychotic Amulet drop because farming that item sucks

1.6.1: Replaced Astral Bulwark with Hide of Deus since it was removed
1.6: Removed Rogue-Melee variant recipes. Removed Ball o' Fugu, Halibut, and Rare Elemental Bottle recipes. Cryo Manip now has Cryonic Bars instead of frigid. Added CV, SCal, and Draedon Manips. Fixed all rarities. Cosmic Anvil is now used for DoG and Yharon Manips instead of Draedon's Forge. Astrum Deus, Leviathan, and Slime God drop fixes. DoG manip recipe fix.
1.5.1: Leonid recipe removed, its obtainable now
1.5: New Aureus weapons, Gastric Belcher, Final Dawn
Manipulators now drop from bags
Yharon manipulator now obtainable
1.4.2: Slight icon edit
1.4.1: Dragonfolly rename

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Vibrant Reverie (W1K's Mod Redux)
Download v1.2.2.3 (6.3 MB)

W1K and MurrayZero

Vibrant Reverie! Formerly W1K's Mod Redux, the successor to W1K's Modpack, W1K's Content Pack Remix and W1K's Sizeable Variety Package, now with 100% less questionable and a slightly more original name. 1.2 also includes an 800% more reasonable jungle boss and a brand new desert first boss! Kut-Ku is gone but it'll be a worthy sacrifice, trust me.

Vibrant Reverie is and will always be a content pack, compilation of my questionable coding prowess, designed to blend as much as my effort can possibly afford with the game's original concept of balance. This means:
- It includes contents, a REASONABLE amount of contents, NPCs, 10 custom bosses, around 140 items, at least by the last time I bothered checking.
- All bosses and a good chunk of NPCs have their own unique AIs.
- It's balanced, with a maniacal level of attention. Dare to prove otherwise and you get a refund.
- You can turn into a dragon! (for real this time)
- Works just fine with AT LEAST Thorium Mod because I tried.
- Supports Boss Checklist and W1K's Weapon Scaling.

Refer to the official forum thread for more details.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Super Ancients Awakened
Download v1.0.0.1 (3.4 MB)


Ancients Awakened Challengers:
Do you want to have a fight with the ancients with real power?
If you want to challenge yourself or want to experience the real power of ancients, try this mod.

You must be familiar with each weapons in AAMod, which could help you with choosing the best weapons.

WARNING: This mod will seriously affect your normal playthrough. If some bosses are too powerful for you to defeat, this is very much the norm. That's why we nerf them. Maybe you can try your best and figure out how to defeat them.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.18.1 (174.3 KB)


90 unique shops with almost every item in Terraria spread across all merchants.

Even the guide, nurse, angler, tax collector and old man are now merchants!

Although not all the items are unlocked at once, you will need to defeat bosses and other types of enemies to progress.

Currently there is no wiki, the best way to learn how everything works is by looking directly at the source linked below.

Want to help contribute? Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Suggesting new shops / items.
- Suggesting price changes / item condition changes for making the mod more balanced.
- Listing items that have no sell value.

+ Sell more items based on bosses / enemies defeated.
+ Some items get 'upgraded' as you progress.
+ Sell items based on what you currently have equipped.
+ Items that had no sell values now have unique sell values.

+ Quests (Quests give you hints on what you need to do to unlock more items) (WIP)

+ Merchants have a chance to drop items on death. (disabled by default)
+ 300 health for all merchants. (disabled by default)
+ Slightly reduced sizes. (disabled by default)
+ Shoot different projectiles based on bosses defeated. (disabled by default)

+ Accessory that gives discount on all shop items
+ Accessory that makes coins drop on enemy hit / kill
+ More complex UI's conveying more information to the player about shops and items including things such as quests


Special Thanks
- To everyone in the tModLoader Discord for all your generous help
- To ReLogic for making Terraria
- To the team that made tModLoader possible in the first place


Added missing dev set to clothier shop.
All boss bags now have unique sell values based on world difficulty.
ALL vanity items now have unique sell values.
ALL armour items now have unique sell values.
ALL block items now have unique sell values. (of course I missed a few, that's for you guys to point out :P)
Lots of other things that did not have sell value now have sell value.

Hotfix which fixes the Witch doctors and Dye Traders shops not cycling properly.

Added 'UniversalSeedCost' set at 1 gold.
Arms Dealer: Combined Msc shop with Guns shop
The stylist now says something useful.
Wings are no longer just 'Demon Wings' in Merchant shop.
The clothier now sells Yoraiz0r's Spell for 2 plat once you defeated the ancient cultist.
Adding missing vanity dev sets to the clothier clothing shop: Yoraiz0r, Skiph, Will, Aaron
The Dye Trader now has multiple shops and sells ALL the dyes.
Added 'UniversalDyeCost' set at 1 gold.
The Witch doctor now has a "Wings" shop and sells ALL the wings.
Removed Dye Vat from Dye Trader
Removed individual unique enemy kill requirements for all the dyes as it was a unnecessary level of complexity.
Removed Clentaminator from Steampunker

Added 'UniversalVanityCost' set at 5 gold.
Applied 'UniversalVanityCost' to all vanity items in Party Girl shop.
Added config option 'ShopPriceMultiplier'.
Reduced universal accessory cost from 25 to 20 gold.
The mechanic no longer sells EVERY furniture set, instead she sells their respective materials.
Party girl vanity items moved to Clothier merchant.
You no longer need to press the shop button whenever you click the cycle shop button.
LOTS of prices have been tweaked.
More items now require 'progression levels' to unlock.
The mod has been abstracted on a whole new level!

Universal pet cost reduced from 25 to 5 gold.
Guide shop items have been tweaked.
Removed empty shop in Merchant shop.

The Tinkerer no longer sells everything in 'chunks', the items are spread more out meaning you have to progress for fewer rewards now.

Streamlined the dialog for all the merchants. It's plain and boring now. In future updates, quests will be shown in dialog. Quests will tell the player how to unlock more items in the merchants shops.
Added config options for toggling merchant drops and projectiles.
The idea of quests have been implemented into Goblin Tinkerer dialog.

Shop category index now resets and is ready for next time you view the shop.
Complete overhaul of the Angler merchant, every item has not been over looked.
Fixed several potential bugs.

Merchant extra life, alternate Dialog and scaling are now disabled by default in the configs.
More price refactoring.

Merchant no longers sells all the pets at once, you need to "> This mod adds over 90 unique shops with almost every item in Terraria spread across all merchants.

Even the guide, nurse, angler, tax collector and old man are now merchants!

Although not all the items are unlocked at once, you will need to defeat bosses and other types of enemies to progress.

Currently there is no wiki, the best way to learn how everything works is by looking directly at the source linked below.

Want to help contribute? Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Suggesting new shops / items.
- Suggesting price changes / item condition changes for making the mod more balanced.
- Listing items that have no sell value.

+ Sell more items based on bosses / enemies defeated.
+ Some items get 'upgraded' as you progress.
+ Sell items based on what you currently have equipped.
+ Items that had no sell values now have unique sell values.

+ Quests (Quests give you hints on what you need to do to unlock more items) (WIP)

+ Merchants have a chance to drop items on death. (disabled by default)
+ 300 health for all merchants. (disabled by default)
+ Slightly reduced sizes. (disabled by default)
+ Shoot different projectiles based on bosses defeated. (disabled by default)

+ Accessory that gives discount on all shop items
+ Accessory that makes coins drop on enemy hit / kill
+ More complex UI's conveying more information to the player about shops and items including things such as quests


Special Thanks
- To everyone in the tModLoader Discord for all your generous help
- To ReLogic for making Terraria
- To the team that made tModLoader possible in the first place


Added missing dev set to clothier shop.
All boss bags now have unique sell values based on world difficulty.
ALL vanity items now have unique sell values.
ALL armour items now have unique sell values.
ALL block items now have unique sell values. (of course I missed a few, that's for you guys to point out :P)
Lots of other things that did not have sell value now have sell value.

Hotfix which fixes the Witch doctors and Dye Traders shops not cycling properly.

Added 'UniversalSeedCost' set at 1 gold.
Arms Dealer: Combined Msc shop with Guns shop
The stylist now says something useful.
Wings are no longer just 'Demon Wings' in Merchant shop.
The clothier now sells Yoraiz0r's Spell for 2 plat once you defeated the ancient cultist.
Adding missing vanity dev sets to the clothier clothing shop: Yoraiz0r, Skiph, Will, Aaron
The Dye Trader now has multiple shops and sells ALL the dyes.
Added 'UniversalDyeCost' set at 1 gold.
The Witch doctor now has a "Wings" shop and sells ALL the wings.
Removed Dye Vat from Dye Trader
Removed individual unique enemy kill requirements for all the dyes as it was a unnecessary level of complexity.
Removed Clentaminator from Steampunker

Added 'UniversalVanityCost' set at 5 gold.
Applied 'UniversalVanityCost' to all vanity items in Party Girl shop.
Added config option 'ShopPriceMultiplier'.
Reduced universal accessory cost from 25 to 20 gold.
The mechanic no longer sells EVERY furniture set, instead she sells their respective materials.
Party girl vanity items moved to Clothier merchant.
You no longer need to press the shop button whenever you click the cycle shop button.
LOTS of prices have been tweaked.
More items now require 'progression levels' to unlock.
The mod has been abstracted on a whole new level!

Universal pet cost reduced from 25 to 5 gold.
Guide shop items have been tweaked.
Removed empty shop in Merchant shop.

The Tinkerer no longer sells everything in 'chunks', the items are spread more out meaning you have to progress for fewer rewards now.

Streamlined the dialog for all the merchants. It's plain and boring now. In future updates, quests will be shown in dialog. Quests will tell the player how to unlock more items in the merchants shops.
Added config options for toggling merchant drops and projectiles.
The idea of quests have been implemented into Goblin Tinkerer dialog.

Shop category index now resets and is ready for next time you view the shop.
Complete overhaul of the Angler merchant, every item has not been over looked.
Fixed several potential bugs.

Merchant extra life, alternate Dialog and scaling are now disabled by default in the configs.
More price refactoring.

Merchant no longers sells all the pets at once, you need to

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
First Try
Download v2.3.1 (28.3 KB)

valkyrienyanko, convicte…

You get the best forge on your first reforge. Depending on if it's a tool, specific weapon type or accessory. If there are more than one best reforge type, than a random type reforge of the best reforges will be chosen.

You can now choose what accessory modifier you want.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Whips & more mod
Download v1.7220 (998.5 KB)


Whips & more mod is a pretty cool mod, it adds 25 new whips for you to attack enemies without summon damage penalty. It also adds much more stuff.

Update 1.72
Resprited Stardust Whip

Update 1.71
Modded NPCs are no longer immune to SummonWhips debuffs

Update 1.7
Rebalanced some post-moon lord weapons

Update 1.67
Corite Knight defense reverted (80 -> 50)
Corite Knight damage reduction increased (0 -> 30)
Corite Knight Shield damage reduction increased (0 -> 30)
Replaced all laser attacks with tiny meteors
Replaced the final attack with a third phase

Update 1.66
Corite Knight defense increased (50 -> 80)
Corite Knight now dashes in fast mode attacks

Update 1.65
Corite Knight changes!
Corite Knight now does a cool 2nd phase transition
Corite Knight gains a shield in the 2nd phase
Improved corite knight final attack
Anti-cheese move now only releases 1 dungeon guardian
Added lasers to the radial fireball attacks
Laser attack now fires at a constant speed and accelerates fire rate when it has lower health
Corite Knight health increased (98000 -> 120000)

Update 1.61
Meteor Wrath projectiles now fall faster, inflict ichor and betsys curse

Update 1.6
5 New Whips update!
Added Bluesteel Whip, Night's Fury, True Night's Fury, True Hallowed Whip, and Terra Whip
Added Broken Hero Whip item

Update 1.56
Corite Knight health increased (83400 -> 98000)
Oreo Crawler health increased (11000 -> 15000)

Update 1.55
Buffed Thorium Meteor Wrath (110 -> 120)
Photon Sniper bullet now ignores gravity
Resprited Cody Striker projectile
Added glowmasks to some items
Added glowmasks to some projectiles

Update 1.52
Changed Meteor Wings tooltip
Earlier whips have their attack speed increased
Buffed Frostbite (23 -> 27)
Buffed Bee Stinger (18 -> 23)
Buffed The Tongue (15 -> 19)
Buffed Worm Whip (15 -> 19)

Update 1.51
Fixed recipe for Corite Knight's Hand Warmer

Update 1.5
Whip Rebalancing!

Nerfed Keychain (110 -> 100)
Keychain summon tag reduced (7 -> 4)
Keychain attack speed reduced (14 -> 16)
Nerfed Suspicious Whip (260 -> 220)
Nerfed Stardust Whip (225 -> 185)
Nerfed Corite on a Stick (350 -> 200)
Corite on a Stick explosion damage nerfed (1/2 -> 1/3)
Nerfed Nerf Blaster (lol) (31 -> 28)
Buffed Shroomite Star (168 -> 170)
Shroomite Star attack speed increased (30 -> 25)
Whip of Light melee speed boost increased (15 -> 20)
Mighty Whip buffed (137 -> 140)
Corruption's Curse buffed (123 -> 130)
Crimson Cracker buffed (123 -> 125)
Shroomite Star rarity changed (Lime -> Yellow)
Butterfly Knife rarity changed (Orange -> Green)
Oreo Cookie Ore rarity changed (White -> Purple)
Oreo Cream Ore rarity changed (White -> Purple)
Made magic hat even more random
Resprited some whip projectiles

Update 1.45
Resprited some whips
Buffed Bee Stinger
Fixed Oreo Pickaxe

Update 1.44
Added a config that allows Weaponout whips to deal summon damage

Update 1.43
Added multiplayer access! Play the whips & more mod with your friends!
Made Shroomite Star easier to get
Improved Oreo Pickaxe

Update 1.42
Changed wool armor set bonus to 3% summon damage instead of +1 minions

Update 1.41
Oreo mobs can only spawn 1 at a time (per type), no more crowds of oreo mobs
Made crystal whip easier to get
Solar Flare Spell projectiles now deal damage based on its damage number
Improved Solar Flare Spell laser visuals

Update 1.4 (no, not journeys end)
Noob NPC now sells Calamity and Expanded Weapons items when those mods are enabled
Noob NPC has more names and quotes when Calamity mod is enabled
Improved Pipershot 2200 laser visuals
Solar Flare Spell no longer shoots at target dummys

Update 1.35
Added a config that makes weapons more balanced for non-calamity playthroughs (Extract the mod to see config changes)
Made Corite Staff minions move faster, with less damage
Changed Meteor Wrath use sound
Meteor Square Plane, Ore-yo, and Oreo Rod projectiles now deal damage based on its damage number

Update 1.33
Buffed Pipershot 2200 and Ultimatum
Added a zoom function for Pipershot 2200 and Photon Sniper

Update 1.325
Improved visuals for Oreo Obliterator
Added a sound effect at full charge
Oreo Sniper projectile damage reduced

Update 1.32
Buffed Striped Butterfly Knife, Leaf Butterfly Knife, Solar Vortex Knife and Neon Gradient Knife.
Luminite bars required to craft Neon Gradient Knife increased to 10
All butterfly knifes require only 1 butterfly.

Update 1.31: Added 2 new monsters, the Oreo Crawler, and the Oreo Sniper.
Added a message that tells you that oreo mobs are able to spawn, after you beat corite knight for the first time.

UPDATE 1.3: Major whip changes!
Summon tag is now a stat and the boost depends on the whip.

There are 2 kinds of summon tag: Tag and Crit.

Each whip has either tag, or crit, b

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Pylon NPC
Download v1.0 (25.1 KB)


Pylon NPC is a mod that adds an NPC that allows you to buy a potion to teleport to different biomes in your world. It also allows you to buy a teleporter and key to telelport to anywhere where the teleporters are placed, kind of like the pylon system in 1.4.

The NPC spawns after you defeat the Eye of Cthulu.

You need AlchemistNPCLite for the potions and/or PreHMTeleportation for the teleporters.

All of the credit goes to the creators of PreHMTeleportation and AlchemistNPCLite

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
The Balance Mod
Download v1.0.2.6 (27.1 MB)


-This mod's primary purpose is to add content of all types to enhance the vanilla Terraria experience, pushing more than 750 items!
-The four core classes of the game have been widely expanded on, with a plethora of weapons, armor, and accessories throughout the game!
-The mod incorporates the scavenger class, a unique burst damage class that uses dual-use weapons to store energy for powerful special attacks!
-The new ancient biome lies ready to explore, ripe with new gear, blocks, enemies, and bosses to conquer!
-The mod adds 5 unique bosses to challenge, complete with expert mode treasures and unique drops!
-The new black market dealer will grant you easy access to potions, boss summons, bait, and more!
-The mod also includes a handful of new quality of life content, from furniture, to pets, to custom music!
-All credit for the mod's amazing soundtrack goes to the mods composers: Rockwizard5 and Serpensah!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Blockaroz's Costumes
Download v0.11.6 (163 KB)


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Exitium's Challenges of Suffering
Download v0.1.2 (44.4 KB)

Exitium, Ascended Cat

This mod adds in various items that can be used for challenges, so far it has:

An item that grants permanent Obstructed
An item that grants permanent Chaos State
An item that grants permanent Water Candle
An item that grants permanent Ichor
An item that grants permanent Slowness
An item that grants permanent Withered Armor and Weapon
An item that grants permanent Potion Sickness, Bleeding and Moon Bite, so you will only be able to heal through dropped hearts and through the Nurse
An item that makes you randomly have Confusion
An item that makes you randomly have Distorted
An item that makes you randomly have Cursed
An item that is the opposite of the Philosopher's Stone
An item that grants you the physics you would get while holding the Portal Gun
An item that makes you not be able to regen mana naturally
An item that makes you always have 0 defense
An item that inflicts many debuffs at once
An item that ???

*All effects are granted while the items are in your inventory

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Guns & Guns
Download v1.66 (31.6 MB)


Adds several new and exciting guns to your Terraria world! This mod is a work in progress. Updates are currently paused due to a lack of motivation.

Feel free to join our Discord server:

If you have gun requests, balance suggestions, or bug reports, feel free to post in the Discord, or email me at
26/03/2022 - Version 1.6.6
- Fixed crafting recipe for Wyvern
(Changes and Tweaks)
- Buffed Wyvern
26/03/2022 - Version 1.6.5
- Added Fragmentation Grenade (Throwable)
- Added Flashbang (Throwable)
- Added Fleshbang (Throwable)
- Added FIC DH-8 Laser Pistol
- Added FIC LX-89 Laser Pistol
- Added FIC TS-40
- Added FIC SPX-9 ScatterPulse
- Added BARbarian 918 (Light Machine Gun)
- Added SEVEN-13 (Shotgun)
- Added BuzzSAW (Light Machine Gun)
- Added Bondsman (Handgun)
- Added FIC RB-6 Laser Pistol

- Fixed Comically Oversized Derringer firing bouncy balls
- Fixed guns with alternate ammo types not working with Plain Bullets.**

(Changes and Tweaks)
- Rescaled airstrike explosions
- Rescaled Magnus 42
- Added more particles to Arc Cannon projectile
- Added custom sound to the Messiah (Not sure how I missed that)
- Updated sprite of Messiah
- Changed sound of X-50 Assault Blaster
- Derringer no longer fires two shots at once.

09/02/2021 - Version 1.5
- Added Sterben (Handgun)
- Added AT-M18 (Anti-Materiel Rifle)
- Added LAST (LMG)
- Added PCM-9 (SMG)
- Added Simon K-Six (Carbine)
- Added Success (Battle Rifle, Oomph-ified)
- Added Flintlock Musket (Muzzleloader)
- Added BB-13 (Shotgun, Oomph-ified)
- Added Marty Classic (Breechloader)
- Added Wilbert 6 (Revolver)
- Added Ramen Type-J (Assault Rifle)
- Added Fr.Nk Ensign (SMG)
- Added Upset Justice (Revolver)
- Added Cuppa (Assault Rifle)
- Added Woodsman (Bolt-Action Rifle)
- Added Storm (Handgun)
- Added REDUN-2x2 (Handgun...s)
- Added Mayor's Arm (Lever-Action)
- Added Laser Designator (Misc) **
- Added Misty-4A1 (Scoped)
- Added Soggy 552 (Scoped)
- Added Air Force I.O.U. Slip (Ammo) ** (Crafing recipe is temporary until I think of something clever)
- Added Infinite Plain Bullet (Ammo)
- Added Infinite Armour-Piercing Bullet (Ammo)
- Added Infinite Electrified Bullet (Ammo)
- Fixed crafting recipe for Wastelander
- Fixed degree of inaccuracy not functioning with certain guns
- Fixed tier of Mosa
(Changes and Tweaks)
- Nerfed Ultimatum
- Nerfed Trooper
- Buffed Arc Cannon
- Buffed Mosa
- Altered crafting recipe for Mosa
- Nerfed Komrade-S23
- Added muzzle smoke to antique/black powder guns (works best when aiming straight ahead)
- Buffed Plain Bullets (now on-par with Musket Balls)
- Buffed Klash
- Removed ability to craft Musket Balls (replaced with Plain Bullets)
20/10/2020 - Version 1.4
- Added Misty-4A1
- Added SASS-12
- Added SG-II
- Added BL-12
- Added REDUN-2x1
- Added Martyr-P7
- Added Komrade-S23
- Added Callicow
- Added Minigun
- Added Mini Minigun
- Added BR14-EVO
- Added Tuna
- Added MACRO-22
- Added P-X2
- Added Fish
- Added Direwolf
- Added Cinder Big Bore
- Added Shush
- Added Scope (crafting component)
- Fixed not being able to zoom with Barrel Big Bore
- Fixed scale of Ol' Reliable
- Fixed Ol' Dismembered tooltip
(Changes and Tweaks)
- Changed Mod Icon
- Updated tooltip of Oomph-ifier.
- Changed crafting recipe of Oomph-ifier.
- Rebalanced **EVERYTHING**.
- Fixed all crafting recipes of Tier 5, 6 and 7 weapons (TWICE!)
- Changed crafting recipe of FMJ, JHP, and AP bullets.
- Altered crafting recipes of zoom-capable weapons.
- Rebalanced Comically Oversized Derringer (bouncy boolet)
- Nerfed Incendiary Bullets
- Nerfed Shard
- Nerfed Barrel Big Bore
11/04/2020 - Version 1.3
- Added Lurker
- Added Drake
- Added Greaser
- Added Trailblazer
- Added Scarab-LRHP
- Added Bandit
- Added Wallaby
- Added Hunter
- Added Heist
- Added Rookie Mk.IV
- Added MC-556
- Added SSP-26
- Added Tusk
- Added Wilhelm
- Added Umpire
- Added Slugger
- Added Ultimatum
- Added Dwarf-12
- Added New Tom
- Added New Hans
- Added Timberwolf
- Added Phoenix
- Added Phantom
- Added Mosa
- Added Oomph-ifier
- Added further crafting requirements for enhanced weapons **
- Begun preparations for a special feature **
- Added zoom functionality to all scoped weapons

(Changes & Tweaks)
- Re-scaled most handguns **
- Reshaded golden sprites
- Resprited Derringer
- Resprited Klash
- Resprited Misty-16
- Resprited Clot 9199
- Resprited Beret
- Resprited Messiah
- Resprited Shard
- Resprited Beret 94R
- Nerfed Splat-12
- Updated description for Breath of the Dragon
30/12/2019 - Versi

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Material Trader NPC
Download v1.0.8.1 (118.4 KB)

Krollbotid, Gregg/VVV101

Material Trader Npc adds 11 NPCs, who trades materials from vanilla Terraria.
NPCs are: The "Jungle Trader", the "Desert Trader", the "Cavern Trader", the "Ocean Trader", the "Winter Trader", the "Sky Trader", the "Hell Trader", the "Dungeon Trader", the "Evil Trader", the "Holy Trader" and the "Cool Guy".
NPCs spawn conditions:
Jungle Trader - have Jungle Spore/Stinger in inventory or HardMode.
Desert Trader - have Antlion Mandible in inventory or HardMode.
Cavern Trader - have Blinkroot/Cobweb in inventory or HardMode.
Ocean Trader - have Coral/Starfish in inventory or HardMode.
Winter Trader - have Snow/Ice Block in inventory or HardMode.
Sky Trader - have Feather in inventory or HardMode.
Hell Trader - have (Eater of World/Brain of Cthulhu defeated and Hellstone/Ash Block in inventory) or Hardmode.
Dungeon Trader - have Skeletron defeated.
Evil Trader - have (EoC defeated and have Vertebrae/Rotten Chunk in inventory) or HardMode.
Holy Trader - have (Evil Trader appeared in world and HardMode and Pixie Dust in inventory) or all Mech Bosses defeated.
Cool Guy - have one modded NPC appeared in world.
Fixed bug with Winter Trader.
Added imkSushisMod support. Changed Cool Guy Martian block sell conditions from "Golem Defeated" to "Martians Defeated". Fixed bug with Thorium that Smooth coal have no value. Now Cool Guy sells all the Thorium's butterflies! Added all (I hope) items from Elements Awoken.
Open forum page to see full changelog.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
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