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Music Boxes in Vanity Slots
Download v1.1 (14.8 KB)


Music Boxes in Vanity Slots makes music boxes able to work in vanity slots.


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Dynamic Summon Damage
Download v1.0 (12 KB)


Dynamic Summon Damage is a small mod that makes it so any equipment that increases summon damage automatically gets applied to already summoned minions, in contrast to vanilla behavior where you'd have to resummon the minion to get the boosts.
Automatically supports any mod that has summon weapons.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Op Mod
Download v0.2 (110.2 KB)


Op Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Awakening Minerals
Download v1.4 (16.9 MB)

Team Stars

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
XD Mod
Download v0.9.5 (1010.3 KB)


XD Mod is a mod cointaing these ePIC things: a boss, (WIP) a ore, (WIP) a sword, a pickaxe, armour set, (WIP) a summoner weapon (WIP) a ranged weapon (WIP) and all the other tools (WIP)
Help with code:
Help with icon: Arcri#0184
Sickle Sprite: MrDoom#8564


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Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Equipment Mana Cap Remover
Download v1.0.5 (9.6 KB)


Did you know that in vanilla Terraria, it's not possible to exceed 400 mana with just equipment/accessory bonuses? This mod increases that limit to 10000, which is useful for mods which have overpowered armor sets or accessories.

Localizer Package
one year ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Virus Mod
Download v6.7 (422.3 KB)

The Disco Ninja

Virus Mod lets you have weapons and items that are OP! It also adds new enemies that drop DNA and which is used for crafting good items! Virus pets are now added! Free gold is now available after Moon Laord! You can now craft gold bars with platinum bars so if you have a platinum world you can still get gold! :) :) :) New armour is now added and bosses. Added mage weapon! (More things coming soon). This is a link to my channel for a tutorial:

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
I Need Healing
Download v0.3 (20.8 KB)


I Need Healing the mod

v0.3: Added Lifemight Potion
v0.2: FIXED infinite potion bug

Currently it adds only 3 potions with 2 buffs (all craftable in hardmode on alchemy table):

Healing Mix:
Heals 400 Mana
Heals 180 Health
Regeneration for 2 minutes
Honey for 2 minutes
Rapid Healing for 10 seconds

Craft (x3):
2x Greater Healing Potion
2x Regeneration Potion
4x Pixie Dust
4x Bottled Honey
2x Greater Mana Potion

Megaheal Potion:
Megaheal for 3 minutes

Craft (x4):
3x Greater Healing Potion
6x Regeneration Potion
4x Daybloom
16x Glowing Mushroom
20x Soul of Light

Lifemight Potion:
Lifemight for 6 minutes

1x Lifeforce Potion
1x Deathweed
1x Daybloom
5x Soul of Might
4x Pixie Dust

Atronach Potion:
Atronach for 4 minutes
- This buff disables any healing while giving you +2400 HP and completely healing you

Craft (x3):
3x Bottled Water
1x Life Fruit
16x Soul of Night
30x Soul of Might

The Final Mix (Overpowered, Expert Mode only):
Heals 4000 Mana
Heals 4000 Health

Divine Blood for 4 minutes
Megaheal for 20 minutes
Lifeforce for 30 minutes
Regeneration for 30 minutes
Honey for 60 minutes
Rapid Healing for 15 minutes

Crafted (x8) at Ancient Manipulator
1x Suspicious Looking Tentacle
12x Luminite Bar
4x Life Fruit
8x Lifeforce Potion
10x Super Healing Potion
20x Greater Healing Potion
40x Healing Potion
80x Bottled Honey
160x Lesser Healing Potion
120x Souls of Fright, Sight and Might
40x Souls of Light and Night

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10 Edit | Delete
Mystic Anims
Download v1.1.1 (61.5 KB)


This is a mod. Yes.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Utility Slots
Download v1.3.0 (119.9 KB)


!!! WARNING !!!
Unequip your wings/boots/balloons from the dedicated slots before updating or disabling this mod, or before installing WingSlot with it!


This mod adds dedicated utility slots for accessories that are all must-haves, so you can focus your remaining slots on your character build.
Obviously this will have an impact on balance, so I'm working on adding a config option to disable the reforge modifiers on the utility accessories to not give too many stats.

* Changed to determining item type from Identifiers, preventing mod accessories from fitting into the slots (both incorrectly, or correctly)
* Added a function to Call for interop mods to add their items to the check for these slots

* Added a config to disable prefixes (reforge modifiers) on UtilitySlot items

* Implemented compatibility with WingSlot, the original mod, so having both installed works as intended.
* Known Bug: Visual desync occurs when using _any_ of these items in multiplayer. The game functions fine, but players will appear to rubber band.


This mod was built on top of the Wing Slot mod by abluescarab. Below is their full description of the mod, kept for posterity and credit:


This mod adds a dedicated wing slot to the inventory. Now includes a config file! Access it from the in-game Mod Configuration.

* Left-click a set of wings or a dye, then place it in the slot.
* Right-click to equip wings.
* Shift-right-click to equip wings in the vanity slot.
* Right-click vanity wings to swap with equipped wings.
* Left-click the eye icon on the equip slot to toggle visibility.

[Known Issues]
* Yoraiz0r's Spell eye glow doesn't work
* Wings and character movement while flying will not display correctly in multiplayer
* Custom location will sometimes move off screen when resizing window (use mod config to reset if needed)

* Blockaroz for the fantastic mod icon!
* jopojelly for code that draws a slot to the left of the dyes; for fixing various other bugs
* Boffin for TerraUI
* Zsashas for bug report (custom dye incompatibility)
* VVV101 for released updated version
* vizthex for suggesting slot location option
* jofairden for suggesting mod compatibility right-click overrides
* direwolf420 for fixing the mod for 0.11.5 and adding getequipslotitem & other mod.Call()s
* Lastprismer for the Chinese translation

v1.8.4 2022-01-28
* Fix: Items will drop correctly on death

v1.8.3 2022-01-17
* Allows resetting the custom panel location if it goes offscreen
* Fix: Slots display on the correct equipment page

v1.8.2 2022-01-14 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Items in custom slots should not disappear on joining multiplayer

v1.8.1 2022-01-13 (HOTFIX)
* Added Chinese translation (thanks Lastprismer!)
* Fix: Eye icon has correct visibility after reloading game
* Fix: Loot bags/boxes should no longer be allowed in the slots

v1.8.0 2022-01-12
* Added custom location option
* Added moveable panel
* Added translation files (make a pull request if you want to translate the mod!)
* Fix: Wings and dye will be dropped if character dies in Mediumcore or Hardcore

v1.7.3 2019-11-10 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: mod.Call() keywords should work (again)
* Fix: Cancelling mod loading won't crash the game

v1.7.2 2019-11-10 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: mod.Call() keywords work

v1.7.1 2019-11-10
* Fixed version number

v1.7.0 2019-11-10
* Fix mod for 0.11.5
* Implemented tModLoader ModConfig
* Add getEquipSlotItem and similar mod.Calls

v1.6.3 2019-08-17
* Build for tModLoader v0.11.4

v1.6.2 2018-09-16
* Fix: Changed equip override to right-click override and corrected functionality

v1.6.1 2018-09-16
* Fix: Wing modifiers are applied correctly
* Fix: Dyes work with visibility off

v1.6.0 2018-09-15
* Added mod compatibility slot overrides

v1.5.2 2018-06-25 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Mod is visible in tModLoader again

v1.5.1 2018-06-23 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Can remove items from slots again

v1.5.0 2018-06-22
Thank you, jopojelly, for making this release possible!
* Added multiplayer functionality
* Fix: Applies correct dust to wings
* Fix: Removed WingSlotPlayer.Initialize() lag
* Fix: Can no longer place multiple dyes in dye slots
* Fix: Can only place wings in wing slots

v1.4.1 2018-05-09
* Fix: Corrected release date in description

v1.4.0 2018-05-09
* Setting to allow equipping wings in normal accessory slot
* Setting to change slots' location

v1.3.2 2018-01-09
* Fix: slots move correctly based on window size

v1.3.1 2018-01-07
* Removed boffin from authors

v1.3.0 2018-01-07
* Moved slots back to main equipment page
* Fix: dyes should apply correctly

v1.2.10 2017-11-06
* Compil

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
More Magic Books
Download v0.1 (3.1 KB)


More Magic Books is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
The Drow Challenge
Download v0.1.3 (14.9 KB)


The Drow Challenge is simple: the surface kills you very quickly. Creating a new world will set the spawnpoint underground (new characters will start with 1 torch).

This mod also adds a new potion type (sustainability) in order to allow you to go to the surface temporarily. This will allow you to fight skeletron, explore floating islands, and more without dying (but on a time limit).

In addition, this mod also allows the Eye of Cthulhu and the Mechanical Bosses to spawn underground.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (37 KB)


В данном моде присутствует:
Игрушечный нож
Настоящий нож

Послание от автора:
Лол.. Привет, я ещё один "разработчик модов" в террарии, я начал разрабатывать мод на андертэйл, и похоже уже закончил XD
Дело в том, что я не умею писать все эти коды, не знаю как делать всякие механики у оружия(выстрелы, эффекты) а гайдов на ютубе очень мало, из-за чего я немогу грамотно сделать мод.
Плюсом к всему этому я немогу делать нормальные спрайты, они получаются с невидимыми текстурами(меч есть а дамаг идёт дальше него)и я хз как это исправить.
Если вы умеете рисовать пиксель арты, умеете писать коды и хотите чтобы мой мод продвигался, то вот вам моя почта для связи только есть одна проблема, вам придётся работать за просто так)
Так как мне только 12 лет :), но всё-же если вы хотите помочь, то напишите мне на почту, я отвечу и скажу чем мне можно помочь!
Спасибо за внимание!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.3 (11.9 KB)


Potion vendor just adds a reskinned version of the dye trader as a potion salesman.

The vendor starts spawning when you have 3 or more NPCs in your town, and unlocks more potions as you progress through the bosses of the game. Skeletron unlocks the bulk of the potions he sells.

v 0.3: fixed an oversight with the sprite

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Starter Pack
Download v1.0 (6.1 KB)


Starter Pack is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Furry Vanity Items
Download v0.1 (9 KB)


Furry vanity items... Or ITEM

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Thorium Loot Swapper
Download v0.1.1 (37.7 KB)


Thorium Loot Swapper is a mod that adds recipes that alows you swap between loots dropped by Thorium mod bosses. An item called "Loot Swapper" is needed for each recipes.
This item can bought from and a town npc called "Swapper Trader". This spawn condition for this npc is to have at least 2 npc in your town.

0.1.1 Changelog
- Thorium mod items dropped by vanilla bosses can be swapped.
- Added homepage.


- Consumable throwing items CANNOT be crafted or used in crafting.
- You can swap expert mode Ragnarok loots to get Bow Of Light with 100 Loot Swapper.
- Thorium items dropped by Eater of Worlds and Brain of Cthulhu have unique recipe. The recipes are:

Eater of Worlds - 8 Demonite Bar + 3 Shadow Scale + 1 Loot Swapper = Eater of Pain
Brain of Cthulhu - 8 Crimtane Bar + 3 Tissue Sample + 1 Loot Swapper = The Stalker

Thanks for checking out this mod!!! If you got some balance suggestion for my mod, Discord me. Invite link is available on this mod homepage.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Starter packs
Download v0.12 (18.1 KB)

CDK Entertainment

This mod adds 5 starting packs:
Melee starter pack,
Ranger starter pack,
Mage starter pack,
Summoner starter pack,
Thrower starter pack;
All packs contain class items.

UPDATE 0.12:
Added thrower starter pack.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Chat Source
Download v1.0.3.2 (17.2 KB)


For those who need to know which mod writes stuff to the chat!

Shows the source of messages in the chat. Clientside, toggleable via config

"Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!"
Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in total."

"Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!"
"[AlchemistNPC] Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in total."

- Some stuff like ore spawn announcements in multiplayer will show no mod associated because those messages are serversided
- "[Terraria]" prefix for vanilla messages is by default disabled
- Toggle "Display Name" and "Internal Name" of a mod via config

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Endless Explosives
Download v1.1.1 (136.6 KB)


Upgradeable Endless Handheld Cannons That Fire Different Vanilla Explosives
-Cannons Are Crafted At An Anvil With 199 Explosives
For Example: 199 Grenades = Endless Grenade Cannon

Cannon Types:

They Can Be Upgraded To Shoot Farther And Faster

-Changed The Amount Of Explosives Required To Craft Their Respective Cannons From 999 To 199
-Added Icon">
-Adds Upgradeable Endless Handheld Cannons That Fire Different Vanilla Explosives
-Cannons Are Crafted At An Anvil With 199 Explosives
For Example: 199 Grenades = Endless Grenade Cannon

Cannon Types:

They Can Be Upgraded To Shoot Farther And Faster

-Changed The Amount Of Explosives Required To Craft Their Respective Cannons From 999 To 199
-Added Icon

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
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