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Max Stack Plus Extra
Download v1.1.0.4 (14 KB)


Makes the stacking of items configurable and easily changable.


- Adjusted stack change logic to be a bit better. - Thanks The-Voidwalker
- Updated to 0.11.5

- Added config option for unique items that require 1 stack normally, like portable storage's bags.
- Fixed bug where throwing items used the weapon stack instead of item stack.

- Fixed bug with ammo not stacking correctly.

- Fixed bug with coins not stacking correctly.

- Migrated to 0.11
- Made all stack changes completely configurable via modconfig. All weapons and equippables default to a stack of 1 with everything else defaulting to 9999.
- Made coins use original stacking

- Added Homepage

- Added Mod Icon

- Release

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Elements Awoken
Download v1.3.13.3 (7.6 MB)


30+ new enemy NPCs and banners to collect
900+ new items
2 pre-hardmode Bosses, 7 hardmode bosses, 4 post moonlord boss
3 minibosses and 1 event miniboss
Unique music tracks for each and every boss and event in the mod!
2 new town NPCs
1 new post moonlord event

Do you have an idea for the mod? Want to contribute somehow? Come join our discord!

Be sure to download the 'Elements Awoken Music' pack if you want the mods music or alternatively download 'EA Retro Music' for the old music

Donations are on the forum allowing you to get your own custom weapon, accessory or armor set with your name on it!

Hope you enjoy playing my mod :)

- removed toy slime boss music and boss head
- fixed vanilla asset loading (hopefully, please tell me if not fully fixed)
- Important
- Made Planter Box's count as a platform: this could come with side effects, please report any
- Additions
- Pebleer Banner
- G O R E
- Globule Cannon's sprite is now correct
- A special Hive Crate caught in honey with some special items
- Honeysuckle
- Honeycrest- the first EA shortsword
- Honey Cocoon
- Majestic Hivefin which caught in honey which restores 120 mana
- Infernace has a spawning animation
- Changes
- Made Majesty's projectile look better
- Voidite can now be smelted by the Auto Smelter II
- Changed Starstruck (the bow) to Thundering Recurve
- Arid Hat now increases mana by 40
- Increased sell prices of Toy items
- Decreased sell prices of Desert items
- Nerfed Chaotron Impaler
- Nerfed Manashard Longsword
- Lowered Awakened Mode spawnrates:
- 15% more normally
- 30% more after a shadow orb has been smashed or EoC has been defeated
- 50% more after Skeletron has been defeated
- Lowered by 25% in the Jungle
- Renamed Glass Heart to Fragile Heart due to confusion with SoA
- Further reduced magma slimes magma damage
- Reworked Blazeguard
- Renamed Discordant Bars to Chaotron Alloy and gave it a tooltip
- Renamed Discordant Ore to Chaotron Ore
- Renamed Chaos Heart to Chaosporidic Heart
- Renamed Discordant Arrow to Chaotron Arrow
- Renamed other Discordant things to Chaotron
- Renamed Discordant Potion to Chaosporidic Brew and indicated it is currently unobtainable
- Radiant items now inflict starstruck
- Buffed Nightfall and reworked visuals
- Changed some debuff effects
- Buffed Deimos and allowed its projectiles to go through walls for 1 second after spawning
- Buffed T1 Ancient Weapon
- Void Essence now looks different when dropped by the Void Leviathan
- Modified Obsidious's human forms last phase slightly
- Made phase 1 Azana take 2x damage
- Azana now makes warning lasers before creating the infection pillars
- Sky Crate's have a 33% chance to drop a Sky Mill
- Renamed Stinger to Scepter of the Tortured
- Renamed Scorpion Blade to Protector's Edge
- Renamed Chitin Staff to Mother's Magic
- Renamed Pincer to Defender's Recurve
- Bug Fixes
- Permafrost now treats planterboxes like platforms
- Putrid Armor no longer poisons town npcs
- Flask of Extinciton is now crafted with a voidite bar instead of luminite ore
- Fixed multiple recipes being crafted at the wrong station
- Shadow Dodge no longer prevents Fragile Heart to killing the player
- Item magnet no longer picks up Nebula Armour pickups
- Ancient Amalgamate now deals contact damage
- Exliture eyes now despawn
- Azana doesnt get stuck in her dash state anymore
- Fixed Great Lens not drawing
1.3.13- The Radiant Frost Update
- Some adjustments and clean up of multiple sections of code, please report any bugs that may have come with this
- Added Pebleers and Stoneers in place of Puffs. They only spawn 350 blocks away from spawn
- Radiant Rain- A post Azana rain event that has a 25% chance of happening instead of normal rain
- Heat Sink- T7 energy material
- Boost Drive
- Hyper Drive
- Infernace death animation and secret
- Wasteland secret :)
- Force Barrier got reworked and now has a recipe, so its basically an addition :)
- A better warning for the first boss prompt
- Arid Armour (desert set)
- Venom Gland now has a small visual on the arm
- Eldritch Keepsake in honour of the celestials
- Giant Toad that spawns in the jungle. Lick.
- Plasma Thrower
- Zapmaster 9000
- Imbalancer
- Particle Accelerator
- Putrid items and armor (Rotted Reaper armor)
- Glass Heart for all the no-hit challenges
- Rain Meter to show how much longer it will be raining for. Purchasable from the merchant
- G O R E
- Removed Puffs
- The"> Elements Awoken aims to add to the experience playing Terraria.
30+ new enemy NPCs and banners to collect
900+ new items
2 pre-hardmode Bosses, 7 hardmode bosses, 4 post moonlord boss
3 minibosses and 1 event miniboss
Unique music tracks for each and every boss and event in the mod!
2 new town NPCs
1 new post moonlord event

Do you have an idea for the mod? Want to contribute somehow? Come join our discord!

Be sure to download the 'Elements Awoken Music' pack if you want the mods music or alternatively download 'EA Retro Music' for the old music

Donations are on the forum allowing you to get your own custom weapon, accessory or armor set with your name on it!

Hope you enjoy playing my mod :)

- removed toy slime boss music and boss head
- fixed vanilla asset loading (hopefully, please tell me if not fully fixed)
- Important
- Made Planter Box's count as a platform: this could come with side effects, please report any
- Additions
- Pebleer Banner
- G O R E
- Globule Cannon's sprite is now correct
- A special Hive Crate caught in honey with some special items
- Honeysuckle
- Honeycrest- the first EA shortsword
- Honey Cocoon
- Majestic Hivefin which caught in honey which restores 120 mana
- Infernace has a spawning animation
- Changes
- Made Majesty's projectile look better
- Voidite can now be smelted by the Auto Smelter II
- Changed Starstruck (the bow) to Thundering Recurve
- Arid Hat now increases mana by 40
- Increased sell prices of Toy items
- Decreased sell prices of Desert items
- Nerfed Chaotron Impaler
- Nerfed Manashard Longsword
- Lowered Awakened Mode spawnrates:
- 15% more normally
- 30% more after a shadow orb has been smashed or EoC has been defeated
- 50% more after Skeletron has been defeated
- Lowered by 25% in the Jungle
- Renamed Glass Heart to Fragile Heart due to confusion with SoA
- Further reduced magma slimes magma damage
- Reworked Blazeguard
- Renamed Discordant Bars to Chaotron Alloy and gave it a tooltip
- Renamed Discordant Ore to Chaotron Ore
- Renamed Chaos Heart to Chaosporidic Heart
- Renamed Discordant Arrow to Chaotron Arrow
- Renamed other Discordant things to Chaotron
- Renamed Discordant Potion to Chaosporidic Brew and indicated it is currently unobtainable
- Radiant items now inflict starstruck
- Buffed Nightfall and reworked visuals
- Changed some debuff effects
- Buffed Deimos and allowed its projectiles to go through walls for 1 second after spawning
- Buffed T1 Ancient Weapon
- Void Essence now looks different when dropped by the Void Leviathan
- Modified Obsidious's human forms last phase slightly
- Made phase 1 Azana take 2x damage
- Azana now makes warning lasers before creating the infection pillars
- Sky Crate's have a 33% chance to drop a Sky Mill
- Renamed Stinger to Scepter of the Tortured
- Renamed Scorpion Blade to Protector's Edge
- Renamed Chitin Staff to Mother's Magic
- Renamed Pincer to Defender's Recurve
- Bug Fixes
- Permafrost now treats planterboxes like platforms
- Putrid Armor no longer poisons town npcs
- Flask of Extinciton is now crafted with a voidite bar instead of luminite ore
- Fixed multiple recipes being crafted at the wrong station
- Shadow Dodge no longer prevents Fragile Heart to killing the player
- Item magnet no longer picks up Nebula Armour pickups
- Ancient Amalgamate now deals contact damage
- Exliture eyes now despawn
- Azana doesnt get stuck in her dash state anymore
- Fixed Great Lens not drawing
1.3.13- The Radiant Frost Update
- Some adjustments and clean up of multiple sections of code, please report any bugs that may have come with this
- Added Pebleers and Stoneers in place of Puffs. They only spawn 350 blocks away from spawn
- Radiant Rain- A post Azana rain event that has a 25% chance of happening instead of normal rain
- Heat Sink- T7 energy material
- Boost Drive
- Hyper Drive
- Infernace death animation and secret
- Wasteland secret :)
- Force Barrier got reworked and now has a recipe, so its basically an addition :)
- A better warning for the first boss prompt
- Arid Armour (desert set)
- Venom Gland now has a small visual on the arm
- Eldritch Keepsake in honour of the celestials
- Giant Toad that spawns in the jungle. Lick.
- Plasma Thrower
- Zapmaster 9000
- Imbalancer
- Particle Accelerator
- Putrid items and armor (Rotted Reaper armor)
- Glass Heart for all the no-hit challenges
- Rain Meter to show how much longer it will be raining for. Purchasable from the merchant
- G O R E
- Removed Puffs
- The

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Calamity's Vanities
Download v9.3 (11.5 MB)

YuH, originally owned by…

Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod.

Currently adds the following:

- Over 90 cute pets! Including some with their own unique gimmicks!
- Several Mounts
- 6 Hooks
- A handful of wings
- A plethora of placeable decorations including four furniture sets
- Some new critters to be found across your world
- A large amount of vanity clothing, hats, and accessories

Sprite Credits: Kawaggy, Poddy, Blockaroz, William, YuH, Yharex87, TimerFun, caligulasAquarium, Krysmun, IbanPlay, Willowmaine, Enreden, Gamagamer64, L0st, Cooper, RyanLolz1, Vectix, Mochi, Leon, NnickykunN, Dorira, Vinni, Tobias, Mathew, Ramen Guy, SenpaiMasterNekitoKawaii2007, Nitro, YeH, F-3R, Sok, Triangle, Drædon Gaming, Rocketlauncher269, PokerFace, and MrPlague
Music Credits: Heart Plus Up! and apotofkoolaid
Code Credits: Potato Person, Kawaggy, nalyddd, Hypera, Phupperbat, Seraph, Stevie, Dominic Karma, IbanPlay, Willowmaine, Drædon Gaming

Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made mod.



Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Auto Trash
Download v0.5.2 (78 KB)


Adds an Auto-Trash Slot:
Place items in the Auto-Trash slot to immediately trash them as they are picked up later. Useful for all those items that clutter your inventory.

Ctrl+Shift click inventory items to quickly add to auto trash list.

You can also use the config to have the Auto-Trash slot instead act as an Auto-Sell slot. In Auto-Sell mode, you automatically get coins when items are auto-trashed. The default is 15%, slightly less than the 20% you would get from shops.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
imkSushi's Mod
Download v4.3.1 (74.8 KB)


The One, The Only, The Ultimate!

Now with even MORE stuff!

1250 Recipes (not a typo, actually is over a thousand recipes)!

This mod is the Ultimate Extra Recipes Mod. It makes equivalent Ores and Bars Interchangeable and makes items dependant on world gen have recipes as well. It also makes multiplayer more friendly, and means you have no needs to use other worlds for things like Crimson/Corruption Items, or Shadow Orbs or Dungeon Chests and other things as well. Try it out!
This was also one of the very first tModLoader Mods!
You can also melt down armour, tools, and even iron doors near to some lava!
Now with more stuff! More than just recipes.
Craft Tungsten Bullets instead of buying Silver ones!
More stuff!

A great thanks to Blockaroz for sprites, and multiplayer testing.

Please give feedback on the mod, if you find anything unbalanced, post it on the forum page. Thanks!

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.9.0.1 (13.1 MB)


The Joostmod has to offer
450 new items
14 new armor sets
28 new placeable things (excluding banners)
11 new prefixes
14 new regular enemies
9 new minibosses
4 new bosses
2 new town npcs

--- Weapons ---
Brawler's Glove
- Can no longer carry bosses even if they are knockback-susceptible
- Increased time latched onto a non-carryable enemy from 2 to 4 seconds
- Time limit now also applies to carryable enemies

Earthen Billhook
- Reduced Right Click attack speed
- Increased Right Click damage by 15%

--- Bug Fixes ---
Fixed issue where Gilgamesh would fall through the ground when transitioning phases during the lunge attack
Fixed launching multiplayer crashing and disabling the mod

Version 0.9
--- New Additions ---
Joostmod's Fifth Anniversary, a 10% chance drop from any Joostmod Boss
Storm Wyvern, new hunt available after the Wall of Flesh
Scroll of the Storm, reward item for the Storm Wyvern quest
Actual Mace, melee weapon found in gold chests with a 1 / 5 chance
Actual Flaming Mace, crafted upgrade to Actual Mace
Brawler's Glove, melee weapon sold by the travelling merchant

--- Weapon Changes ---
100 needles
- New sprite
1000 needles
- New sprite
Needle Wrath
- New sprite
Soul Spear
- Increased Use Time from 40 to 50
Duality Staff
- Now has a turn speed cap

Stone Fist
- New function: Right Click while fully charged to grab an enemy, allowing you to either pummel or throw it
- Attacking with fully charged punch now puts a launching effect on struck enemies that cause them to deal damage as they collide into other enemies
Dragon Tooth
- Use Time increased from 44 to 48
Earth Billhook
- Increased damage from 64 to 69
- Increased Boulder left click hit damage multiplier from 2.5 to 3

The Mustache
- New sprite
Ember Staff
- New minion sprite
Frostfire Staff
- New minion sprite
Gnome staff
- Damage increased from 30 to 42
- Minions now stab with close-range spears instead of shooting homing hats
- New Right Click function: holding Right Click will direct minions to raise shields that block enemies.
Cactus Staff
- Damage reduced from 200 to 150
- Minions now fire a barrage of 10 needles instead of single needles
Wand of the Forest
- Damage increased from 8 to 12
- Repeated use no longer stacks up leaves
Staff of Nature
- Damage increased from 29 to 44
- Repeated use no longer stacks up leaves
Pumpkin Staff
- Damage increased from 38 to 52
- Use Time reduced from 48 to 36
- Repeated use no longer stacks up pumpkins

--- Legendaries ---
- Legendary weapons can no longer receive prefixes
Revamped Scaling:
Pinkzor | +5% | (105% total)
Rogue Tomato | +5% | (110% total)
Forest's Vengeance | +5% | (115% total)
King Slime | +10% | (125% total)
Flowering Cactoid | +5% | (130% total)
Goblin Army | +10% | (140% total)
Eye of Cthulhu | +10% | (150% total)
ICU | +10% | (160% total)
Eater / Brain | +10% | (170% total)
Spore Spawn | +10% | (180% total)
Old One's Army | +10% | (190% total)
Queen Bee | +10% | (200% total)
Roc | +10% | (210% total)
Skeletron | +20% | (230% total)
Skeleton Demoman | +20% | (250% total)
Grand Cactus Worm | +20% | (270% total)
Imp Lord | +20% | (290% total)
Wall of Flesh | +35% | (325% total)
Pirate Invasion | +25% | (350% total)
Storm Wyvern | +75% | (425% total)
The Twins | +125% | (550% total)
The Destroyer | +125% | (675% total)
Skeletron Prime | +125% | (800% total)
Plantera | +400% | (1200% total)
Golem | +300% | (1500% total)
Duke Fishron | +300% | (1800% total)
Martian Invasion | +300% | (2100% total)
Mourning Wood | +150% | (2250% total)
Pumpking | +150% | (2400% total)
Everscream | +150% | (2550% total)
Santa NK1 | +150% | (2700% total)
Ice Queen | +150% | (2850% total)
Lunatic Cultist | +450% | (3300% total)
Nebula Pillar | +200% | (3500% total)
Solar Pillar | +200% | (3700% total)
Vortex Pillar | +200% | (3900% total)
Stardust Pillar | +200% | (4100% total)
Moon Lord | +900% | (5000% total)
JumboCactuar | +1000% | (6000% total)
SA-X | +1000% | (7000% total)
Gilgamesh and Enkidu | +1000% | (8000% total)

Boook's Bullet Hell
- New sprite
- Deals 40% reduced damage with any ammo classified as homing
- No longer shoot arrows
- Instead of a large rotary spread, it now fires with rate and accurac

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.6.4 (5.1 MB)


[English, 汉语, ру́сский]
WeaponOut is a quality of life and minor content mod that introduces items that use interesting game mechanics balanced for vanilla Terraria, but are capable of holding up to modded playthroughs. It adds fist, whips, multi-function and team support items as well as ease-of-use functions such as autoswinging accessories, teleporting hooks and temporary spawn points.

* Hide/Show weapons being held with inventory icon (top left).
* Temporary spawn point tents! Silk + Wood.
* Fists! Dash at enemies to deliver devastating combos.
* Whips! Deals crits when hitting at the tip.
* Sabers! Fast striking swords with special charge effects.
* More dual-use Weapons! Right-click for secondary weapon abilities.
* Early game shields, with situational uses.
* Team-centric items for buffing, and restoring mana.
* Trivial accessories! Scale low tier weapons to high tier.
* Custom config file, if you want to toggle the above features.

Note: Config located in Terraria/ModLoader/Mod Configs

* 44 Fist Weapons
* 9 Whip Weapons
* 9 Saber Weapons
* Quite a few other weapons
* 25 Accessories (roughly)
* 1 Tile
* 3 Bullets

Now has a wiki page:

Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.
Eli10293 - Updated Sprites for: Mana Blast, Mana Sword, Molten Chains
Alena - Updated Sprites for: Steampunk Persuader
Gouvod - 汉语翻译
Milliath - Переведено на русский.
goldenapple - "Modder's Guide to Config Files"
Folks on the discord server - Suggestions, bug testing and all-round support. You guys rock!
kiedev666 - The first playtester.

Mod recommendations:
Virtuous = Adds a whole bunch of cool and unique weapons.
UnuBattleRods = Adds a fishing class that deals damage via special fishing rods that are also weapons.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
AlchemistNPC Lite
Download v1.8.10 (723.2 KB)

Gregg/VVV101, b2mauler, …

This mod adds 7 NPCs (Alchemist, Brewer, Jeweler, Young Brewer, Operator, Architect and Musician), who sell potions, materials and some other stuff.
New combinations of potions are sold by the Young Brewer.
The spawn condition for the Alchemist, the Jeweler & the Brewer is to kill the Eye of Ctulhu.
The Young Brewer spawns while both the Alchemist & the Brewer are in the world in Hardmode.
The spawn condition for the Operator is to beat EoW/BoC.
The Architect will come if you have at least 3 NPC.
The Musician will come if you defeat Skeletron.
Mod's Discord:
-Disable shop changing delay when autopause is on and allow 0 delay for disabling with autopause off
-Fix UI scale not being 100% drawing the lifeform analyzer arrow in the wrong place
-Add Tinkerer to Census integration
-(1.3) Rebalance endgame Calamity bag price
-(1.4) Update to tModLoader v0.12 Alpha 02024925
-(1.4) Add Bast Statue to Jeweler's Arena shop
-(1.4) Temporarily add Luck Potions to Alchemist (will be relocated eventually)
-(1.4) Add hocruxes back to Jeweler
-Fix with shops and multiplayer
-Backport updates (For 1.3 Version)
-Add Calamity 1.5 treasure bags and music boxes
-Update to tModLoader v0.12 ec7a4927
-Improve locator arrow code
-Updated locator to 1.4
-Added configurable delay before shop changing is allowed
-Make items researchable in Journey Mode
-Fixed Duke Fishron bag in Operator shop condition
-Fixed multiplayer client freeze bug.
-Fixed Alchemist Charm tier 4 missing a tooltip.
-Fixed SaveWorldData issue.
Big thanks to b2mauler for porting Lite version to alpha 1.4.
-Updated to tModloader 0.12.
-Added Queen Slime and Empress of Light's bags in Operator's vanilla bags shop.
-Fixed issue with excessive prices scaling of Tinkerer and potions sellers in multiplayer.
-Added Old Duke's bag in Operator's modded bags shop.
-Added Sulphurskin Potion to Brewer's shop.
-Fixed Calamity mod's Rage and Adrenaline related mechanics.
-Fixed Chandeliers prices.
-Some code polishing.
-Changed price of Marble and Granite blocks.
-Added support to Elements Awoken mod for Operator. Fixed some other mod's errors.
-Added support for Mod of Redemption for Operator.
-Added all Broken Hero stuff from Vanilla/Thorium/Spirit/Litho's Armory mods.
Available after beating Golem.
-Added Solar Veil to Operator's shop.
Available after beating Plantera.
-Added Boom Box to Musician's 3rd shop.
Allows to passively play music boxes placed in the last inventory slot.
-Added recipes for Obsidian, Honey and Crispy Honey blocks.
-Added Calamity mod's Tesla Potion to Brewer's 2nd shop.
-Fixed mod's NPC summoning items not working.
-Fixed Materia Transmutators not working as Thorium Anvil and Arcane Armor Fabricator.
-Added Tinkerer's Horcrux to Jeweler's shop.
-Added Feathers to Operator's shop.
Available after beating Skeletron.
-Added Forbidden Fragments to Operator's shop.
Available after beating Sand Elemental.
-Added config option to disable catcheability of mod's town NPCs.
-Added Tinkerer NPC. But unlike in AlchemistNPC, his accessories would be unlocked during progression.
-Added Recall/Wormhole Potion price config options.
-Added more materials to Operator's materials shops.
-Now Lifeform Analizer also creates laser pointer to rare creature (ticks each second).
Can be toggled by Mod Configuration.
-Added Assassin and Hydration potions to Thorium Combination.
-Added fragments from Thorium mod to Operator.
-Alchemist's Tremor shop is now replaced with Plants shop.
-Removed dash ability from Ninja potion.
-Fixed Simple Crafting Penny and both Materia Transmutators were not giving chance to save ingredients during craft (Alchemy Table feature).
-Fixed Thorium Combination crafting bug.
-Fixed NetSend error in world file.
-New awesome mod's icon by Alemeow#7389.
-Fixed possible Operator's shop change menu mouse stucking.
-Added Materia Transmutators and their components.
-Alchemist Charms now also add some duration to buff potions depending on tier.
-Potion of Darkness can no longer be used if any boss is alive. Removed Heart Ache debuff.
-Added Swiftness potion to both Tank Combinations and Universal Combination.
-Beach Teleporter potion now always teleport you to actual left or right side beach.
It is independant from palms now.
-Rebalanced some of the Operator's prices.
-All Calamity references to crit were redone as mod calls.
-Now Operator has separated shops for vanilla boss drops & materials shop and modded boss drops & materials shop.
-Now defeating buffed Pumpking/Ice Queen is required to unlock Nightmare Fuel/Endothermic

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Shorter Respawn Time
Download v1.0 (17.5 KB)


This mod allow customizing respawn time after death. The respawn times can be configured in-game.

Tweak "Expert Mode Penalty Scale" and "Boss Penalty Scale" if you'd like expert and boss deaths to be less penalized. Tweak "Global Respawn Scale" to lower all respawn times.

The "Shorter Respawn Preset" is the default behavior and matches previous versions of this mod.

When used in conjunction with either HERO's Mod or Cheat Sheet, an toggle button for instant respawns becomes available in the respective menus. When both are loaded, HERO's mod will take precedence since integration with HERO's mod allows for use of the permissions system.

When using HERO's Mod, 2 new permissions will be added to the group managment. "Modify Personal Respawn Time" permits usage of the instant respawn cheat and "Modify Global Respawn Time" permits modifying the config values.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.2.2 Edit | Delete
No More Tombs
Download v1.1.2 (18.9 KB)


This mod stops tombstones from appearing when you die.
Based on the "Disable Gravestones" option from HERO's Mod.

* Allow players who are the host in host & play to change config settings.
* Fix no death text config option messing with some mods which modify player death behavior.
* Changed the mod back to be both sided, since client side mods aren't loaded by servers (oops).
* Changed the config to be server sided (should work the same in single player), and made the settings only changeable by the server in MP.
* Updated to tModLoader
* Added config option to allow dropping tombs from town NPC deaths, should work exactly like in 1.4 Hardcore mode
* Changed how tombs are prevented from dropping on player death so that mods that use the tombstone projectile aren't affected
* Updated to tModLoader 0.11
* Updated config system to use ModConfig
* Now a client-side mod
* Added config file
* Added no death text option, defaults to false

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Shadows of Abaddon
Download v1.1.1.4 (41.1 MB)

Dan Yami, Sumenora, and …

Shadows of Abaddon - by Dan Yami, Sumenora and the dev team
(formerly known as SacredTools, the content mod known for NOT being a tool expansion and with no space)

A mysterious reality-bender known only as the incarnation of nightmares, Abaddon, has found a small dimension known as "Terraria". It certainly is an interesting one, but it could use a little more... spicing up.
Thus, he has created gateways from his home world, Syrus, to the land of Terraria - trapping the syrusians in the process. Now, lost and confused in this strange new land, they desperately search for a way home.
You, the player, must defeat much stronger foes than you have ever faced before. You must find new allies - some who even used to be enemies - in order to find a way to defeat Abaddon and open a gateway back to Syrus. But for now, his shadows loom across the lands Terraria...

Adds over 800 items, 11 bosses, 1 biome generated on world creation known as the "Empress Den", one biome generated upon the defeat of Abaddon known as the "Flame Razed Forest", a shrine structure and a couple new ores appearing throughout the game.
It would be appreciated to not judge the book by its cover, and learn about the authors who created this mod.

Check the Forum Thread for Updates:
Check out the Discord for even more information:

- Jake Hawken, created the sounds used for the Asthraltite armor seteffect
- CaptainSparklez and TryHardNinja, for creating the amazing Fallen Kingdom saga, which inspired the Piglin Army event.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.4.1.10 (47.1 MB)

Doctor Hummer, Instrex, …

Split Mod adds new content to the game, such as items, enemies, bosses and more.
The main aim of the mod is to provide wholesome and fresh experience on top of the base game without breaking its charm and ambience.
We are working hard to make all of the content feel natural and interesting, so take your time and enjoy it!
Our Discord:

> Over 700 new items - new unique weapons, armor sets, accesories and much more!
> Over 40 new monsters with unique animations and attacks!
> 7 brand new bosses with unique AI!
> 6 new town NPCs, each with its own interesting stuff to sell and exchange!
> Two new structures - the Stranded Ship and the Underworld Domain!
> Support for Russian language!
> Support for Boss Checklist and Census Mod by Jopojelly!

Enjoy!"> About
Split Mod adds new content to the game, such as items, enemies, bosses and more.
The main aim of the mod is to provide wholesome and fresh experience on top of the base game without breaking its charm and ambience.
We are working hard to make all of the content feel natural and interesting, so take your time and enjoy it!
Our Discord:

> Over 700 new items - new unique weapons, armor sets, accesories and much more!
> Over 40 new monsters with unique animations and attacks!
> 7 brand new bosses with unique AI!
> 6 new town NPCs, each with its own interesting stuff to sell and exchange!
> Two new structures - the Stranded Ship and the Underworld Domain!
> Support for Russian language!
> Support for Boss Checklist and Census Mod by Jopojelly!


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Boss Cursor
Download v1.5.1 (13.2 KB)


Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss.

This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim.

The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how far away the boss is, even when it is off screen.

Using the overlay map hides the cursor.

Boss cursor has ModConfig support that enables you to modify the cursors properties.

Want to remove or add cursors for additional NPCs? Check out the forum thread for instructions on how to use the mod's API.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
The Stars Above
Download v1.1.0.1 (36.4 MB)


Compatible with multiplayer!
Thank you everyone for over 1 million downloads!
Please check the Discord for the latest info + wiki!
Click the homepage link below!
For the best experience, make sure to download
'The Stars Above Music' for music!
This mod includes:
- Two fully furnished deuteroganists with over 1000+
lines of dialogue and custom UI to support it
- Modular, upgradable ultimate abilities that scale
with boss progression
- Pre-made instanced explorable dungeons
set amongst the stars
- 24 custom unlockable passive abilities present in a
unique weight-based system
- 50+ special weapons that have malleable damage types,
alternate abilities, charged attacks, etc.
- 6 unique bosses each with their own special
cast-centric AI
*** Requires Subworld Library! ***
Full description below...

The Stars Above is a Terraria expansion mod that adds
a new important game mechanic: the Starfarer system.
Compatible with multiplayer and all popular content mods.

Meet Asphodene and Eridani: twin Starfarers, spatial
foreigners that will grant you strength on your journey.

Unlock unique equippable abilities within the Stellar Array,
mixing and matching them to perfect your build.

Obtain incredibly powerful Stellar Novas to decide battles,
and then modify and upgrade your Stellar Novas with
Stellar Prisms.

With hundreds of unique dialogue lines for each Starfarer,
become stronger with their guidance,
and arm yourselves for the challenges to come.
Your Starfarers will also have dialogue for modded bosses!

Obtain extraordinary weapons with layers of strategy
and myriad powers to overwhelm your foes. Every single
weapon is incredibly unique and custom-made.

Defeat six powerful unqiue bosses boasting a custom AI system:
Casted Attacks. Adapt and learn to defeat these powerful foes!

The adventure doesn't stop with your home planet. Journey
to the stars above, exploring ancient ruins, alien relics,
and more.

This mod grants nearly limitless player agency; you decide
how you want to play.


Along with the Stellar Array mechanic, there are a myriad of
new weapons exclusive to your respective Aspect carefully made
with unique gameplay in mind. This mod embraces quality over
quantity; each weapon can be qualified as a legendary
artifact by itself, and you may recognize some of them...


Once you have defeated the Wall of Flesh, you can challenge The Vagrant of Space and Time.
Defeating this boss will unlock the next step of your powers, the utilization of Stellar Novas.

During your journey, square off against legendary foes such as Nalhaun, the Burnished King,
Penthesilea, the Witch of Ink, and Arbitration.
Prepare yourself for their myriad attacks, and erase them from this world!

At the end of your journey, The Stars Above has one last challenge for you: The Warrior of Light.
This fight, one of the most unique Terraria bosses ever, will pit you against the pinnacle of heroes, testing
your strength and willpower. It will push you to your Limit- and beyond.

Once you've bested all the bosses of the Stars Above, a new foe will make itself known.
Prepare for the fight of your life...

In Expert Mode, prepare for a challenge that will test every ounce of your abilities.


For enjoyers of the Calamity Mod:
Several weapons are custom-tailored to suit the post-Moon Lord endgame the Calamity Mod offers.
Furthermore, Stellar Novas will scale automatically to Calamity progress.

Custom dialogue is present for Thorium bosses as well!
Even if the mod does not support a modded boss, there will still be dialogue!


Thank you to Subworld Library and Scalar's Structurizer for resources used to create subworlds!

This mod is meant to be utilized in tandem with other mods to enhance the gameplay experience.

Fully compatible with multiplayer, but there may be some desync issues.
Compatible with saves, but highly recommended to start a new playthrough.
If any incompatibilities arise, they will be mentioned ingame.

Please consider donating to The Stars Above if you're able!
You can get a pet or a custom weapon added into the mod!"> 'Conquer the world's evils, Starfarers at your side.'
Compatible with multiplayer!
Thank you everyone for over 1 million downloads!
Please check the Discord for the latest info + wiki!
Click the homepage link below!
For the best experience, make sure to download
'The Stars Above Music' for music!
This mod includes:
- Two fully furnished deuteroganists with over 1000+
lines of dialogue and custom UI to support it
- Modular, upgradable ultimate abilities that scale
with boss progression
- Pre-made instanced explorable dungeons
set amongst the stars
- 24 custom unlockable passive abilities present in a
unique weight-based system
- 50+ special weapons that have malleable damage types,
alternate abilities, charged attacks, etc.
- 6 unique bosses each with their own special
cast-centric AI
*** Requires Subworld Library! ***
Full description below...

The Stars Above is a Terraria expansion mod that adds
a new important game mechanic: the Starfarer system.
Compatible with multiplayer and all popular content mods.

Meet Asphodene and Eridani: twin Starfarers, spatial
foreigners that will grant you strength on your journey.

Unlock unique equippable abilities within the Stellar Array,
mixing and matching them to perfect your build.

Obtain incredibly powerful Stellar Novas to decide battles,
and then modify and upgrade your Stellar Novas with
Stellar Prisms.

With hundreds of unique dialogue lines for each Starfarer,
become stronger with their guidance,
and arm yourselves for the challenges to come.
Your Starfarers will also have dialogue for modded bosses!

Obtain extraordinary weapons with layers of strategy
and myriad powers to overwhelm your foes. Every single
weapon is incredibly unique and custom-made.

Defeat six powerful unqiue bosses boasting a custom AI system:
Casted Attacks. Adapt and learn to defeat these powerful foes!

The adventure doesn't stop with your home planet. Journey
to the stars above, exploring ancient ruins, alien relics,
and more.

This mod grants nearly limitless player agency; you decide
how you want to play.


Along with the Stellar Array mechanic, there are a myriad of
new weapons exclusive to your respective Aspect carefully made
with unique gameplay in mind. This mod embraces quality over
quantity; each weapon can be qualified as a legendary
artifact by itself, and you may recognize some of them...


Once you have defeated the Wall of Flesh, you can challenge The Vagrant of Space and Time.
Defeating this boss will unlock the next step of your powers, the utilization of Stellar Novas.

During your journey, square off against legendary foes such as Nalhaun, the Burnished King,
Penthesilea, the Witch of Ink, and Arbitration.
Prepare yourself for their myriad attacks, and erase them from this world!

At the end of your journey, The Stars Above has one last challenge for you: The Warrior of Light.
This fight, one of the most unique Terraria bosses ever, will pit you against the pinnacle of heroes, testing
your strength and willpower. It will push you to your Limit- and beyond.

Once you've bested all the bosses of the Stars Above, a new foe will make itself known.
Prepare for the fight of your life...

In Expert Mode, prepare for a challenge that will test every ounce of your abilities.


For enjoyers of the Calamity Mod:
Several weapons are custom-tailored to suit the post-Moon Lord endgame the Calamity Mod offers.
Furthermore, Stellar Novas will scale automatically to Calamity progress.

Custom dialogue is present for Thorium bosses as well!
Even if the mod does not support a modded boss, there will still be dialogue!


Thank you to Subworld Library and Scalar's Structurizer for resources used to create subworlds!

This mod is meant to be utilized in tandem with other mods to enhance the gameplay experience.

Fully compatible with multiplayer, but there may be some desync issues.
Compatible with saves, but highly recommended to start a new playthrough.
If any incompatibilities arise, they will be mentioned ingame.

Please consider donating to The Stars Above if you're able!
You can get a pet or a custom weapon added into the mod!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Magic Storage - Extra
Download v0.5.5.10 (584.1 KB)

blushiemagic and wvlad a…

Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems!

This mod offers a solution to storage problems once and for all. It allows you to construct a central network to store all your items, that you can access from one single block. If desired, you can even set up multiple access points to use your storage from anywhere in the world. You can search your storage for items with a certain name, filter by item types, etc. The magic storage can even craft items for you!

The magic storage scales as you progress in your playthrough. It is accessible very early in the game, but with limited power. As you defeat bosses and earn more materials, you will be able to upgrade your storage to perform more functions and more easily expand the storage capacity.

Changes from original:
Added more station slots to the crafting interface.
Added more sort options.
Added RecursiveCraft support
Added quick stack and restock to Storage Heart deposit button (Read tooltip)
Added weapon DPS calculation (Not 100% accurate)

Money Compactor
Blacklist/Whitelist for specific accesses
Wait for bug reports

Fix Linux issues - fuck Mono
Add config option to toggle the dps tooltip
Fix bug that prevented the placement of Storage Connector above blocks
- Fix bug that prevented placing storage tiles onto blocks
- Fix Storage Unit placement bug
- Items of same type and prefix stack together
- Bug fix
- Added config to clear search text
Add config for storage deposit quick stack behaviour
- Due to some config changes, all your config settings have been reset
Fixed world sections not loading due to storage systems having too many items
Fixed bad netcode causing "read underflows"
Fixed the crafting GUI sometimes throwing exceptions
Fixes done by absoluteAquarian
Update RecursiveCraft reference
Fix storage access
Fix reach extending items not working
Show that ingredient is craftable in ingredient list
Fix logic error
Fix storage heart not being loaded when far away in multiplayer
Update for new RecursiveCraft version
Fix issue with recipe staying selected after reload
Fix bug introduced in and add Mod Helpers bug reporting feature
Some more optimizations
Fix right click only working on result once
Fix pulling wrong item from storage
Optimizations and modular ingredient UI
Added config for default recipe filter
Fixed extracting items from first instead of last stack
Functional RecursiveCraft support
Fix vanilla recipe groups not being processed
Temporarily disable integration with RecursiveCraft due to bugs
Fix search bug
Added integration with the RecursiveCraft mod

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Extensible Inventory
Download v1.5.3 (115 KB)


Implements an extensible, paginated inventory for players, able to be scaled endlessly.

New (v1.5.2): Now includes a hotkey to create a new page just after the current page.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v3.0.1 (25.6 KB)


Makes every weapon in the game auto-swing/auto-shoot.

Because why the heck not?

NEW IN V3.0: Configurable via Mod Settings!

Special thanks:
CrimsHallowHero for fixing spears.
Pop000100 for maintaing the mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Reduced Grinding
Download v6.0 (392 KB)


Reduced Grinding

This mod isn't supposed to make the game too easy, but makes
it so you don't have to spend huge amounts of time farming for
loot, for example: AFK farms to get rare item like Biome Keys.
It's highly configurable, so you can adjust, enable, or
disable features to your liking.

This mod info breifly explains how it this mod works, for
more info see the link below. What's in this mod:

* New War Potion and Chaos Potion to boost spawn rates. If you
can handle it, you'll get items faster.
* New Chlorophyte Accelerator, which allows you to turn Mud in
to Chlorophyte Ore after defeating the Golem.
* Added New Recipes.
* Increased drop rates for many different loot items and added
some additional drops. This is from Enemies, Grab Bags,
Fishing, Quest Items, and Extractinator.
* New Stationary Merchant: This NPC sells everything the
Traveling Merchant has a chance to sell, but there's a
catch. By default, his prices are higher, especially when
the Traveling Merchant is away. Also by default, the rarer
the item, the more expensive the item is.
* Christmas Elf, a new permanent stationary version of Santa.
* Celestial Beacon, to make the Moon Lord summon right away.
* New Sundials to instantly skip to Night or Day (Enchanted
Sundial cooldown and Tax Collector wont benefit from this).
* New Moon Ball to change the Moon Phase. Having this in your
inventory removes the Moon Phase requirements from the
items in Skeleton Merchant's shop.
* A potion that affects fishing catches. For every 5 fishing
quest completed it will re-roll the fishing chance if the
item caught is less than rare (100 re-rolls max).
* New Lockboxes for different chest you'd find in the world
and possible furniture items that would be located around
* Christmas and Halloween Spirit potions, to make it a
holliday for a day.
* Items to instantly end the Goblin, Pirate, and Lunar
invasion (without summoning Moonlord).
* Items to summon some defeated Invasions/Bosses and items to
cancel some defeated Invasions.
* Crimson/Corruption versions of Seeds/Solutions are available
in both worlds.
* Keep in mind, that the drop rate increases in configuration
file are additional to the drops you get in vanilla (for
example: if an item's vanilla rate = 10% and mod rate = 90%
then the combined rate is 100% which means that it's likely
to always drop, but if both chances fail it wont).

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Calamity Mod Extra Music
Download v1.0.7.5 (34.8 MB)


This mod aims to add themes for vanilla features that don't already have unique themes. Most, if not all bosses will sometime recieve their own themes exclusive to this mod!
All themes and code done by me (Turquoise), though big thanks to Fabsol for pointing me in the right direction in terms of music overrides.

Current boss themes:
-Eye of Cthulhu
-Queen Bee
-Destroyer/Twins/Skeletron Prime
-Duke Fishron
-King Slime
-Eater of Worlds
-Brain of Cthulhu
-Wall of Flesh
-Lunatic Cultist (Side note: it's an updated version of what's already in the regular Calamity Music mod.)

Current event themes:
-Acid Rain

Current biome themes:

Current music boxes:
-Queen Bee
-Destroyer/Twins/Skeletron Prime
-King Slime
-Eater of Worlds

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.8.0.3 (49.7 MB)


This is a beta version I put on the mod browser for convenience.

Mod of Redemption is a mod thats getting a big improvement in the full 0.8 update, which will be on 1.4 TModLoader once thats out.
For now you have this, and yes its safe to play (just don't expect multiplayer to be good)

If you've never heard of this mod before and wondering where the version before this is, don't worry about it, this version is better anyway :)

(Also it says because mod browser wont let me publish a new beta with the same version number)

(And if mod browser can't download it, join the discord to get the links)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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